Date Me, Mr. Archer

By kreesilver

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(Book 1 in If I Could Series) Fourteen alphabets. Four words. One text. And that was enough to upturn my ent... More

zero | aesthetics+cover
one | mishap in the rains
two | her interview
three | a friend from the past
four | to her date
five | flirty, conceited jerk
six | the drunk ride back home
seven | back to square one
eight | one-sided attraction?
nine | pained rejection
ten | fake it till you make it
eleven | date me, mr. archer
twelve | 9:47pm
thirteen | his (fake) girlfriend
fourteen | no falling in love
fifteen | friends don't cuddle
sixteen | home
seventeen | housemates
eighteen | the day i met her father
nineteen | go big or go home
twenty | the double date
twenty one | birthday surprises #1
twenty two | birthday surprises #2
twenty three | if i could
twenty four | his (real) girlfriend
twenty five | the ignoring game
twenty six | kiss and make up
twenty seven | the punishment
twenty eight | one truth at a time
twenty nine | spin the bottle
thirty | so much fucking trouble
thirty one | breaking the third rule
thirty two | the truth
thirty three | the pink scrunchie
thirty four | a recipe for disaster
thirty five | the sound of heartbreak
thirty six | mr. and mrs. archer
thirty seven | love and trust
thirty eight | a promise of love
thirty nine | healing together
forty | our love, our home
forty one | the epiphany
forty two | regrets
forty three | till death
forty four | our home
forty five | feel
WHAT'S NEXT? (Lily+Miller announcements)

forty six | a family

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By kreesilver

AN: yes i'm alive.

Taking my wife to our family's mandatory Saturday lunch had always seemed like an impossible task because Vienna had been upset about our marriage and had said and showed multiple times she wanted nothing to do with me. But things were taking a turn and they were taking one for good because since the last two weeks after we confessed our feelings and I fucked her hard, then soft and slow, we'd been inseparable.

Vienna started working with Lily, helping her edit her vlogs she was making for her social media accounts to help promote our branch of London. Miller had started calling her a lot which honestly annoyed me very much but Vienna was starting to appreciate him again as a friend and the other day she even said she was starting to believe that he might be Ken.

Miller had been an amazing friend to me for all those three years I'd known him during my teenage years but the Miller now was a complete one-eighty from the Miller then and I really couldn't see myself being friends with him again if he continued to remain his impertinent, arrogant bitch phase.

And because I knew I was one petty motherfucker, anytime Vienna received a call from him and I was around, I'd cut short their conversations by interjecting every now and then which definitely annoyed both of them but just laughed me off because, well, what was Miller going to do? Vienna was my wife and she loved me enough to just forgo my childishness and meanness towards Miller.

The woman of my thoughts and the love of my life peered up at me right now, softly biting her lips. "Do you think they will like this?" she asked me, shaking the bag of cookies in front of my face as I pocketed my car keys.

I took her face in my hands, smiling. "My parents will love everything you bring them," I told her. I had suggested we get brownies when we went to my parents' for our Saturday lunch but Vienna quickly rejected that idea. It was our first time in this house as a couple and she wanted to make something herself so naturally, when she said she wanted to make cookies, I helped her. We googled recipes and tried about a hundred combinations in the past week before finally preparing a successful, unburnt batch of choco-chip cookies. "I think they might even love you more than me."

"Oh, come on," she chuckled softly, playfully slapping my chest. "Anyway, how do I look?" When I gave her a blank look, she conceded, throwing her hands up. "Okay, fine. I know I've asked that question about fifty times now and all the fifty times you reassured me my sundress looks pretty but I- I'm nervous, okay?"

I laughed incredulously, angling her face up. "What do you have to be nervous about?" I bent down to peck her lips once. "You've met them so many times before. And as I already said, both of my parents love you more than they do me so loosen up, okay?"

Her brown eyes brightened under the winter sun and she nodded. Getting on her tiptoes, she pecked my lips once and intertwined our fingers, pulling me inside the house.

