A Different World (EFT Male R...

By Choobai

6.1K 195 131

(Escape from Tarkov male reader x RWBY) Meet (Y/N), a guy who is definitely (not) old enough to be a PMC in U... More

CH 1: Little Red Riding Hood and Beacon
CH 2: Initiation & Relics
CH 3: Classes
CH 4: Another Day in Beacon
CH 5: Field Trip
CH 6: A Trip to Vale
CH 7: A Dire Situation
I've made a massive blunder
CH 8: The Search for (y/n)
CH 9: A Dead End
CH 10: New Enemies

Prologue: New world=New Escape Plan

1.2K 23 33
By Choobai

Norvinsk Region
Russian Federation

In a forest, a lone PMC was making his way Northwest, A PMC feared for his combat ability, a PMC capable of taking down even the most powerful squads.

Who was this PMC? Well he went by many names, Ghost of Tarkov, Terror of Tarkov, USEC piece of shit, idiot and dumbass, you get the point.

His real name was (y/n) (l/n). A totally badass PMC.

(y/n) was making his way Northwest towards Finland to finally escape Tarkov and the horrors that reside there.

On him was a duffel bag, what was in this duffel bag? Well his weapon of course! Along with other things like ammo and supplies.

His weapon was an AK74M fitted with a suppressor, a PS-320 1/6x scope, coupled with a canted PK sight, an angled foregrip and a folding stock. With the stock being folded to fit in the bag.

I don't have Tarkov, but thanks to CrimsonThe12 you can see what it looks like. Thanks for the photo man!

On his waist was a holster hidden under his shirt and jacket, in it was a SIG P226, seeing as he won't be needing his AK for much here he thought it'd be best to put it away.

He also had an M32 headset, perfect for music, and fighting too

And finally on his body ontop his jacket was a piece of Thor CRV armor, perfect for his fighting style

On top of the amor he had a "Khamelion" chest rig with a couple of pistol mags, as his AK mags were in the duffle bag.

On his right thigh was a sheath housing a 6Kh5 bayonet

He also got his jacket from a certain Sniper Scav after he killed him.

And to top it all off, he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and converse.... that's right! He terrorized all of Tarkov in sweatpants and converse. Legend has it They're very clean to this day.

Anyways, he was walking on a path tired, wondering when he was going to get to Finland with the only thing guiding him being a compass, which he was pretty sure wasn't even pointing North.

(y/n):" Doot Doot, making my way through the forest, Do-Do Doot." He sang until he spotted a river.

(y/n):"A river... was there always a river here?" He said as he took out at a map.

The "map" consisted of a stick figure titled "me" and an arrow pointing to a dot titled "Finland".

He looked at the map for a few seconds before throwing it away.

(y/n):"Eh whatever, I'll just follow it, until I get to Finland."

Walking toward the river he unfortunately wasn't looking where he was going as he tripped over a rock and fell in.

(y/n):'Oh no' ._.

Before he could swim back up a bright light suddenly appeared in the water engulfing him.


The light fully engulfed him, leaving nothing in the water with no one in sight, the forest was now empty.

Somewhere in the universe

As (y/n) woke up, he took a look at his surroundings, then his belongings, making sure he had everything on him.

Seeing that nothing was missing, he sighed with relief as he stood up to look around a bit more.

Looking around he saw a black abyss, well not exactly black, there was light, illuminating the area around him.

He saw the ground was black with dots that looked like stars, spotted all around.

Before he could question where he was he heard a familiar voice.

Shturman:"Hello (y/n)"

(y/n):"AHH! oh, it's just you shturman..." ._.
He waved a little


shturman:"Calm down! I'm not here to hurt you!, you idiot."

He sighed a little annoyed before letting out a chuckle.

(y/n): ._."Oh sorry..."

Shturman:" So how have You've been comrade?"

(y/n):"Oh you know between almost dying everyday and trying to escape... I've been good" he gives him a thumbs up.

Shturman:"Good, I see you also wearing my jacket"

(y/n): ._. "Yea... Um You're not mad are you?, about the whole y'know... Me killing you?"

Shturman:"No, not at all comrade, you may be idiot, but you put up one hell of fight, for this you have my respect."

(y/n):"Oh that's good to hear...."

"So why are you here? Why am I here? Am I in in the bad place?" Q-Q

Shturman:" well no, but to answer first question, I am to guide you to other world."

"And to answer second question you are going to other world, congratulations comrade!"

(y/n) "this seems very out of character for you..."

"Wait did you say new world?"

Shturman: "Da"

(y/n): "Okay.. where am I going?"

Shturman: "To place called remnant"

(y/n): "Can you tell me about it?"

Shturman: "Da, is place with people who have power called aura and semblance."

