The Lonely Traveller (An OC X...

By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

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This is a story about a boy named Blue Light, who has some secrecy about him. His mission is to explore Runet... More

[Blue Light]
Arc 1: A Mysterious Boy
Chapter 1: The Lonely Traveller
Chapter 2: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: The Loose Cannon
Chapter 5: The Council
Chapter 6: K/DA
Chapter 7: Onto The Next
Arc 2: The Other Regions
Chapter 8: A Lead
Chapter 9: Sona's Story
Chapter 10: Mother, I'm A Criminal. Help!
Chapter 11: The Unshackled
Chapter 12: Magic Vs Non-Magic
Chapter 13: Return To Piltover
Chapter 14: The Second Day

Chapter 3: The Nation of Zaun

436 15 3
By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

Adam: What.....was that?

Blue: Me thinking outside the box

Adam: You're not just a normal civilian, are you?

Blue: I'm just a Lonely Traveller, nothing more.

Adam: That's clearly a lie, but I won't press you. Anyways, you should get a move on now, I'm going to head back to Piltover so that I help the others.

Blue: Aight, you do you-

???: Lookie at what we have here boys!

Both of us turn around to see a bunch of those terrorists approaching us, they had all sorts of weapons and it was only myself and Adam. He was ready for a fight and so was I....but I had other plans.

Adam: Let's deal with these lot, you know how to use those swords?

Blue: Of course, but I got another idea

Adam: And that is-?

Blue: To Run Away!

I turn around and immediately hit the dash, surprising Adam who runs after me with the enemy group on us.

Adam: What the hell man?!

Blue: Trust the process!

Adam: Screw the process!

My journey into Zaun begins and I'm now joined by a potential friend in Adam Milan. Will I find the one that I am looking for? Who knows?

But I won't find them if I don't start looking, and I have to find them. I have to, because I promised my mother that I would.

We managed to get away from the aggressive group by hiding in an alleyway, Adam was catching his breath and was very angry at me.

Understandable, but some people are just different.

Adam: Are you crazy!? Why would you run?!

Blue: Why were you prepared to fight?

Adam: Because I knew we were going to get backup!

Blue: Are you sure about that? What if we didn't and we were cornered?

Adam: I'm trained for a fight, and I have magic! You should be concerned, but something tells me that you know a thing or two

Blue: Oh yeah, I've got a certain set of skills as I have mentioned before. But I want to avoid as much conflict as I can, I'll only fight when I have to, but otherwise, I'm avoiding fights.

Adam: [Sighs] That's fine, but now I need to go back. And that's a problem because we are now deep into Zaun, and I don't like the idea of getting jumped by an even bigger group of these idiots

Blue: Well then, I guess you can join me.

Adam: It's my only option besides getting jumped. Fine, I'll walk with you

Adam walks ahead and I follow him, moving in line with his movements, we looked around and saw that Zaun wasn't as polished as Piltover but it's not too bad.

I heard that Zaun was basically the slums, but that was a while ago according to my mother. Zaun looks much better than what she described it as but there was still this sense of dullness in the area.

I could feel the stares from the citizens of Zaun and I don't blame them, a boy covering his face is just walking around with an enforcer by his side. To get rid of the uneasiness, I decided to talk with Adam and maybe get to know him better.

Blue: Sheriff Kiramman mentioned that you have magic, but she didn't say what you can do.

Adam: You want me to reveal my magic to you?

Blue: I'm not going to backstab you or anything, I'm not like that

Adam: Yeah I know, I can tell that you're a good kid

Blue: Aren't we the same age?

Adam: We are, but you seem really childish compared to me

Blue: Okay, you don't have to go there.

Adam: Just the truth

Blue: Maybe so.....anyways, magic, what is it?

Adam: My magic involves gravity, but it's very hard to control which is why I don't have too much variety with it

Blue: Oh, so what can you do?

Adam: Really basic things like affecting the gravity around a person or a group of people

Blue: Hey, that is useful. How strong is the pull?

Adam: I can slow them down but if I use most of its power, I can bring them down to the ground.

Blue: Ah damn, that sounds so cool. I wish I had magic

Adam: You don't?

Blue: You expect me to have any?

Adam: Kind of, you're skillful and I haven't even seen you in combat yet. Most skillful people can use magic, like the Sheriff, some people in Zaun and K/DA. K/DA aren't just a popstar group, they have magic as well.

Blue: I keep hearing about K/DA, are they really that popular?

Adam: In Runterra? Yeah. In Piltover, they are loved because that's where they mostly do their concerts

Blue: I can tell, but what is the hype around them?

