Do I know you? Five Hargreave...

By alimentoishere

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This is gonna be for males and this is the first time I'm writing something like this so... I don't own any c... More

October 1, 1989 (rewrite)
Everyones ability (rewritten)
Meet the family...sort of
Five Hargreaves
What happened before the death day
 We're going on a trip
Unwanted memories
I'll do anything for you
Harlans mistake and y/n's loss
Hello sensei
Five...just go
A tattoo and a talk
Lets go back to the Academy 
Not a chapter

His brother's mother

753 27 1
By alimentoishere

Third POV

Y/n left Sloane and Luther going back to his room he knew that Luther might ask him dumb questions so he decided to leave that alone

He got himself ready he planted his feet in to the ground to steady himself, putting his hands into fists a color of f/c went around him but a realization hit him he forgot to think were he wanted to go


Those were the last words he said before disappearing in a flash of f/c

He ended up on a road there was barely any cars and not that many signs and he didn't know where he was he seen a car heading his way the person in the car clearly didn't see him and was driving at a alarming speed he tried to move out the way fast but it looked like the person in the car saw him in time and swerved out the way not in time though hitting y/n side

Y/n felt the car hit him which made him fall back slightly holding his side in pain as he was on the ground

groaning in pain he heard the car stop he wasn't facing the car he heard footsteps it sounded like two people he heard one freaking out but he clearly sounded stupid and the other one was scolding the one freaking out as they got close to y/n they looked shocked

"Um...five I think we killed a sparrow"
Those were the last words y/n heard before passing out

"Shit y/n wake up"
Five said as he got down on one knee he checked his pulse

"Jesus five this is why you don't try to take the wheel"

Five ignored Klaus making sure that they didn't kill y/n his pulse was normal five sighed in relief he looked up at Klaus

"Help me get him into the car"
Five demanded as he picked up y/n on one side as Klaus helped him get y/n into the car they were far away from the hotel so they decided to take y/n to were they were going in the first place

Klaus got into the driver seat as five got into the passenger seat they set off five look back at y/n knocked out figure it felt like centuries since he has seen him

Y/n pov

I slowly opened my eyes it was kind of dark were I was laying wait why am I laying down i looked at my surroundings seeing that I was in a car am I being kidnapped I sat up seeing two people one was driving and talking one was looking at a map I'm pretty sure the one with the map heard me because he turned around and smiled

"Morning sleeping beauty how was your nap"
He said with a shit eating grin

I squint my eyes trying to get a better look at the guy

I said but how did I remember his name normally I would have forgotten in a second in soon remembered that I was in a back of a car I quickly sat up

"Hey hey calm down your safe"

"How do I know that your probably trying to kidnap me"

"Why would I kidnap someone who got hurt"

I shrugged I mean as long as he doesn't do anything weird or anything stupid but if he is trying to kidnap me i don't know what I'll do his family probably stronger than me since the little one got Marcus somehow

"Whatever...where are we anyway"
I asked looking out the window not realizing my surroundings

Five said but was interrupted by the one driving

"To see my birth mother I'm so excited"
The one driving said clearly excited to see the woman who gave him life

I gave him a tight lip smile raising my eyebrows was this guy always smiling and laughing

"Sounds great I've never been there I always wanted to travel"
I tell him but I almost forgot to ask him a question
"Hey what's your name"

"Huh ohh greetings moi Klaus Hargreaves and you are"
Klaus introduced himself sounding funny i chuckled before speaking

"My name's y/n Hargreaves too"

Five said to himself knowing there gonna talk the whole ride there

" your from Pennsylvania that's nice"

"I know tell me about it. So tell me how do you know five's name"
Klaus asked and i shrugged not knowing how I remember his name I don't even think he told me when we were fighting

"Hmm I don't know..."
I said confused but it felt like I knew five my whole life i just didn't know why

Time skip

We made it to a area driving past trees tall trees and...people waring clothes young people adult people  short people tall people ooh cows lots of cows I like cows

We soon made it to a stop and i tried opening the door but it wouldn't open i sighed
"'s locked let me out"
I shouted I looked out the window seeing five look at me about to open the door I gave him a stupid smile as i leaned on the door he opened it and I fell out the car

"Ow asshole"
I said and started to get off the ground

"Well you shouldn't have have been leaning on the door"
Five said walking away
"Son of a bitch Klaus is Amish" five said as I closed the door and looked around this wasn't the only time I seen Amish people
"-this explains everything" Klaus said walking around the car on five and my side I looked at him from the few minutes of knowing him there was no way this explains anything
"How does this explain anything" five said looking at Klaus confused
"Because look! This is everything my childhood was missing."
Klaus said walking away from us I swear he's a child that needs to be put on a leash me and five followed him
"Hey, uh, Klaus"
"Wait up a minute" five said as he got closer to Klaus
"Doppelgänger check. You feel anything strange? Uh itching, sweats, gas, anything like that"
Five asked as he held into Klaus's wrist
"No. No I feel great apart from the old rash on the tackle but what can you do"
Klaus said as he walked away and I gave him a weird look when he said the tackle
"Alright good luck"
Five said and I gave Klaus a small wave but Klaus turned back around to us
"What? Wait, you're not coming?"
"I think this is something you gotta do alone"
I said giving Klaus a sorry look five just nodded agreeing with me Klaus sighs not wanting to do it alone
"Alone...yeah, ok...yeah I can do that, sure"
Klaus said still not wanting to go alone I watch as Klaus walked alone five walked away from we looking around for a little before going back into the car i just stood there looking around I walked back into the car and sat in it sitting in the front I stayed quiet before something crossed my mind I turned to five as he sat in the passenger seat

"How do you know me and tell me everything"
HIII IM BACK IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING BUT HERE YOU GO but is this the longest chapter I've written or what😏 but btw I had the best fries...but i found that picture on top on Pinterest and i couldn't stop laughing anyways good day or good night until next time✌🏼

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