Sabrina And You (Male Reader)

By Noodle_Pack

7K 303 15

Y/N is a boy who has recently gotten a mysterious girlfriend, Sabrina Spellman. They're a happy couple that h... More

The Start
Summer Time Lovin'
How I Wasted My Summer Vacation
First Day Jitters
Mysteries and Investigations
Is This Even A Highschool Story Anymore?
Let The Games Begin, I Guess
Spooky Fox Woods Is Spooky
So This Is Like DnD Right?!
Tally Ho To The Woods We Go!
The Cake Isn't A Lie, I Swear
Winter Wonderland....Until It Isn't
It's A Wonderful Day
Things Might Be Okay
Can You Play "Through Fire And Flames"?
This Is The Chapter Where The Main Character Tries Not To Die
What Is Even Happening At This Point?
It's Christmas, Y/N Locke! Oh wait, wrong title...
Time For Some Drama~

Lord Help The Mister With Two Sisters

157 11 1
By Noodle_Pack

You pulled the loose thread in your shirts sleeve while your father sat next to you. He had agreed to watch a cartoon with you since it was a Saturday and neither of you were busy. He liked spending time with his only child.

And you liked spending time with him.

It was only the two of you since your mom left right after you were born. But it never bothered you. And you never really felt like you wanted siblings. You had your friends and that was always enough for you.

But that Saturday, everything changed.

Ding Dong!

You looked away from the box TV set while your father smiled. He stood up and looked down at you.

Dad: There she is.

You looked at him confused.

Y/N: There who is, dad?

Your dad looked at you.

Dad: My....friend. She decided to come and visit. She brought her daughters, too.

Dad's friend? So she must be nice. Then again, a 5 year old was hardly a good judge of character when it came to strangers. Especially you.

So you sat in the couch and waited while your dad opened the front door. You heard him talk to someone before three more people walked in.

Dad: Y/N. Come here for a sec.

You paused the TV and got off the couch. You walked towards the entrance of the house only to find a woman standing there. She looked to be about your dad's age.

But what really caught your eye was the two girls she had with her. One looked older than you, probably 2 or so years older, while the other looked to be a year or 2 younger.

Dad: Y/N, this is Maria. And these are her two girls. Katy and Sis Keene.

You looked at the two girls again.


Yep. These two are the girls who would soon become my sisters. And Katy? Well, she became a Riverdale Mystery in her own right.

Riverdale. Population, not many. What do people say about small towns?

Sabrina: Everybody knows everybody.

Right. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody knows each other's business, family history, your allergies, a variety of things you would sometimes rather not know.

All this information is either staggeringly annoying or quiant on any given day.

Sabrina: Tell me about it.


Present Day....

You sat at the table with a fresh cup of coffee in front of you. You held it with your hand that was now missing a ring finger after your.....late night swim in the freezing cold waters. Thankfully it was healed enough to at least get the bandages off.


Oh yeah. And I was almost convicted for first degree murder. So, there's that.


You just sat there in silence while the clock on the wall ticked. It was kinda loud. Across the table sat your two sisters. Katy and Sis. Sis was tapping her fingers on the table while Katy sat there awkwardly.

Yeah, talk about a strange situation.

Katy: So....

Sis: What happened to your finger?

Katy: Sis!

Sis: His whole finger is missing! It wasn't like that the last time we came to visit, was it?

You slowly shook your head.

Sis: So what happened? Mom told us about all this crazy stuff, but it can't all be true, can it?

You shrugged.

Y/N: What did she say?

Katy: That you saved a kid from falling into the lake, before you fell in yourself. And that you were arrested.

Y/N: Taken into police custody. I wasn't...I wasn't actually arrested.

Katy and Sis stared at you, shocked, as you silently drank your coffee. You let out a sigh of satisfaction before you looked at your hand.

Y/N: Oh, and they had to cut it off after frost bite got to it. Kinda grew on me, actually.

You moved the nub around and smiled a bit.

Katy: Half a year.

You flinched and slowly turned back to your two sisters. Your eyes grew wide and you began to panic even though you were still smiling.