Adam: They make good music, have different types of character and it's 4 beautiful girls, so of course they're going to have those crazy fans, from both genders.

Blue: Wait, what does that have to do with them being popular?

Adam: What do you mean?

Blue: The fact that they're beautiful

Adam: Ah-! Are your serious? Are you messing with me?

Blue: W-What do you mean?

Adam: You don't know why the girls being beautiful, factors into them having fans?!

Blue: S-Should I?

Adam:.......You really are a child.

Blue: Hey! You're the one keeping me in the dark!

Adam: And it's probably for the best, you have the mental age of a five year old! And that's me being nice!

Blue: You want to fight?

Adam: Aight bet! Let's go-!

???: So are the two of you going to keep on fighting? Or are you going to fuck each other?

Adam: Oh who the fuck-?!

The two of us heard a voice above us and we looked on top of a small building to see a girl with green hair.

Adam: Oh, you're here

???: Of course, I live here, idiot

Adam: Really? Couldn't tell

Blue: Uhh, Adam? Who dat?

Adam: Oh that's Zeri, she is apart of a group called the Firelights

Blue: And you know her?

Adam: Had a few encounters with her in the past

Zeri: You can think of us as friends, but what about you, masky?

Blue: My name is Blue Light

Zeri: Blue Light huh? Strange name, and you're certainly a strange looking person in that get up

Blue: I'm going to think of that as a compliment

Adam: Did Ekko send you here?

Zeri: [Jumps Down] Of course he did, he saw your new friend over here, running across the border bridge casually and it wasn't even on the ground. You did it from the top!

Blue: I saw an opportunity and I took it

Zeri: I like that attitude! How did you find someone like this, Adam?

Adam: He came to Piltover with an objective, but wanted to see if it can be done in Zaun

Blue: It's just a hunch, if not, then I'll look somewhere else.

Zeri: So what are you looking to do?

Blue: To find someone

Zeri: Can I ask who?

Blue: You.....don't need to know

Zeri: Is it a girl?~

Blue: Again, you don't need to know

Zeri: Aww come on! Just one thing!

Blue: Nope

Adam: Hmm, maybe Ekko can help

Zeri: He does want you to come and see him. So both of you, follow me!

Zeri runs ahead and Adam shouts at her for running off and goes after her, I follow the two and eventually we all were just walking while making sure that no one was following us.

The reason for this was because this Ekko brother didn't want anyone to know where the base of the Firelights were. Soon enough, we reached the base and were led inside to a room by Zeri.

Zeri: Okay, you two just wait here. I'm going to find Ekko and tell him you're here, then I'll come back and take you to him

Adam: We'll be waiting

Zeri leaves the room and now it was just me and Adam, we sat down on some chairs and my eyes already start to look around the small room and my index fingers begin to tap against each other.

Adam: Hey, who are you looking for anyways?

Blue: Me? I can't really explain too much but just know that my mother told me to look for them

Adam: And why is that? Or is that classified?

Blue: It's classified, I'll admit that I'm an idiot sometimes, but I'm not going to tell anyone what my real objective is

Adam: That's fine, I can respect your wishes.

Blue: Thank you

Adam: Anytime, so where do you live? Because you're not from Piltover.

Blue: You're right, I'm not. I'm actually from a village separate from the regions, but south of this island.

Adam: Close to Noxus?

Blue: I wouldn't say close, but Noxus is north of it

Adam: I'm surprised they haven't found your village

Blue: Ehh, they won't find anything valuable from there. It will be pointless if they decided to "invade" our home

Adam: Yeah, they want land, which is why they're still at war with Ionia

Blue: I wonder if peace talks can be held, what do you think?

Adam: I doubt it, especially when it's Noxus.

Blue: Good point

I close my eyes and cross my arms when we finished our talk as I preferred to be in silence at the moment. It helps me think about what I need to do next, but that train of thought went away when Zeri returned.

Zeri: Hey yo, Ekko is ready to speak to you two

Adam: Good, I was tired of waiting

We stand up and follow Zeri through a door that led to a giant room in the base and we were standing on some platforms around the middle layer of the wall. Below us were loads of people talking with each other and they were all just normal civilians.

There were some people that were armed so I assumed they're apart of the Firelight Group. In the centre of this room, was a giant tree that looked like a symbol of hope to these people.

In front of us, looking over at the tree with his back facing us....was a boy around my age, he turns around and I could tell that he had been through some stuff, but it seemed to only mold him into a great leader.

