The Psychic Witch

By NightWolfbloodMoon

226 6 1

"Sometimes the broken come back stronger than you can imagine." A teenage boy with a dark past discovers that... More

The Beginning
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

Part 3

34 1 0
By NightWolfbloodMoon

Victor POV

Once I wake up I decide to get out some clothes for exercise since I plan on practicing some magic. While I'm getting dressed I keep thinking about the events that took place yesterday. Eva's Words keep playing in my head. The fact that she want's to be there for me whenever I'd need it was oddly comforting. Anyway I leave the room quietly since Luz is still asleep. I woke up earlier today than when I did yesterday. Which works perfectly for me. 

I grab a few slices of plain bread and eat it while leaving a note for Eva on the fridge.
'Going out for the morning, should be back by lunch.
The note reads and I head out the door finishing the last slice. I make sure to use the back door so that I don't wake up Hooty. While walking through the woods I look for a pretty spacious clearing while making sure that it's far enough away from everything that no one would notice.

I look for about an hour and find two clearings that are too small, also a boar covered in quills tried to attack me but I disintegrated it before it even got close. At the third clearing I find all the requirements for my training. The sun has only now risen so it works out. I see a boulder in the centre of the clearing that will work perfectly for my goals. I shave the top of off the boulder to create a flat surface and use my telekinesis to throw the top that I cut off with the sword into the forest. 

Just what the hell is this sword made of. It seems to be indestructible and I felt compelled to use the sword for that purpose. This thing is definitely unique I need to look into what it is. I hope the library has some information about it because my foresight seems to be obscured. Normally I can see the past of some objects. I remember seeing the history of some artifacts in the museum back in New York but with this thing I cant see a single thing about it, it makes me uneasy.

I decide to leave those thoughts for later and to focus on my training for now. I climb onto the new flat surface of the boulder that is now about six feet tall. I sit in a meditative position and focus my psionic power throughout my body. I then focus on the magical theory of magic manipulation. I can feel my power struggle for a bit, maybe for a few minutes before it stabilizes. I then try to make a small light spell in my hand butttt. It blows up. Not surprising, if not for the fact that the blast sends me back several meters! WHAT THE FUCK!!!

"The fuck! I barely used any energy with that spell! The spell shouldn't have backfired that badly. Unless psychic energy might be a little too potent for it to replicate spells." I must have thought of it too fluidly for it to properly stabilize. I get back on the boulder and decide to try again.


I wake up from a fantastic dream but realize that there is a slight wet sensation between my legs. I blush in embarrassment at the realization of my dream might be because of hormones, and puberty. Especially considering who I was dreaming about. I quickly grab some fresh clothes and run to the bathroom. After my shower and relieving myself of some tension I throw my nightgown in the clothes hamper and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. Only to see my mom drinking some apple blood and looking at me with a smug smirk.

"Enjoy yourself Owlet?" She asks and I tilt my head in confusion probably looking like an actual owl. It then dawns on me that I might not have been as quiet as I should have been while relieving myself during the shower. I blush so red that I almost pass out. "It's alright Owlet. It happens to everyone at your age. Certainly did with me. I wonder if it has to do with a certain snow haired..." I cover my mom's mouth with my hand she removes it and she laughs for a bit before gaining a serious expression. 

"As amusing as it is to see you flustered I'm not ready to be a grandmother yet. As much as I would like to be one in the future. You will wait until you are at least eighteen. Am I understood?" She says sternly and I nod knowing that it might be the death of me. "Good now eat your breakfast before it gets cold. Also I have no problem with you having a little fun from time to time just make sure your careful." I nod in understanding and then go to eat my breakfast. But as I sit down I notice one plate missing from the table.

"Mom why is there one plate short?" Mom looks at me for a second before responding. "Victor went out early this morning. Looks like he already ate and his note said he'll be back by lunch." I deflate a little bit but let it go. I am a little curios about what he could be doing. An explosion suddenly goes of in the distance. I look out the window since that actually is a strange occurrence around here. Mom and I look at each other then shrug since it sounded pretty far away. 

