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By YourOneTrue_Love

10K 288 6

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500 12 0
By YourOneTrue_Love

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Entering the club, the pulsating beat of music filled the air, and flashing lights spread across the crowded room. Bodies moved together on the dance floor, creating a rhythmic dance of colors and shadows. In the corners, people stood engaged in conversations or lost in intimate moments, while others patiently waited at the bars for their drinks.

Amalia couldn't help but smile at the vibrant sight, always having a fondness for the energetic atmosphere of parties. The thumping music resonated with the excitement bubbling within her, and she felt ready to embrace the night.

Phoebe, ever the social butterfly, seized the moment, spotting a familiar face in the crowd. With a mischievous grin, she grabbed Amalia's hand and dragged her further into the room. The two navigated through the lively crowd until they found themselves face to face with a certain Monegasque driver.

Phoebe greeted Charles with a playful smirk. "Well, well, well, who do we have here? Leclerc, good to see you."

Charles chuckled, acknowledging her with a nod. "Hey, Phoebe. I see you got the hermit over there to come out tonight," he said, gesturing toward Amalia.

Amalia, not one to let comments slide, piped up, "I'm right here, you know. I can hear you. Also, I'm not a hermit."

Charles laughed, putting an arm on Amalia's shoulder. "I'm just messing with you, Lia. I'm glad you came."

Phoebe, always ready to keep the energy high, interjected, "Now that we're all here, let's get this party started!" She wasted no time, promptly flirting with the bartender to score them a round of shots for the group as technically they where still underage

Amalia, feeling the weight of someone's gaze since stepping into the club, looked around the crowded room, trying to identify the source of the eyes fixed on her. Her search led her to a certain Dutch driver, the one who had bumped into her earlier in the paddock.

Throwing back her shot with a confident flair, Amalia raised an eyebrow in question at the Dutch driver, silently challenging him. However, he hardened his stare and glanced at something behind her before abruptly turning away. Amalia rolled her eyes at his mysterious antics, never quite understanding what his problem was.

Putting down her shot glass, she brushed off the encounter, deciding not to let it affect her evening. Just as she was about to rejoin the conversation, a voice spoke to her from behind.

"Hey, Amalia Schröder, right? Congrats on that Rookie Cup win and third in the championship! Quite the accomplishment."

Amalia, pleasantly surprised by the recognition, turned to face the source of the compliment. The guy had a warm smile, and his eyes sparkled with genuine admiration. Amalia checked him out he was tall, had a muscular build, dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Oh, thank you! Yeah, it was an intense season, but it all paid off in the end." Amalia told him.

"So, what brings you out tonight? Celebrating the victories?" the unknown man questioned.

"Yeah, something like that. A friend dragged me out for a night of fun. And you?" Amalia nodded.

"Just unwinding a bit." He replied

"I get that. So, what do you do?" Amalia

"I'm in college, actually. Studying business. I'm Mark by the way. Mark Adler" the man said introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you, Mark." Amalia said back being friendly.

Mark grinned, his warm smile taking on a more playful edge. "How about a dance, I've got some killer moves I'm dying to show off."

Amalia chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Dance, huh? I'm not sure I'm up for that just yet."

Mark leaned in a bit, his eyes still sparkling. "Come on, it's all in good fun."

Amalia raised an eyebrow, impressed by his clever approach. "Nice try, Mark, but how about you buy me a drink first."

He persisted, "I see how it is. What's your drink of choice? but then you own me at least one dance. I promise not step on any of your toes."

Amalia laughed, finding his persistence endearing. "You're quite the smooth talker, Mark. I'll have a Pina colada."

Mark flashed a grin and signaled the bartender for a Pina colada and a rum and coke for himself. As the drinks arrived, he handed the fruity drink to Amalia with a slight bow.

"One Pina colada, as requested. And remember, you've got a dance to claim after this," Mark said, his eyes glinting with playful anticipation.

Amalia took a sip of her drink, nodding appreciatively. "Deal. But I'm warning you, I have high expectations for your dance moves now."

Mark chuckled, "Challenge accepted. Just wait until you see the dance floor magic."

Finishing their drinks, the buzz of the alcohol began to take effect on Amalia's body and actions. Feeling the warmth spreading, she grinned at Mark.

"I'm ready to cash in my dance," she declared with a playful glint in her eyes.

Mark, ever the gentleman, offered his arm.

He led her to the dance floor, where the pulsating lights synchronized with the beat of the music. Bodies swayed in harmony, close together, caught in the rhythm of the night. The air was thick with a heady mix of excitement and euphoria as they found their place among the moving crowd.

