Just give me a chance [Vmin f...

Von soulmateduo

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"What if i say I love you?" "I don't trust you" Park Jimin a renowned psychiatrist and son of famous business... Mehr

Chapter one: First meet
Chapter two: You are annoying
Chapter three: Next time
Chapter five: let's date
Chapter six: An unrequited love
Chapter seven: worthy of you
Chapter eight: an ice cream date
Chapter nine: heartbroken
Chapter ten: Night walk
Chapter eleven: a kdrama scene
Chapter twelve: glimpse of past
Chapter thirteen: a much needed assurance
Chapter fourteen: Carnations and Sunflowers
Chapter fifteen: warmth and happiness weren't meant for me
Chapter sixteen: Love and Comfort
Chapter seventeen: Locked love
Chapter eighteen: I care for you
Chapter nineteen: Congratulations
Chapter twenty: Guilty or not?
Chapter twenty one: Jimin is mine
Chapter twenty two: Angels aren't meant to fall
Chapter twenty three: I Like Him
Chapter Twenty Four: Confession?
Chapter Twenty Five: A Better Person
Chapter Twenty Six: Hide and Seek
update soon!
Chapter twenty seven: Ignorance
Chapter Twenty eight: One wrong step
Chapter Twenty nine: Confession
Chapter Thirty: Healing words
Chapter Thirty one: Melody for love
Chapter Thirty two: Living with love
Chapter Thirty three: Stuck with you
Chapter Thirty Four: Simple yet Complicated

Chapter four: A messed up situation

286 34 4
Von soulmateduo

The night holds a special kind of darkness that makes stars shine more brighter, Moonlight reflecting everywhere makes things more surreal and peaceful.

Jimin was a Selenophile, admiring the moon gave him a different kind of peace, a feeling of being wrapped in a safe embrace, but today was a different case because instead of admiring the moon jimin's complete attention was grabbed by a bunch of flowers, he was looking at them shinning in the moonlight, conflicting over the thought whether the flowers were the only reason he was admiring it or because of the person who gave them.

After thinking for some time he came to a conclusion that he was truly admiring the flowers nothing else, at least this thought would be easier for him to accept 'i really need to erase those useless thoughts' sighing he finally decided to stop his thinking and sleep.

On the other hand there was another person who wasn't asleep yet.

"Dress up and leave" taehyung said in a cold tone to the girl resting next to him. The girl wanted to resist but was scared to say anything, she slowly got up from the bed, wore her clothes and left after collecting her belongings.

Here taehyung was resting his head on the pillow looking at the ceiling of the hotel room he was in, if you ask him how he ended up here, it was like his everyday thing, he didn't like to bring anyone to his house so, he would go to random hotel and would leave the next day.

Suddenly a thought crossed his mind he picked his phone from the side table and started typing something, after a few seconds.

"The resilience and determination
needed to embrace new beginnings" taehyung mumbled the text on his phone, he was searching about snowdrops.

'new beginnings I would like to ask you Mr Park what kind of'. A small smile appeared on his lips, keeping his phone back he looked towards the window seeing the moon and stars shining together, 'just like the stars surrounding the moon, I want someone to be my moon' taehyung said to no one in specific, sleep took over him soon.


"I saw the paper there should be no problem with the shipment, just make sure there is no damage to the goods while shipping". Taehyung instructed Soobin while finishing some paperwork.

"I'll make sure of that" soobin said taking the papers.

"So this is done and I am leaving now" taehyung said getting up from his chair, seeing this Soobin stopped him.

"where the hell are you going, you know Mr Kim would be so angry if he knows you are sneaking out again".

"I told you I have an appointment, my mental health doesn't seem good these days, i should take care of myself" taehyung replied making an innocent face.

"Your tricks aren't going to work Kim, I know you are just going to meet Mr Park, so you are not stepping out of your cabin" Soobin gave him a death glare, warning him.

'i knew you would not let me go but i have my own ways' with a devilish grin taehyung opened his drawer to take out something.

"You won't let me go even when I give you this ticket" taehyung waved the ticket in front of Soobin's eyes.

"That's a TXT concert ticket" Soobin said getting excited he tried to snatch it from taehyung.

"This could be yours just let me go and handle dad for me till i come back" taehyung knew soobin could never refuse this offer.

"But..what if" soobin hesitated.

"Limited time offer soobin choice is yours"

"Fuck it, do whatever you want just give me the ticket" soobin replied being frustrated

"Good choice" taehyung gave him the ticket and left from there.

"Anything for this" soobin kept the ticket gently inside his pockets.

Jimin after attending his patient came out of his cabin for a break when he saw taehyung standing at reception, he quickly hid behind the wall. 'what is he doing here' jimin thought.

"I see why Mr Park made you the receptionist" Taehyung was flirting with the receptionist,

"why" she asked giving Taehyung a shy smile.

