One Number Off

By Kayla_Whiteman

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As summer comes to an end, Tony's life feels like it's falling apart. At the beginning of the summer, her bo... More

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248 14 4
By Kayla_Whiteman

*Tony's POV*

I think it's safe to say that after I got home from work yesterday, I ate and went straight to bed.

I know most of you must be thinking Jake went a little over board. But, between Leo and his friends antics, my hair was crusted to my face, I ruined my sweater, my back is killing me, and I had to throw my shoes away. Jake was finished. Completely done, turned him in to a mop, and when he threatened to fire me if I didn't tell him I was being mistreated at work, he meant that shit.

This morning though, waking up, getting ready for the first day of school, sitting here eating breakfast with Robbie and Roxie throwing cereal at each other, I'm excited.

I love school. School is one of the few things I'm actually good at.

The groan however, coming from out kitchen door as Seb and Colson come strolling in, did not sound excited.

"Did you stay up all night?" I scrunched my face as they sat down.

"No." Colson yawned and pulled Roxie into his lap. "Where is your phone?"

I scrunched my face and thought for a minute. "I have no clue."

"Car, you leave it at the diner, did you even take it to the diner?" Sebastian laughed.

I shrugged.

"I swear to god you are the one person who couldn't care less about her phone. How do you even talk to people?" He shook his head.

"In person." I nodded. "When I see them?"

"Well, your new friend thinks he crossed a line asking you why you were upset the other night and thinks you're mad at him." Colson nodded.

"Who?" I pursed my lips.

"Porter." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh. No. I worked, came home, ate, and passed out." I shrugged.

"You are the lowest maintenance girl I have ever met." Sebastian ran his hand down his face.

"Tone." Saige yelled as she walked into our kitchen, with my phone might I add. "One, I brought you coffee." She smiled and handed me a cup. "Two, Jake said to give this to you." She handed me my phone. "You left this yesterday."

"See." I pointed at her and pulled my messages up.

P; Hay

P; That wasn't me, that was my little brother. I know how to spell I swear.

P; Do you have a big butt? Asking for a friend.

P; Jesus Christ, that wasn't me either.

P; Hey, just wanted to see how your days going after being upset last night.

P; If I crossed a line asking last night, I'm sorry.

P; I guess I did.

"What in the hell?" I sighed.

"What?" Colson gave me a look.

I handed him my phone, and he read through the messages. He laughed. "It was either Landry or Brooks."

"Who?" I shook my head.

"2 of his 3 best friends. Jake, Landry, and Brooks. He's with them like, every day." Saige nodded.

"Is he a big reassurance guy?"

"Yes, he is." Colson smiled. "He gets that from me."

"He's older." Saige pursed her lips.

I sighed. "I'm going to go call him to let him know I'm not mad." I shook my head, got up, and walked out the back door.

I pulled his contact information up and started a phone call.

But when he answered, he was breathing heavily and grunted.

P; Hello?

T; Hi.

P; Wait a minute. Oh! Oh shit, hi.

T; I'm sorry I didn't answer you yesterday.

P; No, I get it. I can cross lines sometimes so if i-

T; You didn't. I'm not mad.

"Who is it Port?"


T; Whoah, hold up, hey now.

P; Sorry.

He laughed and I heard a door slam.

P; You're not mad then?

T; No. I worked yesterday, had a long day, and just came home and ate, then went to bed. I don't really pay attention to my phone much, so that was my bad. I also left it at work.

P; You work?

T; I do. I waitress at a little diner.

P; I like that. Working girl.

"Harris!" I heard a door open. "You have 2 more sets to do."

P; Fuck. Tony I'm sorry, but I really have to get back in the weight room before I have to get ready for class.

T; That's OK. I just wanted to let you know everything's good.

P; So, if I text you today, you'll answer this time?

T; I will, uh, try my best.

P; That works for me. Talk to you soon.

T; Goodbye Porter.

P; Don't say goodbye, it makes it sound like you're never going to talk to me again.

He laughed.

I choked back a laugh.

T; Talk to you later.

P; There you go.

The line went dead, and I headed back inside.

"Come on you two." I walked over and helped Robbie and Roxie down. "School."

"Awe, Tony." They both whined.

"No. Mom and dad had to go in early, so this is on Seb and I. Lets go."

"No." They both crossed their arms.

"Y'all don't want me to get on you." Sebastian shook his head. "Go get your book bags, right now." He raised his voice as he deepened it.

And they both took off running.

"You're perfecting the dad voice." Colson laughed.

"Yeah, we'll get there." He laughed.