After breakfast mom heads into town to get something, not sure what but I don't really care. Luz and King hang out in the living room and I am reading a book in peace in my room with regular explosions going off in the distance. "Someone's persistent." 

Victor POV

Goddammit! Another failure! What the hell am I doing wrong? I cant seem to figure out the issue. I keep blowing myself up. Good thing the psionic barrier I had up the entire time kept me safe and the explosions didn't even leave a single mark on me so no one will notice later. I need a break. Looking up at the sky and the smell of the air which is different from Earth. All of it makes me think its going to rain. And there's the rumbling of lightning. Yeah lets get back home before I get wet. 

I teleport back to the house making sure to do so inside the forest outside the house. Then a drop of water lands on my hand and I slightly flinch from the pain. The fucking rain is boiling. I start running to the house and Eda comes into my field of view and I run up to her as we head for the owl house. "Eda. What the hell is going on with the rain?" She responds without looking at me with a concerned tone of voice. "Boiling rain. Just keep running and get back to the house and safety." I remain silent but pick up the pace and run past her thanks to my superior speed.

The house comes into view and we see Luz crouched down on the ground in front of the house. Eda then shouts out to her as the rain picks up. "Boiling rain! Everybody inside now." As we run I grab Luz as we run past her as she seems confused. I trip at the doorway and skid slightly across the floor but Luz, she rolls on the ground and crashes into the furniture. Eda also trips and lands next to me before sitting upright. 

"Phew! that was close. But the important thing is nobody got hurt." Eda looks to me and Luz. Luz has what I can only describe as a dumb look on her face as she responds sarcastically. "Yep..." A cup falls on her head and she lightly exclaims in pain. Me on the other hand. Not so lucky. "I should look into some kind of insurance plan." I state as I hold my eye. A drop of boiling rain landed right on my bloody eyelid as I was blinking and it stings like hell.

Eva then comes running down the stairs and notices us sprawled out on the ground. She checks up on Luz first since she's closer and sees only a minor burn from a single drop so she's fine. But once she looks at me she looks about ready to tear into me verbally. "Before you say anything I was out for a morning jog to clear my head. The rain started up just as I was coming out of the forest." Eva lets out a tired sigh and then moves my hand out of the way and casts a healing spell on my eye. This has become too much of an common occurrence for us. 

"We should get you some healing patches with how much you get injured." She states and Eda laughs as she heads back outside with a barrier surrounding her. We follow her to the doorway, as Eva and I are leaning on each side of the doorframe and Luz and king are sitting on the floor looking out at Eda building up energy to cast a spell. King places a band aid on Luz's burn on her left forearm before doing the same on his muzzle just for the hell of it. 

"Look, now we're boo-boo buddies." Eva and Luz both let out weird noises as luz falls sideways looking up at King. "Oh my gosh I love you so much." I don't get it but remain silent as I return my attention to the rain. "You know I shouldn't be surprised about the boiling rain on the Boiling Isles. But I seriously didn't expect the weather to be like this." Eda looks over her shoulder back at us while responding to my statement. "Yeah, we don't have weather." 

Eve then continues. "We have plagues, gorenados, Shale hail, painbows..." King decides to chip in. "It's like a rainbow but looking at it turns you inside out." I facepalm and Luz grabs her hood's straps and pulls on them so that it covers her face. Eda then finishes speaking. "So, until the boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight." No need to tell me twice. I still need a shower though.

