His Warrior Princess

By Integra1127

7.6K 185 14

The tragic love story of Ser Harwin Strong and his Warrior Princess, Princess Visenya Targaryen, the younger... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen

Part Sixteen

209 5 0
By Integra1127

Warning: swearing, mention of sexual content, mention of abortifacient


Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts after having spoken to your father about the events of the previous night. What in the Seven was Daemon thinking to take Rhaenyra to a brothel? And to be seen openly coupling in said place?

You knew your uncle was a very promiscuous person (there was no denying that), yet to take your sister; an unmarried royal princess and the heir to the throne to such a place to participate in the activities, was utterly moronic. That was why you had done your best to convince your father that what Otto had told him was nothing but lies, (although deep down, you were quite sure that there was some truth to them), you had to make sure that your sister's reputation remained unsullied.

And if it meant getting rid of Otta Hightower to ensure, then even the better. You had to remove the huge influence he had over your father and protect your sister's claim to the throne. Killing two birds with one stone.


Agitated with all that had happened and with Harwin on day duty, you needed another form of distraction so that you wouldn't confront Rhaenyra before your father did.

If Rhaenyra's chambers had a secret doorway, then surely there must be one in each of the other royal chambers?

You were curious to about it when discovering the one in hers and wonder whether there might be one in your own chambers. With that new thought in mind, you sent your handmaidens away with the pretense that you weren't feeling well and not to disturb you for at least an hour whilst you took a nap.

It took quite a bit of searching and rearranging the chamber until you found the secret doorway. It opened onto a stairway the same as Rhaenyra's and as you followed the path, you were quite surprised that was shorter of a distance leading toward the chamber that housed the shrine of Balerion's skull.

Making yourself comfortable upon the floor in the center of the chamber, you silently sat staring mesmerized at what was left of what was once The 'Great' Black Dread.

"The things you had seen and done during your lifespan must have been as magnificent as you were..."

"The battles you fought under the guidance of Aegon the Conquer, the blood shed under Maegor the Cruel, and then peace under my father. Mayhaps that is why you perished, aye?"

You gently tilted your head with a faint smile.

"Being trapped in the Dragonpit, instead of being free along with Vhagar?"

"You should see her now... she has grown far greater than you. A bit grumpy and aged, yet still magnificent in her own right."

A chuckle slips from your lips as you shake your head in amused at your words.

"I have claimed her as her rider, you know? The second Visenya to ride the 'Great' Queen of All Dragons..."

"I believe she misses you at times. She seemed so only in the beginning, spending all those years alone after my grandfather's death."

Getting up from the ground; you dust yourself off, giving him a short nod.

"Do not fear though, I vow to take good care of her."


It was late in the evening when you finally went to see your sister.

"Vi..." she greets from her seat.

"I take it that you have spoken with father" you state matter-of-factly after seeing the look on her face.

"I take it, you have heard of the tales Otto has span then?" she utters, closing the book she had been reading with a heavy sigh.

Nodding your head in response, you take a seat next to her.

"Not only that, but I have also become part of them."

"What?" Rhaenyra scrunches her face in confusion.

"I went to your room, and I found the map Daemon left you" you explain.

"I followed both of you through the streets, though I lost track of you after running into Harwin."

Rhaenyra frowns, even more confused than ever.

"How does this make you part of the tale?"

"It is there where my 'tale' begins" you exhale heavily.

"After Harwin assured me that you were safe with Daemon, we ran into one of the captains of the City Watch. He had been under command of Daemon and I back then and he invited me to join them for a drink at a tavern after the watch."

"And how does this have anything to do with what was said of me?"

"Otto found out, reported it to Father as he did with you" you reply.

"According to the Leech; both the princesses were acting like 'lowly whores'..."

"What?!" Rhaenyra stares flabbergasted at you.

With pursed lips, you nod at her.

"Probably told Father that I was whoring myself off to the entire City Watch, when all I was doing was enjoying a drink with old friends."

"Thats preposterous!" Rhaenyra scoffs.

"Otto Hightower needs to go."

"That is precisely what I told Father", you nod in agreement.

"Do not fear..." Rhaenyra smirks at you then.

"I made an agreement with Father."

Narrowing your eyes, you stare at her.

"What agreement?"

"In agreement that I would marry Laenor Velaryon, he has agreed to remove Otto as Hand of the King" she hastily blurts out.

"What...?" you stared open-mouthed at her.

"But is he not... you know?"

"If you are referring to his affinities for those of the same sex as he? Then yes" Rhaenyra drawls in response.

"It's actually quite perfect. He is in need of a wife, to hide his secret and I am in need of a husband that will not attempt to control me."

Suspicious of her reasoning, you squint at seriously.

"You were quite adamant on not wanting a husband, what has caused this sudden change of heart?"

"Circumstances" she shrugs in response, and then it hits you.

"You really did fuck Daemon?!" you gasp out.

"I did not!" Rhaenyra squawks out.

"You are lying..." your eyes squint even narrower.

