F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence...

By devoncruz23

2.5K 497 90

The world is seemingly at peace on the surface, beneath that are the operations committed by militaries acros... More

1: Burning Sword
2: Big Ben & London bridge
3: F.I.S.T.
4: First Day Of Training
5: Getting Information
6: Extraction
7: Meet the Dr
8: France I
9: France II
10: France III
11: Aftermath of France
12: French Operators
13: Intel
14: Crashing The Party
15: Ambush
16: The Past
17: Old Friend
18: Assault on Transport
19: Tel Aviv Aftermath
20: Operation Desert Arrow
21: Operation Ocean Spear
22: Back Home
23: Heart and Minds
24: Information for Free
25: Dead end
26: Summer Blade
27: Bonds
28: Just a Conversation
29: Punch for a Favor
30: Prepping for Mexico
31: The Devil You Know
32: Welcome To Mexico
33: Motorcyclist
34: The Next Step
35: Reynosa
36: Answers
37: Getting Mendoza
38: A Night In Puebla
39: What We Want
40: Diablo Muerto
41: Back On Track
42: Northern Trident
43: First Come, First served
44: Operation Rapid Thunder
45: Quick Violence
46: A Loss
47: Hades
48: A Gift
49: Evac gone Hot
50: Stealth, Attack, Survive
51: Plan Of Retaliation
52: Canada's Finest
53: Operation Bitter Venom
54: Wolf's Complications
55: A Normal Day
56: Back In Action
57: Trident's Fang
59: Operation Winter Shield
60: Operation Burning Hammer
61: A Well Earned Victory
62: A break
63: Stake Out
64: The General's Son
65: Parabellum & Epilogue

58: Interception

16 6 0
By devoncruz23

John is in his office having called Serena and informed her of the situation as she pinches the bridge of her nose and paces around.

Gabrielle: "How long do you think we have till they raid this Blacksite?"

John: "Who knows? All I know is you gotta move fast."

Serena acknowledges this telling him they'll get it done and hangs up telling Gabi to grab her things. However they both hear multiple vehicles park outside the hotel as Serena subtly checks outside seeing the Black Dogs exiting heavily armored vehicles.

Serena: "Shite! We gotta go out back!" She sharply whispers as they both grab their PDWs exiting through the bathroom window as they hear the Black Dogs kicking doors in.

The two female operatives try their best to sneak out but are forced to stop seeing the mercenaries formed a perimeter with very options of escaping.

Gabrielle: "Son of a bitch, what do we do? We can't exactly walk out of here." She says keeping an eye on their six.

Serena: "No we can't, and they're gonna search the whole area to." She says hearing more commotion from inside. She and Gabrielle reposition themselves behind a dumpster as she calls John. "John Black Dogs are here looking for us."

John: "Shit, alright find yourselves a defensible position, I'll call GIS and tell them everything." He says ending the call and calls up an old friend in the GIS.

Serena and Gabrielle carefully search for a defensible position but nothing is even half decent to even consider. They position themselves behind solid cover watching a corner that they know the Dogs will eventually investigate.

Serena: "How many mags do you got?"

Gabrielle: "Not enough to deal with that entire group... I hate to be pessimistic but I don't like our odds." She says with honesty as Serena hums curiously.

Serena sighs lightly as Gabrielle questions this keeping her eyes on the corner.

Serena: "They only know about me Gabi meaning I'm their main target, I can draw their attention and you can use that to get yourself out of here and help GIS." She says as Gabrielle looks over in surprise.

Gabrielle: "You realize that they may very well kill you?"

Serena: "They won't, I'm more valuable to them alive than dead... Go." She says as Gabrielle is hesitant to do this. "Lass it's okay, I know what I'm getting myself into, go now."

Gabrielle curses to herself in Hebrew as sneaks a tracker into Serena's back pocket as she quickly runs off.

Serena watches the corner closely seeing a mercenary peak out at her she fires her pdw in short bursts taking out many mercenaries for next few minutes. Eventually she is blinded by a flashbang as she's struck and knocked to the ground.

Serena's vision clears as she sees Enzo aiming his assault rifle at her as she's surrounded.

Enzo: "Ms Winchester, I've heard a lot about you, like you having a son who you try to keep hidden." As Serena chuckles somewhat having an appropriate response.

Serena: "And I you Esposito, like how you're a terrorist with a body count that's way too high."

Enzo shakes his head kneeling before her and grips her hair.

Enzo: "Then you should keep your mouth shut, you're lucky the general wants you alive for now, all teams target is in our possession let's get on out of here." He says as Serena is forcefully pulled along.