Amalia and Mark surrendered to the music, letting it guide their movements. Mark showcased the promised dance floor magic, twirling Amalia with skillful grace. Laughter echoed in the air as they danced, and the world outside the dance floor seemed to fade away.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Max had been at the party for too long already. Seated in the VIP booth with some of his friends and fellow F1 drivers, he idly watched the crowd below. The pulsating music and the vibrant energy of the partygoers seemed to blur into a monotonous rhythm.

Growing bored, Max began plotting his escape, contemplating slipping away unnoticed. But just as he was about to make his move, she walked in. The room seemed to slow down as the fashion lights highlighted her face, drawing everyone's attention.

She carried an air of charisma and confidence, commanding the room with every step. Max couldn't help but be captivated by the way she moved, and he wasn't the only one. Her presence injecting a new vitality into the atmosphere.

In tow behind Amalia was her best friend, Phoebe Lambert. If one girl was somewhere, the other was close behind, their dynamic evident even in the bustling crowd. Max observed as the blonde dragged her brunette friend towards the likes of Charles Leclerc, another driver he didn't quite get along with.

The girls greeted Charles with warmth, exchanging pleasantries before sharing a round of drinks. Max couldn't help but watch, a mix of curiosity and amusement playing on his features.

Taking a moment to discreetly scan Amalia, he couldn't deny that the short gold dress she wore fit her like a glove, accentuating her body in all the right ways. She looked breathtaking, and Max couldn't help but appreciate the silent nod to her racing triumph with the choice of the gold shimmer dress—it was a subtle yet clever mind game move. A small 'fuck you' to those who didn't believe in her.

Max watched as Amalia scanned the crowd, a subtle awareness of his gaze evident in her movements. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, a playful smirk crossed Max's face, challenging her in a silent exchange.

Amalia, never one to back down from a challenge, met his gaze with determination, accepting the unspoken duel. Their stare-off continued, creating an electric tension in the air. It was a battle of wills, each daring the other to look away first.

However, the intensity was interrupted by movement behind Amalia. Max's attention shifted as he noticed a man much older than her making his way over with a clear intent to speak to Amalia. Though tall, he wasn't taller than Max.

A glower crossed Max's face as he observed the approaching figure, unknown instincts surfacing. Max couldn't quite place the source of this unfamiliar emotion, especially considering his history with Amalia. Back when they were younger, he used to take pleasure in making fun of her, provoking her to fire back with equal intensity. But now, there was a protective undercurrent he couldn't ignore.

The newcomer gave off unmistakable frat boy vibes, and it was clear to Max that his intentions were far from honorable. Observing from afar, he clenched his hand around his glass, watching with a mixture of concern and disdain as Amalia engaged in conversation with the guy. The tension in Max's posture was palpable as he witnessed her accepting a drink from him.

The scene played out in front of Max like a slow-motion sequence, his eyes narrowing as he observed every move. His mind buzzed with a perplexing mixture of irritation and a protective instinct he hadn't expected.

Max was jolted out of his trance when his friend nudged him. "Hey mate, you good?"

He shook his head slightly, refocusing on the present moment. "Yeah, yeah, what were you say?" he replied, his gaze lingering on Amalia and the unwelcome presence by her side.

"We were just wondering if you were ready to hit the dance floor." his friend explained, gesturing toward the crowd dancing.

Max tore his eyes away from the unfolding scene and nodded, attempting to shake off the disconcerting feeling that lingered. "Nah, I'm good here. you guys go ahead." he said, pushing the troubling thoughts to the back of his mind drinking more alcohol. He watched as they made their way towards the dance floor.

Taking one last glance at the pair, Max observed as the older man offered his hand. Amalia, with a momentary hesitation, took it, and he led her to the dance floor. Joining the crowds, his friends dance together not even a few people away. Now he wished he accepted his friends offer.

The music pulsated with a fast-paced rhythm, and Max couldn't help but watch as the two moved closer, navigating the crowded dance floor together.

The shifting lights and energetic beats cast a dynamic atmosphere, and Max couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered. His eyes remained fixed on them.

As the pair danced in the vibrant sea of people, Max couldn't deny the unsettling emotions stirring within him. Jealousy? No, that couldn't be it. There was no way he was jealous. He and Amalia Schröder did not get along—he despised her. That was the narrative he had built, the dynamic they shared, and it had worked well for them so far.

However, the truth lingered beneath the surface. She was joining the F1 grid next year, and Max couldn't be less happy about it. He felt as though she didn't deserve it, as if she hadn't earned her place. He had worked tirelessly, under constant pressure from his father, to reach where he was in the racing world.

In Max's eyes, she had it easy. Of course, having the first-ever female F1 driver was good publicity for whichever team she joined, but he couldn't shake the feeling that she hadn't faced the same challenges and scrutiny that he had. His father's training had been brutal but she probably was treated like royalty.