"You may be able to lie to Father and Alicent but not me. I can easily tell when you are, which is what you are doing right now..."

"I-" Rhaenyra begins but is interrupt by a knock at the door.

"Come..." Rhaenyra calls out to whomever it is.

"I hope you can forgive the late hour, Princesses..." Grand Maester Mellos greets the both of you upon entering the chambers.

"What may I ask brings you here, Grant Maester?" you stare confusingly at him and the unusual looking jar in his hands.

"I took great care in its preparation" he merely remarks, placing the jar on the table.

"If not brewed properly; it can either ineffective or else bare unpleasant-"

"Brewed properly...?" a confused Rhaenyra comments.

"What is that?"

"A tea... Princess" the Grand Maester responds.

"From the king. It will rid you from any unwanted consequences."

You stared open-mouthed when realizing it was 'moon tea'.

"There is one prepared for you in your chambers as well, Princess" he directs toward you then.

"What?" you stare open-mouthed as the Grand Maester bows, taking his leave thereafter.

"Rhaenyra?" you turn to find her silently staring at the tea.

"Tell be the truth this instance!" you demand then when seeing the concentrated look on her face.

"Did you fuck Daemon that night?"

Snapping out from the trance she had been in; she looks up at you then.


You exhale loudly in relief.

"Good, then there is no need for the tea..."

Rhaenyra looks back down at tea, then back up at you and back down at the tea yet again. You watch in utter disbelief then as she reaches out to pick it up then.

"What are you... you lied to me?!"

"I did not fuck Daemon" is her only response as she lifts the lid from the jar.

"Rhae..." you sigh out, dropping down next to her and grabbing her hands in your own.

"I am your sister, your twin... we share the same blood, shared the same womb. I truly do not care if fucked Daemon or not, but I need you to tell me the truth so that I may help protect you."

"I did not fuck Daemon that night" she repeats nonchalantly, picking up the tea then.

With furrowed brows, you watch as she lifts the cup to her lips.

"Then who...?"

"Criston" is all she suddenly blurts out, hastily pouring the tea down her throats in one gulp.

You stared bug-eyed at her for a split second.

"Criston...? As in Criston Cole, your sworn shield?

Rhaenyra remains silent after placing the empty cup back down, merely returning your bug-eyed stare back at you in response.

"Rhaenyra!" you scowl at her then.

"How could you be so irresponsible? If the rumours of you and Daemon circling around is not bad enough, you go on to sleep with one that not your husband nor betrothed, not only that; you made a member of the sworn King's Guard break his oath."

"It is not as if he was unwilling..." she scoffs in amusement.

"As if he had a choice?" you scoff in retort.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rhaenyra remarks, offended at your words.

"You are a royal princess and heir to the throne; he is your sworn shield, your servant... therefore he must obey your commands at all times."

"That is low blow..." Rhaenyra narrows her eyes, glaring at you.

You chuckle at her in response, standing up to tower over her then.

"Nay, what is a low blow; is the act that you think so little of your status as the royal heir. You are just as bad as Daemon; he always thinks with his cock, and you with your cunt."

"How dare you!" Rhaenyra gasps, jumping up to stand even with you.

"As if Harwin and you have not fucked?"

"That is precisely the point!" you bawl out.

"We have not! And do you know why? Because he refuses to taint my reputation. Yet all that was for nothing... because you did that for the both of us! And now Father believes I am just as guilty as you!"

"There is no need to be so dramatic about it..." Rhaenyra rolls her eyes at you.

"The rumour will die out soon enough, especially after my betrothal has been announced."

Taking a step back, you scoff at her nonchalant manner as you shake your head.

"You will have to clean your own mess up this time, Dear Sister... as I must now clean up the one you recreated for me."

Rhaenyra stares at you in bemusement and you shake your head at her once last time before storming out of her chambers.

You could not believe how dense Daemon and Rhaenyra were, if they had wanted to be together then they should have done it the correct way and approach your father on the matter. Now they had doomed themselves with how things had come to be.

You were so utterly furious and lost in thought, that you nearly missed noticing Harwin standing to the side of your chamber's door.

A hand grabs hold of your own as you reach out to open the door, causing you to instantly reach for the Dragon's Eye with the other as your defense reflexes kicks in but the assailant's other hand grasps hold of that one too.

"Easy there, Love..." a familiar voice rasps out against your ear from behind.

"Seven Hells, Harwin!" you wheel around to glare at him.

He smirks at you for a second, frowning then when noticing the stormy look on your face.

"What happened?" Harwin enquires, gently cupping your cheek.

Your eyes flutter close at his touch as you nuzzle into his palm with a soft sigh.

"Speak to me, Love?" Harwin presses, pulling you out from trance.

Opening your eyes, you silently stare at him for a moment.

"Not here" you shake your head, pulling him down to whisper into his ear instructions to meet you at the top landing of the steps that lead out to the Keep which you had followed Daemon had snuck Rhaenyra out of. 

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