Zenin Tomie's Ke Xue Cheat Co...

By Kazuyuuki95

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Author:Change one thing to another/變卦為乾 Category: Danmei fanfiction Status: 83 chapter Introducing: Zenyuan T... More

Chapter 1: Why not go to the police academy?
Chapter 2 Five Hundred Billion
Chapter 3 Reversing Time
Chapter 4 Dazai calls
Chapter 5 [Cheat Code]
Chapter 6 Dazai jumps up
Chapter 7 Confession Bureau
Chapter 8 Mafia Banquet
Chapter 9 Women's Clothing Boss x2
Chapter 10 Counselor Tomie
Chapter 11 Mind reading fails
Chapter 12: Cursed Fetus Hatching
Chapter 13 Heaven and Tyrant
Chapter 14 Non-Existent Memories
Chapter 15 The God of Two Dimensions
Chapter 16 The first step of the whole life
Chapter 17 The master who emerged from the dust [Dazai]
Chapter 18 Group messaging
Chapter 19 Betting on Dogs
Chapter 20 Do you dare to bet money? !
Chapter 21 Advanced Restraint
Chapter 22 Picking up the child
Chapter 23 Love each other as a family
Chapter 24 Gambling Abstinence Alliance
Chapter 25 Moving Immortal
Chapter 26 Three-in-one
Chapter 27 The only remaining task
Chapter 28 The Curse of Flowers
Chapter 29 Two-in-one
Chapter 30 dk Suguru
Chapter 31 A murder caused by a flower treasure
Chapter 32 Xia You's Sorrow
Chapter 33 The only two special cases in the parallel world
Chapter 34 How long have your symptoms lasted?
Chapter 35 I have a net friend [joker]
Chapter 36 Bai Lan's thousand-layer routine
Chapter 37 "Traitor" Gin
Chapter 38 "Chat"
Chapter 39 A visit from Saiki's neighbor
Chapter 40 Love Token
Chapter 41 Revealing old scores
Chapter 42 Kiss
Chapter 43 Invisibility Ring
Chapter 44 Prediction
Chapter 45 [Fujiang] Fruit Tree
Chapter 46 Retrospective ends
Chapter 47 Not a Disaster
Chapter 48 Backtracking
Chapter 49 Confession
Chapter 50 Express Subcontracting
Chapter 51 Satellite Lens
Chapter 52 Satellite Remote Control
Chapter 53 Dazai's Information Puzzle
Chapter 54 The first official date
Chapter 55 Classic
Chapter 56 Hypothermia Ring
Chapter 57 Saiki's Bedroom
Chapter 58 The thirsty and the drowned
Chapter 59 Teacher Saiki's daily error correction routine
Chapter 60 Prepare to go undercover
Chapter 62 After self-defilement
Chapter 63 Recommend expulsion
Chapter 64 Hound
Chapter 65 Secret Club
Chapter 66 Tomie is in business
Chapter 67 Consumption
Chapter 68: General passing by dk Gojo
Chapter 69【興】
Chapter 70 Reaching Cooperation
Chapter 71 Fishing for Oiran
Chapter 72 Three Guests
Chapter 73 PUA Victim Bailan
Chapter 74 Odasaku's Theory of Happiness
Chapter 75 Don't add more money
Chapter 76 The Last Night
Chapter 77 Anger without a position
Chapter 78 Kidnapper Tsunayoshi-kun
Chapter 79 Re-enactment of the Classic Battle of Brain Hell
Chapter 80 The Singularity Arrives
Chapter 81 Among the Singularity
Chapter 82 End of text
Chapter 83 Extra

Chapter 61 Hell Joke

20 3 3
By Kazuyuuki95

Zenyuan Tomie looked at the familiar man in front of him, and the expression on his face was almost unbearable. He was really trying his best to suppress his urge to laugh.

Yokohama's special agent department?

Isn't this the [Farming Bald Head] noted in Osamu Dazai's address book?

Zenin Tomie glanced at Taneda's volcanic head without leaving a trace, and his head was as shiny as wax, and he had to admit that

Osamu Dazai was a troublemaker when it came to giving people nicknames that hurt others.

Zenyuan Tomie was so precise that he matched the image of Taneda's volcanic head with the dialog box.

