RWBY: A Scarlet Paradox! (RWB...

By StarMan003

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In the world of Remnant, two races are looked upon differently, Humans and Faunus, however, when the world ba... More

Prologue: Arriving In Remnant, Meeting Other People!
Chapter 1: Initiation! Part 1
Chapter 1.5: Initiation! Part 2, Forming Teams!
Chapter 2: The Badges And Burdens
Chapter 2.5: Royal Snoo Snoo (Lemon)
Chapter 3: Dealing With Cardin
Chapter 4: Cassie and Lance's...Other Lovers, Aston Shows Blake His Face
Chapter 5: Forever Falls, Ask Him Out!
Chapter 6: Meeting Penny, Stray Cat And Wandering Spirit
Chapter 7: Permanently dealing with Cardin, searching for Blake and Aston
Chapter 8: Black and White (Q&A Announcement)
Chapter 9: Missile Dilemma, Best Day Ever!
Chapter 10: Beacons Welcoming, A Violet Paradox?
Chapter 11: Meeting The General, Aiding Faunus Refugees
Chapter 12: Should Pyrrha Know? The Dance And New Professor
Chapter 13: Y/N's Origins, ZWEI!!! And Mount Glenn Part 1
Chapter 15: The Vytal Festival Tournament: Round 1!
Chapter 16: The Vytal Festival Tournament: Team VILT vs Team SSSN
Chapter 16: The Vytal Festival Tournament: Team VILT vs Team SSSN (For Real)
Chapter 17: Winter vs Qrow! Discussion About What's Going On...

Chapter 14: Mount Glenn Part 2 And The White Fang.

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By StarMan003

After setting up camp at Mount Glenn, Ruby wondered off on her own, The rest were sitting around the campfire

Oobleck: "Excellent work, students! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well!"

Yang: "Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a 'pro Huntsman' in action. Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?"

Aston: "Aye, aren't we meant tae be shadowing ye?"

Oobleck: "Ah, but I am in action! Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity! Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that. By the way Mr. Sun, I never asked why you and your team want to be huntsmen and huntresses, why?"

Y/N: "If I'm being honest, I don't honestly know, I guess to help people?"

Cassie: "To be the best fighter ever!"

Lance: "Same reason as Weiss."

Aston: "You don't wanna know.."

Oobleck: "Very well! Now we must rest!" He then sips some of his coffee knocks himself out.

Weiss: "How does he do this?"

Lance: "I don't think we want to know the answer..."

Blake: "Agreed...wait...where's Ruby?"

-With Ruby-

Ruby: "So...this is what Mount Glenn was meant to be?" She said as Zwei walked with her, he then diverted away and the sound of water hitting the ground could be heard. "Really Zwei? This place is a wasteland? You can literally go-" She was interrupted as the ground beneath her started to crack. "...Anywhere?" she then fell but not before catching onto the edge with Crescent Rose, but it wasn't stable. "Zwei! Go get the others!!" Zwei barked and ran back the way they came, Ruby then heard the edge crack as she fell into the dark pit.

-Back With The Others-

Aston: "WAKE UP!" He was yelling at Oobleck to try and wake him up, nothing was working. "What's in that damn drink?!"

Cassie: "Let me try this!" She then takes a deep breath in and...

Oobleck: His eyes then shoot open. "Ah, Miss Quill, what time is it?"

Cassie: "Told you it works!"

Yang: "Ruby's missing!"

Oobleck: He then shot up in a flash. "THEN LET'S NOT WASTE TIME! LET'S START SEARCHING!!" He then starts looking almost everywhere quickly.

Blake: "When we get back, we're superglue his coffee mug shut..."

Weiss: "I'm way ahead of you..." Zwei then came back and up to Weiss. "AAAAHOHMYGODIT'SZWEIIII!!" she starts giving him endless head pats as Zwei starts barking."

Yang: "Huh, what's that boy?" Zwei kept barking.

Y/N: "You can speak dog?"

Yang: "Pfft, no, I just understand him so well." Zwei then barked one more time and Yang got the message. "I know where Ruby is!"

Oobleck: Zips up to Yang. "Well then, where?!"

Yang: She points at Zwei. "Follow the doggo!" Everyone nodded as they followed Zwei to where Ruby fell. "Here?" Zwei nods.

Y/N: " that her weapon there?" he points at Crescent Rose which had been dropped nearby.

Blake: "I think she fell.."

Oobleck: "Fell?"

Weiss: "Down there!" She point at the hole.

Oobleck: He looks down at the hole and realised. "Oh my. Of course! Of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!"

Cassie: "What?"

Oobleck: "How could I have been so stupid!"

Aston: "Ah think he's lost his mynd oan th' wey 'ere."

Oobleck: "Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!"

Lance: "...What?"

Oobleck: "My young man, we're not just looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!"

