the peaceful Tennyson

By PiratePhox4

13.9K 448 211

When an elderly man and his three grandkids go on a summer road trip, they encounter mysterious, and other wo... More

S1E1: And then there were ten
S1E2: Washington B.C.
S1E3: The Krakken
S1E4: Permanent Retirement
S1E6: Tourist Trap
S1E7: Kevin 11
S1E8: The alliance
S1E9: Last laugh
S1E10: Lucky girl
S1E11: A small problem
S1E12: Side effects
S1E13: Secrets
S2E1: Truth
S2E2: The big tick
Updates (+Q&A)

S1E5: Hunted

637 30 9
By PiratePhox4

It was another day in the desert. Max has constructed a small target practice structure of strung up tires and soda cans.

Max: "You ready?"

Ben, already inside the structure, smirks and slams down on the watch, transforming into Diamondhead.

Diamondhead: "Oh yeah"

Max: "Remember to think out there, Ben. Don't just try to muscle it. "Might isn't always right"!"

Diamondhead: "I know, but it's always fun!"

Max pulls a lever, sending six cans flying in the air. Diamondhead spins around and fires six crystals, piercing each one. Max makes target boards lower behind Diamondhead, who spins around and shoots them.

Diamondhead has restless fingers and excitedly shoots cans from behind his back and a target cactus in front. He somersaults and nails some pull-up targets a fair distance away. He morphs his spikes back into his hand and blows on his "hot" finger. Gwen watches him from a lounge chair, applying sunscreen, with y/n sitting on the ground next to her, sitting crosslegged, with his eyes closed.

Gwen: "Show-off..."

Max: "Focus, Ben. Think!"

Diamondhead: "Don't worry, Grandpa!"

Some cans come flying at him. He bobs out of the way and shoots them behind his back, but doesn't notice a tire swinging towards him. It beans Diamondhead in the face, knocking him back and causing him to shoot crystals everywhere. Max takes cover. Gwen screams and hides as the crystals hit her chair and sunscreen bottle. Y/n however, caught a crystal inches from his face.

As gwen starts crawling out from under a table, the leaking sunscreen lands on her head.

Gwen: "Urrgh!"

Diamondhead: "Oops... my bad"


Gwen: "You rock-head, you almost turned me and y/n into Swiss cheese!"

Ben: "I said I was sorry. What else do you want?"

They were back in the rust bucket, driving away from the training structure, and back on the road.

Max: "What we want is for you to take that thing on your wrist more seriously, Ben. It's not a toy. You've got to think when you use it"

Ben: "I know, but come oooon! You guys have seen me in action. I'm the baddest Ben in town! I've kicked so much alien butt, my feet hurt!"

Gwen: "Yeah, well, one of these days, you're gonna screw around and get your own butt kicked, and I hope I'm there to see it!"

Ben: "Dream on, geek face!"

Y/n sighed, and crossed his arms. Once again, Ben ignores y/n, and takes the glory for himself. The Rust Bucket then starts sputtering and slowing down on the road.

Max: "Uh oh, that doesn't sound good"

Max Pulls down into a ghost town, and parks the rust bucket to check the damage, as his grandkids stood outside with him.

Ben: "Huh, looks like nobody's home"

Gwen: "Not for a while. My IntelliMap program says this is Slaterville. Incorporated in 1857 after the discovery of silver. Went bust in the late '50s when the mine ran out"

Ben: "Why does everything out of your mouth sound like a book report?"

Max: "Aha!"

Max takes his head out of the RV's hood.

Max: "I think I found the problem"

He holds up a dripping tube with a crystal shard running through it.

Max: "Leaky fuel line"

Ben: "Uh...'lucky shot'?"

Max: "I should be able to patch it up.."

Ben: "Sorry, Grandpa. Let me help! Maybe Four Arms. No, wait, Upgrade!"

Max: "I think you've done enough, Ben. I'll handle this"

Ben: "Okay... Guess I'll just check this place out!"

The three watch Ben head into town with a big smile on his face.

Max: "Maybe you should, um..."

Gwen: "Make sure he doesn't somehow blow everything up? I'm on it"

Gwen walks after Ben.

Max: "y/n-"

Y/n: "I'll keep an eye on them"

With Ben, he strolls into an empty warehouse.

Ben: "Oh, talk about old school. Look at all this junk!"

Outside, Gwen walks around, calling out Ben's name. Ben gains a devilish smile and activates the watch. A flash of green shoots out of the tall warehouse entrance. Gwen spots it and frowns. She moves over, and stands at the entrance of the warehouse.