Katy: We leave for half a year, and you almost die before getting taken in by the police.

Oh, she was mad.

Like, really mad.

She slammed her hands on the table and stood up.


Sis: There she goes.

Katy: You could've died, Y/N! And what if you actually got in trouble?! That would've ruined your whole life! That's it! It's official! We're moving in!

Y/N/Sis: WHAT?!

Katy grabbed her bags and started to head upstairs.

Katy: Since you clearly can't be trusted, me and Sis are going to move in and make sure you live to see your graduation!

You and Sis watched as she disappeared upstairs. Then, and only then, did the two of you let out the breaths you were holding. You both dropped your heads onto the table with groans.

Sis: She's so freaking terrifying when she gets worked up.

Y/N: I know. Who does that girl think she is?
Veronia: I don't know, but her photos are great.

Archie looked up from his guitar to see Veronica looking through her phone. She was checking out the mystery girl's Instagram to see if she could figure out who she is.

The account was for someone named Sissie, but the girl in the photos wasn't her.

Currently your two friends were sitting in Archie's room. He wanted someone to listen to the new song he wrote before he preformed it at the open mic tomorrow. While he loved music, he was still nervous.

Veronica locked her phone and set it down before she gave her full attention to the red haired boy.

Veronica: Okay. New song.

Archie: I was thinking I should put it up online. You know, after the show tomorrow?

Veronica nodded in agreement.

Archie was a lot of things. He was mostly someone who could mess anything up.

But if there was one thing he was good at, it was music.

And Veronica was ready to support him 100%.

Veronica: Ready whenever you are, Archikins.

Archie smiled and began to count down. He then hit the first cord.
You laid face down in your bed. You were beyond tired after the longest week of your life. But, it was now a Friday and you were coming up on Winter Break.

Oh, the sweet release of det...break. The sweet release of break.

???: Oh, Y/N~

Your eyelid twitched before you rolled over and pulled the blankets closer to yourself.

A hand gentle ran up your shoulder before it reached your cheek.

???: Y/N, wake up.

You just mumbled something. The hand was soon replaced by lips as the mystery person kissed you.

Sabrina: Wake up or you'll walk to school alone.

Your eyes slowly opened as you looked over your shoulder. You found Sabrina standing there with a smile. You mumbled something again which got her to lean in.

Sabrina: What was that?

She was instead answered by your arms grabbing her and pulling her down. She let out a yelp before she was suddenly being held in place by your embrace.

Y/N: Sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep is nice.

Sabrina didn't say anything. She just laughed a bit and gently pushed herself free. She sat up and looked at you. Your hair was messy, the bags under your eyes were finally gone, and you were now longer as pale as you had been.

Sabrina: As much as I would totally love to cuddle with you, I did tell your mom I would get you up and we might be late if you don't get ready soon.

Curse school. Maybe you could ask your parents to stay? Like, maybe you could say that you weren't feeling good after being arrested?


Taken into police custody.

But that was a long shot.

Especially since Sis was already wide awake and dressed. She was sitting in the couch looking at the comments of her recent post.

Internet celebrity Sis Keene!

Mom: Where are they?

Sis looked up from her phone to see her mom walking into the living room.

Sis: Y/N is probably still asleep. And Katy, well, where do you think?

Your mom looked over at the stairs.

Mom: Well, I have faith in Sabrina. Breakfast is ready.

Sis: Thanks, Ma.

Your mom walked back into the kitchen while Sis continued to look through her phone. She then stopped and looked up confused.

Sis: Sabri...Who's Sabrina?! Mom? Mom?! Who's Sabrina and what is she doing in our house?!


Sis: My first impression of my brother's girlfriend? Uh, she's a damn hoochie mama.

Going upstairs to my brother's room to wake him up. What were they doing up there? They sure as hell weren't playing Monopoly!

Good thing I actually got to know her or I would've never approved of her.


You did end up getting dressed and washing up while Sabrina read one of your comics. Once you were ready, and prepared, you knocked on Katy's door.

Y/N: Wake up.

Katy: I am awake.

Y/N: Then head downstairs and eat breakfast.

Katy: I'm busy.