King pulls out a book from seemingly nowhere but I don't pay it any mind. "And if the rain doesn't get you, the snaggleback will. They wander the rain feeding on boiled tourists." Eda then continues speaking. "Well, whatever the case, this forcefield spell should protect the house from boiling rain and made-up demons." She looks to King saying the last four words. "Hoot! Well, hurry it up with that forcefield. That rain is getting closer to my precios stucco." Hooty then speaks in a frustrated tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Eda responds before casting the spell using Owlbert and then Luz expresses her admiration. "Wow. Some day I'd like to be as cool as Eda the Owl Lady. Magical, sassy, surprisingly foxy for her age. Hey why do they call you the Owl Lady, anyway?" Eda makes it back to the porch and responds in a smug tone. "'Cause I'm so wise." Hooty then shares his believe. "'Cause she coughs up rat bones." King gives his opinion. "I think it's 'cause she gets distracted by shiny objects." Eda then denies the statement. "No I don't." 

King simply pulls out a pen from his hat with a glowing diamond and clicks it causing it to shine. Eda's eyes dilate which makes me think she's high as fuck for a split second and she speaks like she's in a trance. "It sparkles and shimmers. It shines and delights. I must have it for my nest..." Eda then jumps for the pen and King hides it behind his back at the last second and Eda faceplants in the dirt. Eva faceplants disappointed in her mother letting out a sigh.

Luz however seems even more excited than before. Damn this girl has a lot of energy. "You have a nest? I want a nest! Nest party!" She runs up to Eda helping her stand But Eda seems a bit dizzy. "Ugh. That forcefield really took it out of me." King and Eva walk up to her with the latter placing her hands on her mothers shoulders and the former looking to tease her. "Uh oh. Moving a little slow. Age finally catching up to ya?" 

I can see trouble coming his way fast. Which comes in the form of Eda using his hat to completely cover his face getting it stuck on his snout and blinding him. He then exclaims in fear saying the word darkness as he tries to remove the hat. We all then head back inside with me opening the door for everyone and Eva helping her mother inside. I walk in last and close the door behind me. "This is perfect. Since we'll be stuck in the house all night, Eda won't have any excuse not to teach us a spell." Luz states to King following behind Eda and Eva.

"But don't you want to finish our lesson?" King asks her holding his hand out to her before running after her and I close the door behind me. I don't listen to the rest of their tirade as I follow behind the Clawthorn women. As Eda walks behind a changing screen she snaps her fingers and she changes her clothes instantly to sleepwear and drops onto the couch. Eva then walks up to me as Luz begins to bother Eda. 

"You think we should be worried?" She asks me and I shake my head no in response. "Your right. Worst case scenario Luz causes my mother to pass out due to magic exhaustion." She finishes and we head upstairs to her room. 

Once inside she takes out a book on healing magic with a slightly solemn look on her face. "Alright. Whats wrong?" She looks to me at the question and sighs. "In the past few days, less than a week to be specific, I've had to brush up on my healing magic because of you and I'm worried that you might end up in a situation that might get you killed." She explains and I raise an eyebrow at that. "You are aware that I've been involved in some of the most dangerous situations in the last year than most people get involved in in their entire lives. I'll live." 

She looks at me and scowls. "That does NOT make you invulnerable. You may be superhuman abilities and not feel pain to the same extent the rest of us do, but that last one is exactly what makes you vulnerable. You might not be able to notice life threatening wounds until its too late. Either your nerves are shot or you've just become numb to all but extreme bouts of pain. You could've bled out from the slice in your left shoulder before you even noticed it was there. I'm betting you didn't even feel light headed or notice the blood running down your arm." 

I look away from her feeling slightly guilty at the fact that I worried her but also at the fact that she was right. This confirmation made her look back in her book with a sigh and she looks intensely at the spell in the book. I choose to sit next to her and look at what the spell is. My eyes widen at the sight of the spell. It seems to be a spell meant for restoring damaged nerves. This is clearly a advanced spell that she might not be ready for. "Maybe you should let Eda handle this one. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that this spell might be a little risky for you. No offence."

She looks to me and lets out another sigh this one in frustration. "None taken, but I was planning on testing it on your hand then pricking your finger with a needle to see if it worked." I think on this for a while and cant help the feeling she's lying about something but realize that I wont be able to stop her and let her do it. I extend my arm and get ready to catch her once she overexerts herself.