"Shh! What if she doesn't like Chinese? We should've just ordered some pizza. That's what kids like these days," my father was hissing as we entered the house, too busy to notice us as he bickered with my mom.

"Everyone likes Chinese, Trevor. I spent enough days taking care of Vienna to know that she loves Chinese, okay?" she argued back, narrowing her eyes at him.

My father, almost in his late sixties, cowered back at my mother's glare as he smoothened the table cloth. Both Vienna and I stood at the threshold of our living room, watching the entertaining show between my parents. My dad murmured quietly, "I swear to God if my daughter-in-law doesn't like it because you ordered Chinese-"

"Oh God, help me, please," my mother groaned to which my dad pressed his lips in a line, supressing his smile. She lifted a butter knife in his direction, glowering at him. "Don't you dare laugh at the misery you're causing me. I swear I lose ten years of my life everytime you spout nonsense."

And at that, my dad lost it, doubling over with laughter as he strode to my mother's side, kissing her forehead. "Don't worry. I love you now so of course I'll love you even when you get uglier-"

The word hadn't even stumbled out of his mouth yet when my mother gasped, shuffling out of his embrace, raising her eyes at him. "Did you just call me ugly?"

And my dad wholeheartedly let out a chuckle, still convincing my pouting mom but I tuned that conversation out when Vienna snuggled her arm into the crook of mine and rested her forehead against my shoulder, lovingly gazing at my parents' playful arguments. "Do you think we'll also be so happy when we are older?"

I rested my cheek against her head, basking in her scent, grateful for her presence. "I will always keep you happy, darling. No matter how old we are or how many years we spend together, I will no more be the reason of your tears."

She softly snorted. "Everytime you open your mouth and say stuff like that, I fall in love with you a little bit more. You are really unhealthy for my heart," she whispered, shaking her head.

"Is it a good time to tell you that you're very unhealthy for my time too?" I asked her and she let out a giggle that resulted in my heart beating faster. "Because every time I even think of you, my heart starts beating really fast."

"See," she said quickly, looking up at me with accusatory eyes. "I just fell in love with you all over again! You cannot keep saying things like that; my poor heart might just stop beating, okay?"

And a dark look passed over my eyes. How could she joke about her heart not functioning so easily? It would kill me to even think of something so serious; especially in reference to her. "Do not ever talk about yourself like that. Your heart is not going to stop beating anytime. If it were in my hands, your heart would never stop beating at all."

"I was just joking, Kyst. It's not that serious," she amended, squeezing my forearm and rising to peck my cheeks. After giving me a small smile, she slipped from my arms and threw them wide open, announcing our presence. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Archer, a second pair of Mr. and Mrs. Archer has arrived!" And as she laughed and hugged my parents, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of protection consuming me.

For someone who was so hesitant only minutes ago about meeting my parents, Vienna was quite good at not showing it.

Or maybe, she was comfortable now. With my family.

She looked over her shoulder at me and furrowed her brows when she found me still standing at the threshold. Waving me over, she said, "What are you doing there? Come on! Look, Mum and Dad ordered Chinese for us!! I LOVE Chinese!!"

And yes, Vienna started calling my parents Mum and Dad shortly after my father took her mother in as his sister. Because of my dad's crazy connections, the divorce process for her parents was already in motion and John had, albeit begrudgingly, signed the apartment over to Vienna's mom and she had moved back only some days ago. We'd invited her over for the Saturday dinner too but she had refused, saying she needed some time to herself, which we understood completely.

Vienna and her mother, Abby had had a talk some days ago and while Vienna didn't feel obligated towards her mother, she still cared about her since her mother was the only one around when she had been younger. Vienna hadn't forgotten the way her mother had pushed her around or not been in her times of need but she still pitied Abby and both mutually agreed upon working on their issues. That really made Vienna happy because her mother was making a genuine effort for her and there was nothing she loved more than a family.

