The secret history

By rkivepetals

447 45 2

When I opened my eyes, blurry tears fell as I closed them again, feeling extremely nauseous. I turned and fou... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
You're coming back.

Chapter ten

12 1 0
By rkivepetals

Of all the creatures that move upon the earth, nothing is bred as weaker as the man.

"Jesus Christ, what a monstrous evening," I say as I feel jungkook gulp. "He's chained." Jungkook muttered lowly in my ear, "Oh, is he?" My vision blurred, I felt tears and the last thing I knew was blood running down my mouth from my nose. It dropped on the floor as the monster growled so loud that my hair flew back, I lost balance, completely depending on jungkook now. "Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?"

He whispered while panting, sweat forming on his skin as I stared into his large eyes, "I.." I threw up and realised I had thrown up blood. "Y/n?! What is happening?! Jesus!" He held my face and removed my glasses, he was an even more blurry mess as tears ran down my face, the monster growled at us, I gulped the remaining blood that was irking my throat, made a fist of myself as jungkook repeatedly wiped the blood with panic drowning him six feet deep.

"I will find you." I mutter with such a vile, angry, force pushing me to the ground. I stared at the monster's eyes, which were on the verge of breaking its chains, and before I even knew it, I was on the ground with a thud, and I had fainted. Or might've just died.

To my horror, I opened my eyes and I saw the clean, white, pale familiar hospital ceilings. That means it is bad. Very bad, if you end up in the hospital. I hope I'm at least not paralysed, I wasn't. I removed the oxygen mask and looked onto my side. Jungkook was sleeping, head on the bed I was on, hands sprawled, fingers loosely tangled around mine.  My stomach churned.

I looked out of the window, full moon, no rain. It was dark, probably midnight. I looked back at jungkook, his face was hidden from me, I didn't see his eyes. I looked at our hands, remembering all the incidents that happened, I felt sick to my stomach. But I frowned when I noticed stains on his palm, I took his warm palm into mine. Red, deep, stains like tattoos.

Unfortunately, I had woken him up. He looked at me, drowsy. As usual, I become conscious of how I look. His eyes turned wide awake, sparkles in his orbs as he immediately hugged me. My fingers twitch when I hear his heartbeat, "I was so worried." I heard him whisper, stunned to my core I blinked and shoved him away.

"Stay away from me." My stomach churned, of what, I don't know. Was it hunger or the way he looked at me? "You were—" "What are those stains on your hand? Is it my blood?" I asked, he looked at his palms and then at me, nodding. "Even your face is stained of your blood. Which is, really bizarre." He said as I touched my mouth, though I smelled antiseptic and nothing else. I gulped, "It's been eight days."

I looked at him, "I was in a coma?" He nods, "kind of. You bled so much but there wasn't anything wrong with you." He sat on the same stool he was sleeping on. "It was hell. That day was the worst day of my life." He remarked as I sighed, "What time is it? And why are you here?" I asked, he stood silent for a moment. "It's two past. I..." he contemplated looking at me, nervously rubbing his stained hands, "Ah! Your friends and I took turns to be here with you, it's day eight, my second night in the hospital."

Lie. His face tells he's sleeping here for the past week. "Can you get me some water?" He nods and gives me a bottle of plastic filled with water. I drank it desperately, and as soon as I pulled my lips away from the bottle, he exhaled. "You want something to eat?" I sighed, "It's two am, what will you get me anyway." He slightly chuckled, "I have a chocolate bar if you want."

He takes out a chocolate wrapped in a white colourful wrapper, the kind which kids prefer. He offered it to me, I looked at his face. His lips stretched into a thin smile, big eyes blinking. My stomach growled I took it with a snatch as he stared at me, I hurriedly opened the wrapper and ate it like my life depended upon it. Which was, perhaps true.

But the worst part of it was that I hated chocolates. I despised them with all my will, my heart burned and it stung my rib cage. I was fuming, "you okay?" My heart pained when I looked at jungkook, who was yet again worried for me. It feels terrible to be so open: it is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world. That's how he looked at me.

He passed me a tissue, "I'm going to sleep." I blink and lay down, feeling a sudden pain shoot up in the left part of my chest. Jungkook laid out the blanket upon me, "Go home." I say, the sudden guilt consuming me so deeply that I see my grave somewhere in a parallel universe. "No, I'll stay here. You sleep." So I closed my eyes and slept.