She gives me a grateful smile and takes my hand after casting a levitation spell on the book so she can review it. She refers to the book one last time before tracing a pink spell circle and concentrates on me as she's casting. I can feel her magic and analyse it as it envelops my whole body. Knew she was lying. After a whole minute I can feel that the spell is working meaning that my nerves truly were shot, most likely from the electrocutions I received. I suddenly feel Eva's hand in mine and notice just how soft and smooth her skin is. I'm so enraptured by the new sensation that I almost don't notice Eva begin to fall backwards as she finishes the spell. 

I catch her and her book with my telekinesis setting the book back on the shelf and placing her under the covers of her bed while removing her shoes. After that I leave the room only to walk into Luz dragging Eda on the floor with the help of King. "You knocked her out." I state and she gives a nervous chuckle. I then move to carry Eda on my back which I do with ease and carry her to her room. Once we get there I lie her down in her nest and leave to take a shower.

During my shower I notice that I can actually feel the temperature of the water and the slight sting of the cold droplets on my skin. I revel in the ability to feel for so long that I am in the shower for much longer than intended. After the shower and getting dressed I decide to forgo a shirt because of all the humidity from the rain. Once I get downstairs I see a huge mess in the living room with both Eda and Eva in there beast forms staring at me. Eda lets out an growl at me but stops when Eva lets out an excited warble. 

I try to turn and run but Eva catches me by the ankle and drags me to a nest she made out of random junk in the living room. At least she lined the interior with blankets and cushions. She then holds me close and rubs her body on me and realize that she's marking me with her scent. I get curios as to why she's doing this and decide to read her mind. However I immediately regret it once I can sense her thoughts and desires. "Mate. My mate. So handsome and perfect." 

I swear I could give blood a run for its money with how red I am. I don't even need to see my face to know that. I look to the hallway once I hear a clicking sound. King is standing in the doorway lazily and flicking the light on the diamond pen he used on Eda earlier. "Oh, what lovely thing do we have here? It's just so dang shiny. Oh, my. Oh, dear." I feel like I want to tear his head off for the bad acting. Eda seems to fall for the trap as she chases King but Eva just curls up further around me in a protective way.

A few more minutes of her rubbing up against me and her warbling in delight later I hear Luz trying to get my attention. I look up and see her holding up a red elixir that I recognize as Eva's. She uses it to keep her beast self from getting out of control during her monthly shift. She must not of been able to do it with her being knocked out. I decide to tickle her under her armpit and hope it works. After a few seconds she begins to laugh and Luz throws the bottle right into her mouth and Eva begins to transform back.

Luz helps me put Eva back in her bed and I decide to wear a shirt since Luz cant stop staring at me while blushing. I know I'm built like a body builder but come on. Eva was bad enough I don't need another girl staring at me. While keeping an eye on Eda Luz explains to me what happened and I'm surprised that she discovered glyph magic. She shows me how to do the light glyph before going to make a lot of lights. 

After a bit Eda wakes up and I give her the rest of her elixir. She thanks me before starting to go off at King for stealing her elixir. I stop her by the third word and point at Luz. Eda is surprised at the magic lights surrounding Luz in the dozens. I leave as she explains to Luz and King about her curse since I already have the full story. 


I wake up to a cup of tea given to me by Victor and notice that the sun has risen. He explains to me the situation and I cant help but become embarrassed at the fact that I nested with him last night. It certainly doesn't help that I can smell my scent on him and he told me he found it kind of endearing what I did.

I chase him out of my room and he just laughs as he holds his hands up in mock surrender as he blocks the pillows being thrown at him. After I calmed down I notice the tea with breakfast on my nightstand and decide to eat. I notice that the tea is delicious and the food doesn't taste like mom's cooking and realize that Victor must of made breakfast. I blush at the realisation and finish my food in bliss. I then hear a knock on the door and after telling whoever at the door to come in notice mom enter.