No response. She worryingly walks in. As she passes by, a creepy shadow follows after her. As it reaches her, it passes through her, causing her to shiver.

Ghostfreak: "What's the matter, Gwen? You look like you've seen a Ghost - freak!"

Ghostfreak starts the cackle, as Gwen looks unamused.

Gwen: "Get over yourself, doofus. You don't scare me"

The ground suddenly starts to tremble. Something underneath starts heading straight for the two. Ghostfreak pulls Gwen away before it hits. A mechanical bounty hunter, named Kraab, emerges from the ground and walks menacingly towards them.

Gwen: "But he does!"

Ghostfreak: "No problem, I'll handle this guy"

He flies up to Kraab.

Ghostfreak: "Oh, man... You put the 'ug' in 'ugly'!"

Kraab: "Hand over the Omnitrix and I promise you won't suffer... much"

Ghostfreak: "Dream on, 'claw-boy'"

Ghostfreak moves his eye along the cracks in his body, so he can talk to Gwen behind him.

Ghostfreak: "What's he talking about?"

Gwen: "Duh? Why else would some alien track you down? It wants the watch, Einstein!"

Ghostfreak: "You don't have to get snotty about it, Ms. Know-It-All"

He then moved his eye back to his face.

Ghostfreak: "Sorry 'crabby', the watch and I are kind of.. attached"

Kraab: "Not for long"

Ghostfreak: "You have no idea who you're messing with"

Kraab: "I was just about to say the same thing"

Ghostfreak: "Oh, yeah? Do you know this one? "Now you see me, now you don't"!"

Ghostfreak disappears; Kraab only sees Gwen behind him, who laughs nervously and runs away. Kraab steps back and carefully looks around him. Ghostfreak tries to sneak up behind him, but Kraab's head spins around.

Kraab: "You're as arrogant as you are dim-witted!"

His thermographic vision is able to detect Ghostfreak. Kraab faces him and fires from his large claw an orange liquid. As it lands on Ghostfreak, it uncloaks him.

Ghostfreak: "Blech! What happened?!"

Kraab: "Your protoplasm is now solidified, making it easier to do THIS!"

He punches Ghostfreak into a wall. As he recovers, Kraab advances and tries to puncture him with his legs.

Ghostfreak dodges and tries to tackle Kraab, but he bats him away with his claw, landing on the other side of the warehouse. Gwen runs over to help him up.

Ghostfreak: "Oh, man. Who is this guy?"

Gwen: "Remember when I said I wanted to be there when you finally got your butt kicked? I take it waaaay back!"

Ghostfreak: "where's y/n when you need him?"

As if spoken into existence, a black cloaked figure floats towards them, flinging skulls at Kraab.

Gwen: "y/n?"

Hex: "yes. Now stay back. I'll finish him"

Kraab lifts his claw, and shot a laser, but Hex raised his arms, protecting himself with a wall of bones. He then flies around it, and flings a barrage of skull as kraab. Then, thrusts out and arm, causing bones to form underneath kraab, which thrust upward, crushing the bounty hunter into the ceiling. Behind hex, the watch beeps red, before becoming Ben again.

Hex: "let us retreat. Before he awakens"

The three run off, heading back to rust bucket, with hex reverting back to y/n.

Max: "What happened?"

Gwen: "You know, the usual. Some jumbo-sized crustacean burst out of the ground and attacked Ben. It said it wanted the watch, only it kept calling it the "Omnitrix"..."

Ben: "Just let me go Four Arms, and I'll turn him into a seafood special!"

Max: "No time. Repairs are done. We're out of here"

Ben: "But Grandpa-!"

Ben reluctantly doesn't argue, as everyone got in the RV, and pulls out and heads back on the road.

Gwen: "No sign of 'crab guy' yet!"

Ben: "Well, he better not show up if he knows what's good for him-!"

They suddenly feel a tumble on the roof. A circular bladesaw starts cutting open the ceiling.

Gwen: "I think we just picked up a hitchhiker!"

Another bounty hunter, this one named sixsix, tears open the ceiling and peers inside; Ben and Gwen scream, as y/n stared wide eyed.

Gwen: "Who's that?!

Ben: "Beats me!"

SixSix starts reaching for Ben, As Max slams the brakes, causing SixSix to fall off in front of the RV. Max confidently hits the gas, running over him. But his smile fades as the RV comes to a stop right after. He gets out and sees the tires are all deflated, having been covered with spikes. SixSix starts getting up. Quickly searching for some cover, Max points to a mine entrance.