Well, I tried. I couldn't sleep, I shifted here and there. Jungkook was quietly roaming around, he saw the moon for a bit, smoked, tried reading a book, and even played with his phone as well. He was wide awake, sleepless, just like me. Unfortunately, he noticed me staring at him. "Not sleepy?"

He spoke that from the back of his throat, messing his hair, silky hair shall I add. "No, I was just about to sleep." I lied, though, I sat without my will. "Why did you open the window?" I asked, chilly air coming through it. "It was nice, you wanna go and see the view?" It's the easiness, the light of his voice so delicate and sweet yet bitter like a cheap coffee.

Coffee, the colour of his eyes. Though it looked slightly blue right now when I looked into them. So pure, so opal and innocent. Not a single soul would tell he's a liar, that lying is his way of dodging, ignoring, coping mechanism for god knows about what. "No, I'm fine," I must admit, I tried to relocate the attractiveness of his voice.

And I failed when he slightly chuckled, like a Prince Charming of some interesting nation, hair kissing the sides of his jaw, lips so red. Like a hero of some history movie yet he has that modern touch to his figure, too bad I was the villain. I was not the heroine, nor was I the princess or queen, I was there to ruin his nation and kill the motives of the hero. Which in fact, does kill the hero in itself.

"Oh, c'mon." He smiles dreamily, I was wrong. Kira did see something in him. I looked at his palm out to hold mine, I gulped and gave in. Hated it but still did it, I was doing all the wrong things even though I knew what was right. I wasn't naive, I knew I was leading him onto something more than just tolerable partners in crime. But I can't help it, he's irresistible. And I won't ever tell it to his face.

We stood by the small window, the moon shone brightly, and I smelled his same Bvlgari perfume in the air, taking over my own which was purely just antiseptic. My arms slightly brushed his, "do you have a cigarette?" I ask, he shuffled and then stopped. "You are not smoking today." I nod, though, after a couple of minutes, he pulls out a cigarette stick.

"I only have one." I looked at him, I do remember the night we shared a cigarette. I didn't fail to notice the twist in his kind smile turning to an arrogant one, the glint and mischief in his eyes and just him in general. I smiled, probably for the first time in a month to him, "Keep that to yourself. Maybe I should just not smoke."

He hummed, "right." He lit it and smoked, I wasn't that tempted tonight to just share, more like I abstained not to. "Are you not scared of me?" I ask as he shakes his head, "I'm not. You're my friend." I blinked and looked at him, "we are not friends." He looked at my face, "we're not?" I gulped when I noticed a glimpse of sadness or that he was just equally great at lying with his eyes.

"You know nothing about me." I inhaled as he waited for me to speak further, "I'm not a good person." "How are you not?" "Don't ask me that. Do you not remember? I made your life hell, because of me, kira left." He blew out smoke and rubbed the head of the stick, "Hmm. I hate you," I know he does not mean it, but I'm glad he spoke that despite not meaning it, "Good, I hate you too."

"Of all the creatures that move upon the earth, nothing is bred as weaker as the man." I gulped after saying that. "You..." jimin blinked at me, in awe. "You read that?" I nod, "I did." I say, "How did you even survive after all this? Jesus Christ." Jin shook his head, "I thought I wouldn't. But I did, and I'm sure it has a purpose." I say as namjoon raises his brows, "Your survival is a purpose?"

I nod, "by who?" He asked as I sighed. "That monster? What about it?" I asked as He frowned, "What monster?" I scoffed, "What'd you mean? Jungkook didn't tell you?" They shook their heads, "no he didn't tell us about any monsters. Snakes, Greeks, you bleeding. That's it." Yoongi said as I felt a hole in my stomach deepening, he was not with us.

I took my phone and ran out of the abandoned building, he was on the other end of the street, headphones on. I gulped and walked to him, "you lied to my friends." I say as he removes his wired earphones and blinks, "What are you talking about?" I squint my eyes, "why didn't you tell them about the monster?!" He scoffed, "What monster? That corpse your friends ripped to shreds?"

