The Story of Us

By brittadams93

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Basically a biography, the story of how Stephen and I met and fell apart. More

Stories from the Gap
Another Anecdote
Yet Another Anecdote
A letter to Stephen
Broken promises
Twenty One
To His Family


10 0 0
By brittadams93

The Beginning. August of 2006. The first day of 8th grade. I was determined to be the best version on me I could be; dress cute, work hard, prepare for high school. I wanted to make my mother proud. It had been pounded in my head over and over that it was up to me to get my mom that honor roll bumper sticker. Spoiler alert: I failed. But I succeeded in other ways. I actually befriended some of the more popular kids, I did well in theater, and I was catching the attention of boys. One boy I was really attracted to. 

Too bad this story isn't about him.

If you asked Stephen for his side of the story, it was definitely more romantic. I loved hearing him tell the story and would ask him to tell it again but he never did. Should that have been a red flag? Who knows. Either way, let me tell you my side before I tell you his. Or, at least, his side that he told me.

The first day wasn't too bad for me. Like I said, made some new friends. Off to a strong start. I liked most of my teachers. That is, until I got to 6th period. I don't know what it was about Pioneer Junior High and history teachers, but I got the worst of them. Luckily, one of my new besties was in the class. We decided to sit close to the door, even though it was a revolving schedule system so sixth period wouldn't always be the last class of the day. Either way, I was thankful to get out of that class as quickly as possible. We sat about three rows from the back. I don't really remember who sat behind me, but I do know one thing; Stephen sat in the corner behind me, closest to the door. I didn't really give him much thought back then. He wasn't really my type and I was already crushing on a guy in my homeroom class (I wonder if he's married now...). This isn't the meet cute I would want to tell our kids.

But his side is.

This is how he told me the story and he's told it to me a few times so the major details stuck. His family had just moved to Upland from Fontana; he went from everyone speaking Spanish to the "no sabo" kids. He tried befriending the "brown" kids because he thought they would speak Spanish and was sorely disappointed to learn that in north Upland, nearly nobody spoke Spanish fluently like he did. So, when it came time for the last class of the day, he sat as close to the door as he could for an easy escape when that final bell rang. 

This is where the story becomes a bit... unrealistic for me. But, this is what he said happened so here we go.

He says I walked into the classroom and the sunlight bounced off my blonde hair, creating a halo effect. He said I looked like an angel. He claimed he knew, in that moment, that he was going to marry me.

Yet he didn't talk to me at all. 

In fact, I only knew him as the annoying kid who sat behind me. He enjoyed making this water drop sound with his mouth. Our teacher would completely stop the lesson and attempt to find out where the noise was coming from. Honestly, pretty obnoxious considering I would've preferred she get the lesson over with so I can sit and write. But, I digress. 

We never spoke. I didn't even know his name. That is the end of the Junior High chapter. 

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