Max: "in there!"

The four run in. Before SixSix can chase them, tremors interrupt him. Their source, Kraab, erupts from the ground.

Kraab: "Remember me?!"

As those two delt with each other, the tennysons run inside the mine, steering a corner and stop to catch their breath. Ben slowly peers around the corner. He can see the outside; no one is at the entrance.

Ben: "Whew, the coast is clear!"

Kraab then bursts out of the ground in front of them.

Gwen: "Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time?!"

Kraab: "The Omnitrix! Give it to me!"

The tennysons run away from the chasing kraab, as Ben was tapping the watch

Ben: "Come on, do something. Anything!"

Y/n cupped his around the amulet, as it glows a brown color.

Y/n: "Fire element: type 3"

As they ran, y/ns body began the change. His skin turned green, his hair turning blue, and tired back. An archers uniform and quill for arrows covered his body. A red bandana formed over his eyes. And finally, holding out his hand, a burst of flames that formed into a golden bow appeared. The speeding Flameslinger.

Flameslinger swung around, and shot an arrow with perfect aim, and sent Kraab toppling down to the ground. Giving the tennysons a chance to the end of the tunnel, and to an open chasm, trapping them on one side.

Gwen: "Now what?"

Flameslinger: "over here!"

Flameslinger ran over to a cable car, followed by the other three. Max, Ben, and Gwen got into the car, as flameslinger grabbed the lever, and pulled it, starting the car. Behind them, kraab charged again. Flameslinger takes a headstart, and runs at the move car, before grabbing onto the edge, and climbing inside.

Kraab: "What a pathetic excuse for prey!"

Kraab prepares to cut the cable with his claw, but is shot backward by SixSix. SixSix flies after the car, shooting at it and knocking the Tennysons around. Gwen peers above the car and sees SixSix gaining on them.

Gwen: "We got company, closing in fast!"

Max: "We need a plan"

Flameslinger: "I'll hold them off"

Flameslinger stood up, and took aim with his bow, firing threw flaming arrows, which blew up, two, and dodged another. But more and more arrows were shot at him. Meanwhile, Ben finally gets the watch to start again.

Ben: "Yes! Who needs a plan, when you have the watch? I'll take care of this!"

Max: "No, Ben. That's just what it wants!"

It was too late. Ben had already transformes into diamondhead. He then leaps out of the car past flameslinger, grappling SixSix and causing them to plumet down the chasm.

Max: "Ben!"

The two fly back up and into the wall on the other side of the chasm. The cable car continues through a tunnel.

Max: "Ben, come on!"

Diamondhead: "I'll catch up. First, I've got to put some dents in this walking soda machine!"

Diamondhead prepares to attack, but Kraab grabs him from behind and throws him into a wall. While they walk toward him, Diamondhead leaps at the two bounty hunters. He is unable to defend against both of their attacks, and Kraab throws him to the wall and on the ground again. SixSix starts walking to him, but Kraab holds him back.

Kraab: "Back off! That reward's mine"

SixSix gurgles.

Kraab: "Well, you don't have to get personal-!"

Two flaming arrows them hit them both, as flameslinger runs in, standing in front of diamondhead, aiming at them.

Kraab: "why you little-"

Suddenly, A metal ball falls to the ground at their feet and releases a gas that knocks the two of them out. A few feet away from them is another bounty hunter just called Hoverboard, who fired the grenade.

Flameslinger aimed an arrow at hoverboard, as he moved closer. Shooting it, hoverboard deflects it, and closelined a shocked flameslinger. Flameslinger jumps back up, and went for a kick, but hoverboard grabs his leg, and threw him into the wall.

Taking the chance, hoverboard flies over to Diamondhead, picking him up by his back spike and carrying him out of the tunnel.

Once they come out of the tunnel and back into Slaterville, he throws Diamondhead to the ground.

Flameslinger groans, standing up. He puts his bow on his back, before running after him with incredible speeds, a trail of fire left behind him.

Meanwhile, outside, diamondhead kneels in front of hoverboard.

Hoverboard: "Billions of beings on this planet, and the Omnitrix winds up on the wrist of a foolhardy youth"

Diamondhead: "Well, like I told your buddies, this thing doesn't come off. I've tried"

Hoverboard: "Of course it doesn't. Its power utilizes alien DNA, which binds to the host's own genetic structure. It cannot simply be removed like taking off a hat..."

Diamondhead sneakily readies a blade and rushes to attack him. Hoverboard, with his back turned, expertly dodges and counterattacks.