My frown flattens, my stomach boiling. "Don't you play games, Jungkook. Please." He shook his head, "seriously. What monster are you talking about? Genuinely asking." I bite my lips and stare at our shoes on the ground. Was that possible that only I remembered about the monster and not Jungkook? But Jungkook can be lying too, why would he lie though?

"Fine. There was no monster. You're right." I cut short and walked back, I stopped when I pressed my foot on the other street. "You're allowed," I say loudly as he smiles but I do not wait for him. I walk quickly to my friends, "there was a monster. But Jungkook doesn't remember about it. Trust me." Hoseok exhaled, "I trust you."

And the rest of us agreed with him. Thankfully Jungkook didn't hear anything, "so what's next?" He spoke as if it was a matter of who's the next government or what should we have for dinner. I sigh, "I'm going to try and research. That's it." I slip a note in Taehyung's pockets, "really? You told all those Greeks were..gods...and my ancestors—" "leave it. I was out of my mind."

I shut it as I pick up my bag and muffler, aiming to go home. "Are you not going to meet your mother? She missed you." I stopped dead in my tracks and looked back at Jungkook, "what mother?" I asked, the left side of his lip slightly curved. "Your mother?" I exhaled, "What mother? My mother?" I sighed, "You mean Mrs. Lane?"

He hums, knowing damn well he's pissing me off. "I told him." I looked at Jin, "What?! Why would you tell him that?! Why would you..." I scoffed, "Cut her some slack, jeon. She's just out of coma." Jin warned, "Fine fine. I was just teasing you. Your real mother called, him." I looked at taehyung as he smiled awkwardly.

"What did she say? Is she okay?" He smiled warmly, "She asked why you didn't visit her. Are you fine or what, I told her that you went into an accident and she said she'd come to see you. Though, she didn't." I blinked, why would she not come and see me? "Y/n?" I looked up at yoongi.

He cleared his throat, "are you going to meet your mother tonight?" I clicked my tongue, "I won't. She doesn't deserve me." Namjoon exhaled, "She's your mother." Jimin cooed at me, I scoffed at him. "Only giving birth to an accidental child does not make you a mother. You've to raise her, not keep her in lies the whole time." Yoongi exhaled, "since you're not. Let's have dinner at my house."

Namjoon broke into bewildered chuckles as I raised my brow at him, "Are you...sure?" Hobi asked, judgementally. "Yeah." Jin scoffed, "I swear, I will not be even filling my wine glass, aight yoon? I'm not going to cook." Yoongi hummed, "Uh-huh, you don't have to. I will take care." He glanced at Jungkook, "and he's allowed."

Jungkook blinked like an unwanted child, I slightly felt bad for him. "I am...still not believing my ears honestly." Taehyung furiously checked his ears. "Stop overreacting." Yoongi rolled his eyes, "when I don't invite you, you complain. And when I do, you complain too?" I sat on the chair beside Jungkook and folded my hands, "no one's complaining."

Yoongi, ahead of me, creaked a nasty smile. "Since you're being too generous today, yoongi. Find me a good tea cafe, that serves good tea, in this area." He scoffed and got up, "I'm not your servant." As he started to walk out, he "die." I curse, "actually," his boots slipped and danced against the rusty ground. "I'm experimenting with something and I've figured out a new way to kill a pigeon and eat it."

I squinted my eyes and scoffed, "You will rot in hell, yoon."
He clicked his tongue, "I know."
I rolled my eyes as he walked completely out of our sight.
"I wonder if yoongi is even gonna serve us some food and just his philosophical opinions about gay men." Namjoon shrugged as I snorted, "Jesus, Joon. Shut it."

I open my phone to check the time and weather. 3:10 in the afternoon, nine degrees. I exhaled, "You want some bread? As an afternoon snack?" I looked at my side to Jungkook who suddenly spoke. "What?" I asked, he looked at me and then at my friends. "Well, I can give you a treat."

Namjoon chuckled at the starry-eyed jungkook, "I'd rather like you to pay our library bills, jeon. It's much better." Taehyung chuckles, "I'd rather want some bread though. With coffee." Jimin shook his head, "You need to pay your library fee, you're on the verge of getting banned." I frown, "how much is it?"