In front of the subordinates he likes, Taneda Kazuo still maintains a mighty and mysterious aura. He has the temperament of a superior and does not look like he has a broken mentality after receiving the video of Osamu Dazai killing everyone.

Logically speaking, Yokohama government departments can mobilize talents from other regions.

However, Yokohama has long become a zone that Japan does not care about. The forces in it are complicated and complex. The senior officials in Kyoto also have a responsibly unwilling attitude and allow this land to rot.

Anyway, the local forces in Yokohama are still maintaining basic order, so as not to cause a more horrific disaster than during the war, it will be enough to have a decent reputation internationally.

Taneda Kazuo's ability to seek foreign aid at the police academy this time had to rely on his personal connections.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get the information about this batch of police academy students.

Taneda Kazuo came here from Yokohama this time just for Zenin Tomie.

Zen Yuan Tomie is really suitable to be an undercover agent, he doesn't look like a "police officer".

His face is too charming, showing an aggressiveness as thin as a blade, making it easy for people to be attracted to him.

In people's stereotypes, most such beauties are frivolous and shallow, and are very suitable for playing the role of a beauty who wants to get something for nothing, so she becomes a mafia lover.

Honey traps never go out of style.

When Taneda Kazuo saw his photo for the first time, he thought it was someone's prank to deliberately include Zenin Tomie's photo in such a pile of rough man's information.

After all, beauties who grow up to be so gloomy mostly appear in the art department. As long as the talent scouts see him, they will want to recruit him into the company and turn him into a cash cow.

However, Chanyuan Fujiang still took the initiative to report to the police academy, and his quality in all subjects is the best.

He shouldn't be an undercover agent sent by some force. Anyone with a talent like him

would want to keep it firmly in their hands. At his age, his talent for fighting should have been discovered long ago and focused on cultivating it.

Zenyuan Tomie obviously went through a process of quality improvement during the period after he entered the school, including various practical trainings. He also went from a novice who couldn't even understand the basic moves to an extremely proficient powerhouse.

Many instructors also spoke highly of him. He will take the initiative to learn various medical techniques and help injured fellow students treat them.

With such learning ability and excellent moral character, why don't you join the intelligence department of the Special Agent Division as soon as possible?

Taneda Kazuo believes that

Zenin Tomie will have the same outstanding talent in espionage.

Taneda Shantou reservedly explained his purpose to Zenyuan Tomie.

He did not directly draw out his most anticipated goal, but first talked about the dire straits in Yokohama and the recent rapid development of the port mafia.

Mentioning the Port Mafia, Taneda Kazuo's expression turned ugly.

He still can't forget the extreme shock that Dazai Osamu's martial arts video brought to him.

If he knew that the Zen Yuan Tomie in front of him was the producer of this short video, I don't know if he would be so angry that he would faint.

Zenyuan Tomie blinked, he also knew that police academy students would work as undercover agents.

After all, the enthusiastic senior he knew, Zhu Fu Jingguang, took significantly longer to reply to his messages after graduation, and until now, there was no news about him celebrating his joining the police academy, and there was no news at all.

When asking other instructors for information about Zhu Fu Jingguang, they could only get an answer of "I don't know him."

According to Zen Yuan Tomie's understanding of Zhu Fu Jingguang, he would definitely not commit any crime that would lead to him being expelled from the police academy in disgrace. He would most likely be assigned to do a task similar to that of an undercover agent.

Zenyuan Fujiang thought for a while.

A person of Taneda Kazuto's level would definitely take someone back with him once he left Yokohama. If Zenin Tomie rejected Taneda Kazuo's invitation, he might take other people from the same period with him.

Zenyuan Tomie silently compared the strength of the students in his generation. Most of them can only be regarded as people with very good physical fitness among ordinary people. If they go to Yokohama, a land of tigers and wolves where people with special abilities emerge in endlessly, it may be difficult to save their lives.

In this world, there are always people who have to bear the burden of darkness for the good lives of others. Zenyuan Tomie is willing to complete this undercover mission at the same time for the stupid people in the police academy.


without using the superpower [Cheat Code], he is still a very powerful Sky and Curse Binding.