Gabrielle having gone a safe distance from the hotel is watching this go down seeing Serena forced into one of the vehicles.

Gabrielle: "Shit..." She cursed as the mercenaries after getting in their vehicles drive off as Gabrielle sees GIS vehicles come in fast with GIS operatives exiting said vehicles as Gabrielle introduces herself to them as they are dressed in casual clothing with tactical gear over it.

The leader of the GIS team is named Tommaso Morelli, a mid forties man sporting a goatee stubble with no hair to speak of as he introduces himself to Gabrielle.

Tommaso: "We came as fast as we could, John said there'd be two of you." He points out.

Gabrielle: "Serena got taken, and I'm afraid pursuing them now might result in her death."

Tommaso sighs to himself and asks her about the Blacksite John informed him about.

Gabrielle: "Well we know they're gonna attack it, I'd suggest GIS go and secure the Blacksite or if they're already there keep them pinned."

Tommaso agrees with this ordering for everyone to get in the vehicles. Gabrielle meanwhile calls up John to inform him what happened.

John is frozen stiff as he can hear Gabi asking what the plan is. He rubs his face but is quick on his feet in terms of deciding this.

John: "Stay with GIS and keep me updated on the situation with the Blacksite, I'm gonna get teams together, call in some favors and come up with a plan." He replies with Gabrielle understanding and says she'll keep in contact and send the tracking data.

John nods understanding and hangs proceeding for every operator on base to report for a debriefing. Every operator does so completely but are fully awake once they are given the rundown.

Lincoln in particular in damn near close to snapping but Daniel keeps him calm.

Daniel: "We're clearly getting her out right sir?"

John: "No one gets left behind, but along with that we have the Blacksite that GIS will hold down but I'm gonna need a team to go help them take it back and secure the missiles."

Michael steps up with his hands behind his back.

Michael: "I volunteer to lead the team sir."

John: "Good, pick anyone you want part of your team, anyone who isn't selected will help in the mission to rescue Winchester.

Michael thinks for a moment as he begins selecting his team

*Michael's Team*
Erik Stone
Hideo Masuda
Lyra Cohen
Benjamin Cohen
Keith Poirier
Mustafa Demir
Owen Copeland
Cole "Wolf" Murray
Helena Lawson

*Lincoln's Team*
Daniel Palmer
Claude Durant
Claire Gauthier
Simon Roy
Louis Bernard
Ren Miyata
Ebenezer Attias
Emil Stein
Theresa Fischer
Laura Belmont
Blake Grayson

John: "Okay get your gear together quick." He orders as they all nod taking their leave as he puts in a number his wife gave to him.

*Meanwhile somewhere in England.*

Hades at the moment is in his office still awake as tonight is just one of those nights, especially when remembering the one and only Wraith he's lost in his position as leader of Wraith squad.

It's when his phone vibrates as he checks to see Blackburn of people calling him.

Hades: "Blackburn, well this is a mighty surprise especially this late at night... Anyhow what do you need?"

John: "I need your help Hades, it's vital."

Hades hearing this straightens up and is completely focused.

Hades: "Tell me."

John: "The Black Dogs recently captured one of my operatives Winchester, thanks to Enzo Esposito and ambassador Russo I'd imagine."

Hades: "Russo? The Italian ambassador? Dogs got some bloody deep pockets, what's Winchester's location?"

John: "Currently in an office building owned by Russo himself."

Hades hums curiously hearing this sorting out the details.

Hades: "So primary objective is to rescue Winchester with secondary objectives to either capture or kill Russo and Esposito... Okay okay, fortunately for you, four of my wraiths can be there within the hour, I'll have them hold till your teams arrive."

John: "Good, and Hades? Thanks."

Hades: "Thank me once we get Winchester out." He retorts hanging up.

*Two hours later.*

Lincoln is in the passenger's seat of the vehicle Daniel is driving looking out the window.

Daniel: "We'll get her out LT, you know that right?"

Lincoln: "I'm sure of it, I just... Wish she knew how I truly felt."

Daniel keeps his eyes on the road but thinks of something he think would be good in this situation.

Daniel: "Why don't you tell her then sir?" He asks as Lincoln has considered it but sees Daniel's eyes widen a bit. "Is that who I think it is?" He asks as Lincoln looks forward seeing Brody talking with a man of average height.

Lincoln: "Yes that's exactly who you think it is." He says smiling somewhat as Daniel parks the car exiting with Lincoln.

The man looks towards them with a grin forming.

???: "Dan! LT! You don't call, you don't write." He greets as Daniel shakes his head.

