Deku is Gender-bent, and the...

By AnthonyTyler9

3.2K 61 6

Izuku and his friends were walking through Kiyashi Mall before their Summer Training Camp would start. They h... More

Summer Training!
Villain Attack! K-Kacchan's Being Targeted?
Saving Kacchan!
UA becomes a Boarding School
Prelude to the Provisional Exams
Provisional License Exam Part 1!
Provisional License Exams Part 2!
Feelings of Bakugo
Work Studies Interlude!
Work Studies Begin!
First Patrol!
Saving Eri-chan again!
Nightmare and Lemon
My villain Academia!
Butterfly Effect

The Mall Incident

733 8 1
By AnthonyTyler9

A/N Hello everyone, and welcome to the newest story that I am making up to date! I know that there aren't a whole lot of Female Izuku stories that are really all that good. One of my main reasons for not liking a majority of them is because too many things are happening, or they don't really follow the original storyline of the manga/anime. So I am doing this version of events in this story just before the Summer Training Camp, let's begin the story!

Izuku and his classmates were walking to the Kiyashi Shopping Ward, they had been sent to get supplies they would need in order to go to the Summer Camp. Izuku had been walking with Uraraka and Todoroki as they searched for their own supplies for the camp. As they were moving about the mall, they had gathered their friends and went to the stores of which they needed their supplies. Izuku had just separated from the group in order to collect some supplies of his own so that he could be prepared for the camp. He had gone camping in the past with the Bakugo's since his mother had to work at the hospital for a week and they decided to go camping for that time. It was the most fun he had ever since Kacchan had decided to just be rude to him because of his quirklessness. Izuku didn't mind the bullying, he knew that his best friend could become a Hero, he just needed to fix his attitude and he would become one of the greatest Heroes out there. He was entering a store when he felt someone place their full palm on his back as he felt something change deep within himself. Nothing bad happened when he felt the slight sting of pain, but as soon as he turned around to find out who touched his lower back, he found nobody present. Shrugging off the odd encounter with a customer, he entered the store and grabbed the things and paid for them when he started to feel woozy. It wasn't the I need to sleep now kind of woozy, just some slight tiredness that would make him seem more tired than usual. He just thought that his body was just more sore than usual since he had a Practical Exam not even 5 hours earlier leading up to the shopping trip. As soon as he entered the main courtyard of the Shopping Ward, he felt someone grab the back of his neck and as soon as he looked to his left, he found Shigaraki Tomura gleefully smiling at him. "Hey there Hero." The Villain said, smirking at him.


"I want to know why Stain is getting all the attention. It's all Stain this and All Might that! I hate it! What makes the Hero Killer so much better than what I've done! I attacked the USJ, I attacked Hosu! And one fight with a bunch of Highschoolers gets the top news!?" Shigaraki ranted softly. "Well... what are you fighting for?" Izuku asked, as Shigaraki gave his answer of killing All Might. "No, I mean what is the end goal after killing All Might? Is there anything else you wish to do once your dream of killing All Might is over?" Izuku asked concerned. "Hm, never thought about that. All I ever wanted to do was destroy anything that made me angry as well as sad. Never thought about what happens after I do it." Shigaraki said, as Izuku rubbed his legs together. "W-Well, what do you want to do once your Villainous actions... have no reason for doing anything anymore?" Izuku asked. For some reason his body was making weird feelings come across the situation for himself and it wasn't helping him as his body was becoming more and more heated. "Hm, I never thought about what I wanted to do after killing All Might. I might just become a Hardcore Gamer." The young man said, as Izuku looked at the man for a second. "W-Why couldn't you just become a gamer before becoming a Villain?" Izuku asked, fishing for more information. "Well, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to play games. Never really knew why, but they helped me with my anger issues. And it was a way for me to leave the human world." Shigaraki said, looking to the sky before smiling and letting Izuku go. "You've given me a lot of things to think about Deku. See you next time we meet, because when we do... I will kill you." Shigaraki said, showing his creepy smile. As soon as the man left the mall, Izuku ran off to find somewhere to hide and messaged his friends about his encounter with Shigaraki and that he was at the men's bathroom. Todoroki had entered the bathroom in order to see what was going on with Izuku, he had gotten the message the boy had sent him about his emergency and found the boy in the bathroom sweating up a storm. "Midoriya, what happened to you? You look like you ran a marathon." Todoroki asked, bluntly and rushed to the boy. "I-I-I don't know. All I know is that ever since before Shigaraki came to me, my body has been feeling weird." Izuku explained as Todoroki nodded. Unknown to either of the boy's Uraraka had her own problems such as... growing something that shouldn't have been there.