"Three hundred pounds or some shit. I dunno." Jimin said
"What?! Three hundred pounds? Are you even returning the books?" I asked,
"I am! But still, I can't...most of the time." tae pouts,
"He most probably has half a library at his apartment. I mean half an apartment at his library." Hobi joked,
"He's like, borrowing ten books every day," Jin said who was going through his book
"How do you even read it? And how do they...let you borrow ten books?" Jungkook asked,
"He's in touch with eighteen libraries. I'm afraid the librarians are gonna report him to the police or something." Namjoon shook his head,
"Jesus, Taehyung get a hold of yourself. Get a vacation!" I say as he shrugs,
"You wanna come to Italy this holiday? It's pretty fun there." He approached,
"Uh..." I didn't know how to deny, "not really."
"I would go with you." Jungkook smiled,
"Really?! Thank you, man! You are the sweetest."

Jimin cleared his throat, "Coffee and bread is it, jeon?" Jin asked, turning a page. Jungkook hums, "sure. Let's go." He checked his watch and stood up. I exhaled, "I want a hot chocolate." Taehyung packed up the first and fastest. I just hope he sees the note. Everyone was already out but I was checking some messages on my phone about the ongoing payments I've to take and cases I'm denying, talking business with jimin.

"C'mon, y/n! We're not gonna wait for losers no more!" Jungkook teased with his borrow raised, I didn't know why. But that made me smile to myself. "Let's go, I need caffeine," I say to jimin as he puts down his sprawled legs and follows me.

"You want a croissant or plain bread?" Jungkook asked, looking through the menu, "I'm fine. Just get me a chai." I said as he looked at me, lips slightly pouty. "Why? You should eat some bread. I'll get us croissants." I slightly scrunch my face when he walks away and probably places an order for about a hundred pounds. "You didn't have to buy so many things tae."

I say as he shrugs, "he's giving a treat. Let him." I nodded and looked outside and into the backyard of the cafe. It had a special outdoor sitting but didn't offer for so many people. Mostly couples sat on dates there, which I despise. But through the ugly experience of watching people cry, beg and eat out each other's faces, I saw someone I probably shouldn't have.

Kira stared at me and then at jungkook who was talking cash or card. Her blue eyes shone like diamonds. I scoffed, "I'll be back in a minute." I whisper to namjoon as he stares at me walking toward her. "Hello there." She didn't smile. which honestly, I expected her to. "What do you want?"

She was rude. I sigh, "I wanted to apologise." I say,
"For what?" She put her huge cup of latte aside, "for stealing my boyfriend?!"
"Hmm. I didn't steal him. You can have him if you want."
She stared at jungkook, I saw the tears in her eyes come to the brim, almost running down her pale cheeks. Kira was gorgeous.
"It seems like he has come to an adoration of you and your friends. Probably even love you more than ever." She physically trembled while saying it, that's how bitter it was for her.

I sighed, "No he doesn't. He does not love me in fact, he hates me. He said that to me last night." She gulped, "what do you want, y/n? Why are you doing this?" Finally, a tear ran down, ruining her mascara and liner. I sighed, "Kira. We're all looking for demons, who play well with our own. So Don't try to be so innocent, you left him. Didn't you? I didn't tell you that, nor did he." She sniffed, "And? How am I supposed to be with a man who has a legally, wedded, wife? Whom he sleeps with behind closed doors?"

She was right. But this case was different, I am not chasing Jungkook or his wealth. I'm chasing something he could never offer and I wouldn't even want him to. I might as well divorce him in the upcoming months, it's not a huge deal to me. But maybe it was to him and Kira. I sigh, "I'm sorry. I am not after jungkook or his wealth. I am not interested in him, I said that before too. I don't know what's happening between you and him, and I don't want to know."

Lie, I did want to know what was happening or if it even happened. "So, trust him." She wiped her tears hastily, spilt her remaining coffee, and cursed seventeen times before finally answering back to me. "Would you help me earn him back, y/n? Would you?" Jesus Christ, what the fuck.

I shrugged, "Nope."
She Inhaled, "then keep him." Her lips trembled.
"What?" I was pissed.
"He might love you or not I do not care. You love him or not I do not care. But please, please don't come at me and talk. Keep him all you want, but don't try to rationalise things. It's different now, it's so different." Her feelings are valid, but these cheesy dialogues weren't the thing I signed up for.
"Okay. I won't. Have a great day." I say and leave, not wanting to bother her more which I've done already.

