Part Seven

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You silently sat seated upon the makeshift throne alongside you father, he had insisted upon having you close to him after the long separation. Your concern for him growing with each cup of wine guzzled down in haste. It was quite clear that your sister's disappearance had gravely unsettled him. Rhaenyra... where in the seven hells are you?

Your father looks to you then and two of you share a smile, his attention then turns to your little half-brother where he was quietly playing, and you couldn't help but smile yourself at how adorable he was. Even though he was half Hightower, you couldn't fault him for that, he was still of your blood; the blood of the dragon and you would never have ill feelings toward your blood.

The moment was soon interrupted by a gentleman walking up to your father, by the golden lion sigil on his chest, you made him out to be a Lannister.

"Your Grace... I had this forged in the golden gallery in honour of Prince Aegon" the man presents an elaborate golden spear.

One of the servants takes it, handing it to your father then. "It is quite a thing..." your father remarks after having examined it.

The Lannister proudly smirks, "I hope it might provide the killing stroke against your White Hart."

Your father makes no remark, instead he looks to study it yet again.

"King of the Kingswood..." the Lannister remarks. "It is as if the seven themselves have blessed this day."

"Thank you for your generosity" your father replies, passing it back to the servant.

You remained silent throughout the entire exchange, carefully scrutinizing the man. There was something about him that you did not like, yet you could not place your finger upon it.

"I would be honoured to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, your Grace" the Lannister suddenly states.

Your father and you both frown at the sudden change of topic.

"What I offer you, the crown and your daughter; is strength..."

You found yourself seething by his remark. Did he believe your sister to be a prized mare to be auctioned off to the highest bidder?

"Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?" your father remarks, a dangerous tone to his voice and you could not help the smirk that slipped across your lips.

"If someone offered you more dragons, would you not take them?" the pompous ass confidently remarks.

"Do you have dragons to offer?" your father sarcastically remarks.

"Casterly Rock is a splendid seat" the fool replies, "Rhaenyra may take a place there, by my side and without shame, and feel herself well compensated for her loss in station."

"What loss of station?" your father scowls at him.

"If you were to name young Aegon heir, your Grace" the fool makes the mistake of stating.

"And when would I be doing that?" your father narrows his gaze upon him.

"I had assumed... as he is your firstborn son. Many of us have assumed..."

Finding yourself insulted on behalf of your sister at his remark, you sprang up from your seat, ready to defend your sister's claim, but your father halts you.

"Visenya... I will handle this. Perhaps you should go and see if your sister has arrived back."

Inhaling a deep breath as to calm yourself, "as you wish, Father..." you curtsy, making your leave but not before shooting the Lannister fool a foul look.

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