Hoverboard: "Your choice of warriors is based SOLELY on brute strength, without regard for any strategy. Do you ever pause to consider your actions at all?"

Diamondhead: "Hey! I kick more than my share of alien butt!"

Hoverboard: "Such as your recent success in the mine shaft with the bounty hunters. If your friend wasn't there, you'd be dead by now"

Diamondhead: "It was two against one! And I didn't need my friends help!"

Diamondhead attacks again; the bounty hunter avoids and counterattacks as he talks.

Hoverboard: "You were moments away from losing your life and the Omnitrix. Victory should've been swift and effortless. The Omnitrix is not some toy for your amusement. It's the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. The key to an epic battle between good and evil"

By the end of it, diamond was on the ground, hoverboard standing above him.

Diamondhead: "Then whose side are you on?"

Hoverboard: "ask your friend"

Hoverboard stepped aside, showing flameslinger on top of a building, aiming at him. But he stopped, and put away his bow, before jumping down, and approaching them.

Diamondhead: "how long were you there..?"

Flameslinger: "the entire time"

Diamondhead: "and you didn't help?!"

Flameslinger: "I just wished to see you learn your lesson"

Diamondhead: "seriously..?"

Hoverboard: "My mission is to retrieve the Omnitrix at all costs. Since it is attached to you, I will bring you back for its removal"

Diamondhead: "Oh, no. I'm not going anywhere"

Hoverboard: "It's not your choice"

Diamondhead: "It is now...!"

Diamondhead tackles him, causing him to drop his folded-up hoverboard. He grabs Diamondhead by the face and throws him off, and gets back up. All the while, flameslinger is standing there, watching, reaching for his bow just in case.

Hoverboard: "It's disturbing how little you know of this alien's strengths and weaknesses. You barely scratched the surface of its potential!"

Diamondhead: "Yeah? So what makes you such an expert?"

Hoverboard's helmet slides open and reveals a face almost identical to Diamondhead's; although his crystals have a more blueish hue and he has green eyes. This is another member of Diamondhead's species (whose real name is Tetrax)!

Diamondhead: "You'!"
Tetrax : "Wrong. I am a noble warrior, you are an impulsive annoyance. We have wasted enough time"

Just then, the omnitrix times out, reverting Ben back to normal. He goes to pick up Ben, but stops. Flameslinger would have intervened by now. He turns around, not seeing flameslinger in sight, nor his hoverboard.

Kraab suddenly walks out from behind a building, hoverboard in hand, and flameslinger's head locked in his claw.

Kraab: "Looking for THIS?! You're not getting off this planet with the Omnitrix, and just to be sure..."

SixSix appears, holding Gwen and Max.

Max: "Hands off!"

Gwen: "Let me go!"

Kraab: "See, we've decided to work together! And split the reward and you, in half!"

He clamps his claw; Ben is slack-jawed. The two groups stand off in the setting sun. Tetrax continues to hold Ben, while SixSix holds weapons to Max and Gwen. Kraab makes the first move, tossing aside flameslinger , and started shooting beams at Tetrax.

He blocks them with his back, shielding Ben. He flees into a house and drops Ben inside, who looks up to see Tetrax shielding against Kraab's heavy fire by simply standing.

SixSix gurgles.

Kraab: "Don't blow a gasket, 'metal-mouth', I know what I'm doing!"

Meanwhile, inside.

Ben: "What are we waiting for? We've gotta save them!"

Tetrax : "Don't be foolish. Keeping the Omnitrix secure is the only priority here"

Ben: "Not to me. That's my family!"

Tetrax : "You cannot save them. Your Friend can do that himself. You Howe, would soon be overpowered and captured. The obvious choice is for me to retrieve my hoverboard, so that we may leave the planet"

Ben: "But-"

Tetrax: "Stay here"

Tetrax runs out the door. He leaps through the smoke of Kraab's fire and fires crystals of his own. They pierce right through SixSix's body, staggering him to the ground. As Kraab sees this and turns around, Tetrax has already run up to him.

He leaps over an attack and snatches the hoverboard out of Kraab's hands. He opens it and flies away, dodging blasts from the now-recovered SixSix. He circles back and leaps off the board, landing on SixSix and causing a massive cloud of smoke to push back Kraab, Max, and Gwen. Tetrax picks SixSix out of a small crater and punches him back.

SixSix shoots a rocket from his wrist; but are shot out of the air by flameslinger.

Tetrax looked at flameslinger, who aimed an arrow at sixsix, as kraab lands behind Tetrax, and swings at him, but Tetrax grabs him and throws him.