"HAH!" my mother smirked. "I told you she'd love Chinese, didn't I?" she asked my father, raising a taunting brow at him.

I walked over to my dad and threw my arm around his shoulder. "Hmmm," I started meaningfully. "Do you think the ladies are teaming up on us now?"

"Aw," my wife challenged. "What now. Afraid, Mr. Archer?"

"BOOOO!!" my mom echoed, a huge smile on her face.

"Afraid?" I huffed loudly. "Me? One would think you'd know better than that about me now that we've been married for almost five months."

And really, jokes aside, we'd really learnt so much about each other in the past so many weeks. Vienna had suddenly remembered I had a numerical tattoo reading Sixteenth December, Two Thousand and Seventeen in Roman numerals and had asked me what it represented so I had told her it was the day my dad named the company to me. I'd learnt more about her food and management preferences and had also understood she hated being disturbed when she was working.

While helping Lily edit her vlogs for her social media, Vienna had also taken up an online editing class. Once my sister's videos started getting viral, my wife started gaining attention for her apt, entertaining editing, gaining her some more famous clients for whom she editted pictures and videos. I couldn't be prouder of my wife.

"Now, I do know you well, don't I?" she said sassily. "I know you make this gravelly noise at the back of your throat when I take you into—”

I spurted out an awkward cough, suddenly reaching forward to wrap my palm around her mouth, shutting her up. With widened eyes, I looked at my mom and dad, both trying their damned hardest to delete themselves for this conversation. "What are you saying, you mad woman?"

When she nipped at the skin of my palm, I released her mouth and she blinked up at me innocently. "What? What did I say? All I was trying to say is that you make this noise at the back of your throat when I take you into- no wait, let me finish my sentence before you shut me up, okay?- so yeah, anyway, whenever I take you into the kitchen! You make this irritated noise every time I ask you to help me cook. I know you so well that I just order food now."

My dad chortled a laugh and mom just looked away, pretending to be adjusting the already smoothened dining table cloth. "That's- you liar! That's not what you were going to say, were you? You- you-" My cheeks redenned and the bash look on her face made me speechless. I leaned down, pressing my mouth to her ear as I said, "You're in so much trouble tonight."

She blinked. "Trouble?" she echoed with made dumbness. "How old am I? Five? Will you also tell me you'll punish me next?"

"Oooooookay," Before I could say anything, my mom interrupted us. "I'm too sober for you guys' foreplay. Come on, Trev. Let's go get some drinks from the cellar while the kids make the table."

My dad only shook his head at Vienna's antics and followed my mom down to the cellar to grab some wine. The moment we were alone, I wrapped my arm around Vienna's waist and pulled her flush against my chest. "What was that, darling? You really do crave punishments, don't you?"

"Punishments?" she gawked at me before one side of her lips turned upwards in the sexiest smirk. She tapped my right cheek with her fingers and got on her tiptoes. "I don't know about punishments but God, I sure crave when you get all red and hot for me."

I dipped my neck, swooping her lips in a blistering kiss and she moaned, wrapping her hands around my neck. "Fuck, I love you so much," I said, curling my fingers over her hips.

"Yeah?" she said, tangling her fingers into my hair. "I love you too, you know that right?"

"Remind me again," I murmured, smiling against her lips and she gladly reminded me again by pressing her lips against mine, demonstrating all the reasons why I loved her so much and always would.


"What are you doing?" I crossed the room and wrapped my arm around Vienna from behind, pressing my palm to her belly and my chin to her shoulder.

We returned from my parents' place about an hour ago but I had to make a round at the office so I had dropped Vienna off at our penthouse before finishing my work. The sun was setting now, the evening dusk basking us in golden light as Vienna started out of the floor to ceiling windows in our room.

"Hmm?" she asked, a light-hearted smile on her face as she looked at me over her shoulder. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how you went down on me against your office door and then fucked me against your desk. Man, I really wanna do it again."

