Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Rea...

By Fanficwriter01

3.4K 169 72

Third BSD fanfiction. Dazai X Recarnated Reader (2023-24) Mature rated. The main protagonist faces hardships... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Slums
Chapter 3 Arcade (un-edited)
Chapter 4 The Informant
Chapter 5 The Contract Part 1 (un-edited)
Chapter 6 The Contract Part 2
Chapter 7: The Drug Dealer (un-edit)
Chapter 8 Dance (un-edit)
Chapter 9 Sixteenth ARC
Chapter 10 The Funeral (un-edit)
🎶 Sound Track 🎶
Chapter 11 The Station (un-edit)
Chapter 12 The Lab (un-edit)
Chapter 13 Dragon (un-edit)
Chapter 15: Oda (un-edit)
Chapter 16: Dragons Head Conflict
Chapter 17: Seventeen ARC Dark Era
Beast Ending (AU)
Dark Era: Good End (un-edit)
Epilogue: Entrance Exam (un-edit)
Deleted scene: Hostage
Special: Villain Reader (non-cannon. un edit)

Chapter 14: The Spy (un-edit)

70 7 0
By Fanficwriter01

It was a month before the Dragons Head conflict started, and (y/n/n) had received word from one of their sources. A new informant had joined the Port Mafia and begun work in their archives.

There was only one character you knew of that started working there.


It came much to your surprise when your presence had been requested to the port mafia archives to meet the person in question. You wet escorted to the building and lead through maze Luke hallways to the place.

It was your first time in one of the mafia buildings and much taller in real life and open spaces. Very soon, you stood before a pair of closed doors, and one of the mafiw knocked.

You entered the room, and the door was closed behind you. You and figure of a man sitting behind the desk. An ability ability user who saw all truths.

You remembered in the anime it was a large place with many books and records dating from the early days of the mafia. A treasure trove of Informarion.

Your attention was drawn to the man sitting behind the lone wooden brown desk with stacks of paperwork and books. The man who saw all truths.

He needed an assistant to help him with general tasks in the archives. Out of all the candidates on record and resumes, you were highly recommended for the position.

His eyes shot right uo past the glasses to your own cold (e/c) ones, waiting for him to speak. Once over and internal frown.

How on earth can someone so young be qualified? Ando thought. He decided to put your skills to the test.

He set two giant stacks of paperwork before you with a cup of pens. I am requesting you to fill out the paperwork. Nothing more or less.

You picked up a single pen and paper, reading over the information with one glance.

(Y/n/n) started to fill out the paperwork with elegant speed, placing the completed piles to another corner in a professional manner within ten seconds flat.

Just like your old mentor Ango's mouth dropped open, his eyes almost building out of his head. Questioning how one teenager could write so fast. It was impossible. But the sight before him was very real.

Within ten minutes, you'd completed every single person and informed him you had completed the task.

He picked up one of the papers, eyes scanning over the writing for Amy errors or grammar mistakes. Disbelieving. He looked over another piece of paper and another. The same result.

You asked him if anything was wrong. Of so you'd be happy to redo it again. Ango shook his head. It wasn't necessary. It was a well written document. No.

More than that. Magnificent. Flawless. A well-educated teenager with an official license. 

He had a gut feeling there was more to it. You were a teenager but acted far older than someone your age. As of you, you were a mature adult in a young body.

He touched your pen, his glasses cast light obscuring his facial expression from view as if seeing a story play pit before his eyes.

When you said Angos, the ability was to see truths. No matter how big  it is, hidden or forgotten. He'd find it.

You had been preparing for a while for something like this to happen. Someone finding out who you used to be and am. Put of all people you expected nothing less from the Ango.

It was silent for a moment. You knew he had seen your past. Everything you had been hiding for the past three years until the present.

His head hit against the desk. Unmoving. Did he just? You got off your chair and approached his desk. Waving your hand in front of him. No response but srill breathing. A small relief.

His ability to read it all at once would've been too much for his body to handle and gone into a sleep to process it. You couldn't exactly leave, or it'll look suspicious.

But it wouldn't hurt to request something to help when he woke up. You popped your head out the doorway and asked one of the guards to receive something from the canteen downstairs.



Thirty minutes later until the man behind the desk stirred. Rubbing grit away from his eyes. Blinking to take in his surroundings.

He saw a jug of water with a glass. You'd assured him it wasn't poisoned. You'd taste it yourself. He took a sip of water.

He remembered what had caused him to pass put in the first place. He'd used his ability on you to see one truth. But had gotten more far more than he anticipated. 

With the heavy silence in the air. You were concerned you may have broken Ango.

He cupped his hands under his chin. His expression obscured in shadow. Needing another few minutes to gather his thoughts and pierce the pieces together.

