Trolls Band Together (OC Inse...

By Val_the_Wolf

94.6K 2.3K 264

Val and Poppy discover that Branch has more family out in the world and was once part of the famous boy band... More

OC Information
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Christmas Special (1/3)
Christmas Special (2/3)
Christmas Special (3/3)

Chapter 1

5.2K 88 5
By Val_the_Wolf

(Val's POV)

Today's the day! Bridget and King Gristle are getting married! I am so hyped up for this. And to think it's already been a few months since we first met them.

The trolls and Bergens work together to set everything up outside at the center of Bergen Town. Chairs are being placed, balloons are being blown, and banners are being hung. Besides making sure everything is being set up right, I'm scheduled to meet up with Poppy to help Bridget get ready with her dress.

And since today is going to be special, I decided to wear my peacekeeper crown for the occasion. Along with that, my usual black sweater with rainbow-colored edges.

"Val!" a familiar voice shouts to me as I walk toward the Troll Tree.

Looking up with a smile, I see Poppy flying down on a green glow bug. "Hey, Poppy! What's up!"

Poppy hops off the glow bug and stands in front of me in an excited manner. "I can't believe it's happening today! They're getting married!"

I chuckle before nodding. "Yeah, I know! Time sure does fly. Where's Branch?"

"Oh, he's up in his old pod at the Troll Tree," Poppy answers motioning up to the said tree.

"Great, I'll go call him down," After I say that, I whistle over a glow bug. The green bug hovers just over my head with a smile and I grab onto its legs. It starts flapping its wings and my feet leave the ground. I wave goodbye to Poppy, to which she waves back.

Now ascending up, I reach the pod and open the door. Standing at the far end of the room is Branch. But something is off about him. He's listening to something on the record player and holding the case for the record.

I walk over and stand by Branch, who looks down in deep thought. Realizing what he's listening to, I say something. "You're listening to BroZone?"

Branch jumps at the sound of my voice but eventually calms down. "Oh, it's just you Val. Yeah, I guess. You know about BroZone?"

I nod and sit on a stool nearby. "Mhm. Someone introduced the songs to me a little while back."

Branch goes silent again, which seems pretty odd for some reason. Especially at a time like this. I go to ask him if he's alright, but someone else enters the pod.

Poppy stands by the door and stares at Branch, giving me a quick glance as if asking what's wrong.

To that, I only shrug my shoulders and look back at Branch with concern.

Getting his attention, Poppy clears her throat. "Branch."

Branch looks up from the record case and turns his head. "What? Oh, hey." He quickly turns off the record player and puts the case down. Despite his fake smile, I can tell something's on his mind.

"Are you all right?" Poppy asks softly. "You're smiling and crying at the same time. It kinda looks like it's hurting your face."

Branch puts his hands on his cheek and says, "It does hurt my face." His smile fades and he crosses his arms over his chest. "I guess I'm just missing my, um...grandma. I was just listening to some of her old records."

My eyes soften, remembering how he told me about that tragic memory in the past. And I can't blame him for feeling this way right now. But it does seem like he's hiding something else as well.

As Branch puts away the record, Poppy sees the BroZone cover and gasps. "BroZone? No way. I love BroZone," she says as she grabs the case.

Branch perks up when she says that. "Really?" The excitement quickly goes away and hides it behind a blank stare. "I mean, really?"

Poppy tosses the case back to him. "I didn't know you liked them too. And such a coincidence that I just had Val get into their music."

Branch catches the record case. "I don't. I'm actually hate-listening. It's a new thing."

I lift an eyebrow as I lean back on the table. "It is?"

"Yeah," Branch responds. "My grandma had a very questionable taste. I mean, just look at how she decorated this place."

We all look around at the decorations and furniture of the room. Sure, it does look old and boring. But it's pretty cozy.

"I'm sorry, but there are some things that shouldn't be macramed. Am I right?" Branch asks as he puts down the record.

Poppy looks at Branch with uncertainty. "Um, kinda seems like there's something you're not telling me."

"What? Don't be silly. No," Branch says, brushing it off.

I stand up from the stool crossing my arms. "Are you sure, Branch?"

As Branch nods, Poppy grabs his hands. "Hey. I need you to be real with me. And Val, too. It seems like more than a macrame issue." She gives him a very reassuring smile, saying, "If you're having feelings, you can talk about them with us."

Branch thinks for a second and closes his eyes with a sigh. "Okay. You're right." He looks as if he's about to say something, to which we smile in anticipation. but he quickly pulls away and looks at his watch, which is something he doesn't have. "Oh, hey. Look at the time. We're gonna be late to the royal wedding. Let's go get married."

As Branch grabs Poppy's hand and makes his way to the door, she stops him. "Branch."

I stare in surprise after he says that. I know it's just a word mix-up, but still.

Branch realizes what he said. "I mean, let's get Bridget and Gristle married."

"Yeah..." Poppy says with a chuckle of relief. "Oh. 'Cause it would be weird if we got married."

"Yeah. So weird. Duh," Branch says awkwardly while holding her hands.

"Wow. The weirdest. It's, like, weird that we're still talking about how weird it was. It's, like, 15 seconds later," Poppy adds.

They go back and forth saying things awkwardly, and I glance at them both before sighing. "Come on, it's almost time to get them ready," I say as I walk over to the door. It opens and the sunlight from outside enters the pod.

They laugh and exchange smiles before following me.

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