We talk for a bit and she brings up the fact that I nested with Victor. I put my head in my hands and mom rubs my back in comfort knowing that I'm embarrassed by the whole situation. "Come on owlet its not that bad." She tries to say but I don't agree. "Mom. It is that bad. Birds only nest with their mate. Ergo I see victor as my mate. At least my beast self does. You know what that means. And what if he knows that too?" 

Mom chuckles at that. "He sure didn't seem to mind it. Also you might be right about the last part." I bury my face in my knees at that one. "Listen. Just go about your day normally and if it bothers you that much then talk to him about it. Simple. Just try to relax and don't overthink it. You'll be fine." I nod my head telling her I heard her and she kisses my head. She leaves and I think on her advice. She's right. She probably went through the same thing with my dad. Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever asked her about him before.

Later that week

Victor and I are walking through town towards mom's stand while talking about what happened during the night I went owl beast. "And so. I'm pretty sure that I'm at the very least highly attracted to you. My beast instincts most certainly tell me that your the perfect mate and I don't want to freak you out, but I don't know what to do about this." I cant help but ramble about my thoughts and feelings and he just listens to my whole tirade closely.

"I'll admit I had a feeling it was something like that given what I know about owl behaviour, which granted is not a lot. However I really don't mind, in fact I'm flattered that you feel that way. I'm also very attracted to you. So how about this. We go on a few dates and see how things go from there. Who knows we may even fall in love." I blush heavily at this and give my response. "Ok. I like that idea." He then smiles and holds my hand as we walk to my mothers stall.

"Is it just me or is it too quiet today." He asks and I notice a flier blowing in the wind towards us and catch it. Reading through it I realize that its the anual covention. I tell Victor this and he nods in response. As we get close to mom's stall we hear her exclaim pretty loudly. "Stop it! Stop it! I will literally do anything, just stop this!" We notice Gus and Willow standing off to the side cheering. "Luz wants to go to the covention doesn't she?" I ask and mom packs up the stall.

A bit of time passes and we find ourselves in front of the convention building. Mom groans while pinching the bridge of her nose. The others however are jumping in excitement except for me and Victor, he just seems curious. I'm wearing my white cloak and Victor a white hoody and mom decided to wear a cowl that she had some trouble putting on but Victor came to the rescue with his strength again. I don't think Luz has noticed yet. 

"Gotta keep a low profile." Mom states and Luz looks to her questioningly. "Is the cowl really necessary." Victor puts his hand on her shoulder before speaking. "Luz, take it from someone who has a bounty of 20 grand on his head in the human realm. Yes it is. Keeping a low profile is absolutely necessary unless you want to end up in prison. Or in my case a high security psych ward." We look to him with our jaws open but Luz is the one to speak. "How do you have a bounty that high on your head?" 

I then put my hand on her shoulder. "From what he's told me Luz. Trust me you really don't want to know." But Victor explains another reason that I did not expect. "I stole a cop car and rammed it into a police station." Me, mom and Luz's jaws are on the floor before mom laughs. "Damn kid your crazy and you got away with it too. Anyway Frost's right I could go to jail again, and I'm in no mood for that." Willow walks up with one of mom's posters. "Maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven."

Mom does not take kindly to that and pulls her cowl over her head and she struggles to get it back in place for a bit. "Let's just get this over with." We follow mom inside and I notice Victor looking around everywhere on high alert while also admiring the lively atmosphere. Gus and Willow begin to explain the coven system to Luz while I grab Victors hand. "You guys go on ahead, Victor and I are going to the Healing coven then the Bard coven to see what's new." Mom nods at us and we run on ahead.