When Uraraka had left Izuku alone in the shopping ward, she had initially left because she didn't want to be left alone with her crush. But when she entered a shop near the one where Izuku was entering, she felt a palm strike her back and she stumbled forward a bit before noticing nothing happening to herself. Looking back, she found someone running away from the area, and she thought nothing of it and continued on her journey. She was about to leave the store when she had felt something wrong with her body... as if there was something not right with it as she felt her body shift. Her endorphins had changed, and she was given Testosterone, as she grew slightly in height and her hair shortened just a tad. She felt like her chest was shortening more than it should and as soon as she got a message from Izuku she felt like she needed to see if something was wrong with him as well. Call it a gut feeling, but it seemed like every other day the boy was getting involved in something completely scandalous but was capable of escaping it with his life. So as she entered the bathroom, she found that Todoroki had entered the men's bathroom next to the womens restroom. She was about to head home for the day when Ashido had entered the bathroom and walked over to her stall as she asked what she was doing in there. "N-Nothing! J-Just needed to go! I think I'll head home after this!" Ochako said, as unknown to her, Izuku was saying something similar to Todoroki. They both left the bathroom at the same time and found that each other's bodies were changing on a genetic level. "W-What happened to you, Uraraka-san!?" Izuku asked, his worrying dad mode coming into play. "I-I-I could say the same thing about you, Deku-kun!" Ochako said, as she had blushed at how much more adorable, he looked. He was shorter now, but he was still just as powerful as he was originally, but the added bonus for her mind... was how feminine he was looking. As soon as she banished the thought from her head, she ran off to go home, as Izuku shouted that he hopes she gets better. She shouted the same back to him as they both returned home in order to tell their parents, via phone or in person, about their day at the shopping mall. 

Izuku woke up the next morning, the day of the move to the Summer Training Camp with his whole body feeling like he had the best sleep in his life. His chest was feeling definitively heavier than it used to be, but at the same time... it felt like he was in the ideal body he always wanted. "That's weird, never thought that having my chest be a bit heavier-" Izuku was about to finish his sentence when he noticed how high his voice sounded. 'H-How is that possible!? M-My voice isn't what it supposed to sound like!? I need to talk to Recovery Girl, All Might or Aizawa-sensei about this!' Izuku thought in his head. But then he realized something... his thoughts were more... feminine sounding as well and that was when he got out of bed and ran to the bathroom in order to look at himself in the mirror. As soon as he looked at himself in the mirror, he found that he was obviously shorter than he used to be at 5'5, but now he was around 5 foot in height. But he also had a feminine looking face and hair, body as well as his arms were less muscular than it used to be as a male. The most outstanding part about himself was the fact that his chest was much, much bigger than it used to be. Placing a hand on the offending piece of fat hanging from his chest, he felt himself moan internally from the soft hands grabbing them. "O-Okay, so t-they're real. W-What in the world had happened!?" Izuku muttered to himself. Leaving the bathroom seemed to be an even worse idea because as soon as he opened the door his mother looked at his new form and she passed out right then and there. Pulling her to the couch, he noticed that even when he used his quirk because he didn't think that his feminine form wouldn't be capable since his body didn't have the mass for it, he was surprised that he was able to control the power more than he could beforehand. Pulling out his phone, he called his mentor and asked for him to bring Aizawa-sensei and Recovery Girl to his home so they could find out what in the world happened. Within minutes of his call for help, Izuku heard a knock on his door, as he opened it as he was wearing a hoodie on his head covering himself from his teachers. "Young Midoriya? I thought you were taller the last time I saw you. Are you keeping to the diet plan I had been informing you about?" All Might asked, as he entered the home. Aizawa and Recovery Girl noticed the small flinch on the person's body as they followed the individual into their home. "Problem Child I need to know what happened, and please show us why you aren't giving us a look at you?" Aizawa asked, sternly as Izuku took off the hoodie. He got a range of reactions from his teachers, including Recovery Girl who looked angry at Izuku. "Did you go off and get attacked with a quirk?!" She called out angrily. It was enough to get his mother to wake up from herself induced passing out session that she had that morning. "I-Izuku... can you tell me why your teachers are here, and why you are a girl?" Inko asked, as Izuku looked at her. "I-I don't know. All I remember after the mall incident was being patted on my lower back from someone who I didn't get a good look at. Then during the incident my body felt weird and started to heat up, by the time I got home I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I got on my bed." Izuku said, slightly panicking. "Well let's get you to UA in order to run some tests on your body. Can't have you getting spotted by some of your classmates like this now, can we?" Recovery Girl asked, as Izuku made a comment. "U-Um, I have a field trip to the Summer Training Camp today." Izuku said, as Recovery Girl bit her lip. "I think he'll be fine so long as his hormones don't get the better of him during camp. I can guarantee that the change we are experiencing is only the tip of the iceberg of what we will be experiencing in the future." Aizawa said, as everyone nodded. "I will give them both a ride, you think you can do the ride for Recovery Girl Aizawa?" All Might asked, as the man nodded. As soon as they all arrived at the school, Recovery Girl was having Izuku strip himself of all his clothes in order to see what else had happened to his body. She was surprised to find that he didn't have his male appendages anymore and that they were replaced with the feminine parts. "Well I can surmise that this was a sex change quirk accident. Did you get to see who the person was before they left?" Recovery Girl asked. "No, I couldn't see them as soon as they tapped by back. They were gone as soon as I turned around." Izuku said, as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Well there goes that lead, well no matter, we should get you in the female school uniform. Can't having you walk around as if your still a man." She said, as Izuku looked at her like she was crazy. "I-I can't go around in a girl's uniform! I-I'd die of embarrassment in that!" Izuku said, as the door opened up. Looking at the entrance of the door, they found a young man who looked eerily similar to Ochako who had been looking at the situation with wide eyes before slamming the door shut. "SORRY!" The surprisingly familiar voice called out from behind the door. "U-Um, what did he scream about?" Izuku asked, as Recovery Girl gave him a look. "That person saw you naked, aren't you supposed to be guarding yourself more so, now that your a girl?" The nurse asked, as Izuku gained a blush. "I-I think that was U-Ur-Uraraka-san though." Izuku mumbled as Recovery Girl stared at him with an exasperated smile. "Well get your uniform on, can't have you continue your day at the training camp without your clothes!" She said, as Izuku put on a gym uniform. "Alright deery you can come in!" The old woman said, as the new arrival came in. "S-So I guess the same thing happened to you too, Deku-kun?" The familiar voice asked, although much more manly as Kirishima would say. "U-Uraraka-san, is that you?" Izuku asked, concerned. "Y-Yup, got hit with the same thing as you I guess. Although I remember that the person who nearly knocked me down had a brown hoodie over himself/herself. I don't know their identity yet." Ochako said, as they continued on their tests. As soon as their tests were done Recovery Girl told them to leave her office so she could do some research in peace and quiet, but not before telling Izuku to keep himself out of her office.