"Aura is manifestation of person's soul, a life force that run in any living thing.

"Semblance is manifestation of person's power becoming unique ability to each person, it varies between person. Aura is tied to this."

(y/n):"Ok anything else?"

Shturman: "Humans are not only species in remnant, there is also people called faunas, they are like people but with animal part, like ear or tail.

(y/n): "Ok this is pretty complicated, do I get my own semblance?"

Shturman: "Yes, your semblance let's you summon ammo for your weapons.

"Unfortunately however you're aura is not tied to this, as yours is very... Weak..."

(y/n): "Oh ok.... Wait why? If aura is connected to a person's semblance, then shouldn't mine be too?"

Shturman: "Let's say I bend rules a bit for this."

"therefore your weak of aura is not directly connected to semblance."

(y/n): "Thanks.... How do I use it?"

Shturman:"Just hold out hand, and think of what ammo you want, result is you get box of that ammo"

(y/n):" oh ok, Do I get a map of this place or not? Also where am I going to go and are there countries there?" He asks, scratching the back of his head.

Shturman:"I am going to give you map and compass that actually points north, there are four kingdoms, the one you start in is vale."

"There, you go to place called beacon academy, but you will have to find way there."

(y/n):"Ok shouldn't be too difficult, I was just making my way to Finland before I got sent here"

Shturman:" you were going wrong way comrade...."

(y/n): ._.

Shturman:"Anyways, I have faith in you comrade, you may be idiot, but you almost managed to escape from Tarkov. So that's something." He chuckled

"Oh and one more thing... Watch out for creature called Grimm, they are enemy, and won't hesitate to kill you."

(y/n):"Ok bye shtur- WAIT WHAT?!" he screams before a light blinds him and takes him away.

Shturman:"Good luck comrade..."

"you'll need it"

Somewhere in Vale

Inside a forest in the kingdom of vale, things were peaceful, birds were singing and trees were.... Treeing?

Until a sudden rift opened up mid air, with (y/n) falling out of it and faceplanting on the ground, then the rift closed.

Standing up, (y/n) Took a look at his surroundings, and made sure he had everything with him.

(y/n):"duffle bag, check, armor, check, jacket.... Check" as he finished, he thought about the situation he was now in.

(y/n):"Ok so shturman said that there were creatures called Grimm that won't hesitate to kill me so better watch out for those."

As he was done thinking he heard a caw from above.

Looking up, he saw a large bird like creature flying towards him.

(y/n):"That's a big bird..."

Nevermore; creature of Grimm

(y/n):"A nevermore? Ok... Wait... Grimm?!? also Why am I seeing floating letters?!"

Before he could question the situation any further, the nevermore cawed as it dove towards him.

(y/n):"oh shit!"

Quickly getting into action, (y/n) dodged the giant bird before it hit him leaving behind his duffle bag, and drew out his P226 from it's holster and aimed it at its head.

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger as a bang was heard and an AP round made it's way to the bird's head.

The nevermore screamed in pain as the bullet hit it, but it wasn't dead. Quickly regaining its composure the bird charged at (y/n), who dodged it and shot it's head again, further enraging it.

The nevermore flew up in the air preparing to attack again, however (y/n) was quick to react as he emptied the rest of his magazine at it. It fell to the ground dead.

(y/n):"Damn that thing was crazy! Are all Grimm like this? I don't want to be here anymore" Q_Q

He complained as he holstered his pistol forgetting to load it, and made his way to his duffle bag and slung it over his shoulder. Then he took out his map and compass and began walking.

(y/n):"Ok, let's see, Kingdom of vale huh. Wonder what awaits me there, or what awaits me in this new world for that matter. Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. Not like I had a choice." -_-

Somewhere else in Vale

(y/n) kept walking for about a few hours as the sun was being hot, he was tired and hungry, mostly hungry and his armor and duffle bag weren't making it any easier.

Stopping under one of the many nearby trees, he put his duffle bag on the ground sighing with relief.

Taking a look inside his duffle bag, there was his AK74M, with it's magazines. Along with a few boxes of ammo.

In the bag was also food and water along with medical supplies. Taking some food and water out,he zipped the bag back up and began eating to begin his journey again.

As he was eating he heard a bush rustling, stopping what he was doing he looked at the source of the sound with his guard up.

Standing up he kept looking at the bush with a tired face, taking a stance with his hand hovering over his pistol.

Out of the bushes came out a black bear like Grimm

Ursa: other creature of grimm

(y/n):"More floating letters!?!"

As (y/n) was close to having an existential crisis, the Ursa charged at him, breaking him out of his trance.

He quickly drew his 226 only to see the slide locked back in place with an empty magazine visible through the exposed chamber.