Pushing the thoughts of the female German driver away, Max tried to enjoy his evening. Maybe he would find a girl to distract him for now. A few hung out around the VIP area hoping for a chance with some important person.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Amalia let the vibrant lights and pulsating atmosphere of the club soak in around her, the music guiding her movements. She felt Mark's hands confidently travel up her body before settling on her hips. Together, they swayed to the rhythm, their bodies morphing into one fluid dance.

The energy between them intensified as Amalia turned around, now facing Mark. Their eyes locked, and she noticed his gaze lingering on her lips, a magnetic pull drawing them closer. With every breath, they inched towards each other, the anticipation building.

Amalia could feel the heat of Mark's breath against her face as he leaned in, and she met him halfway. They were so close, lips almost touching, sharing the same breath. Taking the initiative, Mark closed the remaining gap, pressing his lips firmly against hers. One hand tangled in her hair, while the other explored the contours of her body.

Amalia tasted the hint of rum and coke on his lips from the drink he had just had. As they came up for air, the chemistry between them only intensified. Mark, undeterred, continued his assault, letting his lips trail down her neck, pausing occasionally to leave behind a few marks.

The music surrounded them, the dance floor became their intimate stage, and for that moment, they lost themselves in the electric connection, a shared breath and a stolen kiss in the midst of the pulsating beat.

The pair broke apart and exchanged a glance, about to continue their conversation when a blonde suddenly butted in between them. It was Amalia's best friend, Phoebe, who dramatically exclaimed, "Amaliaaaaaaa, I've been looking for you forever!"

Amalia chuckled at Phoebe's theatrics. "Me and Charles are starving, can we go get food?"

"Sure, Pheebs. Are you sure you're good?" Amalia asked, concern lacing her voice.

Phoebe reassured her with a lopsided smile and a double thumbs up. "Yep, all good."

Amalia turned back to Mark, a hint of apology in her eyes. "Hey, sorry about that. I need to leave. It was nice to meet you."

Mark nodded understandingly. "No problem. I hope she feels better."

As Amalia left behind Mark, she supported a rather drunk Phoebe, who could barely stand on her own. Navigating through the lively crowd, Amalia made her way over to where Phoebe had left Charles.

They found him slumped over, attempting to flirt with a potted plant. Amalia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Charles, honey, I think it's time we call it a night," she said, gently patting his shoulder.

Amalia set Phoebe as she pulls out her phone to order an Uber. "LIA! your back! I thought we lost you forever!" Charles over expressed.

Amalia, with a bemused smile, decided it was time to round up her inebriated companions. She grabbed both Phoebe and Charles, guiding them toward the exit.

Once outside, she pulled out her phone  to check how much longer the Uber was considering it took her awhile to guide her to drunk friends out the club. As they waited for the ride, Charles mumbled something about the potted plant being a great conversationalist, and Phoebe burst into laughter, leaning on both of her friends for support. Amalia shook her head in amusement.

The Uber arrived, and Amalia, with a supportive arm around both Phoebe and Charles, helped them into the car. As they embarked on their journey back to the hotel, Amalia couldn't stand her friends' incessant complaints about their hunger.

Midway to the hotel, Amalia persuaded the Uber driver to make an unexpected detour, pulling into a McDonald's. Amalia couldn't suppress a laugh as Phoebe and Charles erupted in cheers at the sight of the golden arches.

"You two and your hunger complaints! Fine, let's grab some late-night snacks," Amalia conceded, amused by the turn of events.

The trio placed their orders, satisfying their late-night cravings with burgers and fries. As they continued their journey back to the hotel, the car filled with the scent of fast food, laughter, and the lively chatter of friends making the most of an unexpected and eventful night.

Grateful for the detour and the McDonald's pitstop, Amalia made sure to give the Uber driver an extra tip and left a glowing five-star review before they finally arrived back at the hotel.

In the hotel room, Phoebe and Charles, still in a slightly drunken haze, flung themselves onto Amalia's spare bed, quickly succumbing to the comforting embrace of sleep. Seizing the opportunity to capture the moment, Amalia snapped a picture of her friends snuggling close together, looking adorable in their post-party slumber.

Thinking ahead, Amalia ensured her friends would wake up as comfortable as possible. She carefully removed Charles and Phoebe's shoes. She wiped Phoebe's face free of makeup, and took out her hairpins and elastics. With a soft smile, she tucked her blonde friend in.

After making sure her friends were settled, Amalia took a moment to get herself ready for bed. She removed her makeup, changed into comfortable pajamas, and climbed into her own bed. As she scrolled through the photos on her phone, she decided to post a few on her main and private accounts, capturing the fun and unexpected twists of the night. Content and surrounded by the quiet of the hotel room, Amalia settled in for a restful night's sleep.


K Writes;

Thanks for reading, hope you all are having a lovely day! Don't forget to like and comment. This is a long chapter sorry, do you prefer long or short chapters? Max's perspective, do you like it?

Thank you ♡

Word Count: 2801

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