"Can we uh, go?" Saige cleared her throat and looked at me.

I sighed. "Can you handle this?" I looked at Sebastian.

He nodded.

Saige and I headed out to her and Colson's car, and as soon as we got in she took a deep breath.

"You good?" I raised my eyebrows.

She closed her eyes and nodded.

"Has he told Colson yet?" I pursed my lips.

She shook her head.

"So why don't you?"

"Because Tone, I told you." She looked over at me. "I risked my friendship with you, to be with him. And he can't just, tell Colson he wants me. I deserve someone who is going to scream it to the world that he wants me."

I nodded. "I get it Saige. But, he did scream it to the world. The world to him, is you. He may not have told me, but I've known for long before you two actually started that it's you and Seb."

"I'm holding my ground on this though." She nodded. "If he can't tell Colson, it won't be me and Sebastian."

I gave her a small smile and grabbed her hand. "It'll always be me and you though."

"You're god damn right." She squeezed my hand and pulled out of my driveway.

Yes, I know about Saige and Sebastian.

I've known about it since 2 weeks in to the whole thing.

Saige and I, completely different than Colson and Sebastian.

Saige and I have no secrets.

Colson and Sebastian, have secrets with each other, a few secrets from each other, but that's it.

Saige and I know every aspect of each other.

That's my bitch.

*Porter's POV*

I should've never told Jake that Tony called me while we were lifting.

Would you like to know why?

Because we are currently at lunch, and here comes Payton plopping right down beside me.

"So, Tommy?" She folded her hands and smiled.

"Oh fucking christ. Tony. Her name is Tony."

"Ha! So there is a her!" She laughed.

"I told you." Jake nodded.

"Come on. Let me see a picture. What's she look like?" She smiled and grabbed my phone.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Brooks and Landry.

"Dude, you should know better by now. She's nosy." Brooks nodded.

"Why yes, I am. But there are no pictures in these messages. What's her snap?"

"No clue." I shook my head.

"Insta handle?"

"Private." Brooks laughed.

"Face Book?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Also private." Landry nodded.

"Evidently, home girl likes her privacy." Jake nodded.

"Ok, are we sure it's really her?"

"Well, Colson gave me the number and it's only a digit off of Sebastians, so yes. She is who she says she is, I just don't know what she looks like." I shrugged.

"I'm asking her for a picture." Payton nodded and started typing.

"No." I snatched my phone back.

"Oh come on." Brooks sighed. "She could be 300lbs with back hair and a mustache."

Payton just looked at him. "You are such a good fucking dude." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on P, you're thinking it too." Jake shrugged.

"Look, just. I will find out what she looks like OK. But she didn't sound 300lbs with body hair." I sighed.

And, then a text came through. But it wasn't from her.

S; A big butt? For a friend? Really?

"Great." I reached over and smacked the back of Brooks head.

"Jesus what!" He yelled.

"She told Saige about the big butt text you idiot." I shook my head.

P; It was Brooks. I told her it wasn't me. But uh, just curious? What does Tony look like.

S; Who is asking, you or your friends?

P; Both. Just, come on Saige. Give me something.

S; She's a private person Port. If she wanted you to know she would send you a picture.

P; Or, you could send me one?

S; No. Just. 5'0. Long brown hair. Caramel eyes.

P; Now, to get Brooks off me. Not 300lbs with back hair and a mustache?

And, now she's facetiming me.

I groaned and answered the phone.


"Give him the fucking phone now!" She yelled.

I jumped and basically threw my phone at him.

"So fucking help me god Brooks McGregor, if I find out you EVER body shame my best friend I will drive the 4 hours, personally beat your ass, and have no problem whooping the other 3 there with you. Do you understand me? I will not let you sit there and shit on my best friend when you don't even know her! She's had enough of that the last 3 months and she doesn't need anymore!"

"Jesus Saige, alright!" He whine. "I'm sorry!"

I grabbed my phone back. "What do you mean she's had enough of that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You think Jenny is shitty?"

"I know Jenny is shitty." I nodded.

"Leo is shittier. I've got to get back to class. I love you." She blew me a kiss and hung up.

"Now, let me break this down for you." Payton clapped her hands and folded them. "This girl, I have a feeling, went through a bad break up, and that is when she turned her socials on to private. Shitty ex-boyfriend who knocked her so bad she didn't want to give other people the chance. Tread lightly, use your typical Porter charm, and call her when you get home. A simple, 'Hey, I was just wondering if you'd send me a picture for you contact I.D. I'll send you one too."

"Do you think that'll work?" I pursed my lips.