Weiss: "In the caves? No wonder why we didn't see them.."

Oobleck: "No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time, thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense, and unique transportation; the city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom! Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start! As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival: They took up shelter beneath the city! In massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface!"

Yang: "An underground village?"

Oobleck: "In a matter of speaking, yes. A safe haven. Until... an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern, filled with subterranean Grimm. After that, the Kingdom officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb. If Ruby is down there, we must find her..."

Y/N: "Then we should-" Yang then jumps in first. "...OH COME ON!"

-With Ruby-

Ruby: She found herself fighting White Fang members and found it really difficult, with out Crescent Rose, she could just use her semblance to outspeed them and make them hit themselves but she couldn't keep it up forever. 'How do Y/N and Yang do it?!' she then saw what seemed to be a cyborg Faunus with floating hands and armour that looked similar to Vera's. "What the?!"

???: "Hello there!" He then launches a hand at Ruby and grabs her cape, Ruby tried to get out but it was too late. "I don't see what Roman was so worried about, you are not so fearsome."

Roman: His voice then came from the train behind the cyborg. "So, You're finally here and you've met what is known as a Stariyama Faunus."

Ruby: "WHAT THE?! Why are you everywhere I-" A crimson blade then appears before her throat. "...go?" she looked and saw a Bull Faunus, he was wearing a White Fang mask

Bull Faunus: "Enough time has been wasted here! We need to get this train moving, Idrion, finish her!" He then gets on the train as the Stariyama Faunus, known as Idrion slammed her head against the ground and then grabbed her arms in an attempt to rip them off, causing Ruby to scream in pain.

Idrion: "Nothin' personal, kid-" He was about to rip her arms off when he was interrupted by a shotgun pellet to the armor and a punch that made it crack, it was Yang! "Where'd di-"

Yang: Enraged, she attacked him viciously with a beat down of punches. "NO ONE! HARMS! MY! BABY! SISTER!!!" The rest of teams RWBY, SCLT, Zwei and Oobleck arrived, Blake was horrified at who she saw on the train.

Y/N: He then picks Ruby off the floor and hands her Crescent Rose. "I believe this is yours!"

Ruby: "Thanks! The train is starting, we gotta go!" Everyone then gets on but Yang was still pounding Idrion down. "Yang! We gotta go!" Yang was hesitant at first but she did know that if she didn't get on, she would be left behind and her teammates and allies would be down by one fighter, she reluctantly leaves Idrion and gets on just in time before the train starts moving fast.

Idrion: His mainframe was damaged from Yang's punches but it didn't take long for a reboot to happen, when it did, something happened to his memories. 'Oh no....What have I done?!'

-With The Others-

Oobleck: "All right children! We must get the front and stop this train!"

Yang: "Uh, Doc? What's this?" She points to a device inside the train.

Oobleck: "Oh dear, that my dear...appears to be a bomb."

Ruby: She noticed something. "We got baddies incoming!" White Fang grunts were heading their way.

Lance: "Oh I really don't wanna do this but...Y/N with me!" He then uses his semblance to conjure up some flames at them, Y/N then understood as he then breaths fire at them with him to keep them at bay.

Oobleck: "Well, I didn't expect them to go-" The bomb underneath them charges up and starts beeping. "-easy on us!" He stands up. "Time to go!" Everyone heads away from the bomb until Oobleck stops Blake. "Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!"

Blake: "On it!" She jumps down and just when she was about to do it, it decoupled itself. "Huh? It detached itself!"

Cassie: "I guess he REALLY didn't want us on this train."

Oobleck: He looks back at the detached cart, it then explodes in the tunnel. "That's not good..."

Aston: "Neither is this!"

Weiss: "Another bomb?!"

Oobleck: He looks around and runs to the next train car. "No. No. No." He opens the hatch and looks in, then yells back to the others. "They ALL have bombs!"

Ruby: "Oh that's just great!" She said as she kicked a White Fang grunt away. The bomb on the trailer they were on activated was gonna blow up so they all jumped over the other trailer.

Yang: "This doesn't make sense!"

Y/N: "It never does!"

Aston: "Company!" He drew Yamato out and only breaking their aura, he did vicious slashes to keep them at bay. "Wait, is that...GRIMM?!" He saw that Grimm were coming from the holes that the explosions made."

Oobleck: "It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!"

Weiss: "This guy's insane!"

Blake: "We ARE dealing with a terrorist organization!" She felt sorry for the White Fang as it wasn't meant the be like this.

Oobleck: "We have to hurry!" He points to Y/N, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. "You four, go below and try to stop those bombs!"

SWBY: "Got it!"

Ruby: "What about us?"

Oobleck: "We're going to stop this train."

Ruby: "Yeah, you said that earlier."

Lance: "Enough, we got a job to do!"

