Chapter ten

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Of all the creatures that move upon the earth, nothing is bred as weaker as the man.

"Jesus Christ, what a monstrous evening," I say as I feel jungkook gulp. "He's chained." Jungkook muttered lowly in my ear, "Oh, is he?" My vision blurred, I felt tears and the last thing I knew was blood running down my mouth from my nose. It dropped on the floor as the monster growled so loud that my hair flew back, I lost balance, completely depending on jungkook now. "Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?"

He whispered while panting, sweat forming on his skin as I stared into his large eyes, "I.." I threw up and realised I had thrown up blood. "Y/n?! What is happening?! Jesus!" He held my face and removed my glasses, he was an even more blurry mess as tears ran down my face, the monster growled at us, I gulped the remaining blood that was irking my throat, made a fist of myself as jungkook repeatedly wiped the blood with panic drowning him six feet deep.

"I will find you." I mutter with such a vile, angry, force pushing me to the ground. I stared at the monster's eyes, which were on the verge of breaking its chains, and before I even knew it, I was on the ground with a thud, and I had fainted. Or might've just died.

To my horror, I opened my eyes and I saw the clean, white, pale familiar hospital ceilings. That means it is bad. Very bad, if you end up in the hospital. I hope I'm at least not paralysed, I wasn't. I removed the oxygen mask and looked onto my side. Jungkook was sleeping, head on the bed I was on, hands sprawled, fingers loosely tangled around mine.  My stomach churned.

I looked out of the window, full moon, no rain. It was dark, probably midnight. I looked back at jungkook, his face was hidden from me, I didn't see his eyes. I looked at our hands, remembering all the incidents that happened, I felt sick to my stomach. But I frowned when I noticed stains on his palm, I took his warm palm into mine. Red, deep, stains like tattoos.

Unfortunately, I had woken him up. He looked at me, drowsy. As usual, I become conscious of how I look. His eyes turned wide awake, sparkles in his orbs as he immediately hugged me. My fingers twitch when I hear his heartbeat, "I was so worried." I heard him whisper, stunned to my core I blinked and shoved him away.

"Stay away from me." My stomach churned, of what, I don't know. Was it hunger or the way he looked at me? "You were—" "What are those stains on your hand? Is it my blood?" I asked, he looked at his palms and then at me, nodding. "Even your face is stained of your blood. Which is, really bizarre." He said as I touched my mouth, though I smelled antiseptic and nothing else. I gulped, "It's been eight days."

I looked at him, "I was in a coma?" He nods, "kind of. You bled so much but there wasn't anything wrong with you." He sat on the same stool he was sleeping on. "It was hell. That day was the worst day of my life." He remarked as I sighed, "What time is it? And why are you here?" I asked, he stood silent for a moment. "It's two past. I..." he contemplated looking at me, nervously rubbing his stained hands, "Ah! Your friends and I took turns to be here with you, it's day eight, my second night in the hospital."

Lie. His face tells he's sleeping here for the past week. "Can you get me some water?" He nods and gives me a bottle of plastic filled with water. I drank it desperately, and as soon as I pulled my lips away from the bottle, he exhaled. "You want something to eat?" I sighed, "It's two am, what will you get me anyway." He slightly chuckled, "I have a chocolate bar if you want."

He takes out a chocolate wrapped in a white colourful wrapper, the kind which kids prefer. He offered it to me, I looked at his face. His lips stretched into a thin smile, big eyes blinking. My stomach growled I took it with a snatch as he stared at me, I hurriedly opened the wrapper and ate it like my life depended upon it. Which was, perhaps true.

The secret history Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora