Just give me a chance [Vmin f...

By soulmateduo

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"What if i say I love you?" "I don't trust you" Park Jimin a renowned psychiatrist and son of famous business... More

Chapter two: You are annoying
Chapter three: Next time
Chapter four: A messed up situation
Chapter five: let's date
Chapter six: An unrequited love
Chapter seven: worthy of you
Chapter eight: an ice cream date
Chapter nine: heartbroken
Chapter ten: Night walk
Chapter eleven: a kdrama scene
Chapter twelve: glimpse of past
Chapter thirteen: a much needed assurance
Chapter fourteen: Carnations and Sunflowers
Chapter fifteen: warmth and happiness weren't meant for me
Chapter sixteen: Love and Comfort
Chapter seventeen: Locked love
Chapter eighteen: I care for you
Chapter nineteen: Congratulations
Chapter twenty: Guilty or not?
Chapter twenty one: Jimin is mine
Chapter twenty two: Angels aren't meant to fall
Chapter twenty three: I Like Him
Chapter Twenty Four: Confession?
Chapter Twenty Five: A Better Person
Chapter Twenty Six: Hide and Seek
update soon!
Chapter twenty seven: Ignorance
Chapter Twenty eight: One wrong step
Chapter Twenty nine: Confession
Chapter Thirty: Healing words
Chapter Thirty one: Melody for love
Chapter Thirty two: Living with love
Chapter Thirty three: Stuck with you
Chapter Thirty Four: Simple yet Complicated

Chapter one: First meet

396 37 3
By soulmateduo

Being a psychiatrist is not a easy job when you have to deal with different kinds of patients and their mental conditions.

"so what kind of dreams are you seeing lately"Jimin asked the man

"well these days i am seeing weird dreams like someone is trying to kill me and i can't do anything except running"man answered

"listening to you i can say that these dreams can be because of stress or trauma; did anything happen to you in past?"

"Not that I can remember but it started happening recently" after listening to the man's condition Jimin can confirm one thing that maybe something happened to him which was a trigger point to his trauma that is leading him to his weird dreams.

"From the part you told me till now I could say you have dissociative amnesia-" jimin was interrupted by the alarm

"So today's session ends here we'll talk about this in our next session, just don't take stress"

"Okay thank you doctor" with this the man left the cabin.
Jimin sighed 'so i can finally go home and get some rest' he was packing his things till then he heard is phone ring

"Hello dad"

"Jimin i wanted you to accompany me to a business party"

"But dad I just finished my work" jimin whined he really was tired and in no mood to go anywhere except his bed.

"You both kids don't listen to me i told Eunwoo he made an excuse and ran away although he should be going, " sighed Mr Park "and now both of you do this to me I don't know what sins I did in my past life to deserve this treatment" jimin knew his dad is being dramatic and won't stop complaining until he agrees to his request

"Okay appa stop complaining I will come with you"

"I knew you would not disappoint me my dear son come home soon"

"Okay bye" cutting the call jimin sat down on his chair removed his glasses and rested his face in his palms 'why does this always happen to me, can't that idiot go with dad' rubbing his temple he took his coat and stormed out of his cabin.
After half an hour of driving jimin reached home and changed his outfit for the party.

"Jimin hurry up we shouldn't be late" Mr Park shouted from downstairs

"Yes dad coming" jimin came down quickly

"Why are you walking like a snail, come fast"

Jimin gave his dad a slight nod and they both went out and sat inside jimin's black Lamborghini. They reached the venue in just 20 minutes. The venue was a grand hotel decorated elegantly every corner of that place was smelling rich and lavish. Every renowned and influential person was present as the main attraction. But jimin still decided to stay loyal to his bed and sleep he was glancing at everything with an uninterested gaze at last finding nothing interesting to do he decided to sit at the bar and have a drink.

"a glass of whisky for me sweetheart" he said with a smirk to girl serving drinks, the girl blushed at that and gave a drink to jimin with piece of paper in which her number was written.

"What to do when people take your innocent actions like this" jimin said while throwing the paper away with a small smile on his face.
As he was sipping his drink someone tapped on his back.

"Good to see you here" said the person, jimin turned to see the person, a big smile appeared on his face, he hugged him "I thought I would be sitting alone the whole night i should have guessed that you would be here Jungkook".

"Well as every time you ditch our plan to meet you deserve to be alone hyung" jungkook said playfully giving his bunny smile "okay I am guilty but you know i hardly get time from work"

jimin was really a busy person and his priority has always been work he can't skip work for anything

"yeah i know your priorities well it's fine but how come you're here, taking interest in business maybe my influence" jungkook said with a smug look on his face "you should definitely try these cheap flirting tricks on those chicks" jimin said pointing towards a girl group "and i am here because dad insisted me"

"my bad i thought i impressed you in some way"jungkook said with a disappointed look he knew his flirting won't work on this man well if someone could make jimin blush then he would be really out of this world because according to him jimin isn't easy to be pleased.

They were talking about things till then a sudden ruckus at the hall gate grabbed everyone's attention indicating an important person was coming. The gates opened showing 2 men entering, one was in his forties but still looked attractive he was Kim Jae-hun the CEO of Kim industries and the other one was his son Kim Taehyung in his twenties grabbing the most attention. Well both father and son duo were quite popular in the business world due to their hot looks and handsome features.

Jungkook also was looking in that direction but then turned his head towards jimin only to find his hyung busy with his phone

"hyung you really aren't interested in looking whose coming it's CEO of Kim industries"

Jimin finally took his head out of the phone to see the crowd

"so what do you expect me to do, to shout like a fangirl in front of them" jimin said in an uninterested tone.

Mr Kim entered the hall and started talking to other people while Kim Taehyung who enjoyed having all eyes on him sat down on the sofa with a satisfied grin on his face his eyes roaming through the hall eyeing people present there, well actually he was trying to find a good person to be his one night stand.

While examining the place his landed on a boy with blond hair soft cheeks, slim waist and this was the point when taehyung felt that he was looking at an angle so satisfying to watch, his eyes shining like diamonds and squinting every time he smiled, his soft and pink lips looking so sweet and his small cute hands, ohh! how beautiful will it look when he will hold them in his.

His trance was broken when someone shook his shoulder bringing him back from his dreamland taehyung looked back only to find Yoongi standing there

"well i know that your brain does not works properly but now your ears too I have been calling you from past 5 minutes and you are sitting like a rock" taehyung was definitely embarrassed to know that he was so awestruck by someone that he didn't hear Yoongi calling.

"Sorry hyung but music is loud so i didn't hear you" he said scratching the back of his neck yoongi wasn't taking that explanation but still didn't say anything then after a few seconds taehyung looked back only to find that the boy wasn't there 'well now because of you hyung i lost my angel' his searched for the boy in the hall but he was nowhere to be seen.

Here jimin was sitting with his father as he called him to meet his friends he was talking to them and then sat aside on a sofa as jungkook approached him

"hyung why you came here" jungkook said

"dad called me to meet his friends anyways it's less noisy than there i would have been deaf if i stood there for 2 more seconds" jimin said being annoyed, seeing this jungkook thought of teasing him

"are you jealous of Kim Taehyung that he is grabbing everyone's attention" jimin glared at jungkook "I don't even know him how could I be jealous of that Kim" jimin said rolling his eyes.

"I just guessed hyung and of course he would definitely have all the attention as he is so popular among girls every one of them wants to be screwed by him even if it is for just one night"

"well in short he is a Playboy and an asshole from what you told then"he said while sipping his drink "and i hate people like him" (*well whose gonna tell him*🤷).
Here taehyung after searching for a few minutes saw the boy sitting at a corner sofa he was going to approach him but a hand on his collar stopped him

"where do you think you are going"

taehyung freed himself from his grip "hyung I w...as just going to talk to people around here... Yeah.. anyways do you know that boy" he said pointing towards the boy who stole his attention from the time he is here.

"well he is Park Jimin son of CEO of Park industries" Yoongi said casually. A smirk appeared on Taehyung's face while listening to this piece of information

"well then i would like to crack a deal between Kims and Park".

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