A small sign he was still stable. You waited patiently. You could imagine he was trying to make sense of what he had seen. Many questions he wished to ask but also knew he couldn't.

You both were in a mafia building. There was a high chance the archives were bugged with hidden listening devices and early stages of spy cameras.

It wasn't the time or place, but there was a way for them to communicate without being overheard. Ando used a piece of paper to write something down and coughed. Catching your attention.

You came over. Doing a ninteyt degree bow to apologise to him for the trouble.  He forgave you. He had to see whether you were honest or a fraud. It's proven wrong.

You discreetly looked over the piece of paper once you withdrew a single pen from your picket and wrote a brief reply.

It was a question about your ability. 

You had written a short reply. admit you did have an ability, but you didn't like to use it. It was still a work in progress.

You'd managed to keep it under the mafias radar for two years and self-taught to use it without any instructors.

There were many more questions, but only a limited amount of time left before the meeting was over.

You admitted in the note that you knew the real reason he was at the mafia but would not tell anyone. It was not your place.

Ango had no intention of informing the mafia of his findings about your real origins.

An alliance.

For the remainder of the time, he asked standard interview questions and answered. You took the note, folding into tiny pieces and hiding away within the sole of your shoe with a mental joke to burn it in the furnace later.

He decided to hire you on the spot as his assistant, someone who knew who he was and what he could do but knew their boundaries.

It would be good to have an ally among the wolves of the port mafia. Someone he can trust. You were a hidden genius, possibly the next one after the rumoured demon prodigy.

Little did you know, he made a silent promise to himself if there ever came an opportunity to get himself out. He'd be getting you out, too.

You were a hidden treasure deserved to be recognised for your efforts and had a feeling you'd become important in the near future.

It wasn't until after you'd left for the day, being escorted by mafians out of the building.

He decided to do research on you.
There was a fair difference between seeing into a person's past using his ability and the real records with his own eyes.

It wasn't easy. 

  You did a good job covering your tracks but old associates from the Informant Guilf and records. He found out about the birth family you'd been 'born' into. The ex uncle used to verbally abuse and treat you like a slave. Cut off contact with the family. Small relief he'd been killed by another gang. 

He'd done research and found out about your birth family. Scumbag uncle used to verbally abuse you and treat like a slave. You'd broken off contact.

There remained a problem. Someone had leaked your location to the ex relative. You'd apparently been searching for the person withiut much suceess. They've eluded your bait.

With his ability. He was able to discover they were an inside source working the black markets. The Viper.

What deal did you have with the black market, especially the auctions. An informant that did bounty hunting and collected money from the said auctions.

He was concerned for your safety. There is a high chance the person could turn around and stab you in the back.

He reported it to one of his surpieriors at the mafia. A certain brown haired man personally went there with several suborodinates and wiped out the source and witnesses.

The mafia wasn't about to lose their most valuable asset to the black market, let alone the secret auctions behind closed doors.

They forced the head auctioner to cancel the Ice Queen's bounty hunting contract.

The next morning. Ice Queen discovered two things. Someone had discovered who the snitch was and reported it to the Port Mafia.

A teenage boy with bandages and men had been sighted heading into the building where the black markers took place in the middle of the night.

There were sounds of gunfire and bloodshed. Meaning whoever they were after they'd found in the marketplace,
and shown no mercy to the mole or any potential witnesses at the scene..

Osamu Dazai had been involved. There is no doubt about it. Likely following orders from one of the executives or Mori himself.

Your bait wasn't needed at all. You didn't need to take any action at all to half freeze them to the waist up and throw into the ocean to drown.

It wasn't long after I received the first piece of news. You received a second one.

You'd received quite an interesting phone call from the head auctioner to inform you that your services as a bounty hunter were cancelled.

They'd be paying extra interest for short notice cancellation of the contract of three million yen. With bonus interest for the trouble with the traitorous inside contact.

The auctioner and black market seem3d to be terrified, and you suspected the mafias' involvement to shake them up like that but also of your wrath too.

(Y/n/n) was grateful to whoever reported it. It took a weight off your shoulders you didn't know you carried.

Although you'd lose a source of income, an inside source and means to support the charity. You realised you weren't worried. You'd done more than enough to get by and earn a bigger finance for your services as an informant.


In the mafia archive on the third afternoon at the job, Ando asked what inspired you to become an informant in the first place.

You admitted he was your inspirational role model for becoming an informant in the first place. Since he already knew about your pasts via his ability. There is no need to hide this from him.

He placed a hand over his heart deeply touched by your praise. The Ice Queem was cold but a rare being.

He may have only known you for three days but already gained his respect, and hearing say thay field his determination to find a way to get you out of the darkness.

Chapter 14: The Spy

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