Star Wars Shadow of Evil

By theillusiveman6

898 29 24

what if Darth Sidious didn't exist in the Star Wars Galaxy what if a different entity took his place? This s... More

Part 1 Naboo
Part 2 The Queen
Part 3 past and future
Part 5 loading
Part 6 travel
Part 7 dichotomy
Part 8 spy vs Sith
Part 9 senator

Part 4 swoop bike racing

69 3 1
By theillusiveman6

Anakin pov

I sat in meditation thinking about the force. It had been 3 months since I'd been allowed to join the Jedi Order I wanted to focus more on my lightsaber practice but Obi-Wan had said that I should be patient. I felt impatient I wanted to do more than just sit in a room. The sun was slowly starting to set as soon as I had the opportunity to go back to my room I would grab what I needed and leave the temple. Less than 15 minutes later this other padawans were excused for the night. I quickly went back to my room grabbed the necessary tools that I needed and left the temple heading to the works District. The works was in the Industrial section of the planet. Everything about the works was convenient it was one of the best places to have a Speeder Bike Race. Being able to raise was one of the very few things that I enjoyed doing it also reminded me of my past life.

As Anakin left the Jedi Temple three Jedi watched him leave.

Obi-Wan- he's off again

Yoda- different and separate young Skywalker sees himself as.

Mace- a Jedi should have more self-control.

Obi-Wan- this is one of the few things that gives him some happiness.

Mace- he needs to learn to let go I will overlook this for now but you need to have a talk with him.

Mace Windu turned on his heel and walked away leaving Obi-Wan with Yoda.

Yoda- agree with Master Windu I do but see your point Obi-Wan.

Yoda walked away leaving Obi-Wan with more questions than answers. Anakin had been a special case it had been his master's dying wish that he be trained as a Jedi. That being said he didn't know if he could exactly do it or not. Anakin for all extents and purposes was not like any other Jedi he actually knew his his family and had grown attachments. Attachments that Obi-Wan was certain that Anakin would struggle with for the rest of his life. Obi-Wan Shrugged and walked back into the Temple he would simply meditate until Anakin came back.

The Works District

A dark and menacing Shadow moves throughout the empty building. Though the shadow himself had walked these building hallways for years they always appear to be brand new to him. Sparks flew from a damaged Droid the shadow had been going through the motions of practicing his lightsaber combat skills he drew on the suffering of those who lived in the works to increase his own power. The gangs that Ruled The Works regarded the building as haunted for any who had wandered into the building had never returned. True local law enforcement had come through multiple times throughout the years even though they couldn't exactly have conclusive evidence for where there were no bodies there was no crime. The shadow went to one of the windows and looked out a race would be starting soon. Speeder bike racers like to race through the works and it was only amusing to cause one of their speeder bikes to explode. Learning how to mess with the smallest bit of equipment while a Target was moving was always useful. The Shadows smiled internally to himself the training of Count Dooku was moving rather well he didn't need any lightsaber training because he had already gained it. That being said learning abilities like Force lightning were useful the count was using his wealth and influence to find Darth Maul's Starship. The shadow wanted that ship back Not only was it useful with stealth technology but it also had some compromising information on it if the Jedi got their hands on it it could mean trouble later on. 11-4D had been helping piece together a few things Darth Plagueis's assets had been dissolved the planets that he owned had been sold his wealth had been put into several bank accounts all over the Galaxy. His Sith knowledge however had been given Special Care Plagueis's body had not been buried. There had been a coffin but there was no body I had decided to put him in a Sith urn and now he was a decorative piece in my office in the Senate building. The shadow Muse at how many Jedi had already passed by a dark lord of the Sith body and hadn't even known it. 11-4D walked into the room and went to one of the windows to look outside.

11-4D- it appears the Speeder bike race is going to start soon master Dorian

Vectivus reached out with the force to gauge the pilots there was nothing special about any of them say one. Anakin Skywalker had come back to race again. The boy likes to take unnecessary risks however that being said the boy had a natural Talent. Vectivus grabbed his normal clothes and quickly got out of his black Sith robes he would watch the race himself instead of Simply being out of sight and out of mind. Vectivus descended the stairs of the building and walked out onto a platform out here he was in view of everybody that could see him and he was in perfect view of watching the Speeder Bike Race. 5 minutes later the race began Anakin ever the show off allowed himself to drift back to the back before accelerating and overtaking the slower racers his reaction time was extraordinary. If the boy hadn't been found by the Jedi he probably would have grown up to be nothing more than an avid Pod racer. Anakin had won the Boonta Eve race that had granted him his freedom but back then he had been drawing on the force not intentionally but it was subconsciously. But now that he was a Jedi he was drawing on the force intentionally using it to predict everything. 