Before I could even make it to my table, Kira dashed out while bumping and stumbling. Fixing her short green skirt, and red hair and trying not to stumble in her shiny glittery heels. Jungkook didn't fail to notice her, and then he noticed me. "You..." he dragged, as usual. "Um, she's fine. Said not to bother. I guess I'm done apologising."

He chased after her. And Jesus did it hurt in my left chest like some rope knitting too tight. "Y/n? Come, your tea is getting cold." Hobi held my hand and dragged me with him, gladly. I sat down and sipped my chai repeatedly, and soon enough was it over. "Can I have one more?"

I asked the cleaner who was cleaning the tables, "Sure. Chai?" I nod, he bought me another cup of tea as I stare at the untouched croissant. Why would I go and talk to Kira? I knew they probably would get back together again and I've gone to tolerate all their ugly reality of clingy couples but still, why would I? Why did I feel so guilty when I've done this before? I gulped and took my chai and sipped it clean.

"I'm leaving." I say and take my coat, "Really? You're not having the croissant?" Jin asked, "No." I excused myself but dragged my feet back again to the table, and to taehyung who was dipping his bread in his hot chocolate. "Tae, please check your bag and reply to me," I said and furiously walked out, looking for the bus to take me near the mansion which was far.

A sudden cold breeze ran through me, London was so cold. So cold that my bones started freezing, I stood on the sidewalk and put on my coat, tapping my feet anxiously. "Y/n! Y/n, wait!" Now my bones were on the verge of falling off. Jungkook ran towards me and soon stood right ahead of me. "Where are you going?"

He panted, "home." I answered, colder than usual. He gulped and wiped his sweat, he was freezing. "Why didn't you...wait for me?" I shook my head, "why would I?" It was coming up, the swelling in the chest but yet my stomach contorted in the most horrendous way possible. As if I'm about to throw up all my chai on him.

"Right. Why would you..." he rubbed his hands together and scratched his nape. My bus came, though I stared at Jungkook. None of us spoke anything, "Hey. It's the first snow." He smiled as I felt a sting on my nose, a snowflake landed right on the tip of it. He chuckled, I tried to remove it but he held my wrist. "Don't do it, it's cute."

I inhaled the freezing air and looked to my right side, to the road where cars passed by, people who were walking to stop and experience the first glorious snow of the year. "Do you know that myth? If you experience the first snow with someone—" "you're soulmates."

I caught in the end, "Do you believe in it?" I glanced at him, soft, brown, doe eyes so eager. Why does he have to be so childlike? "No. It's shit." I said and looked down at our shoes, "I'm going home." I say, "Don't go alone, it's not safe." I bit my lower lip, "I'm talking about Yoongi's house." His frown flattens, no I wasn't.

"Oh. Sure, it's close, right?" He asked,
"You should go now. I don't want you clinging around me all the time." I harshly said and walked away from him, not bearing his sight no more. I hate jungkook.

"You do?" Yoongi asked, checking the oven when I told him that. "Yeah, I do." His cat ran across the hallways. "It doesn't seem like it." He murmured and tasted the steak. "Why?" I asked, stopping the whisker and adding baking soda. "Because you talk about him a lot. You didn't talk about that skee-" "Enough."

I say and add the essence. "Hmm." He hummed and glanced at me, "You're doing a great job." I don't say anything and increase the speed. "Why are you suddenly throwing dinner parties?" I asked, I heard him exhale as he chopped something on the board. "I don't know. I just felt selfish to never give my friends anything, besides. I missed you and us together. I wanted to have a night-long conversation about our lives."

That made me chuckle, no matter how tough yoongi was, he was as soft as the whipped cream I made. "Alright. I'll give it to you." I heard him chuckle too as we made food in silence for our friends. "It should be done in a few," I say, pushing the cake inside the oven and smiling lightly to myself. "Ow!"