Both students arrived at their class and they looked at one another as they understood that the other was nervous about how their classmates would react to how they look. Entering the room, they found that their classmates looked at them with shock as well as concern as they had been different people. "Who are you?" Iida asked, as he walked over to the both of them. "U-Um Iida-san, I-I'm Midoriya Izuku, and that is U-Uraraka-san." Izuku said, as the young man in front of them gawked at them both. "H-How did you both become the opposite sex!?" He called out, as the girls and some guys were looking at them in even more shock. "I-I guess the same person hit me and Uraraka-san with the same sex change quirk and we were given our opposite sex forms. Although I wonder what kind of change occurs with the sexual change." Izuku said, as he devolved into a muttering storm. "Well that's Midoriya-chan for you, so I guess what happened to him happened to you Ochako-chan?" Tsuyu asked, as she walked over. "Yeah, the same person got me and Deku-kun. And we are going to try and get over our problems now about our sex change, don't worry it won't stop us from training!" Ochako said, as she smiled at the group. "Well I guess that means that Uraraka is no longer up for grabs and Midoriya is up for grabs in terms of relationship status." Sero said, as he smiled sadly. "What are you talking about? Uraraka-san and me aren't up for relationship status!" Izuku said, getting out of his muttering storm. "Oh, does that mean round face and you got together finally?" Katsuki asked, glaring hard at Izuku. The young man looked over at Uraraka as she looked back at him and as soon as they made up their mind they nodded. "YES! SHIP IZUOCHA HAS FLOWN~!" Mina called out, happily. It was here that Aizawa had told them all to get on the bus and get prepared to head out on their trip to where their Summer Training Camp was going to begin.

Once on the bus, Izuku and Ochako sat next to one another since they really needed to sell that they were together now. And Ochako began to speak to Izuku about their situation now that they are officially together. "O-Okay, Deku-kun. We need to act like we're already lovey Dovey. How do you think we should do that?" She asked, as she looked him in his eyes. "I-I don't know, but I guess we should just spend time together before the training starts and after it ends?" Izuku asked, before feeling suddenly tired from the trip that he yawned. Leaning his/her head over Ochako's shoulder, he/she started to have their eyes flutter shut as they were falling asleep. "D-Deku-kun!" Ochako pleaded as Izuku had nearly fallen asleep... not before telling Ochako to do something else. "C-Call... me... Izuku." He said, before passing out.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I wanted to make sure that events in the manga/anime continue to go on in the background as Izuku learns how to use his quirk and soon become used to being called a girl. I will start calling Izuku by feminine pronouns in the next chapter though, same goes for Uraraka as she will be referred to as the male pronouns from now on whenever I talk about them. The story will still follow Izuku, but he will be learning more about the female body from Uraraka and the other girls. Get this story up to 10 reads and I will make another chapter for you all!

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