hp x tvd crossover. reincarna...

By ChanelAengell

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what if a girl is reincarnated into a world where Harry potter and The vampire diaries exist and have eight s... More

inheritance test and first steps of magic
prepared for school
Ilvermorny and Hogwarts repartition ceremony
filler chapter and chapter 6: time skip.
New Orleans and the Malfoy part 2
His Veela side.
10) first steps

New Orleans and the Malfoy part 1

2.5K 85 7
By ChanelAengell

Today is the ceremony of distribution. My friends are sitting around me in the middle of the table. I see the first years coming. The hat started singing and I hummed with him. Granger is the first to be called.( 'Griffondor') When Draco is called he looks towards our table. I smiled and nod at him. He smiles back happy to be approved in the house by the queen herself. Alastor says Slytherin and his smile brighten, cute. I applaud and he heads toward us.

It's Luna Lovegood turns. She is in the same year as him in this world. Alastor says rav- SLYTHERIN?! Isn't she supposed to be in Ravenclaw? She smiles and approaches me. She asks to hug me. I of course agree and ask her if she is okay. She tells me she is so happy to meet me. I put her in my lap and the ceremony resumes. In the corner of my eyes I see Draco looking a little jealous. My friends look at me weirdly so I mouth them "She is a supernatural creature". They nod and continue to listen at the ceremony.

There is an uproar when harry potter is called but also everything went well. I look at everyone faces and try to remember their names. I know all of the new students. There aren't any changes from the original plot unless you count Luna. We eat and I lead the students to the dungeons with the prefects. The prefects introduce us and explains certains things then I say:

-"Hello to all, as said before I am lady Athena Luna De Black, the queen of Slytherin since my second year. I know some of you have death eaters or criminal as parents and I don't care. Here you will all be treated the same. But unfortunately it doesn't apply outside these doors. Other houses and mostly Griffondor will try to provoke you. They will use words and gestures to make you angry and see you punished. For the pasts three years, I tried to make Slytherin a place where outcasts are accepted. If you are a pureblood, a half-blood or a muggles born we don't care in this house contrary to what they will say. 'It matters not what someone is born, but what they will grow' to be matters so to be sure you all will pass seven good years in Slytherin, some rules are made to follow.

1) Slytherin stands together, no one will be rejected or consequences may follow. Your house is your family.

2)House elf are not slave. The rooms are to be neat at the end of the day. Bedrooms inspection are twice a month. The one who dirty things will be the one to clean it.

3)No outsiders are to be allowed here, even when you know them.

4)Arguments with a Slytherin is only permitted inside Slytherin house to show others we are united.

5)Attend all meetings when they are one, it's important to have all knowledge of a situation.

6) Knowledge is important, study time and each meal are mandatory.

7) Always get back up again. A Slytherin isn't a failure, when he fails he finds a solution to be better than before.

8)Protect your family and your dreams at all costs. Family isn't a blood bond but people you can't live without.

9)Mind your audience and never let your guard down. Divulge nothing to enemies save misinformation. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Trust no one. Questions all motives even thin one.

10)Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. Power is better than recognition and sometimes being near power is better than being in power.

11)Forget what they think you are unless it can be used to your advantage. You are worthy, know yourself. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

12)Never take by force something that can be obtained by stealth or persuasion.

13)These rules are to be followed and not to be broken. A Slytherin knows many rules. He knows when to follow and when to break one. Learn other rules so you can break them properly.

These are the rules but don't forget, loyalty and defense of your own is an inherent part of the Slytherin morality. If you have any problem in study, personal matters or others you can talk to us, the prefects, the royals or professor Snape. Also, be careful of the headmaster, he is not someone who likes Slytherin and obstacles. If nobody has something to say you can all go to your rooms. You are alone in your bedroom so if you want to sleep with someone in the future tell us. Tomorrow we will visit the school together at seven am to not be lost. At breakfast you will have your schedule. If you have a health problem or an allergic problem tell me. Goodnight to all, we will see each other tomorrow." They say goodbye and leave in their bedroom. My friends tell me it was an impressive speech, I thank them. We talk a little then go to bed.

2 days later, I see a suspicious door. I go inside the room and see the mirror of erised.(desire) I look into it and I see myself with all of my friends and my mates, with Rebekah and Hope. I smile. I then think about the stone and I see myself holding it. I conjure a stone. I transfigurate the banal stone into one that looks exactly like it and replace it. I sense something in my pocket, it's the philosopher stone. I then go back into my room. 'I'll see Flamel on holiday' I say before sleeping.

It's Halloween, today will be the day where the troll attacks. I will not attack it. You may think i'm being selfish but it's for the plot. If I intervene then thz story may not follow the original plot. It could lead to some dangers and the deaths of my loved ones. In addition it's just a troll this year it's not the deaths of wizards event. I will be in the Grand hall with the others so they can't say anything if they don't see me. It's dinner and I'm in the Grand hall when I hear someone say a troll is in school ground. All the teachers leave and Dumbledore says: " Students, please go back in your rooms in calm, there are many teachers you all will be safe don't worry".
So i retort: "Headmaster, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are near where the troll is, wouldn't we be safer if we wait in this room?"
He seems taken aback.-"Right, you will be in charge while we leave, please control the situation in the four houses." -"OK"He was not happy I talked back but he smiles. A fake one but a smile nonetheless. He leaves and I hear agitation.