Yoongi yelped as he furiously tried to not burn the pasta sauce. "Yoongi."
"Yeah?" He said,
"You're out of sugar."
He lowered the flame and looked at me, frowning like a grandma. "How the hell did you finish my one-month stock of sugar in one day?"
I shrugged, "a kilogram of sugar just isn't enough for everything, and that's your one month of stock?"
"Hmm! It is! I rarely take sugar In a while. Do you need more?" He exhaled,
"I do."
"Ah! I can't!" He rushed to the fridge for another tin of canned tomatoes. "Well. I fucked up, I need more canned tomatoes. And rosemary." He leaned onto his giant empty fridge,
He smiled, "You've to run an errand for me, y/n."
I sigh, "Jesus Christ, why would I..." I murmured to myself, "Give me the money."
"Oh! Sure! Take my card." I swear I've never seen him smile that much. "Buy yourself something too."
"I won't." I took his card,
"Oh, c'mon take it as a Christmas present."
"I don't do Christmas."
"I do." He shrugged, digging in some cupboard for something.
"You're an atheist." I slightly frowned at my remark and heard him laugh.

I took my coat and replaced his warm-in-home slippers with my boots and exited his house, stood in the front yard and just admired the light snow. I can't believe it's the holidays already, I did not wish to admit but I miss my home. Where I've had to attend the physically choking Christmas dinners and Thanksgiving parties of big names.

Originally I saw Jungkook at a Thanksgiving dinner in itself. Last year, 28th of December, big doe sparkly eyes, lots of people. I asked my mom about him, and she told me, 'he's a son of your father's old colleague. Do you like him?' Not a single bone in my body would've guessed her abandoning me on New Year's Eve. I slightly chuckled and walked through the quiet streets to the supermarket near it.

My mom promised me a secured On Jungkook if I left her and never came back. It was a deal. I rub my nose and clutch my coat tighter. I could already feel a cold coming through, I pushed open the door and walked to the back section. Taking a pack of refined castor sugar and then moving to the last aisle to pick up rosemary. It was already the holiday season in stores, advent calendars, red wrapping, golden stars, and Christmas decorations.

"Just this?" The cashier was a black woman doing something on her computer I nodded as she sighed with a kind smile and took my card. "Thank you for shopping." I took the paper bag and exited the store. But my feet dragged me right back onto the same cashier, "uh..." she awkwardly smiles.

"Do you have cigarettes?" She blinked at me,
"We do. Do you want a packet?"
I coughed suddenly while nodding, "Yeah. How much?"
"Oh, two pounds." I frowned,
"Two pounds?" I question the unreasonable price
"It's the holidays." I shuffle through my wallet, "not using the card?" She asked,
"No." As I give her and take the packet of cigarettes, finally leaving.

I slowly felt my nose freeze and my steps echo in the empty alleyway sort of streets. Dark, creepy, and mysterious, which most of the time I prefer. I heard a sound which made me stop for a second, a sound more like a camera shutter. Or someone taking a picture on an Android cell phone. I exhaled and kept walking, slowly transforming my peaceful steps into hurried ones without making it seem like I was running for my life.

I shift the heavy paper bag in my arms and shuffled through my coat pockets, shit. I forgot to get my usual pocket knife or pepper spray. I kept walking, hearing footsteps behind me as my hands sweated with anxiety. Good god, I was so scared. "Hey." I stop dead in my tracks and turn around, a bunch of teenagers look alikes smile at me.

I gulped and stared at every one of them. They were particularly not thirteen-year-olds but they weren't also men, they somewhat looked like 18-19-year-olds dressed all in disgusting clothes and blowing smoke on my face. Some even reeked cocaine and druggie, neon bright colours or black clothes with wannabe thugs slogans.

"What?" I blinked and tried to fix my glasses.
"Wanna go hang out with us, girly?"
"Jesus Christ what the fuck." I said and was about to turn around to leave when one of them pulled me which made the sugar spill all over. I gasped, "How dare you?!" I picked up the bag and tried to clean the mess but the same guy clenched my neck and pulled my hair.

"We fucking want an ID bitch, you comin' wit us or we drag you lil pussy up to the club?!" It physically hurt me, the way he pulled my hair. I yelped at first, trying to even look for a stone or something but before I could even stand up, he was pulled onto the ground ahead of me, I blinked. Then the other one put down on the ground.

I glanced up to see Jungkook frowning at the teens, they were three in total. Two gone, one more. Unfortunately, he had a knife, sharp as ever. I felt a slight tug on my hair as Jungkook took my sharp pointed claw clip and defended himself from the inexperienced knife master. "Who the fuck are you?!"