Kraab lands a few feet from the house where Ben is in. Ben sees him and looks at the Omnitrix, now recharged.

Ben: "Alright, hero time!"

Kraab looks up and sees Ben flee back into the house. He crawls in while SixSix keeps Tetrax and flameslinger busy.

Sixsix charged at Tetrax, but an arrow shot into his shoulder, as flameslinger runs forward, leaping into a kick, knocking down sixsix, and flipping into a landing position beside Tetrax.

Tetrax: "a skilled warrior. Not what I was expecting from earth"

Flameslinger: "I am not exactly from earth"

Flameslinger held out his hands, as they, and his legs caught fire. He then leaps forward at sixsix, who just got back up to his feet. Flameslinger then started sending repeated bicycle kicks into sixsix's head, before sending a final kick, knocking the bounty hunter back.

As sixsix started to get up, albeit, in a daze, kraab came crashing out of the building, sparks flying off his body, trying to reach for something. What he was reaching for was Greymatter, who was reaching into his neck for something. He eventually rips a wire that causes Kraab's entire head to spin around. He comes to a stop...and falls to the ground, completely out of commission.

Grey Matter: "One down!"

Greymatter jumped out of kraabs body, and ran towards sixsix, who got out his daze, and aimed at flameslinger, who aimed back. However, flameslinger smirked. They both shot their weapons, causing smoke to build up. Flameslinger then ran forward, and with a dash, tripped sixsix, and yoinks Greymatter off the ground, and tossed him into sixsix's back.

Flameslinger: "all yours!"

Greymatter: "you bet!"

As Greymatter digs around sixsix's back, Tetrax spots him, and grows agitated.

Tetrax : "i told you to stay out of my way!"

However, Greymatter ignores him.
Greymatter: "Wonder what would happen if I did this!"

He rips wires out of SixSix's armor, as his jet-pack goes haywire and takes off, flying him in several directions and slamming into the supports of a water tower. SixSix eventually dives to the ground, the thrust of the jetpack dragging him across it. He finally stops right in front of Kraab, still on the floor.

Greymatter notices the water tower's supports failing and the tower starting to teeter.

Greymatter: "need a pick up!"

A blur of flames zoom by grabbing Greymatter, as kraab looks up with a grunt, finally awaken.

Kraab: "I hate this planet..."

The tower comes crashing down on Kraab and SixSix's bodies and bursts open with water, as flameslinger with Greymatter on his shoulder watch, as the others walk up to them.

Greymatter: "Only one way to beat the dessert heat, don't you think...?"

Tetrax : "Pretty smart...for a human"

Greymatter: "couldn't have done it without my partner here"

Flameslinger smiled, and crossed his arms.

Tetrax then uses a device to deploy a small flying cube. It travels to where Kraab and SixSix are laying, grows to engulf them, then shrinks back to its original size, and them along with it. Greymatter times out, and returns to Ben, along with flameslinger reverting back to y/n, as Tetrax places the cube in his pocket.

Tetrax: "I'll return as soon as I am able!"

Ben: "What about this?"

Ben lifts the omnitrix.

Tetrax : "It's in good hands until then. Especially since it's wearer has a partner"

Tetrax then hands his hoverboard to Ben.

Tetrax: "This may be of some use in the meantime"

Ben: "Oho, man! Are you serious?! Hold on... You said you needed this to get off the planet"

Tetrax: "Selective disinformation"

Ben: "Huh?"

Gwen: "He lied"

Y/n: "a misleading one at that"

Tetrax takes a few steps forward. He pulls out a device from his belt; his helmet slides back over his face; and he presses the device, teleporting him away.

Gwen: "How come you get all the cool alien stuff?"

Ben: "Fits my style"

Gwen: "Riiight... I have something for you too!"

She pours sunscreen all over his head, getting back at him.

Ben: "Ugh! Hey! What'd you do that for?!"

Gwen: "Wouldn't want that big head of yours to get sunburned"

Y/n: "she does have a point though. You will be put at a disadvantage in combat if you obtained a sunburn"


A ship in space is seen orbiting earth. A creature in a tube watches a feed of the planet, as a spec of light exits the planet and shoots off into space.

Creature: "Betrayed..."

Mechanical creature: "Sensors indicate the Omnitrix is not with the mercenaries"

Creature: "It would appear the creature who possesses the Omnitrix - is as clever as it is fierce. But I shall not be denied.."

Meanwhile, in another part of the ship, a giant black base suddenly began to light up in a purple glow. Almost forming a portal of some sort...

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