Y/N: "Ruby, take care of my teammates, don't do anything stupid!"

Ruby: "We got this, besides you're taking all the stupid with you!" They then split up as Team RCLT, Zwei and Oobleck went to stop the train while Team SWBY went to disarm the bombs.

-With Team RCLT-

(Battle Music)

Ruby: She saw another group of White Fang grunts approaching them, this group had another Paradox Faunus with them. "Another Paradox Faunus! Looks similar to a Misdreavus Fuanus!"

Paradox Faunus: "Don't let them get to Roman!" She then vanished.

Cassie: "Wha-where did she go?!"

Oobleck: "Relax Miss Quill, she's not gone, just inivisble, Misdreavus Faunus can do it too!"

Lance: "I'll find her, take care of the rest!" they nod as they head on, Lance stops as he pulls out Pulaski and uses his semblance to send out a small pulse of weak flames to find her, he noticed that one of them didn't go as far so he opened fire on her, she revealed herself and dodged. "It doesn't have to be like this!"

???: "Yes it does! You're with the Schnee! You're part of the problem!"

Lance: "Weiss had nothing to do with that bastard's crimes against your people!" She was about to slash him with her hair when he slashed at with Pulaski in Axe form. "I'm trying to prevent a disaster! Not cause one!"

???: "I don't care! You supplied them with weapons! Made our lives harder!"

Lance: "Yet you don't know that my family's missiles have been stolen by the White Fang and Roman!" The Paradox Faunus stopped as she was confused.

???: "What? I thought you sent some to Vale?!"

Lance: "Not without letting everyone in my family know!" The Paradox Faunus then was torn apart. "My friend Aston and Blake-" The name Blake then reminded her of the commander of her squad. "-said the there was a murder of a former White Fang member, right after getting a group of Faunus and another Paradox Faunus out of Vale, you sure you still wanna fight with them?" He offered his hand out.

???: ".....Hell no!" she then shook his hand. "Name's Mari, I know what Roman's gonna do, he's gonna ditch the train and that's when we run and Grimm invade Vale!"

Lance: "Thanks, let's go!" They head back up to the others, who were surprised to see her with him. "Stand down, she's with us now!"

Aston: "I'll work with her but I won't trust her."

Cassie: "I will!"

Ruby: "Either way, we have Roman cornered!"

Mari: "That's not gonna work! He's gonna run!"

Oobleck: "Impossible, there's nowhere to run!"

Lance: "Ever heard of breaking a Window?!"

Aston: "Good point..." He then saw something behind them. "Y/N! BLAKE!" He then ran back to assist them.

Oobleck: "Mr Tabacchi!"

Mari: "Let him go, we got this."

Cassie: "You sure? He'll let them know that you turned."

Mari: "To catch me, he'll have to see me." She turned invisible.

Ruby: "I guess going 'full Predator' can work sometimes." They then busted down the door as Roman then shot up from where he was as he then tried to make a break for the window but Cassie webs it up.

Cassie: "Oh no, you're not going anywhere!"

Roman: "Stupid brat..." He then shot his cane, which had explosive dust in at them but Lance blasts it with fire, and then Ruby and Mari hit him on the head with a kick(Ruby)/punch (Mari), that was enough to knock him out.

(Music End)

Oobleck: "Outstanding work!" He then noticed that the controls were smashed. "Crud...the controls are destroyed! We're gonna crash!"

Mari: "Any ideas, anyone?!"

Lance: "....! Weiss!"

-With Team SWBY-

(Battle Music 2!)

Y/N and Yang then barged through the doors which knocked out any White Fang grunts near it, they saw a huge control room with a panel.

Yang: "I bet that could disarm all the bombs at once."

Weiss: "If it can even work, let me try, she tried to walk up but then, a short girl with dark hair on one side and pink hair on the other appeared. "What the?!"

???: "..." She was eyeing Yang.

Yang: "Oh, so she wants a fight? I'll take this!" She then walks up to her who charged at her and pulled out an parasol, meanwhile, Weiss began work on the panel.

Weiss: "It's not easy, keep anyone off me while I work!"

Blake/Y/N: "On it!" They heard a thud, it came from above them, they went to look who it was, Blake was horrified at who it was.

???: "You..."

Blake: "Adam? You're with them?!"

Adam: "A temporary truce, nothing more, as shame you joined humanity against us." He noticed Y/N. "And you! You should be on our side given what you are!"

Y/N: "Like hell I'd run with you! You killed innocent-"

Adam: He drew his blade. "NON OF THEM ARE INNOCENT!" He then charged at him and slashed but Y/N blocked it and while he didn't feel much, he did notice his arms were slightly scratched and his aura was already in the red zone, enraged that he attacked, Blake drew Gamble Shroud and strikes Adam but he blocks, Y/N then joins in and tries to hit Adam with punches, Adam was dodging them with ease however, he then sweaped at Blake who fell and then stabbed at Y/N in the stomach, his Aura was now broken as he fell on his back and started to slowly bleed. "It didn't have to be like this, join us and we can end this!"