Jungkook's long fingers swirled around got ahold of the black knife and pointed it at the teenager's neck. "One more, kid?" The guy visibly gulped took his mates off the ground and ran away. I was still, on the cold ground, legs sprawled, castor sugar everywhere. Jungkook tugged the knife in his pocket and looked at me,  His hair was open, the moonlit aura becoming clear.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking into my eyes that wore glasses. He gave me his hand as I sighed and took it, standing up from the ground and feeling my legs numb. I stumble but he catches me, "careful!" I held his shoulder and tried to maintain my balance, "are you okay? Let me see, will ya?"

He removed my glasses and took a closer look until we both Just stood stunned and awed at each other. and then, as usual, a reality check hit me in the head and I'd snatch my glasses from him. "I'm fine! They were kids!" I say looking everywhere but at him, "They looked powerful. Why would you go out alone on such a cold night for sugar? Are you crazy?" His voice was as soft as Jane's jet-black hair.

I stare at his mouth, slightly frowning. "Y/n?!" I flinched my eyes away from his own. "Get up!" He gave me his hand as I reached out and stumbled almost thrice while getting up. I grunt in pain when I physically feel my blood go still, "can you walk?" He asked, head under my arms, "I can." Just when I thought it was over, a fresh wave of embarrassment drowned and sunk me into the deepest pit of hell.

All my friends stood there, giggling, clearing their throats, making faces. "How..." Jungkook pants, dragging me to them, he looked at them. "What?" He asked, "How come these motherfuckers didn't come ahead to save me?" I murmured to myself, "I told them. They said you're fine, been there, done that. I don't even know. Tae did want to come ahead but namjoon stopped him." I looked at Jungkook and kicked my legs on the ground.

"I'm fine now. Thank you." I get rid of his touch and hold and glance back at the castor sugar spilt on the ground. "You're welcome. Don't go out like that again." I ignored his advice and walked further closer to my friends, "If you didn't want to help, why wait and watch?" I raise my brows, and three of them awkwardly clear their throats.

Fixed glasses, raised brows. "He's a martial artist, right?" Jimin asked, "Yeah, and?" He shrugged, his outrageous femininity choking my nerves into a painful, irritating headache. "We just wanted to see his moves." I exhaled, "And what if he wasn't?" Namjoon scoffed, "You said he was."

"I also said he was a philosopher but he wasn't. What if he wasn't also a martial artist and I would've—" "y/n." Jin stopped my unnecessary, anxious blabbering as my breath echoed. "He's just behind you, and he saved you. Multiple times." Hobi warned me to mind my language, in my ear. I would usually get a bit of a butterflies tickling but this time my pit dropped to my core.

I looked behind me, shuddering in the coldest of my ears as Jungkook stared at me and my friends. No facial expressions whatsoever. Not even a sassy one, to defend himself. He just stared, my heart slightly shifted thinking about what he must felt like being an outsider and I just made things worse. My voice caught up in my throat, I couldn't even open my mouth to say something to him.

"I.." I let out a croaky voice, cheeks flushed, red nose, eyes slightly glossy due to the breeze as he stared at my face. "I should go home," I say and press my lips together, quickening my steps away from everyone and downright out of society. I spotted a bus stop and thought of just going home and burying my head deep underground.

Nine fifty-five, he stopped for dinner. I repeatedly check the time while going through my classic Greeks and books related to the gods and their wars in my library. "Why would he stop for dinner when I'm here? Huh." I scoffed, turning the page and fixing my glasses. I grabbed an apple to eat which was fine for me, I hope they enjoyed the treats I made.

I wasn't jealous they didn't call me back, because they knew I wouldn't come. I sigh and shift on the couch. The mansion's library was excruciatingly haunting, yet it had a deep sense of comfort and wonder to it. I shift again, like laying cold face down on my stomach and I can Inhale the dust from the couch. I tried reading again, though I groaned like a child not liking it.

Tired, I blew off the candle, stuffed my book on the edge of some shelf and decided to leave. I was walking barefoot in the hallways with wooden floors. "Y/n!" Mrs. Jeon's voice echoes as I glance down the aisle. "Yes?" She smiled and walked up to me with a bunch of strawberries. "How are you, my dear? And where is he?"