She nodded. "Oh yeah. Get her laughing first though, she'll get comfortable." She pat my back. "Someone's got a crush."

"No." I shook my head. "Just curious."

"Mhm." She rolled her eyes.

The lunch bell went off, and honestly, it felt like the rest of the day drug out.

My last 4 classes, lifting, dinner with Dad and Tate, felt like it lasted an entire day.

But now that I'm done doing dishes.

"Uh dad." I cleared my throat and turned around from the sink.

"Yeah bud." He continued to work at the island.

"I uh, have a ton of homework, so I'm just going to spend the rest of the night in my room if that's OK?"

He lifted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I just didn't know if you needed help with-"

"I'm good Porter. But, if you're going to spend the rest of the night in your room, tell me the truth or nothing. It's the first day of school and no one gave homework. Just say you're going to be on the phone with Jenny all night."

"No." I shook my head. "I am not going to be on the phone with Jenny."

"But, it as a girl." He nodded. "Right?"

I sighed. "Yeah, dad it's a girl."

"OK. What's her name?"

"Tony." I crossed my arms.

"Saige's friend?" He scrunched his face.

"Now, how did you know that?"

"Because she spends almost every weekend at my brother's house." He nodded. "How did that happen?"

"Oh, Colson's an idiot. He meant to give me Sebastian's number but mixed them up, I need friends there so she said I could keep it."

"And, you plan on being on the phone the whole night?"

"I don't know. Depends on if she wants to talk to me I guess."

"New crush?" He leaned back and crossed his arms.

"Dad, she's 4 hours away."

"Yeah, and you will be too in a few months." He shrugged.

"Just, is it cool?"

"Yeah, you're fine." He nodded.

"Thank you." I pushed off the sink and headed toward the stairs, but before I got there, he called for me again.

"Yeah?" I peeked my head in to the kitchen.

"Do me a favor? Keep your clothes on unless you're in person. I don't need to see anymore pictures of your penis floating around school!"

I groaned and closed my eyes. "Oh god, why did you have to become a chemistry teacher." I shook my head.

"Or, maybe stop sending dick pics?"

I whined and just walked up the stairs.

I showered super fast, put on a tank and sweatpants, plopped in to bed, and grabbed my phone.

It rang 3 times.

T; Hello?

P; Hey. You busy?

T; Uh, no. Just, laying in bed.

P; You have time to talk then?

T; All yours.

P; Perfect. How was you guys first day?

T; Honestly, really good. I got all good teachers. 2 classes with Saige, one with Colson, and one with Seb. You?

P; Mine was good too. Gym, first class, lunch with all my friends. Did you work today?

T; I didn't. Now that school started I'm on only weekends, breakfast and lunch shift.

P; That's a pretty good deal though. Making money during the day, out on the town at night.

T; If by out on the town you mean shoved in to mine or Saige's bed, sure.

She laughed.

P; Oh come on, Bixby can't be that boring.

T; Oh no, plenty happens on the weekends. I would just rather be pampering myself and getting my nails done.

P; You get nails done?

T; I do, I just got them done.

P; Ooo, send me a picture. Show me the pretty nails.

She laughed harder.

T; Alright. Hold on.

I waited a beat until I felt my phone vibrate.


P; Oh those are cute, and you have some little fucking hands.

T; I'm a little person. So.

P; Uh, speaking of. Pictures and all. Would you mind sending me one of you, you know, for your contact picture? I'll send you one too.

T; Oh. Uh. I don't know Porter, I just-

P; You don't have too. I uh, I've just been, wondering for like, 2 days now what you look like. Have you, wondered what I look like?

T; Kind of.

P; How about this. I'll send you a picture right now, and if you like what you see, you send me one back. Deal?

T; I guess that's fair.

I scrolled through my phone for a semi appropriate picture, and final decided on one that Brooks took of me on a way to a party.


T; Jesus you're a big dude. How tall are you?

I laughed.

P; I'm 6'2.

T; And covered in tattoos, Christ.

P; Are the tattoo's a bad thing?

T; Well no, I was just expecting this, proper prim, jock.

P; Oh ouch.

I laughed harder.

P; What have you heard about me.

T; Just, you're an honor student, 2 sports, great role model.

P; Well, I don't know about the great role model, my little brother cusses because of my friends, but I do play 2 sports, and I am an honor student. My dad's a chemistry teacher. But uh, I haven't gotten a picture back yet. Am I that bad?

T; No. God no. Just, I don't think with you looking like that you're going to be too impressed.

P; Whoah, hold on. Why would you think that?