It takes us a few minutes but we find the healing coven easily. "Why hello here to join the Healing coven?" The witch running the stand asks but we shake our heads no. "Sorry bat we're actually hoping that you have some healing books and supplies for our studies. Considering we're homeschooled." Victor states and the witch nods their head while using a spell to summon some in our hands. "Actually I'm currently studying some advanced spell and already have these." I state and the witch replaces my books. "Thanks!" We call back as Victor places the books we received in a bag he swiped when no one was looking. 

We then head for the Bard coven and I see some instruments on display as well as some music sheets for sale. Victor get's himself a flute and play's a song on it captivating me while also making me fall more in love with the guy. Magic actually seems to flow around the area as he plays encapsulating the area in a dark purple glow with a tint of silver.

I look around and see a few more girls look at him with admiration and become jealous. I grab his arm and hold him close while pressing his arm in between my breasts making him blush a deep crimson. The other girls look at me with hatred but I just give them a victorious smirk knowing that he's already all mine. "I think they get picture hun. You can let me go now." Victor states with an embarrassed tone and I pretend to think on it for a bit before giving a answer. "Hmm. Nope. Mine." I hug his arm tighter and he sighs in defeat.

We walk on exploring the place for a bit before we come across Luz arguing with the Blight girl we saw the day we snuck into the school while on the ground. "Because you and your pet are giving witches in training a bad name." Amity states and I can feel Victor getting angry while King retorts. "I am not a pet!" Victor then stomps towards them with what I can only describe as killing intent. Luz seems to notice us and gets concerned with the look on Victors face. "What in the nine hells is going on here?" He asks while stopping in front of Amity making her slightly nervous. 

Victor is about two heads taller than her while I'm only one head taller than her and Luz. So basically he towers over her and is actually very intimidating as a result with his demeanor. Amity notices his ears as he removes his hood and seems to calm down. "Just putting you humans in your place especially the delusional one." Victor brings his face close to hers and she instantly takes a step back in fear seeing the anger in his eyes. "Looks like someone is looking for a fight and is going to get it." He cracks his knuckles ready to launch at her.

I then step up and give them a solution before he breaks her in half. "Why don't you settle this through a witch's duel." Everyone within earshot gasps at this and Victor has an unsettling smile on his face. "Gladly. And you what's your response?" Amity then regains her confidence as she walks up to Victor. "I accept. Lets set the the terms for this duel, shall we." Victor then turs to Luz to address her. "Since you were the one slighted you get to set the terms while I'll do the actual fighting." 

Luz nods and steps up. "One, if Victor wins, you apologize to King for squashing his cupcake. And two, you admit that humans can be witches too." Amity then gives her response in a lackluster way. "Fine by me. But when I win, not only do you have to tell the the whole covention that you're not a witch, you both have to stop training forever." Luz becomes a little nervous and looks to Victor and he nods in conformation while having his arms crossed.

This girl has no idea who she's up against. "Fine. Let's shake on it." Luz replies while extending her hand and Amity make a spell circle and shakes Luz's hand then does the same with Victor. "The everlasting oath is sealed." Victor clenches and unclenches his fist before responding. "Still getting used to having sensation again." He looks to me and I look to the side knowing he was making a jab at the fact that I overexerted myself healing him. "Meet back inside the theater in one hour. Lets see what kind of witches you are." Amity states while walking away and flicking her hair.

"You think you can take her?" Luz asks Victor and I listen curious as to his answer. "Unless she can throw fire at me then I'll be fine. You guys said she uses abominations right. Then all I have to do is avoid them and take her out. Besides I plan on going all out on her." He gives a sadistic smirk that sends a shiver up King, Luz and mine back. Something tells me this is going to be one hell of a show. Titan help Amity for whatever he's got planned for her. "Lets go find mom and tell her about this." I then lead us to the exit hoping she hasn't left yet.

We see mom arguing with aunt Lilith, each of them practically in each other's faces. "Mom, slight problem Victor and Amity agreed to a witch's duel so he needs some advice. The moment Lilith sees me her mood lightens. "Evangeline, how are you?"

