Unlocking the secrets of Ster...

emmakleinhans द्वारा

372 30 22

At Northern Lakeside University, Evelyn Sterling, a spirited 20-year-old involved in sports, embarks on a lif... अधिक

Chapter 1: Unexpected Opportunities
Chapter 3: Intriguing Encounters
Chapter 4: Unveiling Shadows
Chapter 5: Amelia's Defense
Chapter 6:Unexpected Moments
Chapter 7 : Cafeteria Banter
Chapter 8: Unexpected Twists

Chapter 2: Frozen Beginnings and Playful Banter

38 4 5
emmakleinhans द्वारा

Evelyn's POV

As Mr. Handsome Man Sebastian walked away, the aroma of various cuisines enveloped me. The cafeteria buzzed with the sounds of students chatting, the clinking of utensils, and the occasional burst of laughter. I took in the vibrant atmosphere, the colorful banners celebrating university achievements, and the student artwork adorning the walls.

I scanned the room for my friends again, their familiar faces providing a sense of comfort amidst the sea of strangers. The table we usually occupied was bathed in warm sunlight streaming through the large windows. The worn-out wooden surface held traces of countless conversations and shared moments.

Spotting Aria's enchanting hazel eyes and Liam's tall frame, I navigated through the maze of tables and chairs. The air was filled with the rich aroma of coffee from the nearby café, and the distant hum of background music added a pleasant rhythm to the bustling scene.

As I approached, they exchanged curious glances, sensing that something was amiss.

"Evelyn, what's going on?" Aria questioned, her hazel eyes narrowing with concern.

Taking a deep breath, I hesitated for a moment before revealing, "There's been a mix-up in the department. I'm now assigned to work with the Ice Hockey team instead of Baseball."

Liam's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Aria's eyes widened. "Ice Hockey? That's unexpected," Liam remarked.

"Yeah, Ms. Stroud said it's a temporary change while they're restructuring assignments. I'm supposed to exclusively work with the Ice Hockey team for now," I explained, still grappling with the sudden turn of events.

The table, worn from years of use, creaked slightly as I took a seat. Lila exchanged a glance with Stella, and I could sense their unspoken questions. Before they could voice them, Harper joined the table. Her perpetual smile instantly lightened the mood. The guy who always sits at the table next to us instantly smiles at the sound of her voice; I'm not too sure of his name, but he always smiles at her.

"What's the scoop, Evelyn?" Harper asked, her brown hair slightly tousled.

With a resigned smile, I summarized the situation. "I'm on Ice Hockey duty now. Seems like fate had a different plan for me this semester."

Harper whispered to me, "Are you happy with that?", "Yes " I whisper back.

Aria's eyes lit up with excitement. " That sounds thrilling! You get to work with those athletic, hunky players."

Stella chimed in, "And imagine all the behind-the-scenes drama. Ice Hockey is intense, on and off the ice."

Liam leaned forward, intrigued. "Do you know any of the players? Maybe there's a hidden heartthrob among them."

I chuckled, appreciating their attempt to lighten the mood. The nearby bulletin board, covered in flyers and announcements, caught my eye. "Well, I'll find out soon enough. But it's not just about the players; it's about the dynamics, the strategies, and the whole experience."

Lila, with her graceful presence, added, "Evelyn, this could be an incredible opportunity. You might discover a passion for Ice Hockey you never knew you had or always had."

The distant hum of a coffee grinder added a pleasant background noise as the conversation continued. I felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The friends I had known since the beginning of university, high school, and middle school were now entwined in this unexpected twist of fate.

Harper, always the voice of reason, chimed in. "Think of it as an adventure, Evelyn. Who knows, you might end up loving Ice Hockey marketing more than Baseball."

The group nodded in agreement, their support a comforting balm to my nerves. They think I'm obsessed with baseball, but that's only because of my dad. The cafeteria buzzed around us, but our little circle remained a haven of understanding and encouragement.

Stella, the bold and stylish one, grinned. "We'll be your Ice Hockey cheer squad. Whenever there's a game, we'll paint our faces and make signs."

Liam, with his piercing blue eyes, added, "And I'll make sure you know all the player stats. We'll turn you into an Ice Hockey expert in no time. I'll help you learn all the rules so you can know the game in no time."

Even Noah, the thoughtful and composed friend, spoke up. "Change can be daunting, Evelyn, but it often leads to unexpected opportunities. Embrace it, and who knows what you might discover about yourself and the world of Ice Hockey."

"I sure hope so," I laughed, twisting my chestnut-colored hair around my finger. The gentle clinking of coffee cups and the distant laughter of students provided a soothing backdrop. "As long as I don't go and fall in love with an ice hockey player, I think I'll be okay with it."

Aria looked at me with shock in her eyes. "I would literally kill to date an ice hockey player. They are so fit, handsome, and they can skate. What more could a girl want?" she exclaimed.

Liam joined in the conversation, "Well, you know, Evelyn, falling for an ice hockey player wouldn't be the worst thing. I mean, we're not all bad."

Aria shot him a playful grin, "Speak for yourself, Liam. Some of us might think the bad-boy charm is irresistible."

I rolled my eyes, "Please, Aria, don't encourage him. I need to focus on my work, not on daydreaming about hockey players."

As we continued bantering, Lila added, "Evelyn, don't be so quick to dismiss romance. You never know where you might find it."

Stella chimed in, "Yeah, Evelyn, keep an open mind. Love can come from the most unexpected places even from the heart of an ice hockey player."

Harper laughed, "Who knows, maybe the Ice Hockey team will teach you a thing or two about love and competition."

Noah offered his perspective, "It's true. Sometimes, the unexpected turns out to be the most fulfilling."

Caleb added with a smirk, "And who knows, maybe there's an ice hockey player waiting in the wings for you, Evelyn." The distant clatter of trays and the hum of conversation from nearby tables blended into the lively symphony of university life.
A/N Hi, please don't forget to Vote, comment and follow.
See you soon!

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