Monarch [Pokémon various x oc...

By fuffycreams

116 0 0

Every trainer is born with special or different types of abilities. Some of them are extremely rare, some of... More

[0] prologue
[2] Can't Catch Caterpie!
[3] Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up
[4] The Primeape Directive
[5] The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
[6] Ekans the Ecstacy
[7] The Kindest Tentacruel
[9] Breath of the Dragonair Pt.2
[10] Breath of Dragonair Pt.3
[11] Extricated from Exeggutor
[12] Putting it on the Line Against Arcanine
[13] Karate Machop!

[8] Breath of the Dragonair Pt.1

2 0 0
By fuffycreams

"The sea.... How am we supposed to cross that, I wonder." Yellow asked herself. "Well I could always lend you one of my other Pokémon." Yellow shook her head with a smile. "That's okay, I want to be able to depend on my own Pokémon, and in case we're separated I need to find a Pokémon that can use Surf." [y/n] nodded understanding. "There's nothing but Tentacool around here."

"How about this Yellow, lets look for a Water-type Pokémon tomorrow at a different shore."

"That would be great. You know for the first time in my life I'm having trouble sleeping...."

"Hey Pika, why don't we practice some attacks?" [y/n] asked. Pika nodded his head with an excited look. "Yellow, what are some moves he knows?"

"Hmm... as of now, the attacks Pika knows are..." She showed her sister the Dex filled with PIkachu's known move. "Alright, Thunderbolt!" Pikachu jumped up and hit a log that they created to make it look like an enemy. "Flash! Thunder Wave!"

[y/n] looked at the Dex, "This one's got the trickiest timing... Substitute, and it takes double the health too,,,," Yellow said looking at the Dex, "We can always try, I have a few potions and healing items and we can always heal him up. So lets just try it." Yellow nodded her head, "Here we go, Pika! Substitute!" Pika closed his eyes and created essentially a clone of himself. "You did it!! Now I just have to practice giving commands to both of you at once and..."

"HELLLLLP!!!" A loud voice screamed.

"W-what was that?!" Yellow asked looking around confused, they then noticed the large wave that was coming towards them. The person who was riding the wave was flailing around, his Slowpoke was fainted and his trainers was also hurt.

"Pika! Watch out!"

"Pika come here!" [y/n] screamed, the water got closer and closer, Pika jumped into [y/n]'s arms. The older girl grasped Yellow's arm and started running at to the rocky area before they were going to be washed over by the water. "Oh no! The Pika double!" Yellow yelled out in concern.

The man on top fell to the rocky surface, "OOOOOW!!" He screamed, rolling around on the ground in pain. "Looks like a broken leg... Kitty!" Kitty came out and wrapped string around the mans leg. [y/n] crouched down, "I'm not sure how much I can heal you, but... this should relieve your pain." She said, brining her arms up towards his leg and healing up slightly. After doing that [y/n] collapsed, and let out a yawn. "Oooh, many thanks, yes! Saved my life you did!" He got up and was letting out cries of pain. Not as severe but still present. "What were you doing out there in the middle of the night?!" Yellow asked, kneeling on the ground. "Practicing for this I was!" He informed, showing them a flyer that mention a surfing contest. "A surfing contest...?!"

"Ooo, yes!" He took the flyer back, "Call me the swimmer they do!" He introduced. "Taken part I have, in, oooo, many, many contests all over the region! I live for competition I do!!" He further explained then he thought about what he was doing. "Last little touches, that's what we made for tomorrow, when suddenly came the huge, huge wave it did!" He grabbed his leg, losing hope since he can't compete. "But no hope now, no no no. And even to the qualifying rounds I got..." He said to himself, pitying himself.

The two looked at the flyer again and saw the reward of the grand prize.

Grand Prize

The winner will receive this previously trained Dragonair!

Perfect for long-distance ocean crossings!

"Wow, a Dragonair...." Yellow couldn't help but imagine her getting the Dragonair. Meanwhile [y/n] had a frown on her face, she couldn't help but think something odd about the situation and how good the prize is. "Oh yes!! The competition you should enter, yes! Will lend you my Slowpoke I will!" The swimmer said with a grin, "Really? Are you sure?!" Yellow asked in surprise. The swimmer sent him a smile. "For you help, the least I could do it is!!" Yellow turned and faced [y/n] and Pika. "Let's do it!!"

Yellow took her spot at the competition the next day. "Welcome back, everyone! The Vermilion Beach Monster Wave Riding Contest!!" The MC cheered with a large grin. "Every year, wave riders from all over the region gather here! To the grand prize winner... perfect for long trips across the sea... a Pokémon that any surfer would weep for the chance to own!!"

The crowds all let out an "oooooo" in awe of the rare Dragonair since most people probably never seen the Pokémon before. "And now for the opening ceremonies! We being with a demonstration of the Dragonair's wave-riding abilities!"

The Dragonair in its elegant nature swam across the water in a peaceful nature. But it suddenly seemed to freeze. This was something that everyone noticed. "Just a moment.... Something seems wrong..."

The Dragonair let out a powerful Whirlpool, the water rising and pushing away almost all of the contestants except for yell. When the water calmed down. There was a person standing on top of the Dragonair.

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