I smiled and took the Berry, removing the leaves of it. "He's with my friends. Having dinner probably." I muttered and suck the berry. "Oh, why didn't you have dinner with either of them?" I shrugged, "I..don't know." I exhaled as she hummed, "You want to have a girl's night?" She offered and I kindly declined with some excuse for my headache.

"Oh, at least have something for dinner, my child." I smiled, "I ate an apple. I'll be good with these berries." She hums, "Alright I guess. I thought we'd have fun." I clicked my tongue, "I'm feeling tired." Something stirred in my stomach, like an unsettling ick catching my throat. Maybe I should just be in the room instead of roaming.

I gulped when Mr. Jeon came running to us, "y/n!" We stopped walking, "what are you doing here?!" He harshly grabbed his wife's arms and dragged her, giving me a look that the stir in my stomach turned into a contort. I sighed and looked beside me, already past that door. I walked two steps back on the wooden floor and opened the room, stepping inside.

Only a candle lit in the corner, I walked further and sighed, turning the lights on. The room is so much like jungkook, that it's hard to rationalise my presence if you don't squint your eyes. I plop on the fluffy mattress, turning my face on the left side and scooting further. Removing my glasses and throwing them somewhere, I place my head on his pillow. I flutter my lashes, slightly burying my head more.

I sighed, turning again and watching the ceilings. slightly tilting my head, I carefully examine the small god-like creatures mounded up. I hear the door unlocked I immediately sit up, lips curving into a smile as I see his face. "You're here." He looked at me, slowly fluttering his long lashes and staring at my face. My smile lingered, and then it dropped.

I seriously didn't think I'd be hearing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake Act 20 violin drop in the utter silence of two who perhaps actually don't understand each other. "I mean-" I rolled my eyes, "you're here!" I let out again as if displeased with his presence. He opened his mouth but just exhaled. "You...yoongi sent you some food."

He hiccuped. He was drunk. I smelled it. I glance at the paper bag and then at him, "You drank?" He fell on the bed with a bounce. Squishing the paper bag under him. I sighed and got up from the bed, going inside the bathroom. To my surprise, he held my hand. I stopped, turned around and saw him squinting, "Hey."

He shuffled something in his pants, trying to find something. Cheeks red, sniffing from time to time, dreamy eyes so dilated, unfocused and lips twisting and smiling at every inconvenience. What he pulled out was beyond my surprise, the packet of cigarettes I'd purchased earlier. "You'd have forgotten that, but I picked up."

He smiled like a kid and sat on the bed, fingers slipping out of my wrist as I sat beside him, hips colliding. He pouted and shuffled in it, "Oh. There's only one." He showed me the only cigarette stick in the packet and looked at me. I can smell the cigarettes and the type of alcohol they choose to be drunk over. "What do we do now?"

He questioned, playing with in between his fingers. Looking into my eyes, my lips slightly curl in a soft smile. "I'll take it," I whisper and snatch the stick, he gazes at his empty fingers and then at me. Puppy-eyed, "Are you not going to share it with me? Like I did?" He said.

"Hmm-uh." I shook my head as he exhaled. "Y/n, do you think I should take a shower? Do I stink? But it's so cold, I don't want to take a shower." He placed his head on my shoulder, arms touching mine. "You should take a warm shower." I softly said, stomach churning. "Hmm, maybe I should."

He whispered though he didn't move. Stayed there, stuck to me like glue. My chest swelled again, the familiar urge to grab his face and kiss his mouth back into my core. I started imagining if there was any possibility of me and Jungkook being together, touched, stained and of each other. "Y/n?"

He whispered, chin on my shoulder, looking at my side profile face. I glanced at him, feeling his breath tickling my neck, nose slightly brushing that made thorns creep up on my toes and face. "Did you eat?" I blinked and looked at him, I nodded. He smiled, stretched, bright, complimenting his cheeks, "good." He inhaled, "I'm going to pee."

He whispered in my ear and got off the bed, stumbling inside the dressing area while Removing his clothes in the midst. I exhaled and plopped on the mattress again, gazing at the cigarette between my fingers. I got up and took my nearest book, placing it in between pages with a soft smile.

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