(y/n):"Oh..." Q_Q

The Ursa kept charging at (y/n) as he quickly dropped his pistol, grabbed his bag and dodged at the last minute, with the Ursa hitting the tree he was sitting under stunning it.

Using this opportunity he quickly opened his bag, got his AK out, loaded a mag, racked the charging handle, and set the selector to full auto. Pointing it at the Ursa.

The Ursa having regained its composure, began charging at the pmc again, only to be assaulted by a hail of 5.45mm. It was severely damaged however it's skull cap protected it from most of the bullets.

Seeing that it wasn't dead, (y/n) loaded another mag and placed one more in his rig, moving a bit further away from it.

Suddenly the Ursa lunged at him, using it's claws to slash him on the shoulder. Launching him a few inches away onto the ground.

(y/n):"Gah!!" He screamed as he flew back, managing to keep ahold of his AK.

The Ursa lunged at him again, but before it could pounce on him, he rolled away with him facing the ursa with the left shoulder of his jacket ripped and his actual shoulder bleeding.

(y/n) wasn't very physically strong, sure he can carry a rifle and a few pounds of equipment, but he struggled against very strong opponents. For example this Ursa, or heavily armoured PMCs who were literal juggernauts body slamming him.

Though he made up for this with his flexibility, speed and quick thinking. And so using this quick thinking and speed of his, (y/n) aimed at the cracked part of the Ursa's skull and emptied his mag, killing it.

(y/n):"Damn, that hurts" he complained as he stood up surveying the damage he sustained.

Looking at his left shoulder he saw it was bleeding, he also took notice that shturman's jacket was ripped.

(y/n):"Aww man not the jacket" :(

He complained again as he made his way to his belongings, putting the AK and its mags back in the bag and took out an IFAK kit. He took his armor and shturman's jacket off, bandaging his shoulder as best he could, before putting them back on.

Zipping up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder,he made his way to the 226, he picked it up and made sure it was loaded. Then made his way north again.

Same place somewhere in vale

With (y/n) now somewhat recovered, he had been walking for a good 40 minutes, even more tired than ever while holding his left shoulder.

As he was walking he came across a town with watchtowers with guards patrolling.

(y/n): "A town, I should be happy."

He said as he got closer to the town before he was stopped by two guards on the ground.

guard:"Halt! State your business!"

guard #2:*in a heavy southern accent* "Yea!"

(y/n):" woah! Calm down there fellas, I'm not a bad guy."

guard:"Did you come from the south?"

guard #2:"Yea!"

(y/n):"Umm... Yea?"

guard:"there's a lot of Grimm in that area!"

(y/n):"There are?"

He asked making the two guards look at each other confused.

Guard: "There are... Right?"

He asked turning to the second guard

Guard #2: "I dunno"

He said this time in a British accent

???: "That's enough boys, who's this we have here?"

The voice of a woman was heard, as a woman appeared on one of the watchtowers.

guard:"We don't know ma'am, he just came from the south."

???: "Well why haven't you let him in? Can't you see he's injured!?"

She exclaimed making the two guards flinch a little.

"Let him in"

Guard: "Yes ma'am"

He said as him and his partner opened the gates to the town. (y/n) began making his way inside whil the guards were giving him a weird look.

(y/n): 'Is there something on my face?'

As (y/n) kept walking, he came across the same woman who let him in.

???: "Ah there you are, how are you feeling?"

(y/n) looked at her a little taken a back before responding.

(y/n): "I'm doing ok, thank you for letting me in." He said with a grateful smile

The woman smiled and introduced herself.

Pia: "Of course! Welcome to Inkdon! I'm Pia this town's leader, who might you be?"

(y/n):" my name's (y/n) ma'am"

Pia:"Nice to meet you (y/n), say you must be tired, and looking at your injury you'll need rest I'll take you to my shop."

(y/n):"um... Alright, lead the way"

he smiled, reliefed that he finally found someone who didn't try to kill him the moment they saw him.

Following Pia, (y/n) arrived at what looked like a tailor Shop.

Pia: "Here we are, welcome to my shop, please come in and make yourself at home kid and don't break anything."

(y/n) sat down on a chair as he sighed with relief, as he put down his bag beside him.

(y/n):"Thank you once again"

He said again with another grateful smile.

Pia:"of course, now please wait here untill I bring what's necessary for treating your wounds."

(y/n):"But I already tre-"

Pia:"Uh bup bup! I'll stop you right there kid, while you did treat them, it was done in a hurry."

"To prevent any further injury, and infection, let me treat them, I insist."

(y/n):"Oh umm... Ok then" He said a little surprised.

Pia looked at him confused before shrugging and left, leaving (y/n) alone for the time being.

