Monarch [Pokémon various x oc...

By fuffycreams

116 0 0

Every trainer is born with special or different types of abilities. Some of them are extremely rare, some of... More

[0] prologue
[2] Can't Catch Caterpie!
[3] Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up
[4] The Primeape Directive
[5] The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
[6] Ekans the Ecstacy
[7] The Kindest Tentacruel
[8] Breath of the Dragonair Pt.1
[9] Breath of the Dragonair Pt.2
[10] Breath of Dragonair Pt.3
[11] Extricated from Exeggutor
[12] Putting it on the Line Against Arcanine
[13] Karate Machop!


25 0 0
By fuffycreams

"Armor Cannon." An elegant voice commanded.

The four gym leaders that came to the aid of Yellow froze, wondering who it was. Or if it was a helper of the Super Nerd that they were just blocking off from escaping. Their worries were slightly gone when they saw that the attack hit the Super Nerd.

They looked around confused, and on guard. Wondering who it was, they then saw two figures in the shadows, one of them being a fully dark silhouette, and another that had flames around them that was growing menacingly in the dark. "Who are you!?" Brock yelled, preparing for a battle.

When they didn't hear a response each of the Gym Leaders grabbed a Poké ball. They let their guard down when they saw her return her Pokémon.

The shadow figure jumped down and walked towards Yellow, "Hey! Get away from him!" Erika yelled out, but stopped when Dody walked forwards and nuzzled against the unknown girls face. "Hello Dody. It's been a while." Her soft voice caught their attention. That's when everyone saw her features, she had a cloak on, hiding her body except for her arms. She has a small face, sleepy looking blue eyes, long white hair that was tied into a low ponytail, freckles on her face soft pink looking eyes and a mature looking aura around her.

[y/n] walked towards her sister and brought her onto her lap, moving some hair away from her face. "Are you Pika?" Pika looked up and focused on [y/n]'s face, before recognizing her from the girl that he had met years ago, and seeing how Yellow was risking her life to protect him. He went towards the sisters. The happy and calming moment was soon gone when the fainted Super Nerd started to levitate.

"The Nerd...! What's happening to him?!" Blaine yelled, all of them looking at the person in shock. There was a weird black fog around the male and he was getting higher up. "This isn't good! He'll die if this keeps up!" Blaine yelled.

"We have to help him!" Misty exclaimed.




The respective trainers all let out their Pokémon. Yellow let out a grown and started to open her eyes. "[y/n].... What's going on... what's happening?"

"I left Paldea as soon as you called, and about the situation. I'm not to sure, but it looks like someone's trying to steal the person who might be the link to Red." [y/n] said seriously.

Yellow tried getting up, "I will..... help too..." Yellow said weakly, trying to get up. "Just sit still. You're injured. The people here are going to help, and I'm here too. Rest easy."

"Mega Punch!"

"Water Gun!"

"Okay! We've got him!" Cheered Brock with a grin. "Now, just drag him down!" Blaine commanded. Then the fog started to get thicker and a Gastly appeared. "Everyone, stand back. Ceruledge, help us out." She ordered. "Pika, go save that Caterpie from the tree!"


"Ceruledge, Phantom Force after the Caterpie out of harms way."


After Pika and Caterpie was out of the way, Ceruledge seemed to disappear and reappear behind the Gastly. Knocking him out, the Super Nerd fell to the ground, getting caught by Graveler. "Excellent work as always Ceruledge."

Ceruledge seemed to give the girl a smile and nodded, Yellow was petting Pika and Caterpie. Praising Pika, [y/n] turned around and walked towards the three. Petting Pika on the head and moving to his electric cheeks. Giggling when she saw the Pikachu lean into her touch. "That was beautiful done."

Meanwhile. "What a girl." Erika said looking at [y/n]. "It's incredible to see her be able to save that Caterpie despite the situation."Good job you two. Especially you Amarillo." Blaine said walking towards them. "Or can I call you Yellow to make it easier for me?" He asked looking at Yellow. "Although you scarcely have what I'd call a Yellow Streak..." He said having a hand towards her. "Um.... Who...."

"I'm Blaine from Cinnabar Gym. Nice to meet you." He said while shaking her hand. "And I'm Brock from Pewter Gym."

"All good friends of Red." Misty continued. then she realized something, they still had not gotten the name of the older. "We still haven't gotten your name, thanks for the help back there by the way."