Anakin's pov

The race was nothing special I had gone on pod racers faster than this Speeder bike but this was the most enjoyment I could get out of my situation. As I reached into the force I could feel everything around me and every situation I could feel the ill intent of the other Pilots. Part of me wanted to reach into the force and Crush their engines causing them to crash but I quickly blocked this thought out of my mind. I could feel my Racing Engine began to malfunction this has been the third time does it happened it felt like it was shaking uncontrollably I quickly looked back at it to try to do quick manual repairs. Before I could make any of the repairs the engine snapped it was an internal component I could feel myself start to lose altitude I knew I had to bail out before I crashed. I fell onto a balcony and I did everything to grip onto it I tried to draw on the force but I was so distracted I just didn't know what to do it wasn't until I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me they were light and very quiet but I heard them all the same. A man wearing dark blue robes reached out a hand to me.

Dorian- Anakin take my hand.

I looked up into the dark blue eyes of Dorian one of the children of the Supreme Chancellor. I extended my hand and took his with surprising strength he yanked me up onto the catwalk.

Dorian- are you okay?

Anakin looked down at the speeder that had just exploded. He didn't understand why his speeder had malfunctioned or what had gone wrong with the engine had been sabotaged. He quickly dismissed the idea there was no way he had gone over all of it before the race had even started. I looked back up at the older man who seemed to actually be looking at me with actual concern.

Anakin- I'm fine just a few scratches nothing too serious.

Dorian crossed his arms and looked down at Anakin.

Dorian- why are you out here Anakin?

Anakin looked worried even probably a little bit scared.

Anakin- you're not going to report me to the Masters, are you?

Dorian- Anakin I'm your friend I'm not going to tell the Masters what you've been doing but I'm very certain they know already.

Anakin looked up at the older man he had actually said that he was a friend. Dorian continued to look at him.

Dorian- before you go back to the Jedi Temple there's a restaurant that isn't that bad let's have a bite to eat.

Dorian extended his hand again in a sign of good faith Anakin took it and picked him up off the ground. Anakin followed Dorian to a small restaurant in the works it was a modest place and it was meant more for industrial workers than anything else the two took a seat.

Dorian- order whatever you like I'll cover the bill.

Anakin- thank you

Anakin took advantage of my kindness and ordered as much as he possibly could. Apparently, the Jedi food didn't agree with him at least for the time being. I by contrast did not Order really anything I would have a meal at home. As the plates of food came out Anakin dove in not particularly caring for proper etiquette then again I wouldn't have expected as much from him he was a child after all. As we began to eat we began to discuss of all things the past we focused mostly on his life on Tatooine. He told me all about his mother about his time as a slave I had shared small shreds of my past but nothing too concrete. The boy almost seemed to open up it was obvious he couldn't sense any malice and he didn't sense any judgmental opinion I might have. As Time passed and things began to slow down more I got to the heart of why I even bothered to help him tonight.

Dorian- Anakin you're an extraordinary person a Jedi if any of those Pilots out there had realized that you were a force sensitive they might have taken serious issue with what you've done.

Anakin looked down at his plate.

Anakin- I know but I need some form of happiness in my life I feel like other Jedi simply judge me because I'm not one of them.

Dorian- I can understand what you mean you see yourself as special and unique because of your circumstances. Is there a Jedi master that you can confide in perhaps somebody that you look up to?

Anakin- there is one Jedi Master who seems to take notice of me. It's master
Jorus C'baoth he keeps wanting to push my abilities to be better than what I am.

Dorian looked at Anakin although he hid all of his emotions and his facial reaction he was mortified. In a perfect Galaxy, Jorus C'baoth would have been an extremely great candidate to be a Sith Lord. It was how he conducted himself and it was also how he saw the Jedi's role in the galaxy. But that being stated he was a hardcore Jedi and he was dangerous he was on the list of people that had to be killed before the war could commence. But at the same time, the Jedi Master could impart wisdom to Anakin wisdom which could change multiple things for the young boy. The Jedi Master was trying to get approval for a mission a mission called outbound flight the Senate and the Jedi Council were still arguing on the merits of it but give it 2 or 4 years and he would probably get permission.

Dorian- it's good that you have somebody that you can look up to and again but I would say be careful.

Anakin- what do you mean?

Dorian- master C'baoth is an unbelievably controversial person as you have found out. Learn what you can from him but at the same time do not forget to temper your expectations.

Anakin appears to think about this long and hard before responding.

Anakin- I understand what you mean.

Dorian continued to look at Anakin it was very obvious the boy didn't quite get what he meant. But it was of no concern everything would be proceeding according to plan.

Anakin- I have a question for you.

Dorian- you can ask me whatever you want to Anakin.

Anakin- I know that you're adopted what was your mother like and your father do you remember them.

Dorian's mind flashback to the day he murdered his stepfather how he had just snapped his neck like it was nothing. He remembered how he had tortured his mother using the dark side of the force how you driven her completely mad to the point that the woman had scratched out her own eyes. Her body by this point in time was probably a skeleton in that dark cave on that world he had called home. He smiled internally only four times in his life had the dark side truly been with him and truly been unbelievably powerful in him.

