HTLANF AU: How to Raise Your...

By InfernoIronWings

4.4K 105 43

In one universe there's Hiccup and Kala as a couple, living together happily with their three children Dart... More

Part 1 ~ Chapter 1
Part 1 ~ Chapter 2
Part 1 ~ Chapter 3
Part 1 ~ Chapter 4
Part 1 ~ Chapter 5
Part 1 ~ Chapter 6
Part 1 ~ Chapter 7
Part 1~ Chapter 8
Part 2 ~ Chapter 9
Part 2 ~ Chapter 10
Part 2 ~ Chapter 11
Part 2 ~ Chapter 13
Part 3 ~ Chapter 14
Part 3 ~ Chapter 15
Part 3 ~ Chapter 16
Part 3 ~ Chapter 17
Part 3 ~ Chapter 18
Part 3 ~ Chapter 19
Part 3 ~ Chapter 20
Part 4 ~ Chapter 21
Part 4 ~ Chapter 22
Part 4 ~ Chapter 23
Part 4 ~ Chapter 24
Part 4 ~ Chapter 25
Part 4 ~ Chapter 26
Part 4 ~ Chapter 27

Part 2 ~ Chapter 12

144 4 1
By InfernoIronWings

"I can't believe her." Fishlegs said, feeling betrayed as he and the other teens were gathered in the barn he hid Meatlug away in.

"YOU can't believe HER?! YOU KIDNAPPED YOUR DRAGON! NOT TO MENTION SAID DRAGON JUST FLEW OFF WITH MY NEPHEW!" Astrid shouted while glaring at Fishlegs.

"Well, that makes it sound so mean. And how was I supposed to know that Toothless followed me earlier?" Fishlegs asked defensively.

Astrid growled under her breath and went to punch him, but stopped when Tuffnut spoke.

"Hey, guys?" He said, sounding rather shocked.

"What?!" Astrid asked as she snapped her head towards the twins, who were crouched down by the hay in the back of the barn.

"You may wanna come see this." Ruffnut said as she ushered the others over.

Astrid huffed and made her way over to the twins, Snotlout and Fishlegs following behind the fiery Hofferson. They all crowded around the hay stack to see what hid within.

"Whoa...Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks." Fishlegs said as he looked at the supposed rocks that were slightly hidden by the hay.

"You're such an idiot! Those aren't rocks, your dragon laid eggs!" Ruffnut said with a roll of the eyes.

"But Meatlug hasn't..actually nevermind. She was hanging out with another Gronckle for a while before the migrating flock flew over the island." Fishlegs said as he put it together.

Snotlout gave him a deadpan expression. "And you didn't think to let her leave with the other dragons? Seriously?"

"Hey, in my defense, none of us knew it was mating season at the time. Okay?" Fishlegs said with crossed arms.

"Hey! Everyone's missing their dragons, right?" Astrid said as an idea struck her, her anger towards Fishlegs forgotten for the time being.

"Oh, here it comes." Snotlout said with a groan.

"I've got an idea!" Astrid exclaimed as she picked up one of the eggs gently and tied a ribbon around it carefully. "It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition! Oh, this is gonna be so good!"

After some convincing, the others helped her tie ribbons around Meatlug's eggs and hid one in each person's hut.


After a while of flying over the ocean, Toothless was able to break free of the chain as he was finally able to transform into his dragon form. As he tried to fly beside Meatlug, he almost ran into a dragon figurehead ship and screeched in surprise as he dodged it. He noticed that they were in a rather foggy area after he got clear of the ship, not knowing at all where they were.

Toothless panted slightly as he tried to calm his heart then looked at Meatlug when he finally caught up to her. "Where are we going?" He asked, but got silence as his answer.

Toothless huffed and looked forward as they flew, staying quiet the rest of the way to their destination. After a few more minutes of flying, the fog let up to reveal an island with hot springs all over and thousands of nesting dragons. He looked around as he and Meatlug landed, then he yanked the chain off of her.

Once Meatlug was free, she nuzzled Toothless in thanks then flew off to find her mate. Toothless smiled then went back to looking around the island curiously. There were newborn hatchlings as far as the eye could see.

