Someone Special✔️✔️

By thegirlwith__flaws

29.1K 2.3K 101

Nandini was sold by her father to an old man who loved to torture her body. After of her being his property f... More

1. Ruined Life
2. Suspicious Girl
3: She Is Not Normal
4. My Own Dad?
5: Truth
6: Hurting her
7: Friends
8: Helpless
10. I Trust You
11. Ruined The Career!
12. Kidnapped?
13. Escaping
14.Someone from the Past.
15. Still Love Him?
16. Cold Behavior
17. Taking Care of Her
18. What is going on?
19. Growing Distance
20. I Love You Nandini!
21. I Love Her!
22. Plan
23. You Saved Me {Last}

9. Crossing The Limits

1.5K 109 4
By thegirlwith__flaws

Nandini's pov

"What?" I asked

"Hahahaha Kidding baba relax" he said while I sighed


But why I didn't replied him? I'm not falling for him then why?

"Whatever forget this what you say wanna do swimming?" He asked


"Where else?"

"But I don't have extra clothes?"

"Well that is a problem"

"Yes a big problem" I chuckled

"Okay then I'm going" he said taking off his shirt then pants. He jumped in the water

"This is not fair" I said standing up.

He came out of water wiping his face

"Come if you want I haven't stopped you" He said

"Whatever" I said moving to the other side

I want to go but my clothes. Forget about your clothes Nandini you have only one day to live the way you want, to do what you want so live in the moment. Forget everything.

I turned back to see him enjoying with himself. I moved forward and jumped in the water.

"What about your clothes?" He asked

"I'll figure out" I said and he smiled

"You know how to swim?" He asked

"Not much but I'm trying"

"Good" he went inside the water while I was struggling to swim properly.

"Should I help?" He asked from behind while I shaked as he suddenly appeared.

"Sure" I said

"Look at me" he said and I turned towards him. "First Stack your hands and keep your arms and legs long" he said while I followed his instructions.

"Then?" I asked

"Now point your thumbs down. Press your hands out and back in a circle, elbows high Like this then lift your head slightly and inhale" he showed me practically while I followed

"Like this?" I asked

"Yeah Now bring your hands together in front if your shoulders like this, thumps pointing up. Keep your elbows close your body. Simultaneously blend your knees brining your feet towards your butt then pointing your feet outward" I was looking his actions and was trying to follow.

"Now reach your arms forward kick out and back in a circle then snap your feet together. Now drop you head underwater and exhale" he said and I did.

Coming out I wiped my face and looked at him.

"Now repeat my instructions" he said while I did. "Good going you're a great learner" he said and I smiled

"Thank you"

We both stayed in water for sometime. Until the weather start becoming cold and the sky was getting the dim lights.

"We should leave" I said

"Yeah We should" We both came out of water. My clothes were drenched and I was feeling cold but what to do it was my decision

"You'll catch cold" he said

"It's fine" I said

He wear his pant then shirt Looked at me.

"We can't go like this you're all drenched" he said

"Yeah And I'm uncomfortable to go out like this"

"What to do now" he looked here and there.

I was literally shivering with cold.

"Let's go from here we'll buy some clothes from mall" he said and I nodded.

We left and stopped near a shopping mall. I changed the dress after that we ate some delicious foods and ice creams of different flavors.

Then it was time to come back home. Back to the jail. We entered inside and I stopped on my trace and Mr. Malhotra was standing in front of us. His hands were in his pockets and his expressions were telling that today is my last day.

"Welcome back" he said sarcastically. "Have you enjoyed?"

"Mr. Malhotra don't you dare to say anything to her it was me who forced her to go out with me"

"Oh really but I didn't asked you anything Manik?"

"You have no right to ask anyway"

"So keep your mouth shut Manik Malhotra. Nandini go to your room" he ordered and I left.

I'm gone today!

The evening passed like a wind and Each second, each minute was scaring me. I don't know what will he do to me now.

What else can he do Nandini stop he'll punish you like daily and then leave you with the marks what else.

The door knocked and he entered. I stood up

"Sit sit madam sit why standing up?" He asked

"Sir I..-"

"Shut your mouth" he said locking the door. "What you think you are? You got courage because he stand for you?" I nodded in no

"No sir-"

"I said shut your mouth" He took out belt. Oh god no please not with belt it will hurt more. "Today you'll get the worst punishment of your left Nandini" he dangerously came close to me and I fell on bed

"Sir I'm sorry please"

"Today you'll loose your virginity, your so called dignity my princess" he said and I lost my senses

No No This can't happen, he can't do this.

"Sir please Please don't do this to me. Give me any punishment you want but please don't do this please I beg you" He smirked

"Good beg me beg me more but I won't listen today today you're gone" he said almost jumping on me.

I tried to get out of his grip but he was strong. He torn away my dress in one go and I was left with my inners. I tried to cover myself to save myself but I was too weak to do so.

"Today I'll tell you what I can do" he said. He was taking out his pants while looking at the opportunity I ran out of the room.

Not getting the way to go I entered in Manik's room. To my luck the door wasn't locked. Entering inside I locked the door

"Nandini?" He was shirtless he ran towards me

"Manik please please save me please" I hugged him tightly.

"What happened? Why are you like this?"

"Nandini open the door Look you are making this more worse for yourself" he said from the other side.

"She isn't coming out Mr. Malhotra go away from here" Manik shouted. I hugged him more tightly.

"Please save me Manik he... He will ruin my life he will make me dirty, he will take my virginity my dignity from me the only thing I have left" I said. His grip became stronger on me.


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