T; Because you're tall, jacked and tatted, and I'm not.

P; If you don't want to that's ok. I would just really like to see the person I'm about to be friends with.

I heard her take a deep breath.

T; Let me take one really quick.

P; Ok.

I waited a little longer until I felt my phone again.


P; Whoah. You've got some long hair girl.

Now, I know this is bad to say, but I really wasn't expecting that.

Long chocolate hair, big gorgeous caramel eyes, tanned skin, very full lips. God damn.

P; Now, how about a picture of who I'm really talking to.

T; Porter that is me. I just took the picture.

P; No it's not.

T; Well, I could say the same thing for you.

P; What, you don't believe that's me?

I put my headphones in and connected them.

T; Not at all.

And then I pushed the face time button.

P; Then look at your phone and push answer.

I heard her take another deep breath, and then my phone swished.

There she was. The girl in the picture. Hair flowing over her shoulders, the white tee, pretty eyes.

"Holy shit." I smirked.

"What?" She pursed her lips.

"Well, it's good to know I'm not being cat fished." I laughed and shook my head. "You really did just take that picture didn't you."

She nodded.

"Wow." I nodded. "Tony you're gorgeous." I smiled.

"Stop." Her cheeks turned pink as she covered her face with her blanket.

"No. I'm serious. You really are gorgeous. Why would you think I wouldn't be impressed by all of that?"

"I don't know." She shook her head.

"Well girl you do now. Jesus." I let out a small laugh.

"Well now we've seen each other." She shrugged.

"Yes, yes we have. Wow you've got pretty eyes."

"They're just brown." She sighed.

"So is chocolate, but I devour that shit. And they're a golden brown, like caramel, or honey. Both great things by the way."

"Well, you have a nice smile." She smiled.

"Whoah." I held a hand up. "Do that again."

"What?" She giggled.

"Smile, I caught a glimpse of some pretty white teeth in there."

She pursed her lips, then shot me a big toothy grin.

"Fuck. There's got to be something wrong about you. Back hair? Bad breath? Smell funny?"

"1. No. 2. I brush my teeth after every meal. And 3. I smell like A Thousand Wishes by bath and body."

"Oh come on, all of those are amazing. I'm going to have to smell that Wishes stuff though. Do you like, run funny? Walk with a limp?"

"No." She laughed.

I sighed. "Alright then. Tell me about Tony. Antoinette Baker."

"Watch it." She pointed at me. "And, Tony Baker is just your average, run of the mill teenager. Cops for parents, big brother, 2 little siblings. I play volleyball. I waitress. I can't sing worth a damn. 2 left feet so I can't dance. No special talents."

"Other than blinding people with that smile." I nodded. "Little siblings?"

"Robbie and Roxie. Twins. About to turn 5." She nodded.

"I have a 5-year-old little brother. His name is Tate." I smiled.

"Well, Tate will have some friends here too then."

"That he will." I nodded.

"What about Porter Harris?" She laid back and rolled to her side.

"Oof. Porter Harris. Is also a typical teenager. Dad is a chemistry teacher. I have Tate. Lacrosse and Basketball. Gym freak. Twice a day. Big pancake fanatic. Love breakfast. I can play guitar. Somewhat sing. Can not fucking dance." I laid back and rested an arm behind my head. "How about just for Tony. What do you like to do for just you?"

"Hmm." She pursed her lips. "Read." She nodded.

"Yeah? What do you like to read?"

"Well, I'm a paper back girl, but I do have this." She reached over and pulled a little black thing back with her. "Kindle is easier, but I love physically having the book."

"Girl who reads. I like that. But I meant what kind of books?" I laughed.

"Pass." She giggled.

"Oh, you got one of those dirty book libraries with a TikTok to match, huh?" I smiled.

"Shut up." She nodded.

"Hey, I read a chapter of one of those books before because Payton thought it was too much for me. Granted, it was, but still very good."

"Who is Payton?" She smiled.

"Payton is my friend Jake's little sister." I nodded.

"And the friend who asked about my butt?"

I sighed. "Again, I am sorry about that. But that was Brooks. The hey spelled with an A was Tate. And then there's Landry. Tate came to the gym with us yesterday morning."

"Do you do a lot with Tate?" She tucked her hair behind her hair.

"Oh everything." I nodded. "Brooks calls Tate his best friend. You? Do you do a lot with Robbie and Roxie?"

"I do." She nodded. "Every day."

"I like that too." I smiled. "Why don't you and I just, ask each other questions. Get to know each other a little bit. Like, what scares you?"

She pursed her lips and thought for a minute. "Like, basic, or something deep?"