Dorian- I remember my mother she was a misguided woman but ultimately she was I want to say kind.

Anakin smiled Dorian wasn't surprised that he looked at his mother fondly the boy was in essence still a child. After we ate I escorted Anakin as close as I possibly could to the Jedi Temple and dropped him off. We said our goodbyes and separated I made my way to the Senate Tower there were still some things I had to take care of. I entered my office and there sitting by my desk was my older sister Kallen.

Kallen- so you do come into work when it suits you.

Dorian- and what is it that I can do for you?

Kallen looked at him Dorian had the distinct impression that she didn't particularly like him all that much.

Kallen- our mother is pregnant you should be making an effort to be around her more.

Dorian- there's no rest for the wicked I have to keep working.

Kallen- interesting choice of words

Dorian- but we're all pulling our weight if I remember correctly you joined the justice department here in the Senate so you're more like the police force for the Senate.

Kallen- yes I am which also means you and me get to have more conversations. Let's start with some of your affiliations little brother.

Dorian looked at her she was trying to do something anything.

Dorian- are you doing this because you want to or is it because Mother's putting you up to this?

Kallen was about to say something before she was cut off again.

Dorian- I know exactly how you view me and I know exactly how mother views me. But despite your best efforts I've done nothing illegal and I've done nothing wrong.

Kallen- I'm simply doing my job

Dorian- well since you're just doing your job might I suggest you produce a warrant?

Kallen- I don't need one if I've been invited into your office.

Dorian- you haven't been and this conversation is over with get out.

Kallen got up from her chair and began to walk away. But before she exited the door she turned back to look at me fearsome determination in her eyes.

Kallen- you might have everybody else fooled but Mom and me see through you.

Kallen leaves the office the door closes behind her. Dorian had every intention of dealing with her in his own unique way but for now, he looked at his secure Hollow communication that could only be accessed with a particular code and a particular phrase. He looked at his messages he had received one from Darth Tyranus. He now had the name of the ship that would be caring Darth Maul's Starship back to the Republic. The ship would be making stops before it got to Coruscant and then to the Jedi Temple itself. They would be leaving their present location in less than 3 weeks and then they would be in hyperspace for 2 weeks. I sent the instructions to my Apprentice I contacted a few of my supporters in the Senate saying that I was going on an expedition team for negotiation with separatists aligned world. It was a good cover story in the meantime I had every intention of making sure I made life for my sister hard. That woman would never have the right to enter my office ever again. Hours later I arrived back at the house my foster mother didn't greet me not surprising though she was only 4 months pregnant she was showing and I could send that the child would be born Force-sensitive.

Ryoo- you were quite rude to your sister.

Dorian- I would say it was playful arguing she wanted to flex that she had power so I simply showed off my own.

Ryoo gave him a look that spoke more to frustration than anger.

Ryoo- when this baby is born I don't want you in this house anymore. I don't care what work you do at the Senate I don't care what you do but I don't want you here anymore.

Dorian had known the conflict would come sooner and or later but he had expected later.

Dorian- do you have a reason why or is this just unjustified anger?

Ryoo- I have never liked the way you look at me as if you want to murder me. Even when I tried to hold you in my arms when we first met you fought me with a strength that was too great for somebody of your age and your size. I don't know what you descend from or where you really came from. But you're evil I can see it in your eyes you're a monster disguised as a human being you don't care for this family or anything whatsoever just like that Banker that brought you to us.

Dorian- finally you admit as much.

Ryoo was somewhat taken aback.

Dorian- you're married to the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and yet the baby you're caring isn't really his is it? 

Ryoo stared at him dumbfounded.

Dorian- oh don't worry I'll keep your secret and also respect your wish I'll leave this apartment at the 8th month but in exchange, this conversation never happened and your daughter leaves me alone.

Ryoo- Kallen is just doing her job.

Dorian looked at her and smiled.

Dorian- we both know that's a lie in any case good night Mother I have a lot of senatorial duties to do tomorrow and I'll be leaving the planet for a few months.

Dorian walked away from his mother leaving her in a state of both anger embarrassment and shock. Dorian once again checked the name of the ship that was carrying Darth Maul's Starship.

Dorian- the Demeter what fun this will be.

Ryoo watched as her foster son walked back to his room. She would never be able to get him the traditional way he knew far too much. She was smart enough to know that Dorian would not reveal her infidelity unless he had a very good reason to and apart from him Kallen was the only other one that knew. Ryoo suspected that there was a threat behind what her foster son had said she decided right there and then that she would find out everything she could about his past even if it took her decades she would bring the truth to her husband hopefully before it was too late. Even if it cost her her marriage the truth had to be brought out into the open she swore she would do this.

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