Toothless walked around the island in his dragon form as he tried to spot any dragons he could recognize. As he was looking, he saw a Gronckle nudging her eggs into one of the springs. Toothless looked closer out of curiosity and saw the eggs hatch under the water. The Gronckle hatchlings crawled out of the spring and went over to their mother.

"Aww.~" Toothless cooed then he looked around and noticed that the mother missed an egg. "Hey, look over here, you missed one." He said, going to nudge it in for her, but he jumped away with a screech as the egg exploded. "WHOA!"

The hatchling from said egg landed on the ground a couple feet away from the spot the egg exploded.

Toothless panted in surprise as he calmed down from the startle. "Man, it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk. Wait...Meatlug's eggs are on Berk! Oh Akatosh...the village is going to be in shambles...why didn't Ms. Luna tell me that other dragon eggs exploded?!"


Once the teens were done hiding all the eggs, they regrouped in the plaza.

"Wasn't this a great idea?" Astrid asked as she bounced in place slightly from excitement.

"Uh-huh! Everyone's gonna be so surprised!" Fishlegs said just as excited.

As they were talking, one of the eggs exploded and the hatchling flew out of the house from said explosion and hit Fishlegs in the head.

"Ow!" The young Ingerman exclaimed as he fell to the ground from the impact.

"SURPRISE!" Snotlout shouted with a laugh.

He and the twins then began to coo at the baby dragon, then Astrid realized something as her eyes widened.

"The eggs... Explode?" She asked, shocked and as if to prove her point, huts all around her began to explode as all the eggs within them hatched. "THE EGGS EXPLODE!!!"

Vikings ran about screaming and trying to put out the fires. One man ran past the teens and Astrid winced.

"I'm sorry! Sorry!" She apologized as more tribe members ran past her frantically.

Huts continued to explode as more and more of Meatlug's eggs hatched and as all the hatchlings flew out and about the place from all the explosions, the tree in the center of the plaza caught fire.

"Awesome!" Ruffnut exclaimed in glee as she watched the tree be set ablaze.

"Wow!" Tuffnut breathed, just as excited as his twin to see things being destroyed around them.

"This is your best idea yet!" Snotlout said as he hit Astrid's shoulder.

Stoick saw the tree was on fire and rushed into the plaza to see what all the commotion was about, Kala trying to keep up with him on her tiny legs.

"What in Thor's name is going on?!" He shouted, ignoring when his granddaughter clawed up his cloak to sit atop his shoulder to get a better view.

"The eggs explode." Astrid breathed out as a final hut exploded over her shoulder and she smiled nervously.


Toothless walked around the island as he looked for anyone familiar, but all he could see were unknown dragons tending to their hatchlings. He whined as he sat down on his haunches and sighed.

As he sat there, he was caught by surprise as he felt another dragon nudge his back. Toothless looked behind him and lit up when he noticed it was Hookfang and Stormfly.

"Hookfang! Stormfly! Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you!" Toothless said excitedly as he hopped up from his spot, his tail swaying happily behind him.

Stormfly stifled a laugh and smiled at the hatchling. "We can see that, young one. What are you doing here all by yourself? Where is your father?"

Toothless stiffened up. "W-well...I may or may not have been dragged here by Meatlug when she got free of that barn she was trapped in... Dad doesn't know I'm here...he's been locked up in his room because of his rut..."

"We had a feeling he would be..." Hookfang said with a sigh. "Alright kiddo. Let's get you back to Berk before he starts to stress out from worry. Come on."

Toothless screeched in surprise as Hookfang picked him up by the scruff and he thrashed about to get free. "Hey! Put me down! I can fly just fine on my own! Hookfang!"

"Nope." Hookfang said through his hold on the thrashing hatchling as he took to the sky.

As he did though, all the other adults followed. Stormfly flew beside Hookfang and noticed all the others, releasing a heavy sigh.

"It seems that we have started the return migration. We should find a boat or something to carry the hatchlings back in. They are too young to learn how to fly still and these currents are too strong for their wings." Stormfly explained.

Hookfang nodded in agreement as Toothless finally gave up on getting free of his hold. He signaled to a few of the other adults, who understood and flew into the fog to find a boat.


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