"Good, but my new friend here got herself into trouble and he is bailing her out. Again." I explain while pointing to Luz and Victor. Lilith nods before turning her attention back to mom. "Well Edalyn it seems your students have met my strongest protege. And those ears, are they human? Where did you find them. Alright Edalyn. *She casts a spell and all of mom's wanted posters are burned up.* For one day, you won't have to hide from the law, because I want to see how good of a teacher you really are." She walks away and mom puts her arm around Victor's shoulders.

"Come on, kid. Time to prepare for bloodshed. But try to make sure you don't kill the opposition." Mom tells Victor as she leads us away. "I'll do my best but I make no promises. She really got on my nerves." Victor crosses his arms and I can only pray to the Titan that he shows mercy.

Mom places a sweatband on her head as she turns to Victor. "Alright Frost. Witches duels, first thing you gotta know is that you can't use any enhancements. Besides potions you brewed yourself during the match. Second bloodshed is permitted, but no killing. Third no rigging the arena. There are a few other things, but I doubt you'll have to worry about that. Also hand me that gun your hiding under that hoody." Luz and Victor reel back at that statement and I raise an eyebrow confused. 

"You carry a gun around with you!?" Luz screams and Victor sighs in response. He pulls out a strange metal contraption held within a pouch to mom and she hides it in her hair. "That the only one you own?" She asks him and he nods. "Unless you count the tasers you saw me use on the first day we met." Mom shakes her head no in response. "New rule, no guns while your living with me. I've been shot in the past and it was not pleasant. Flesh wound before you ask." 

I look to Luz questioningly and she seems to notice. "It's a deadly weapon that can easily kill someone. Speaking of, WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE ONE?" She screams at Victor but he doesn't even flinch. "Because I have a lot of dangerous enemies. Namely the Triads and the Mafia. You don't kill a few dozen members and not get them on your ass." Luz facepalms and we hear Amity behind us. "Abomination. Rise." She summons her abomination reaching up to her shoulder and it removes it's head before throwing it at a random witch. 

"If that's all she's got she is going to end up with a few broken bones." I state and everyone nods before the sweatband on mom's head snaps from her hair. "Lets head to the arena I need to warm up." Victor states before walking off. 

Once we arrive Victor hands me his hoody and begins his warmups. As he's stretching Luz and I are both enjoying the view, mom on the other hand looks at us with a smug smile. "Well aren't you girls enjoying yourselves." Luz tries to deny it while blushing profusely while I just give a dreamy sigh in response. Some time later its time for the match and Victor is standing ready playing with his favourite knife in his hand. 

Victor POV

Lilith stands on the stage across from us with Amity next to her, it looks like she's about to announce the duel. "Beloved citizens, The Emperor's Coven proudly presents an impromptu demonstration of the sort of witch we seek every year. Introducing Amity Blight." Lilith brings her forward and she has a smug look that I can't wait to wipe of her face. The crowd goes wild but I don't care much. "Versus... Some human boy." 

The crowd becomes confused with most ridiculing me as a human. However I hear some interesting comments from some of the female observers in the crowd.
"He's kind of cute though."
"You think he's single?"
"He's got muscle in all the right places."
I don't dare look back at Eva because I know that she is royally pissed from those words alone and I can feel her fury building.

A bell screams and Amity and I both walk up to each other. She cracks her knuckles with a smug look still and I crack my neck while keeping a neutral expression. Once we're about 5 feet from each other I grasp my knife firmly in my hand waiting for the right moment. Amity makes the first move summoning a giant abomination shocking everyone. I jump back several meters to put some distance between me and the clay monster. "How did you do that?" Amity asks me and I give a smirk in response. 

"Sorry, did I not mention that I'm super human?" Amity is shocked but quickly regains her composure. "It wont save you. Abomination, attack." The clay giant then removes it's head and throws it at me. I just stand there and let it hit me. Or at least the psionic barrier I placed around me. I can hear Amity laughing from outside the barrier but it quickly stops as the temperature of the theatre drops drastically and the abomination goop around me freezes solid. Suddenly the frozen goop then explodes outwards and the shards then stop and swirl around me revealing a minor transformation. 