Y/N: Breakfast is not optional.

Katy: I know.

She was probably in there obsessing over pleats.

You eventually returned to your room for your bag and girlfriend. Once you were both ready, you headed downstairs.

Most of your family was already at the table. Your dad was drinking his coffee with toast, your mom was making a plate of eggs for Sis, and Sis hungrily waited for her food with knife and fork in both hands.

Y/N: Morning.

Dad: Good morning. Good morning to you too, Sabrina.

Sabrina walked over and gave your dad a kiss on the cheek before she took a seat next to you. While this was a normal occurrence by now, ever since Sabrina had met your parents actually, Sis was baffled.

Who was this girl and why was she acting like she lived here?

Sis: Uh, hello?

You looked at her then at Sabrina.

Y/N: Oh. Sis, this is Sabrina Spellman. My girlfriend. Sabrina, this is Sissie Keene. My little sister.

Sabrina looked a bit confused. She then leaned to you and whispered.

Sabrina: I didn't know you had siblings.

Y/N: Well, step sisters. Same difference.

Sabrina smiled and stood back up to reached her hand across the table.

Sabrina: Hi. It's nice to meet you.

Sis stared at her for a moment before she shook her hand. She seemed nice. Seemed being the key word.

She didn't even know you had a girlfriend.

Sabrina sat back down and your mom set down the large plate of food for you all to get your own. As you ate, Sis looked at your appearance.

Sis: Is that what you're wearing to school?

You looked at her then down at yourself. It was the same thing you always wore.

A flannel, a short under, some jeans that may or may not be slightly worn with the left leg rolled up, and your shoes that needed to be clean.

Y/N: Uh, yeah?

Sis: Uh, no. Have you been dressing like this?


Sabrina: Yes.

You turned to her, betrayed.

Y/N: Snitch.

Sis: Seriously? You know, you have two gorgeous sisters who are perfectly willing to make you look like the handsome guy you are and you still choose to dress like a 90's grudge punk? Unironicly?

You sat there for a moment. You then crossed your arms.

Y/N: I feel like I'm being attacked here.

Mom: Leave him alone. He's 17. He can make his own choices on the way he dresses.

Y/N: Thank you, mother.

You looked at Sis victorious while she just stuck her tongue out. Sabrina laughed as she watched the two of you interact. It was kinda nice seeing another side of you.

Katy: Why do you still have this?

Everyone at the table looked up when Katy came in. However, you noticed that she was holding something I her hand.

The jean jacket that you had, practically, given to Sabrina a while back. The same one she now wore openly since you didn't have to hide your relationship.

Katy: You have to let this thing go already, Baby Brother. It's so old and outdated and it's covered in all these ugly patches.


Katy: Okay, look. I love my little brother and I refuse to let him dress like a hobo. It works for some people, but he is not one of those people.

He can sometimes pull of that John Bender look but only every once and a while. I mean, just get rid of the jacket.


Y/N: gave me that jacket and you're the one who out those patches on it.


Katy:........It was when I was first getting into fashion design. Sue me.


Katy: Okay, and? If I'm the one who gave it to you then I should be able to say when it needs to go.

You just rolled your eyes as you picked up another piece of bacon.

Y/N: Well, it already went. It's not mine anymore.

Katy: Then why did I find it on your backpack.

Sabrina: That would actually be mine.

Katy looked next to you to see Sabrina sitting there with a nervous smile.

See, she actually really liked the jacket. And not just because it was you who gave it to her. It brought back memories of that night you took her home under the full moon. It was also the jacket you were wearing when you first met in the woods.

It had a lot of significance to her.

Katy: Oh. Uh, right.

Katy leaned down to her sister.

Katy: Who is she?

Sis: Katy, this is Sabrina. Y/N's girlfriend.

Katy stood straight up and looked at her again. She was suddenly around the table looking closer at her.

Katy: OMG. You're, like, super gorgeous. And that hair, it's dyed so perfectly. And your outfit.....why are you with this bozo? You could do so much better!

Y/N: Hey....

Sabrina just smiled. Katy then looked at the jacket. She then looked back at Sabrina.