"Hmm, definitely deep."

"You go first." She nodded.

"OK." I nodded. "People leaving. Like, leaving leaving. Not dying. Like, the smallest things trigger that fear. Like, when I fall asleep next to someone, and they're not there when I wake up. Especially Tate."

"I get that."

"What about you?"

She sighed. "Being forgotten. Like, I feel if I don't message someone first, or I don't talk to someone all day they just forget about me."

"I didn't." I shook my head. "Hence the like, 9 texts."

"Yeah, speaking of. Why?" She laughed.

"I'm a people pleaser. I hate it when I feel like people are mad at me. When I didn't hear from you yesterday I sort of panicked."

"No need to panic. I'm just not glued to my phone."

"Yeah." I laughed. "I'll keep that in mind now."

"How about, what is your biggest goal in life?"

"Ooo, that ones good. Hmmm. Probably to open up my own Chiropractic Practice."

"What made you decide that?" She tilted her head.

"My grandfather was a Chiropractor. My moms dad. I used to spend so much time in that office, watching people walk in and then leave with this, look of relief on their face. I always thought it was amazing."

"Come crack my back." She nodded.

I laughed. "Yeah, I'll be there in 4 hours."

"I'll be waiting." She smiled.

"Don't tempt me. I will really do it. I'm missing Cols and Saige a little extra. Your biggest goal in life?"

"Hmm." She thought for a minute. "Honestly, a family."

"Yeah?" I raised my eyebrows.

She nodded. "Yeah. Big family."

"How big?" I smiled.

"4 kids, 3 husbands."

"3? Well damn, needy." I laughed.

"Nah." She shook her head. "Just, one person who is just mine. Loves me for me and unconditionally. Family dinners, spontaneous weekend trips, family vacations, kids sporting events. Having a big, wholesome family, where my kids are happy, healthy and comfortable, and trust me enough to always call when they're in need."

My smile grew.

You see, when she was talking about all of that, she had this sweet smile on her face, like, not huge, but enough to show her shiny teeth, and there was this twinkle in her eyes, and joy in her voice.

And it was a lot for me to take in, because that's exactly how I grew up, just 2 kids instead of 4.

But this, this is what we did the entire night. Talked about things we like, things we want, and it felt good to just talk to someone. About anything other than sex, sports, partying or stupid bullshit. An actual conversation, with someone who can keep one going.

The next thing I know though, I'm being smacked on my forehead, my eyes are opening slightly, and Brooks, Landry and Jake are all standing around my bed.

"God what?" I squinted and rubbed my eyes.

"Dude, you were supposed to meet us an hour ago." Landry shook his head.

"What?" I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

"Port, it 7. Gym."

"Shit!" I shot up to grab my phone.

But when I turned, it was propped up against my lamp, and there was Tony, sound asleep, headphones still in her ear.

How does she look like that when she's asleep.

Like a tanned porcelain doll.

Oh no.

I sighed, let out a small smile, and put my headphones back in my case.

"Tony." I whispered as I picked my phone up.

"Antoinette." I whisper sang.

She stirred, shuffled, and slightly opened her eyes.

"Hi." I said softly.

She yawned and wiped her face. "Hi."

"Did I fall asleep on you?" I pursed my lips.

She stretched, grabbed her phone, and nodded.

"Why didn't you just hang up?" I shook my head.

"Because you fell asleep. I didn't want to scare you if you woke up and I wasn't there anymore." She yawned.

I swear to god, my face felt like it was on fire. "Really?"

She nodded. "You said it scared you."

I let out a small smile. "Thank you. But, if we're going to make it to our schools on time, we should probably get up."

"What time is it?" She sighed.

"7." I nodded.

"Fuck, I'm going back to sleep for 20 more minutes."

"Don't you have to get ready?"

She scrunched her face. "I put on clothes, mascara, and brush my hair. It takes 5 minutes." She nodded.

I let out a small laugh. "Then text me when you get up?"


"Night Tony." I smiled and hung up.

But when I look up, Landry, Brooks, and Jake were just staring at me.


"Jenny never did that." Brooks shook his head.

"And, you guys were on facetime?" Jake pursed his lips.

I nodded.

"All night?" Landy smiled.

"Shut up." I shook my head and rolled out of bed.

They all fucked around in my room while I showered and got dressed, then we headed to school.

We were all sitting in homeroom when my phone went off.

It was my snapchat.

*tjbaker11 added you as a friend.

I smiled and instantly accepted it.

As soon as I did, a snap came through.

This girl really paid attention to what I was saying last night.

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