While Pia was gone, (y/n) looked around the shop, seeing mannequins wearing suits and dresses. (y/n) was also thinking about what Pia was doing for him, treating his wounds, but he doesn't have any money so how will he pay? As he did with a certain therapist Everytime he was hurt, her fees costed a lot.

Deciding that he'll figure it out once he was done, he hung his headphones on his neck as he went back to waiting.

He was also thinking about asking her if she can fix his jacket up, but decided against it, thinking that would be pushing it too far.

A little while later, Pia returned with a first aid box.

Pia:"Alright, I'll need you to take off your armor and jacket please"

(y/n) did so, and pia got to work, taking off the bandages and treating his wounds.

Pia:"So answer me this, what is a kid like you doing with armor and a weapon like that? And I've never seen headphones like those before. Are you a soldier?"

She said Motioning to his equipment

(y/n) froze a little and Pia took notice, though she didn't question it eventually (y/n) answered.

(y/n):"Something along those lines"

Pia:" ok... then how did you get injured?"

(y/n):" umm...An Ursa ma'am"

He said remembering what the floating letters told him.

Pia:"well would you look at that, you must be quite a warrior to have defeated an Ursa while leaving with just a scratch."

"How old are you kid?"

(y/n) looked at her with a tired but surprised look, no one asked him his age before back in Tarkov, why would they? They'd just try to kill him.

(y/n):" 17 ma'am"

Pia looked a bit surprised, looking at (y/n), he looked quite young for a 17 year old.

To her he didn't look like much of a fighter, yes he might've taken down an Ursa but her best guess was that It was just luck.

Pia:"Well isn't that something"

(y/n):"I guess"

Pia:"Well what about that jacket of yours? Where'd you get it?"

(y/n):"It's uh... Complicated..." ._.

Pia:"Right... Well want me to fix it for you?"

(y/n) looked at her in surprise, the only expression he showed other than a tired face.

Did this woman, a stranger just offer to fix one of his things? As much as he'd love to accept, he couldn't.

(y/n):" I don't have any money though"

Pia: "Oh don't worry about that, it's on the house, while I'm doing that why don't you go take a bath? You stink of Grimm."

She waved her hand in front of her nose.

(y/n):"I-... R-really? Are you sure?"

Pia:" Very sure" she smiled sweetly

(y/n) soon found himself smiling too, he stood up and did what he thought was best.... He hugged Pia.

(y/n):"Thank you, you didn't have to do this" he said almost on the verge of tears.

Having almost died many times Back in Tarkov, he almost forgot what it was like to have someone do something even remotely kind for him.

He tried being kind to others, though it would always backfire, and his kindness would almost end up killing him many times in Tarkov.

Pia taken a back by the sudden gesture, hugged (y/n) back, patting him on the back.

Pia:"Hey, it's alright, please don't cry"

"Seriously don't cry, and bathe please" ._.

Realizing what he just did, (y/n) quickly broke the hug and apologized over and over, with Pia saying it was alright.


(y/n) was taking a bath while Pia was fixing his jacket up and also washed his clothes after offering to do so.

She quickly told (y/n) to go bathe before he hugged her again.

While she finished fixing (y/n)'s jacket, Pia noticed his duffle bag on the floor. Debating weather or not to look at what was inside.

Deciding to take a little peak, she went over to pick it up, only to find out that it was heavy.

Pia:"What's he got in there rocks?"

Before she could open it, the bathroom door opened, revealing (y/n) in his same outfit but cleaner.

(y/n):"ah.. that feels so much better"

He looked at Pia who was standing where she was when she fixed his jacket, sweating a little.

(y/n):" are you alright miss Pia?"

Pia:" who's pia- I mean yes I'm ok, look! I just fixed your jacket! What do you think?" She asked holding up his jacket.

(y/n):"It looks great! Thank you once again!" He smiled widely as he took it and put it on.

Pia:" you're welcome! How are you feeling?"

(y/n):" I'm great! Ready to go back out again!"

Pia:"Are you heading to Beacon?"

(y/n):"uh... Yes I am"

Pia:"well all you need to do is head north through the city of vale, and you'll make there."

(y/n):"Alright thank you, I should probably head out now" :)

Pia:"Good luck kid, make sure you visit when you make it to the big leagues" she chuckles

(y/n):"I will, see you some other time Pia, Thanks for everything again!"

He said as he put on his gear and headed out.

(y/n):'Ok, north I go then'

'To beacon academy' he thought to himself as he adjusted his bag and began walking.

Hi readers! What did you think?

This is my first male reader book involving rwby and EFT. This book was inspired by other books.

The segment with (y/n) finding a town was HEAVILY inspired by kdog2201's book "From Another World" it's an awesome story, go check it out!

(Made some changes to the Inkdon segment 12/10/23)

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