I stared at her in disbelief. I could always trust her to say the most unbelievable things at the most unique times. Last week, we'd been cuddling on the couch while remembering that day in the rain on my birthday, when we'd kissed for the first time and how I'd warned her I'd fuck her against the desk if she'd even entertained the fucker Jonah. She had told me how my warnings were all bark and no bite so the very next day, I'd taken her to my office and made so true on my promise she'd forgotten her own name for the first thirty minutes and refused to leave me alone after I'd fucked her hard and raw.

"I can take you there right now," I said, my voice low and husky. "Nobody's going to be there right now and maybe I can fuck you against the door today, hmm?"

Her body molded against mine, her shoulders loosening and her breath catching in her throat. She looked at me with heated cheeks and desire burning in her gaze. "Hey! I was only joking. . . sort of," she said, her gaze burning my face. "I was just messing with you. Really I was thinking about how beautiful your eyes are. Have I told you just how much I love them?"

I nuzzled my face in her neck, tightening my arms around her, humming in contemplation. "Only about once, I think. The day of your interview."

She laughed, the sound trickling into the little spaces in my heart and filling all the voids only she could fill. "Liar. I think I might have atleast told you twice. Right?"

"Why don't you tell me now?" I urged, playing this game with her.

"I'm really grateful for your eyes, you know? Your blue eyes were the first things I noticed about you when you helped me in the rain and I think I might have found you really handsome because of your eyes alone." When I narrowed my eyes at her, she relented, spinning in my arms so her chest pressed against mine. "Okay, fine. I give your three-piece suit the credit too. And your hair. Do you know I wanted to run my fingers through your hair to feel if they were as soft as they looked?"

"You creep!" I gasped.

"Shut up," she chuckled. "But the most amazing thing about you is your heart. The journey of getting to know you, understand you and fall in love with you is the most beautiful thing about being married to you. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have a man like yourself, so damn perfect and wonderful and charming as my husband."

I sucked in a sharp breath, totally not expecting such an onslaught of emotions. She was wearing my white shirt and her sweatpants, looking like the most exquisite woman in the world.

Grabbing her wrist, I placed it over my chest, right above my beating heart. “Remember how you said you always feel at peace when you're with the person you love? Even though my heart is beating a hundred miles per hour— proving the very theory you're bad for my heart, by the way—my mind is at absolute peace. There is nothing in my head right now except for how beautiful you are and how I would do anything to spend all my lives with you.”

I cupped her cheeks and pressed my forehead to hers. "You don't have to feel lucky to call me yours because the fates wrote us, darling. If there is anyone who must feel lucky right now, it's the universe because we have granted them the love story of all times. I was always meant to be yours and you mine. The End, baby."

"I still cannot understand how you ever thought you were incapable of loving anyone," she wondered, her precious eyes searching mine.

"I can't," I confessed. "Because all my love is already reserved for you, Vi Darling."

Her lips twitched in a smile before hesitation tightened her features. "What if- what if I get pregnant? Will you be able to love our child too?"

I froze. I'd never really thought a lot into the future but the idea of having a kid with Vienna sounded like the best one I'd ever had. I could vividly imagine a little girl with brown her like her mom's and blue eyes like mine running around the backyard of a house as Vienna chased her. Our son would be sitting with me on a mat as we watched the girls and buttered the bread for us to have a picnic. We could even get a dog, a little Pomeranian who would protect and love our children and much as we'd do them.

Sudden tears pricked my eyes but I blinked them away. "Are you pregnant?" I asked her, trying to recall any changes in her pattern lately. I tried remembering when she'd had her last period or if she'd felt any morning sickness or hunger cravings lately but the fog of the picture about our kids that I'd just created in my head wouldn't clear, pulling me back into that dream. A dream where we were happy and a family. A dream of our future.

"Oh no. I'm just asking," she said awkwardly. "Now that we're married, I was just wondering if you had any expectations about a kid or. . . like your thoughts on. . .um, what's wrong?"