Now that he has barely gained the right to move freely and is forced to take care of his children, his cousin Fuheshier can still give him more free guidance.

It was easier for him than his peers to get along in Yokohama.

Just be careful to avoid Osamu Dazai. With the special ring made by Kusuke Saiki, unless there is physical contact with Osamu Dazai, Kusuo Saiki's suppression of the magical charm will not disappear.

Zen Yuan Tomie nodded in agreement:

"I am willing to accept this task."

Taneda Volcano showed a boyish smile, and his shiny forehead seemed to have a beam of smooth hair.

On the same day, Taneda Kazuo couldn't wait to take Zen Yuan Tomie to personally eliminate his files on the police academy.

After the raging fire, a new undercover agent will emerge from the ashes.

Taneda Volcano Head also recreated a life experience for Zen Yuan Tomie.

Zenyuan Tomie's appearance is so outstanding that anyone who has seen him will find it difficult to forget him. There is no way to create a completely new identity for him, and we can only process it based on the traces of his original life.

Taneda Shantou took out a stack of information and asked Zen Yuan Tomie to write it down. This was the entire logic of his fall into darkness.

Looking at the plot concocted by Taneda Kazuo, Zenin Tomie complained helplessly:

"Sure enough, gambling is the road to death that will destroy people."

Zenin Tomie felt that the story in front of him was too visual, and why he was addicted to horse racing and small steel balls, which led to I owe a lot of debt and can't pay it off, so I can only go to Yokohama to accompany him for drinks...

Have you stolen the life of my cousin Fushikiji?

And why do you think, Taneda Kazuto-san, that I am not going to be a cowherd, but a wine company?

Seeing the surprise on Zenyuan Tomie's face, Taneda Shantou had to admit that gambling and custom industries combined to cannibalize people, a stubborn social disease.

Because it is such an ordinary occurrence, even if it is placed on the head of a beauty of Zenin Tomie's level, it is very real... After all, it is embarrassing for people in the government department, right


Even such basic social security cannot provide assurance to ordinary people.

Zen Yuan Tomie silently suggested:

"Can you wash all the money in my account book and send it to my nephews and nieces? I opened a new account for both of them." Taneda Kazuo asked doubtfully: "


two The children

are not over ten years old. Don't you have a cousin living at home? He has been added to your family's household registration. Why don't you call the children's guardians directly?" Naturally, the Supernatural Secret Service will not swallow up its subordinates

. of private property.

Even if for the sake of Zen Yuan Tomie's undercover business, he forged all kinds of his gambling records, his property would be safely transferred and returned to his hands.

It's just that this recipient is too strange.

Zenin Tomie Fufu said:

"Because my cousin was forced to quit gambling just now, and he is in the process of relapsing at any time. The person in charge of the family's money now is Tsumiki-chan." Taneda Kazuo's expression was full of excitement at this moment, he seemed

to Directly uncovering the skeletons in the cabinet among the Fujiang family in Zenyuan.

He has been in the dark world of Yokohama for so many years, so he naturally knows the horror of dog gambling and the hard work and energy required of his family to force him to quit gambling.

It was obvious that the people in their family had finally managed to escape from this shadow, but Taneda Shantou waved his hand and caused such a stain to another adult.

Let someone who has a gambling dog at home play the role of gambling dog.

This is too hellish.

In fact, Taneda Huotou cannot be completely blamed. Fuhei Shi'er has always been an unemployed vagrant with almost no normal money flow. His dark resume was laundered by Zen Yuan Fujiang with the money given by Bai Lan, and now it can no longer be traced.

Farming the volcano head requires silence.

His little conscience was condemning himself severely at the moment.

Zenin Tomie silently sent a message to his cousin. Fushiguro's secret terminal didn't have to worry about anyone stealing the signal:

[Doraemon Single Recommender]: Cousin, I'm going to Yokohama to become a gambling dog. Just think of me as being kicked out of the house.

When Fuheishier received this message, the classic expression of a subway old man looking at his phone immediately appeared on his face:?

Fuheishier: Are you acting out my life?

However, it’s not like Fuheishier didn’t understand the key. When contacted about the police’s practice of placing undercover agents everywhere, he immediately replied:

[. 】: Fujiang, pay attention to safety. If you encounter trouble, just ask me to kill someone.

