War || Bellamy Blake ¹

By stilesstilinskiibaee

119K 1.8K 233

BOOK 1 OF ?? "Get down. Get down!" Finn said to all of us while we all hide behind a huge rock. We kept heari... More



1.8K 28 1
By stilesstilinskiibaee

' You wanna start a war '

Human trials
Season 2 episode 5
Part 1

I was weak, I could get up and try to fight, I couldn't do anything just feeling how they drag me to the ground, I felt them getting me up from the ground and as I saw a women in blonde hair in front of me, it was blurry but I saw her face.

"How many of you are there?" She asked me but all I could do was punch her in the face, but I didn't because I was weak and couldn't do anything.

"Let's go. Gotta get her to medical. Move, move." A guard said as they dragged me inside seeing everyone being afraid of me because they thought I was a grounder, but I wasn't.


"once the prisoner is secure." The blonde bitch said.

"She's not a prisoner. She's my daughter." I heard her saying as I saw her run up to me as she came up to me. As much as I didn't want to talk to her but she's my mother and I missed her no matter how much I get mad at her.

She grabbed my face as I felt her hands on me as I opened my eyes seeing her in front of me.

"Mom?" I asked as she gave me a smile.

"Take her to medical." I hear Clarke's mom said as they took me to medical as my mother followed behind and they put me in a bed as I saw Abby. Abby was here. But Clarke isn't. I left her.

"Hey, it's all right." Abby's mom said to me as she put the cloth in my face cleaning my face.

"Is she all right?" The blonde bitch said to Abby and my mom.

"She will be." Abby responded to her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We had no idea who she was." She said walking up to me.

"Where have you been?" She asked me.

"Byrne." Abby warned her.

"Mount weather." I said softly making everyone look at me.

"The grounders took you to Mount weather?" She asked me as I shook my head.

"No. The mountain me." I said getting up as Abby helped me.

"We have to get them out."

"We're not doing this right now." Abby told her as the blonde hesitated.

"Yes ma'am." She said before turning away.

"Abby, did anyone else make it here?" I immediately asked her hoping it was Bellamy, Finn Octavia.

"Yes." Abby said making me look up at her.

"Who?" I asked her.

"Six of you did." She said to me feeling my eyes water.

"Bellamy?" I asked her.

"Finn?" I asked her as she gave me a nod with a smile.

"I-I thought they were dead. I thought they were dead." I said as I began to cry.

"I thought they died." I said as my mom came to me.

"No. Come here." She said as I hugged her tightly knowing they actually are alive and they are here.

"Come on, let them lean you and you can go to sleep." She said to me as I nodded before laying back down and feeling my eye lids close drifting myself asleep.   

      "Madison." I heard Raven said as I turn to look at her.

"Hey," I said as I saw she was well.

"I'm glad you're back." She said as she hugged and I hugged her back.

"I wanted to apologize." She said making me shake my head.

"It's fine. It was dumb and stupid but it's okay. I like you Raven. You're a good friend and I want to be friends with you." I said to her with a smile.

"Madison, get back inside." My mom said to me.

"No, I need to get to Mount weather." I said to her.

"Abby said you need ten hours of sleep. And you still are injured." She said making me scoff.

"I don't need your help. I can take care of myself." I said to her.

"There's movement in the north woods." I heard the blonde guard said to Abby as I turned around.

"Grounders?" Abby asked but she shook her head.

"No." She said before the walked off to the gate. I turned around and saw from far away a person I haven't seen at all.

"Bellamy." I said as they grabbed his weapon.

"Go. I'll catch up." Raven told me making me nod.

"Okay." I said before running off and leaving my mom screaming my name. I walked slowly until I stopped.

"Bellamy." I yelled at him as he lifted up his head as he looked at me and I let out a sigh. I immediately ran up to him wrapping my arms around his neck. As I held him tight as he placed his arms around my waist hugging me back.

"Now, there's something I thought I'd never see." Octavia said making me and Bellamy laugh.

"You're alive." I said to him with a smile pulling away as I stared into his eyes before turning to Octavia.

"Hey." I said immediately wrapping my arms around her hugging her tightly.

"I missed you, little Blake." I said to her making her laugh.