My veins glow purple as well as my sclera. My irises are a sharper silver. And every step I take freezes the ground around me. Suddenly I start floating a foot of off the ground and start laughing. As I laugh my voice echoes with power before I speak unnerving everyone in the stands. "Fun fact. There are some humans who's mind are so strong that they develop psychic ability's. And I am one of them." I throw my hand out towards the abomination and blast it with fire. It starts to melt and become unable to hold it's shape melting into a giant puddle on the floor.

Everyone is silenced by the display of power Lilith looks shocked but Amity. She can only look on in pure terror. As for me I am reveling in my newfound power. The Holy grail really has upped the level of power I have far beyond expected levels. Not only that If I tried to use this mus power in the past I would be knocked out cold but now. I feel like I could go at this for another hour at most with the pace I'm going. 

"Ready to surrender?" I ask while covering the entire arena in ice spikes as big as three meters tall and half a meter wide. Amity however refuses. "Not going to happen, cheater." That pisses me off and I teleport in front of her and punch her in the stomach sending het flying to the other side of the arena. "I don't cheat. I just never hold back in a fight." I state once she's able to stand again. I then arc electricity across the ice spikes like tesla coils making the arena into a deadly playground.

I jump behind Amity and start using my fists. She tries to block using abomination clay but is having trouble since I'm freezing the clay with every strike. As we weave between the ice and electricity Amity quickly becomes overwhelmed since its clear she's outmatched. Her focus is to divided between her surroundings, dodging the electricity and my punches that she's quickly running out of stamina. I'm honestly surprised she's lasted this long.

However I decide she's had enough after about ten minutes and stop using my electrocinetic field and trying to punch her. However once I stop she tries to take advantage of this and hits me with an abomination covered fist in the chest. I don't even flinch as she drops. Before she can hit the ground I catch her by the waist and whisper in her ear. "Not bad you lasted longer than most. Even with the power glyph slapped on the back of your neck." 

She goes rigid at that and stands up straight with her hand on the back of her neck. "Lilith put it there just before the fight. Just be discreet in removing it, I don't think you deserve the humiliation as you fought very well." Amity looks like she's about to cry but manages to hold it in. She nods to me before I continue. "The bet doesn't mean anything if there was outside interference."

She nods a second time then lifts her hand in the air. "I forfeit the duel." Amity then leaves the theatre as the others run up to me. "That was awesome. I didn't know you were psychic." Luz exclaims as she hugs me from behind. "I didn't completely trust you guys yet, but I realized that I don't need to hide my power from anyone here. So I decided to let loose. Oh before I forget Lilith cheated by placing a power glyph from the construction coven on Amity without her knowing. You should go after her Luz."

Eda gains a shocked expression and stomps up to Lilith while Luz runs after Amity. Eva on the other hand decides to take my arm and we follow slowly behind them. "Are you going to melt the ice or leave it alone." Eva asks. "It will melt down on it own so I'm not going to waste the energy." I respond referring to my already tired state.

We look for Luz and Amity and see them speaking a little ways away from the theatre. "The oath is unbound. I'd say humans have no magical talent but I feel like that wont stop you." Amity stats then walks up to me and unbinds our oath. "I don't know what you are but thank you for not humiliating me when you had the chance." I nod to her and she leaves us looking better than earlier. "Looks like you to had a productive talk." Eva says to Luz before King runs up to us.

He goes crazy about the fight and giving the three of us tote bags. Eda then runs up to us covered in dust and melted ice clearly having gotten into a fight with Lilith. I on the other hand cant focus on what they're saying since I'm passing out. Eda notices and quickly gives me a piggy back ride just as everything goes black. 

Hope you guys enjoy BloodMoon out.

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