"It was no big deal. It's what anyone would do right. I'm [y/n]."

"But I don't understand..." Erika said to herself, "Why was the one who tried to steak Pikachu now being kidnapped himself?" She questioned. "Could it be that someone doesn't want this so-called Super Nerd to be questioned?"

[y/n] closed her eyes, thinking for a second. "It's probably to keep his mouth shut. It would be wise to search his suit. There might be something that appears."

The gym leaders nodded, "I'll start on researching that suit." Blaine said, "Then I'll go to Mount Moon to investigate. It's pretty close to Pewter City."

"I will rally my forces in case of battle...." Erika joined in the conversation, none of them noticing the fog that was starting to get stronger. Behind them, the Gastly started to reappear. Due to the sudden attack [y/n] couldn't move on time, and it seemed to be holding her captive. Or trying to kill her since her airflow was getting cut off. She grabbed onto her neck, closing her eyes and trying to get rid of whatever hold was around her neck.

Before she could lose consciousness the Gastly was shot in the middle. Fainting right on the spot, at this [y/n] fell to the ground and wrapped a hand around her neck and let out a cough trying to regain her breath.

"Who the—?!"

"Rather than trying to blow away or slice through the fog..." A deep voice said, "...It's best to attack the source of the power. You'll head off any second attacks." The mysterious figure said, holding the Poké ball of his partner. His powerful Charizard standing tall by his side. "Blue!"

The male went down and walked towards the group. "Thank you, Blue. You saved us. But why are you here?" Erika asked. "You were talking about whoever might be behind your opponent... most likely, it would be Agatha... the Ghost Pokémon—wielding trainer of the Elite Four."

[y/n]'s eyes widened, "Aren't they the trainers who are some of the strongest trainers in all of the Kanto region?"

"They are, that attack strategy of that Gastly was precisely the same... as the one I fought before!" He thought back to his fight with the Agatha. He then went to inform them about the incident in the power plant, and how he heard about the disappearance of Red from his grandfather by letter, and why he stopped contacting his grandfather after learning that Agatha has a personal vendetta against his grandfather.

"If the Elite Four is behind all this, that explains a lot of things... but why go to all this trouble?" Brock questioned. "A letter of challenge.... Apparently ambushing Red... using his scent to capture Pika..."

"Now trying to silence the one links to Red that we've got..."

"Just remember the Elite Four never show any mercy." Blue said before glancing at the siblings, "It's good to protect Pokémon... but if you allow the enemy to get to you because of that extra kindness, you're finished." Then Blue looked forwards, "Like that Gastly just now. I'd have brown it away, core and all, if not for the interference of Pikachu. You two have to learn that there's a difference between kindness and weakness." Blue finished. Misty walked next to the two, "Hold on, Blue! Are you saying that they were in the wrong for protecting a Pokémon!?" Misty asked in shock.

"I'm not judging anyone. But if it were Red...." Blue then thought of his rival, "He'd have found some way to defeat the enemy completely... while still saving the Caterpie, and not risking her life." Blue pointed at [y/n]. "If you want to save him, that's the love of strategy you'll need." Blue mounted his Charizard. "If you plan on facing the Elite Four... I'd recommend you train yourself hard." He said. Before flying off he noticed Yellow walked forward.

"Take us with you! To save Red... to keep my sister safe. I will learn whatever I have to!" She exclaimed. "Have it your way..." Blue said, allowing her to get on the back of his Charizard with him. "Thank you!" Yellow cried out, before she could get onto the back of Charizard her name got called. "Yellow!"

She turned around and faced the water and rock gym leaders. "This is my Graveler. You can take it along." Brock told her, handing her a Poké ball that had Graveler in it. Misty doing the same as Brock, but with her Omanyte.

"This'll be safer than traveling with just three Pokémon at your side. Besides, you can't always depend on your sister to fight for you."

Yellow took the two Pokémon with a smile. "Thank you so much, Misty and Brock!" Yellow climbed onto the back of Charizard, Blue then looked at [y/n]. "Aren't you going to climb on?" He asked.

"I'll be right behind you." Blue nodded.

He took off on his Charizard, "Dragonite. Let's go." Dragonite came out with a roar and started following after Charizard. The two Flying-types flew off, heading to a more secretive location.

Not knowing that there was a pair of eyes watching as they flew off.

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