Blake: "Never!" She tried to hit him but Adam effortlessly strikes Blake in the stomach and kicks her down.

Adam: "A pity..." He raised his blade to finish her off and sliced down but was stopped by another blade, Yamato.

Aston: "Don't. You. Dare!" He then knocks Adam away with a swift punch to the face and then turned to Blake. "You two okay?"

Blake: "I'm fine, but Y/N's injured, I'll tend to his wound."

Aston: "Got it, I'll take care of this guy." Blake gets up and heads to Y/N, Adam then gets up and charged at Aston who blocks with Yamato.

Adam: "This doesn't concern you! Leave or die!" He pushes hard against Aston.

Aston: "Nae gonnae happen, nae wi' gowks lik' ye!"

Adam: "What's a gowk-" Was all he could say before Aston broke the clash and slashed Adam away, he then used his semblance but not before Adam activated his.

The two then slashed each other with their Semblance enhanced blades, Adam's blood then dripped as he had a few cuts on his body but Aston's mask was torn to shreds, revealing his face.

(Music End)

Adam: "...Last warning, stay away from my beloved, or your mask won't be the only thing destroyed." He then runs away as Aston then runs towards Blake and Y/N.

Aston: "Is he alright?"

Y/N: "I'm fine..." He then got up. "Thanks for covering us...I owe you one."

Blake: "His aura will need time to restore itself, bleeding's stopped, where's Adam?"

Aston: "He got away..." He then heard the beeping sound from the bombs stop. "Weiss did it."

-With Weiss And Yang. A Few Minutes Ago-

Weiss: "Almost there.." She was almost done with the hacking of the bombs when she then started to feel a stomach ache. "No...not now..!"

Yang: "Now would be a nice time to finish your thing, Weiss! This girl's not easy to fight!" She was right as the Shory, known as Neo (Not the Matrix one, sorry) as proving more of a challenge to Yang, her semblance was making glass illusions to attack Yang, she then burst into flames. destroying any illusion that Neo had casted, but now Neo was nowhere to be seen. "Wha-Where'd she go?!"

Weiss: "DONE!" She pushed a button and it deactivated all the bombs on the train.

Lance: Weiss' radio goes off. "Weiss! We need you at the front! We're gonna crash! You need to do that thing we practiced!"

Weiss: "!! On the way!" She hangs up. "Come on, we gotta get to the front!" They then head up.

Y/N: He then realised that Grimm are gonna follow them through either way, he got an idea. "Go! I'll catch up!" He then turns around and starts build up draconic energy and then unleashed it as a ball which exploded.

(Replace Garchomp with Koraidon)

Y/N: "That should keep them away." He destroyed the tunnel, preventing any Grimm from following them, fortunately the spot that he did this attack in was underneath the mountain's stone, nothing important was destroyed and nobody was hurt, he then ran to catch up with the others.

Oobleck: He saw that Y/N had caught up. "Good, everyone is here."

Roman: "So what? Train's still gonna crash!"

Y/N: "What?!"

Weiss: "leave that to me!" She then slammed Myrtenaster into the train, using Ice Dust to create a small ice shield to keep them all sheltered. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!!"


It was a perfectly normal evening in the streets of Vale, then the ground started to shake, then in one of the roads, a train then emerges from the ground and stops, crashing slowly as the Ice shield started to slowly collapse, the police then converged onto the scene.

Police: "Hands up!"

Oobleck: "No need! We're from Beacon! This was-"

Captain: "No need to continue, Doctor. All units, we need a clean up crew here asap." He then saw Roman Torchwick. "And bring a squad car."

Lance: He then grabs Roman's coat. "Before you even think about, I wanna know how and who you got my missiles from."

Roman: "Hehe, some things are best left, untold." he smirked as the squad car arrived to pick him up, a dangerous criminal had been neutralised.

-With Adam And Neo-

Neo: "She then arrived at warehouse that was being used as a hideout, she was exhausted. 'Damn...she's tough....perfect...' She then saw the Amber eyed woman and Adam there with another Paradox Faunus she knew as a Malamence Faunus.

Woman: "You understand, we are not to use the missile for Vale and Beacon, if we do, Atlas will not be able to fall so easily."

Adam: "Yeah, Shao, did you convince Sienna?"

Shao (The Malamence Faunus): "Yes, she has agreed to help strike Vale when the time is right, during the Vytal festival."

Woman: "Good." 'This might be my last chance...fuck it!' "Before you strike...there's someone I'd like to try to convince to join us."

Adam/Shao: "Who might it be, Cinder?"

Cinder Fall: ".....Lance Blair."

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