Katy: Actually, this jacket does seem to go great with your outfit. Maybe with a bit more blue and...

Your mom suddenly sprayed her with a spray bottle which caused Katy to wave her hands around in protest.

Mom: No fashion talk at the breakfast table.

Katy pouted before she set the jacket down on the counter. She then walked back around the table and sat next to Sis.

Dad: So, what's the game plan for today?

Y/N/Sabrina: School.

Dad: Sucks for you. Girls?

Sis: I have to wait for mom to register me to go to Riverdale High. In the meantime I'll be catching up with my shows. You guys have Streaming here, right?

Mom: All of them.

Sis: Perfect.

Dad: Katy?

Katy: I'm heading to the fabric store to...

Your mom lifted the bottle again and Katy raised her hands.

Katy: He asked me!

Your mom narrowed her eyes. She then spun the bottle around her finger and holsted it on her belt.


Yeah, mom never really liked it when Katy would go on rants about fashion. She was definitely on a whole different level when it came to that stuff, but mom never wanted her to get lost in it.

Maybe it's because she saw what it did to her friends.


You snickered at your sister's misery, only to get sprayed yourself.
Veronica: I mean, she's got style. Doesn't look LA. Definitely East Coast. Maybe a little London?

Veronica, Betty, Jughead, and Sabrina were all standing around the empty science lab enjoying their lunch. However, Riverdale does love a good mystery.

Veronica was once again scrolling through Sis' Instagram trying to figure out who this mystery girl was.

And as much as Sabrina wanted to help.

Y/N: Can you do me a favor and not tell anyone about my sisters? It's stupid, but I rather not have people trying to bust down my door to meet them.

You kept her secret, so she decided she would keep yours.

Jughead: Are jumpsuits even still a thing?

Veronica: A good jumpsuit never goes out of style.

Betty looked at the photos again. She was a very beautiful girl and she did have a keen sense of style. Betty then found herself thinking back on you and the way you often dressed.

Yeah, maybe you could use some tips.
Y/N: Achoo!

Archie looked up while you looked around.
Betty: How can there be someone in Riverdale that we don't know?

The girls turned to Sabrina who immediately blushed.

Veronica: I mean, it is possible to not know everyone.

Sabrina nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

Sabrina: Oh, I know.

Suddenly the bell for class rang. Students began to file into the classroom that the four of them shared. Jughead went to sit down, but Betty had slipped him a note.

He got to his seat and opened it.

We Should Find Her

Jughead smirked.

Jughead: Not a bad idea.
Not every school paper has to be some massive conspiracy. Sometimes it's finding out who the newest resident of Riverdale is.

Sabrina looked at all the fabric options that was lined against the wall. She knew that Katy was probably in here earlier, but she still agreed to go just in case.

Sabrina: How is this Riverdale's only fabric store?

Betty: How many do you need?

Not many, Sabrina imagined, but what if this particular shop didn't have what you were looking for? Having two would be more convenient.

However, Sabrina happened to look up and see a familiar face. Katy was looking at things of yarn that she might be using for a new design. But she was having trouble picking between the blue and gold.


Look, I'll be the first admit this. I'm not like my sisters or Ronne or Betty. I don't have a clue when it comes to fashion.

But I would've picked the blue.


Sabrina turned back to her friends and then back to Katy. Quickly thinking, she picked up a ball of yarn and threw it across the store. It hit Katy who looked sound confused.

She then spotted Sabrina.

She signaled for her to make a break for it and Katy quickly got the message.

She turn and ran....only to come back and pay for the gold yarn. She then left the store.

Betty: Guess she isn't here.

Veronica: Shame. We won't have time to look for her.

Jughead: Right. Archie is preforming in a little bit. We should call it now and try again tomorrow.

Sabrina: Yes! Yes we should!

Sabrina quickly lead the others out of the store.


Sabrina: Okay. Fine. I'll admit it.

Keeping secrets for someone else is pretty hard. There. Happy?

Y/N: Ha ha! Yes. But it turns out, secrets always have a way of getting out.

And somehow, this would end up being the least of our concerns.


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