Monarch [Pokémon various x oc...

By fuffycreams

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Every trainer is born with special or different types of abilities. Some of them are extremely rare, some of... More

[0] prologue
[2] Can't Catch Caterpie!
[3] Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up
[4] The Primeape Directive
[5] The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
[6] Ekans the Ecstacy
[7] The Kindest Tentacruel
[8] Breath of the Dragonair Pt.1
[9] Breath of the Dragonair Pt.2
[10] Breath of Dragonair Pt.3
[12] Putting it on the Line Against Arcanine
[13] Karate Machop!

[11] Extricated from Exeggutor

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By fuffycreams

A tired out looking Farfetch'd was flying through the air in a tired way, their eyes were getting droopy and their wings felt like they were getting heavier and the leak they normally carried felt like it weighed twice its body wait suddenly. So due to all of that, they fell down almost landing into the water. Luckily for them, Yellow, [y/n] and Pika were on rock sitting together. Yellow was fishing, [y/n] was resting on her stomach watching the seas. Pika was on [y/n]'s back when they saw the Farfetch'd start falling.

"AH!!" Yellow yelled out in surprise. Pika jumped up from [y/n]'s back and there was energy around his body before a surfboard appeared. The two girls landed behind him. Hurriedly the two went to the Farfetch'd and caught them before they fell into the water. "Are you alright?" Yellow asked the Pokémon, "Far?"

The four of them arrived at an island, and Farfetch'd was placed onto [y/n]'s lap. "Oh, you're hurt. Wait just a second, I'll help you." [y/n] smiled. She reached forwards and placed her hand over the Pokémon's injured wing and was able to return it to it's normal state. "Far?!"

"What happened?" Yellow asked looking at Farfetch'd. "FARR! FARR!!"

The sisters eyes widened in surprise, "You suddenly couldn't figure out how to find your own nest?! And you got hurt because the forest attacked you!?" Yellow yelled out in surprise. [y/n] just sat there with wide eyes, unable to say anything. "FARR! FARR!!!"

The four of them walked into the forest and looked around, "Yeah.... It would be easy to get lost in this forest...." Yellow said looking around, looking at the large trees that was on the island and surrounding them. "Pika... this Farfetch'd says that the forest changes every time it comes through!" Yellow informed Pika, "So how do we not get lost too while we're looking for its nest....."

"Yellow, call out Kitty. I have an idea." Yellow tilted her head confused, "What for?"

[y/n] sent a gentle smile, "Okay!"

Once Kitty was out [y/n] picked her up, "Could you use String Shot on the branch over there?" Kitty nodded, after doing that [y/n] put her onto Yellow's hat. "We'll do this! That way we can just follow the string back."

"That's great! Let's travel straight from here!" They then started walking off, but as they walked there was a string that was suddenly right in front of their faces. "Huh?!"

Yellow took the string into her hands, "This.... Is Kitty's thread?!" [y/n] looked around and behind them, "That's strange.... We should have been going in a straight line...."

"We've been walking in circles!! We're lost!!" Yellow yelled in surprise, looking around and seeing that they were somehow in a mini trap made of the Caterpies thread. "Somethings wrong! Pika! Be careful...."

Then behind them there was something large coming towards them, "Pika!! Thunder Shock!"

[y/n] grabbed her own Poké Ball and sent out her partner, Skeledirge let out Torch Songs, Pika continued to use Thunder Shock, Farfetch'd started to smack the fruit that was coming towards them while Kitty started to recollect her thread. "These fruit just keep coming!!"

Then suddenly there was a large noise, and the trees looked like they were moving. "W-what now?!" Yellow yelled in confused and fear, looking at the trees that was all moving and falling. "We got to get out of this place!! Now!" [y/n] yelled, she grabbed her Ultra Ball and sent out Dragonite, "Let's get out of the forest Yellow!"

"Dody! Hurry, take us out of the forest!!"

Yellow climbed onto her first partners back and started running, Pika jumped onto [y/n]'s shoulder while Farfetch'd joined Yellow. The two started heading towards the end of the forest, wanting to find the water again. "Yeah! We're clear!" Yellow cheered looking around. "Now let's go where we can see more cl...."

"The forest its moving!!!"

"That's not something possible......" [y/n] whispered to herself, "This isn't possible!" She grabbed her dex and looked at the forest. "This isn't a forest, "This is a mass of Exegutor... and Oddish!!"

"Should we call the Professor?"

"Yeah..... let's call the Professor."

"YELLLO!" The two jumped at the loud voice of the professor on the other side. "It takes a CATASTROPHE like this to get you to contact me!?" He let out a sigh, closing his eyes. "But I was told our transmissions might be intercepted..." Professor Oak let out a sigh, "Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. So, a mass migration of Exeggutor and Oddish, you say?" He asked rubbing his head. "Which would explain why the Farfetch'd kept getting lost.... But it doesn't explain... why the migration in the first place?! It's not breeding season... maybe...."

"Maybe....?" Yellow repeated his last word. "Some wild Pokémon are very sensitive to the approach of natural disasters... earthquakes... tornadoes... or even... an unnatural event of comparable power!"


"What used to be a forest of Pokémon is now completely bare..."  the two then looked at Farfetch'd. "So you lost the forest you used to house your next... but at least now we're able to find your nest, huh?" Yellow asked laying on her stomach and looked at how Farfetch'd built up his nest after gathering his supplies.

"FARR! FARR!" Farfetch'd cheered and thanked the two, "Haha! You don't have to thank us again! We had fun too!" Yellow explained, [y/n] was looking off in a direction. Her long hair flowing through the wind. "The Professor was talking about some kind of natural disaster... or some other incredible force.... Could something be able to happen here...?" [y/n] asked herself.

Yellow looked at [y/n], "Did you say something?"

"Hmm? No, it's nothing!" She crouched down by them and placed a hand onto Farfetch'ds head. "Now, you stay safe out here little one."


"Come on you two, let's get going."



Pika once again used Surf again, Yellow on his back. While [y/n] let out her Dragonite and was flying by them. The two sisters waved Farfetch'd, while Pika had a determined smile on his face.

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