"You know beautiful things should be kept first as the main attraction" this statement made her flustered.

'but if i say the truth, the person who grabbed my attention is not even aware of his doings' taehyung had a small smile on his face as he turned his gaze towards jimin's cabin.

"So can I have the appointment of Mr Park" taehyung said.

Jimin who was listening to this whole conversation now waved his hands towards the receptionist gaining her attention he signed her to say that he was busy. 'the nerve of him coming in my hospital and flirting with the receptionist' jimin thought.

Listening to jimin's instructions the receptionist replied "doctor jimin...is still busy so he can't meet right now".

"No problem I can wait just inform me when he is free" taehyung sat on the couch in the waiting area. Jimin slipped back carefully to his cabin.

Taehyung was bored sitting there and was thinking of barging in jimin's cabin but before he could do so, he saw a tall man who directly went inside jimin's cabin. 'maybe he is a patient but why does he attend such handsome people' taehyung mumbled to himself.

Jimin who thought he would get some peace was now interrupted by a tensed person walking inside his cabin.

"Eunwoo what are you doing here" looking at his tensed features jimin could easily guess he is up with some bad news.

"Hyung I messed up a big time" eunwoo sat on the chair ready to tell him about his problem.

"What did you do this time"

"You know dad, he is..." Eunwoo hesitated but still gathering up some courage spoke "dad is fixing me up for a marriage" eunwoo spoke in a crying tone. "He wants to make his business partnership strong so he is fixing me up with his business partner".

"I didn't know dad would be up to something like this anyways whose the chosen one" jimin asked teasing his baby bro.

"Hyung...you know I love someone else, how can I agree with dad and marry that weird jungkook" eunwoo retorted, jimin who was drinking his water suddenly started coughing.

"Dad fixed you up with jungkook" jimin couldn't believe that his dad is doing this, although his dad knew that he was a bi and showed no offense to that but it was surprising that his dad himself was fixing up his brother with a boy.

"Of course he was planning it from a long time and told me yesterday now that I think about it, it makes complete sense why that weirdo was always present at our office and continuously flirted with me".

"In my friend's defence I would say even though he is weird but he is a nice guy, why don't you think about it"

"You know hyung i love someone else and I am even planning to confess to her" eunwoo was in love with a girl he met during the first year of his college they were friends from that time, but he never had the courage to ask her out thinking that he would lose her friendship too. He still was in touch with her and they often met so he was now deciding to confess his feelings.

"I couldn't tell dad cause I need to ask her before, if i didn't tell him so he would keep setting me up with jungkook and i needed some time..." Suddenly eunwoo stopped in the mid sentence contemplating if he should say it or not, jimin saw how nervous he looked.

"Don't worry how bad could it be just say that you don't want to marry him" jimin comforted him not knowing the bomb eunwoo was going to drop on his head with his next sentence.

Finally eunwoo couldn't hold it anymore "Hyung please don't get angry on me, i couldn't think straight at that moment so i said I can't marry jungkook...because you and jungkook... lo..ve each...other".

How much destruction could some words do, you should ask that to jimin because his whole peaceful world was now going to tumble down due to his own brother's words.

"You what??" Jimin shouted he couldn't believe what his brother just said.

"I am sorry hyung... but i couldn't come up with any better... excuse" he muttered with his gaze on his lap, not able to look into his hyung's eyes.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T HAD ANY OTHER EXCUSE YOU DECIDED TO DRAG ME INTO YOUR SHIT" jimin whole face was red from anger, he could feel himself burning with rage at his brother's stupidity.

"I am really sorry hyung" tears welled up in eunwoo caramel brown eyes, he never wanted his hyung to be worried but words just slipped his mouth just to save himself.

Seeing the tears in his brother's eyes Jimin calmed down and went near his brother and pulled him in a hug.

"I am sorry hyung but I didn't want to lose my love" eunwoo explained sobbing in his brother's arms.

"It's okay shhh....calm down I am not blaming you" jimin rubbed his back to calm him down.

Taehyung was just sitting looking at jimin's cabin waiting for him to be free when he decided to ask the receptionist.

"Can you tell me how long that patient will take"

"That's not a patient, he is-" before she could finish taehyung ran towards jimin's cabin he didn't need to listen to anything, what was a person who is not even Jimin's patient doing, for so long inside.

Here eunwoo calmed down and said "hyung just do this for some days, I would ask her and then disclose it to dad just accept it for a few days"

"You didn't have the courage to confess to her even after 6 years of knowing each other, how can you do it now"

"I was thinking about it for a long time hyung and I would ask her anyhow" eunwoo looked confident with his words jimin could only hope that eunwoo could do it and this matter ends before turning into something big.

"Life is really playing his cards, now I have to marry my best friend jungkook" jimin said a small sigh escaped from his lips, the only thing he can do now was to pretend of being in love with his bestfriend.



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