"I'm glad you're okay." I whispered to her with a smile.

"You look badass." I said making her laugh, I pulled away from her as she gave me a smile.

"How many are with you?" Bellamy asked me as my smile fade away.

"Uh-none." I said to him.

"Where's Finn?" I asked him.

"He went looking for Clarke and you." He told me making my eyes go wide open.

"What? Where?" I asked him.

"The Grounders village." Bellamy said.

"What! You let him go alone."

"He's not alone." He said to me.

"With who?" I asked him confused.

"With Murphy." He said to me making scoff.

"Are you out of your mind? How can you let him go with him?" I said to Bellamy walking away from them and heading side the ark as he Followed behind.

"Maddie." he said to me.

"Don't Maddie me. Murphy is with Finn at the grounders village both of them alone and Murphy who by the way shot Raven, killed charlotte, tried to kill jasper, and almost killed you." I said to him reminding him how bad idea this is.

"Maddie, he killed someone!" He yelled at me making me look shock.

"What?" I asked him.

"Yeah. We kidnapped the grounder and took him to a bunker where we tried to get out where you guys were and Finn got all crazy and then we turned our back for one second and he shot him." Bellamy said making me groan.

"Well, at least I wasn't the one." I mumbled.

"We go after Finn again, and then we bring him back easy peasy." He said to me as I just stared at him before I wrapped my arms around him again.

"I'm so glad you're alive." I said to him as he hugged me back.

"I thought I lost you." He told me.

"We went back to look for you guys, and you guys were gone. I thought something happened to you." He said to me as I looked at him in the eyes before I kissed him on the lips. It felt just the same as we shared other kisses.

"I missed you." He said to me making me smile.

"I missed you." I said to him before giving another kiss when we were interrupted by Octavia. I immediately pulled away as I looked away not wanting to look at her.

"Finally." she said making me laugh.

"your mom is looking for you and Abby too." She said before my mom walked in as she gave me a weird look before look at me and Bellamy how he stood beside me real close.

"Hey, can you guys send guards to help Finn and Murphy?" I asked Abby as she walked in.

"We have to cut them loose." She told me making me shake my head.

"What? No. You can't just cut them loose." I told her.

"We don't have enough men's to send our two rescue missions and protect our camp." She said to me.

"Abby, they are in trouble. They're either gonna get killed or make things worse with the grounders. Who we need to get our people out of mount weather." I told her harshly.

"Madison, I know you feel this is unfair. But our priority has to be with chancellor Kane. If there's any hope for peace" My mom said to me as I turn back to Abby.

"So you rather save a man then saving your daughter's friends and your daughter who is still in Mount weather!" I asked her.

"If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the grounder who was gonna help us." I told her reminding her about Anya.

"I'm sorry." She said making me scoff. "The decisions been made." She said to me making me bite my inside cheek.

"I'm sorry sweetie." My mom said to me.

"So am I." I said to her before she was walking away.

"Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with guns you gave us. And now that she's home, you're just going to abandon them?" Bellamy said staring at my mom.

"If you can't spare the guards, we know the terrain. We have a map. We can do it ourselves." Bellamy said making me nod in agreement.

"No, absolutely not." They said.

"Mom-," I told her,

"I just got you back." She told me.

"Yeah, well you lost me again." I told her as Jackson came I running.

"Looks like you're needed." I said to her before walking a back to Bellamy, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"We're going." I whispered to him.

"Yeah, I know." He said to me as I turn to look at my mom who looked at me and Bellamy before walking away with Abby.

"Byrne? No one leaves this camp." My mom told the blonde making me roll my eyes.

"Yes ma'am." she said to her.

"We're gonna need guns," I told him as we walked off.

"So." I said to him awkwardly, making him laugh.

"I know what you're going to say." Bellamy told me making me laugh.

"Oh really?" I said with a smirk.

"Look, we've been through so much, and us. We've been off and on. We get mad at each other, hate each other and so on. I want this is to be good. I want you." He told me with a smile.

"Let's start fresh for us." I told him.

"Yeah," he said to me with a smile as I kissed him again.

"I like you doing that often." He said to me making me laugh.

"Hey, guys," my mother said making me look at her.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked me making me sigh.

"Fine." I said to her as she looked at Bellamy.