【. 】: I will do some things that are inconvenient for you.

Zen Yuan Fujiang was greatly moved, and his cousin was indeed his biological cousin.

[Doraemon single recommendation]: It's okay, my mission is to be an intelligence agent, I don't have to go to the front line to fight with real swords and guns.

You should study well at home with Megumi-chan and Tsumiki -chan. It's time for you to take a degree. A private school at Zenyuan's house does not count as a diploma!

Fushiguro Shiji silently held his forehead. He glanced at the various assignments assigned by Tomie of the Zen Academy in front of him, which were painted with various red ticks marked by Fushiguro Tsumiki and Fushiguro Megumi.

This means that his accuracy is unbearable.

Fushiguro Megumi was correcting Fushiguro Shiji's wrong question with a frown.

He is now studying in a primary school near his home, and his grades are among the best. He does not understand that his father can even get such a simple calculation wrong.

Fushiguro Megumi stared at Fushiguro Shiji with an expressionless face, as if he was his father, with eyes full of anger: "Dad, it is impossible for you to pass the self-study exam with your study attitude

. "

Fushiguro really wanted to flip the table and stop studying, but Zenin Tomie's boyfriend Saiki Kusuo was still watching him from the next door.

His intuition told him that

Saiki Kusuo was a being far more powerful than Zenin Tomie. Not only was he a space-based superpower, but he seemed to have the ability to see into people's hearts.

Whenever Fushiguro Jinji has the idea of ​​​​taking another gamble, Saiki Kusuo will suddenly appear next to Fushiguoshi Jinji like a ghost, and then in the next quarter of an hour, Zenyuan Tomie will come over and beat him no matter how far away he is. A meal.

What's even more irritating is that

his two little carrots stood unconditionally on the side of Chanyuan Fujiang, even waving flags and shouting when he didn't dare to resist when he was subjected to domestic violence.

Fushiguro Megumi's usually emotionless face actually showed an expression of yearning for the majesty of Zenin Tomie.

It was as if I saw some hero eradicating demons and upholding justice.

Fushiguro always felt that Fushiguro Megumi would become the kind of hard-core ruthless person who would beat the gangster leader in an alley with his bare hands.

Fu Jiang, you are really a sinful uncle.

Fuheishier's family status was directly reduced to dust.

Even if he wants to drink a beer, he has to lower his head and ask for money from his daughter, Fushiguro Tsumiki.

Fushiguro Tsumiki looked at Fushiguro Shiji sadly, with sincere concern in her eyes: "

Dad, my cousin said that if you don't study hard and your error rate is too high, you won't be able to get study points. Without enough points, I can't give my father pocket money."

With the support and love of her cousin, Fushiguro Tsumiki's character gradually became more lively, and she even dared to make demands on Fushiguro Shir and argued with reason. Not willing to back down at all.

The dignified heaven and the tyrant ended up like this at home.

Fushiguro picked up the physics textbook angrily and said dissatisfied:

"Physics is wrong! I ran so fast and I didn't travel through time and space!"

Fushiguro Megumi silently complained:

"Dad, you even remembered the law itself wrong. Your speed cannot reach the speed of light at all, and of course it is impossible to reverse time."

Fuhei Shi'er was very anxious to solve the wrong questions in his hands. He was very much looking forward to Zen Yuan Fujiang taking him out for fun, even if he had to go head-to-head with people with supernatural powers, it would be better than calculating. These boring formulas.

Saiki Kusuo didn't need any special notice from Zenyuan Tomie, and he could hear the whole story clearly from the turbulent and noisy voice of Fushihei Shijie.

As far as he knew, Osamu Dazai had been locked up in the building at Port Mafia recently and could not go out.

Ever since the last time Dazai Osamu used Zenin Tomie to make such a big noise in Yokohama, Saiki Kusuo had a good understanding of the various abilities of the supernatural powers.

There is no one who can surpass Yokohama now, and all the mafia in Italy have gone there and flourished, which is far safer than in the early days of the Dragon Head War.

Saiki Kusuo was the first to send a message to Zen Yuan Tomie.

[Saiki]: Are you going on a date at the beach in Yokohama in the future?

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