Ekko: Hello Adam, it's nice to see you again

Adam: [Nods Head] Ekko. This is Blue. Blue Light

Blue: Hello There, Ekko

Ekko: So you're Blue? The one that decided it was a good idea to run across the top of a bridge with aggressive fighting occurring on the base of said bridge?

Blue: I think that's me

Ekko: There isn't much people around here that would try that, so I want to know...what is your story?

Blue: My story? Okay, once upon a-

Ekko: I don't mean your backstory

Blue: Oh, my bad. Well I'm from a remote village, I have parents and a little sister. Oh and I can't use magic

Ekko: You can't use magic? You don't seem like it but I can't just judge you on your looks, although you do seem suspicious with the whole get-up you have right now

Blue: I can see why people would say that

Ekko: Why cover your face?

Blue: I just prefer to cover it, especially to people I've just met

Ekko: I can respect that. So what are you doing here in Zaun?

Blue: I'm looking for someone, can't tell you who it is because that's only for me to think about

Ekko: That's fine, but if it's someone that I'm trying to target, then I'll need to know what you know

Blue: I can agree with that, but I doubt they are someone you know

Zeri: Are you sure about that?

Blue: Positive

Ekko: Hmm, fine, that's all I need from you. Actually, before I can let you go, I need you two to help me out

Adam: Ekko no-

Blue: Okay

Adam: Hey! I didn't say we were going to-!

Ekko: Great

Adam: [Sighs] I guess we are doing this, fan-flipping-tastic

Zeri: I'm sure you will have fun, I might even join you!

Blue: What do we need to do?

Ekko: The Chem Baron supply lines, we need them destroyed. We've discovered two of them and I want you two to go after one while Zeri destroys one by herself

Blue: You can do that?

Zeri: Of course! I have access to green lighting which all depends on my emotions, and since I'm already an energetic girl, I can bounce freely and cause damage!

Blue: Fair enough, alright Enforcer Adam, let's roll!

Adam: I don't think we are prepared

Blue: We are never prepared, but that's what makes it exciting! [Runs Off]

Adam: I swear to God, that boy is going to be the death of me

Zeri: [Giggles] He really is like a kid! How old is he?

Adam: The same age as me, I must've been blessed with an actual brain

Ekko: Come on, Adam, be easy on him. I can tell that he is new to Piltover, and he is just having fun

Adam: Well he did live in a lonesome village for his entire life so far, everything is all new to him. Come on Zeri, I have a feeling that he will get lost

Zeri: You think?

Adam: I don't, I just know.

Adam and Zeri had caught up to me and we were back on the streets of Zaun.

Zeri: I'll be scouting out ahead, you two stick together

Adam: Say less

Blue: Be careful Zeri

Zeri: Don't worry too much about me, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself!

Zeri dashes towards one of these supply lines while myself and Adam attempt to find the other one. While walking, we got stuck between a crowd and were trying to get past.

But then there was someone of interest up ahead, he noticed me and looked nervous straight away. I didn't know why but what I did know was that I had to go after him.

Blue: Wait....that guy

Adam: What about him?

Blue: He seems nervous, really nervous

Adam: Probably because I'm here as an enforcer

Blue: Maybe, but he is looking at me, more katana

Adam: So?

Blue:.....Give me a moment

Adam tried to stop me so that we don't pry away from what Ekko told us to do, but I had to check up on this guy. Once he noticed that I was approaching him, he hit the brakes and ran off.

I begin to accelerate and chase the man, darting pass other people and using the environment to advance closer. The man made many turns so I quickly climbed on top of a building and started to jump across a few of them until I was just above him.

I leaped in the air and pounced on him, performing a takedown. Adam had caught up to me and saw that I was now on top of the man, with a blade emerging from my right gauntlet.

Blue: I don't know who you are, but you know him, don't you!?

Man: W-W-Wait! We can talk about this!

Blue: Oh we can, you just need to tell me.....where is he?!

Man: I-I can't tell you! He will kill me!

Blue: I'll kill you right now if you don't tell me where he is!

Adam: B-Blue? What the hell is going on? Is this really the same kid? He was always positive and a comedian, but I can see that he doesn't have time for jokes right now, he is serious.

Man: I-I can't!

Blue: Then say goodbye to your life privileges

Man: W-Wait! No!

Adam: Blue! Stop!

Woah! Blue has gone off the deep end already? That's not like him!

Who is he looking for and why is he looking for them? Or should I say, him.....

Can I, The Great Adam, stop him before he sends this other man to the gallows? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

Wait....wrong show!

Uhhh...The Lonely Traveller!

See you soon!

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