I must've jolted back physically for her to notice something wrong. "Baby, I don't have any expectations about a kid." I held her hand and brought her to sit on the edge of the bed as I knelt in front of her. Taking both her hands in mine, I said, "Just because we are married does not mean I start to have obnoxious, orthodox expectations from you. We'll try for a child when we're both ready and one hundred percent stone-cold sober and aware of what we're walking into. I'm really, really exhilarated about starting a family with you but only when you are ready too. I respect you a lot more than I love you and I would never, ever force you to do something you don't want. I need you to know that."

"I like that," she said, sounding distracted.

I squeezed her hands, bringing her attention back to mine. "The part where I said I would never force you into something you don't want?"

She shook her head, her black locks moving in a rhythm with her movements. "No. I know you enough to know my wants matter more to you than anything in the world. I was saying I liked the part where you said you were really exhilarated about starting a family with me. I want to have kids with you, Kyst. But not now. Maybe some years down in the future when we are able to buy a huge home with a backyard and a nursery where I can explore some gardening, you know? We could also have an editing room for myself and a larger gym for you so I can work out with you sometimes. We'd have a nice playroom for our kids where we'll engage them in games instead of mobiles or tablets and shower them with love and care." She looked at me with a newfound energy, her eyes shining brighter than the sun. "I cannot wait to start a family with you."

"You know I can buy more than ten houses like the ones you described just now, right?" I asked her honestly.

"Don't ruin my sentiments by flaunting your money." She rolled her eyes, suggestively licking her lips. "And before you do anything crazy like go ahead and actually buy a house or something, please wait. Let us live a little. We never even got to go on our honeymoon and we've been married for so many months already!"

"You want to go on a honeymoon?" I asked her. I'd wanted to go on one the day she walked down the aisle and told me she'd hate me for the rest of our lives because God, she was hot and I wanted nothing more than to fuck the lies straight out of her but the situation back then demanded dealing maturely and in a mannered way. Later, with all the kidnapping and healing, I'd thought she wouldn't consider on going one, especially with how we got married under certain. . . circumstances but now that she was bringing this up. . . .

"Of course! What married couple doesn't want to go on a honeymoon?" she pouted.

I pecked her lips once. "Why did you never bring it up then?"

"You got busy with your work, I got busy with mine so I just let it slip. But seeing your parents today made me realise how even small things matter in our lives and honeymoon is still such a huge thing for every married couple. I want to experience everything with you. The good, the bad, the ups, the downs, the highs, the lows, everything."

"We'll go on a honeymoon, baby. We'll go wherever you want, for however long you want. I don't care as long as you're holding my hand and kissing my lips every night before going to sleep," I told her honestly, my heart bursting out with the immense amount of love I had for my wife. "We might just have to wait for some weeks until I can settle everything around here at the office and then I'll whisk you away from the world and into a fantasy of our own."

"Yeah?" she asked hopefully.

"Mm-hmm," I answered, bending to slide my fingers under the hem of my shirt she was wearing and quickly sliding it off her. I kissed her belly, moving my lips upwards, dragging the bra down her breasts. I breathed her in, brushing my lips against her throat and revelling in the gravity of her moan as she played with my hair, pulling me upwards to kiss her lips. "To spending the rest of our lives together, my Vi darling," I murmured against her lips.

She shimmied out of her pants and undressed me, quickly climbing onto the middle of the bed as I hovered over her. "To finding a home in one another," she said softly as I skimmed her skin lovingly. "There's no one I could love more than I do you, Kyst Archer."

"I will spend all my life showing you that you made the right decision, Vi darling," I said just as her lips slid over mine and I pushed into her, fitting perfectly in all the manners that mattered.


are you crying? why are you not crying? it's time to say goodbyes to the characters i spent almost a year writing and gushing over

while i do feel happy for giving them an ending they deserve, i still feel sad about the fact that this is the end.

(there will be an epilogue)

please tell me if you guys liked this chapter (it was a huge one, i know)

thanks for reading!!

vote and comment<3

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