"I'm going to go." He said to me making me nod and kissed me before walking away.

"Madison! You and Blake?" He asked me making me nod.

"So." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"You're young!" She said to me making me snap.

"No. I'm not. I'm eighteen." I said to her as she froze.

"Your birthday past?" She asked me making me nod.

"Yeah, I was stuck at Mount weather in a room that was full of medical things for weeks and I spent my birthday there." I said to her.

"He's twenty-two." She said to me.

"So, four years apart." I said it minding it at all.

"Come on, you're better." She said making me laugh.

"I like him. He was there for me. He protected me. He cared for me and I felt cared for than I ever felt. He may be an ass and do stupid shit but he never lied to me." I said her making her frown at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked me.

"Mom, you lied to me about what truly happened with dad." I said to her she shook her head.

"No, I told you the truth." She said to me making me shake my head.

"No, you didn't. Want to know why?" I asked her as she hesitated but nodded.

"Dad is alive. He's here." I told her.

"What?" She said with a frown.

"I thought he got floated with the others." She said making me frown and confused.

"What? No. You lied to me about dad being sent it earth." I said to her as she shakes her head.

"No, I didn't. I lied about the food. But I never knew anything about sending your dad to the ground." She said to me.

"Then who the hell said anything about him being floated?" I asked her. Well, I least I found out we were being lied to not her lying to me.

"Jaha told me." She said to me.

"He isn't here." I said to her.

"Abby and Clarke." She said to me making me shake my head.

"No-Clarke doesn't know anything about it. Dad told me." I said to her as she looks at me.

"You've talked to him."

"Uh, yeah. He's a grounder. He's the one gave me a watch but I lost it. Anyways, Clarke doesn't know about it." I told her.

"She was with will, Jaha and Abby." She told me making me bite my inside cheek. She's been lying to me this whole time entire time she knew about it she knew what happened, but she lied about it. She acted like it was nothing.

"Okay, um I'm going to Bellamy." I said to her before she grabbed my arm.

"I want you to be happy. If he makes you happy go for it." She said with a smile making me smile too, before I ran off to him.

"Hey, everything alright?" He asked me making me nod.

"Yeah, it's just I found out that Clarke and her mom were there when they watched my dad come down." I said to him shrugging my shoulders.

"I thought my mom lied to me but she didn't she said they lied to her to. We were both lied." I said to him but I pushed those thoughts away.

"Let's talk about it later."

"Here. Everything you need is here," Raven said to us as we hid behind a metal big object.

"Scored you a couple extra clips." Raven told me.

"So, I left my mom alone. And Clarke's mom is in surgery and the team going after Kane just left." I informed them.

"We should to." I said to them.

"Find Octavia?" Bellamy asked Raven.

"No. I found you first." Octavia said to him as she was behind us before grabbing the sword.

"Also, you might want this back." Octavia said handing me the sword my dad gave me.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"Oh and this too." Bellamy said giving me my dad's watch.

"You found it!" I said happily. It's just a watch but my dad gave it to me, so it's not just any watch.

"Ready to go?" Octavia asked as Bellamy looked at her.

"I'm not letting you leave here without me." Octavia said.

"Octavia-," i said.

"Finn and Murphy are headed for Lincoln's village. I've been there. Have you?" She asked me making me shake my head.

"Have you."

"You done?" Bellamy asked her making me smile at those two, I handed Bellamy a bag and he gave to Octavia.

"That's this?" She asked her brother.

"Your pack." He said to her as she putted on her as he gave her a smile and she smiled back.

"Lead the way." He said to her as I turn to Raven as she stopped Octavia.

"Whoa. Not so fast, Pocahontas." She said to her making me laugh before she placed there stick as it got electrocuted making me jump slightly.

"I thought you said it was handled." I asked her.

"It is." She said to me making me nod. She grabbed the walkie-talkie and spoke up.

"Shut her down, wick." She whispered as we waiting for a few couple of seconds before the radio beeps making Raven do it again as it didn't electrocute this time.

"Handled." She said making me smile. Octavia tossed the bag to the other side as she went out after I went after her throwing my sword to the other side.

Before walking away from camp and into the woods to save Finn and Murphy from getting killed.


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