Daniel: "That's cause nobody bloody writes anymore Ronnie." He says grabbing Ronnie's hand firmly shaking it.

Brody: "Figures you two muppets know each other." He points out shaking his head.

Daniel: "I bet it's surprising Brody, seeing me get along with a Scot if you can even call it that." He jokes with Ronnie playfully hitting his shoulder.

Ronnie: "You're not exactly the easiest to put up with mate." He retorts and looks towards Lincoln. "Good to see ya again LT."

Lincoln: "Likewise lad, your friends getting along with ours?" He asks walking with the redheaded Scot and the other two.

Ronnie: "Mostly, Alma's not really interacting with anyone but that's not surprising."

Lincoln: "Tell me about them."

Ronnie: "Alma's from the Danish Jaeger Corps, definitely one of the best shots I've ever seen." He says as they see Alma, a medium length blonde haired woman overlooking her rifle. "Speak of the she devil."

Alma looks over having heard this last part.

Alma: "I heard that, fancy seeing you two again." She directs to Lincoln and Daniel who stare at her in confusion questioning what she means. "I'll explain later, Ronnie's sang your praises so I'm somewhat looking forward to working with you."

Lincoln: "Likewise lass." He says as they continue walking.

They eventually find the other two of Ronnie's team. One is a black man with a buzz cut as he's talking with Leo as they seem familiar with one another.

The other teammate is talking with Fuyuko as she's a short Japanese woman with black hair styles in a short bob.

Ronnie: "And these two are Jake from the Navy Seals, and Rin from the SBU."

Daniel: "Same as Leo and Fuyuko." He points out to Lincoln which explains how they're familiar.

Lincoln nods in acknowledgement calling everyone over to a table that has multiple maps.

Lincoln: "Before I start, you guys comfortable following my orders?" He directs to the members of Wraith minus Ronnie.

Jake: "Hades told us to let you FIST guys take point on this, plus if Ronnie trusts your judgement? Then we do as well." He reassures Lincoln who nods.

Lincoln: "Alright our main objectives are as follows, rescue operative Winchester, eliminate or capture Esposito and Russo. Intel tells us that the Black Dogs are most prevalent on the first floor and the floors closest to the top. Durant you and Fuyuko's teams will handle eliminating hostiles and rescuing hostages on the first floor."

Claude: "Front door is gonna be a tough fight."

Fuyuko pulls up a map of blueprints for the office building.

Fuyuko: "My team will be coming from below, the building has an sewer system below it. We'll take them from both sides."

Claude nods liking the sound of this.

Lincoln: "Me, Daniel, and Ronnie will take the roof and work our way down. Alma you and Hernandez will take up sniper positions around the office building providing cover and intel."

Alma and Ivelisse exchange glances and nod.

Lincoln: "If there's no questions, we let's get prepared and get Winchester out."

Everyone nods and heads off to get the last of their preparations done. Fuyuko is doing a check-up on her ammunition as Rin is with her.

Rin: "So any luck in finding the one?" She asks with her hand cupping her own cheek.

Fuyuko: "Possibly... I've yet to ask him though." She says hiding her fluster pretty well.

Rin: "Why haven't you asked?"

Fuyuko: "Eh... I mean he's a fellow coworker and a good friend, I'd hate to ruin that..." She says as Rin can tell she's nervous.

Rin: "Fuyu as your friend, if he rejects you? He's a damn idiot and I'm gonna kick his ass... Just ask him out and see what happens, cause if you don't ask? Then the answer's always no." She says making Fuyuko chuckle.

Fuyuko: "I suppose that's true, just don't actually kick his ass." She requests.

Rin: "No promises." She retorts with Fuyuko pulling on her ear like a stern sibling.

Meanwhile Lincoln is waiting for Blake to finish his preparations with the chopper. Daniel is equipping himself with an HK417, same as Ronnie.

Ronnie though notices Lincoln's look of worry and anxiousness.

Ronnie: "We'll get it done LT, Winchester will be fine." He assures as Lincoln hums in response. Ronnie raises his brow and can't help but ask. "You and this Winchester good friends?"

Lincoln is silent unsure how to respond but Daniel does it for him.

Daniel: "Winchester is the mother of LT's son." Earning a look of annoyance from Lincoln but does nod to confirm this.

Ronnie is silent for a moment but he hits Lincoln in the shoulder.

Ronnie: "We'll get her out sir, I'll make sure of it."

Lincoln softly chuckles with a gentle smile.

Lincoln: "Just no unnecessary heroics got it? Didn't take you two under my wing so you could die." He says as Ronnie and Daniel nod.

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