is it wrong for new team 7 to...

By Kanekiuzumaki43

2.4K 204 8

I have just finished reading the new Boruto chapter 73 and went to read some fanfics about Boruto. I was kin... More

Bio : characters and feats (including LightNovel and manga)
prologue: the arrival
CHAPTER 1: Kawaki's ideals
CHAPTER 2: The others' perspectives part 1
Chapter 3: the other's perspectives pt2
Alternative Timeline
the other's perspectives pt3
alternative timeline pt2
The First Commander
Kawaki take things too far
The Honored One (part 2): The power of a 100% Otsutsuki
The Resting Day

The Honored One (part1): Let's have fun

83 12 0
By Kanekiuzumaki43


The Loki Familia and boruto were teleported to a new dimension where there is no external atmosphere/ sky that can hide the true shape of space from them as the high energy photons are not filtered out anymore by the atmosphere.

The initial reaction of the Loki Familia except for Loki was a reaction of mixed feelings where the lower ranks were amazed by the beauty of space and the powerful technique that the white-haired man named Kaito Shiba could use to teleport into other dimensions, while the mid-ranks were slightly terrified by the capabilities and full extension of power this man beholds, while the high-ranks were putting their guard up as they don't know what this man can do if he can land a hit, but they know one thing and that's this man is dangerous and is not to be underestimated, while bete was irritated by the fact that there are many powerful people stronger than him are unknown and appeared out of nowhere

From Loki's perspective, her reaction was her open her eyes and gaze at Kaito, who managed to pull out a feat only high gods can achieve, but she knows that this man is strong but weird. As she couldn't sense any familiar divinity from him she sensed something else, It was a power in the form of energy circulating his body in a consistent form and was present in all of his body, that power knew no such thing as limits, this power continues to grow infinitely    ( BTW The power/ energy I am talking about in this paragraph was chakra and it's a correct fact, as it has been proven multiple time is that the more training you get the higher your chakra reserves become, and that humans can infiltrate the domain of gods (otsutsuki's) and it has been proven in the 4 kages+ Sasuke vs Momoshiki and Kinshiki, boruto vs fused momoshiki and Naruto, Boruto, Sasuke and Jiraiya vs Urashiki)

But Boruto was different, as he was already used to the fact of being teleported through time-space into other dimensions and through time to the past, so he didn't have any reaction of surprise or excitement instead he looked at Kaito dumbfounded, pointed at him and asked him, "Hey you, Kaito Shiba, what exactly are the revengers? what is their purpose? how many of you are out there? how do you know me? and who's your master?" Kaito replied, " Revengers are a group of cyborgs created by the scientist that you know very well Amado, and serve under our master's orders, they've no purpose but to fulfill our master's wishes of vengeance, the commanders of the revengers are 9, and each of them has an army of 20 trained chakra users and we all are controlled by master, I know you or more correctly we all know you through our master, and I can't tell you anything about my master, but trust me when I tell you this you know master you even met him before on the battlefield." 

Boruto was at first surprised that cyborgs managed to escape their world and arrive here then he started to connect the dots and their flow about cyborgs, vengeance, their master and him knowing and fighting against their master. He immediately concluded that the Master in question is Code, the faithful follower of Otsutsuki, especially Isshiki Otsutsuki. He then decided to reveal his conclusion to the cyborg named Kaito standing on the opposite side of the battlefield. Boruto's face faced the ground and said, " So you're a servant of Code, right? "

Boruto after raising his question raised his head and gazed at Kaito with a serious look on his face. Kaito upon seeing boruto seriously felt a chill down his spine and answered with a slight tremble, which couldn't be noticed, " You're correct, Boru-" Kaito was cut off by boruto, who moved at a blinding speed, which could mistaken for a teleportation and kicked Kaito's face causing Kaito to fly into a mountain that collapsed on Kaito.

A huge dust storm covered the entire surface, and after 10 seconds it was cleared out they couldn't see Kaito, but then he suddenly appeared in front of boruto and tried to land a punch, but boruto blocked it effortlessly. They kept throwing punches for a few seconds, but then boruto caught a punch pulled him towards himself, upper-hooked him, caught him by the leg, pulled him down, and punched him through the chin sending him flying, then boruto jumped upon the rocks, and then landed on his chest causing him to cough blood, as boruto broke a few bones in his ribcage, but then his eyes started glowing and he launched a large blue energy beam towards boruto that went through space and destroyed a dwarf star that was around the corner.

The Loki Familia shouted, "BORUTO!" after they saw boruto getting hit by the beam. after the beam ended the man was grinning as he finally got rid of boruto and that his master would praise him for it, but then he was shocked as he still felt a pressure on his chest pushing his body to the ground and crushing it, and then he saw boruto standing in his place unfazed without a single scratch on his body. 

Boruto said, " Is that all you got? " and then punched his face causing the entire planet they were on to shake and they saw that boruto completely crushed that man's head and created a crater. Boruto then jumped towards the Loki Familia, who were shocked by Boruto's raw strength, but Finn then asked, " Hey Boruto, how are you still alive we saw that beam hit you and it destroyed a star nonetheless, so it's supposed to be deadly, and I know you didn't dodge it, so how?" Boruto started scratching the back of his head and started sweating, as the entire Familia started looking at him, so he just to try and think of a reason, to buy him time to find a reason to tell them, so he said, " Well, first of all, thank you for your patienc-" he was cut off by a headless Kaito standing to his right regenerating his head.

Boruto put his guard up immediately, then after completely regenerating Kaito, asked, " Oi, boruto, did you miss me?". He then smiles psychotically. Boruto just stayed silent, to which Kaito laughed and said, " Oh, Boruto, did you think that you'd kill me this easily? Our battle is just starting. After all, I still didn't get to use my true power." then a huge burst of energy came out of his body and created a shockwave, that has shaken the entire dimension. After the burst disappeared they saw his new form

" BEHOLD MY, HONORED ONE FORM " He then tilted his head and faced boruto and said, " I hope, you're not tired yet, LET'S HAVE FUN, BORUTO" he then started to glow and created a Blue orb of Energy and launched it at boruto

( Yes that's what I meant by the honored one, I just didn't have a suitable op power for him, so I gave him Gojo's infinity, but in more depth and more powerful)

Boruto dodged it, launched himself at him, and started fighting him in a one-on-one hand-to-hand combat

boruto then started overwhelming him, but Kaito managed to dodge Boruto's attack, jump back and launch another Negative, which is the blue energy ball, and completely managed to attract some rocks and boruto towards it. yet, boruto was capable of absorbing it using his karma, but something was wrong. Boruto tried to understand what his plan exactly and how that thing attracted only specific types of objects, but before that, he heard him shout, "NEGATIVE"

Boruto then jumped out of the way, but instead this time it was the ball that got attracted to him and started chasing him. Boruto was still not capable of processing what was happening, but boruto knew that if he wanted to escape it, he should engage in combat with Kaito, so he tried taijutsu with Kaito, but when it almost reached boruto, he threw Kaito at it and he thought that he finally got rid of him, but instead the Negative actually was repelled and then dispelled, so boruto managed to conclude that his attack Negative is truely a negative source of energy, which is electrons, as it attracted everything positive around it towards it and it was also found at by boruto that it was a form of lightning release.

Kaito then this time 10 Large Negative attacks that were attracted to boruto. Boruto just kept dodging as he was way faster than them, boruto then pulled up a kunai, to which Kaito responded by pulling out his kunai too and they started battling with their kunai

boruto managed to catch him lacking and found an opening and attacked it, but he managed to launch a small negative ball at the kunai completely erasing it, boruto was surprised as kunais aren't made of metallic ions, so how was it destroyed? Boruto couldn't think as the Negative attacks managed to reach him, so he repelled them by using lightning release that caused them to self-destruct infront of both of them, but, fortunately boruto managed to jump out of the explosion quickly. when they exploded they created a huge shockwave that shook the planet

boruto then saw out of the explosion a red ball being launched at him

that ball caused him to be launched away, but it still wasn't strong enough to harm boruto. then, boruto started throwing shurikens at Kaito, but kaito screamed "POSITIVE" and started releasing a huge amount of reds, boruto already understood that negative and positive work in opposite ways ( Blue pulls, while negative push), so that means that if Negative is made of electrons then Positive is made out of protons, so he waved some ninjutsu signs and used a lightning jutsu causing the highly-energised electons in the lightning to attract Positive attacks around them, but he knew that if he stays moving in the same way with no rotation, they would eventually collide and explode, so he started rotating around himself causing the condensed protons to rotate around boruto in a similar way to which the planets rotate around the sun. 

Kaito understood boruto's plan, so he started moving towards Boruto and launched kunais to which boruto responded by a moving one of the terminals of the lightning that contain Positive towards the kunai and caused them to be repelled boruto then jumped in the sky, as he got close enough to Kaito and allowed the lightning terminals to become single lightning strika again causing the Positive attacks to be forcefully condensed together and then held the lightning and threw it at Kaito and then it exploded with the same consequences as the Negative explosion from early.

Boruto then left the battlefield and returned to the Loki Familia, which was surprised by his skills, speed and physical strength, but the lower ranks who were filled with excitement of the amazing battle they witnessed hugged boruto and started expressing how joyful they were and their admiration to boruto, while riveria asked, " Boruto, I got a question, how strong a]were these explosion? After all I felt that they should be capable of doing more than just shaking of the planet" Boruto replied with, " You're right, but actually it was due to kaito being strong enough to tank their full impact or else they could've destroyed almost that star right there, but for now let's think of a way to leave."  

Boruto was then interrupted by a sudden aura around the corner from the direction where he defeated kaito and he saw kaito glowing purple and then transformed

boruto then started to move towards kaito and said, " I guess the fun really just started!"


Dam that was one long chapter, but that's only part1 the next chapter will be released tomorrow or after. For now goodbye

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