I stand on the Slytherin table and proclaim: -" please could you all listens to me?" They calm down a little to hear me speak. "I know the situation is stressful and dangerous but I have faith in the teachers. We will not be harmed while we are in this room. Now I ask of you and I suggest for the better that we calm ourselves, we have to gather and move the table to have some space. You will have the choice between listening to a story or playing games. The prefects will be in charge. Thank you all to listens to me."

When the teachers came back they were schocked to see us calm and mixed together. Some students were even sleeping peacefully. For my part I was with my friends, Eleanor head was on my right shoulder, Martin on my left and Luna was in front of me, on my laps. I caressed her head. We were waking the students delicately. And then the teachers leads us into our rooms. Since that day I have become respected by all the professors and students but Harry, Ron and Dumbledore.

It was the middle of the year and I received an invitation from Ilvermorny to study there in the last months of school. I discuted with Dumbledore and he agreed, he seemed happy I wouldn't be here in the last monts. I was too happy to see my friends and to escape the scandals of the Basilisk that will probably take place at the end of the year to care.

In Ilvermorny from Sunday night to wednesday lunch I didn't have classes. All this free time permitted me to increase my business. I can now confirm i'm one of the richest person on earth. It wasn't just a company now. It was multiples ones in the entire world with different firm. There was a tattoo parlor firm, a restaurant and coffe one, a clothes one, a make up one, a art one... In four years maximum i'll meet the TVD cast. I'm so excited. Next year is the triwizard tournament and Draco will soon wake up his Veela side. I'm thinking of going in advance to Mystic falls to meet some people before the plot starts and to build a mansion. It will be less strange if I'm going now than in four years as later they will doubt my motives if I arrive when the plot happens. I will also visit them not long after the Gilbert parents die. (Jeremy is aged up, he is the same age as draco.) He will surely develop his supernatural side not long after knowing about the vampires so I need him to trust me before that.

I'm 14 and we are in the holidays. I'm in Mystic Falls for one week. The house I will be resided has already been built. It's situated at the border of the forest between school and the Mikaelson's future house. It's also near the border house and the Gilbert one. I've just arrived so I put charms arounds the giganstic mansion with a pool to shield it. Now none can enter here without my permission. I hear my stomach growling and it's time to eat so I go to the grill.

I command a burger with supplement bacon, fries and a coke. I wait in a booth and see Caroline coming towards me.

C-"Can I sit here?"

-"Of course you can"

-" I don't remember ever seeing you before, are you new to town?"

-"I guess you could say that. I'm actually only here for a week but i'll come back when i'm eighteen. I already have a house, I just have to move here."

-" Then... Can we be friends?" She asks a little shy and enthusiastic.

-"It will be my pleasure. Oh sorry, I forgot my manners. I'm Athena, you are?"

-"I'm Caroline, Caroline Forbes, the sheriff daughter. I'm happy to meet you."

-"I know we have just met but I want you to know your mother does not define you, you introduced yourself like the sheriff daughter. If people can't see past that then don't make them your friends, they will just want some benefits from you. It's an advice sorry if it came on rude." She smiles sadly.

-"Oh no you are right, presenting myself like that is just a habit. It's just that I want to have friends and since most know my mother it's easier to make some when I say it."

-"Caroline, if I choose to be your friend it's because you seem interesting and caring. Not because your mother is known in this town. Now do you want anything? My treat for our new friendships." When my food comes I order something else for Caro. We discuss some things until someone interrupted us.

"-like you to meet my friend Bon-."
-"- Caroline! You shouldn't talk to strangers." Elena talks to Caro while she fakes a smile at me. The Bitck. She drags Caroline by force so Caro yells: see you tomorrow, here at the same time. Elena says :"I said don't talk to people I don't know, she could be dangerous and she could want to destroy our friendship, now come on I need your help with something." I see, even before her parents death she was an attention seeker. I pay for the food and go home.

This week, i've become great friends with Caro and we have exchanged numbers. Unfortunately I haven't seen Jeremy, maybe next time. I admit i'm a little sad but I can soon hopefully meet him. I have also met Taylor Lockwood. He's got quite the temper but when you get to know him he's like a teddy bear 🧸. He loves affection.

I'm now visiting New Orleans, I'm into a coffee where they sell sweet things and I see Marcel enter the shop. He must have been informed a powerful magical being was in the city and a witch told him they sensed magic in me. He comes to my table and says:

-"Hello young miss, what are you doing here alone without an adult? Are you lost or...?" I say no without saying a word, only with my head. I don't even look at him. I just keep eating my cheesecake.

"Miss, I'm Marcel, can you at least introduce yourself if you aren't going to tell me why you are here. I'm worried about you."I eat the last piece of my delicious cake and take a sip of my strawberry drink. I see a nerve pop in front of me. It really is amusing. He was about to say something in anger so I stepped into the one sense conversation.

-"Hello Marcel, are you blind? If you haven't guessed then I'm in this coffee to eat. Things you do in a cafe."

-"No, that's not what I mean." He seems desperate.

-"Then ask the right question. You think I can read minds?"I could I just didn't use it, I don't want to invade some thought.

-"Fine! What are you doing here in New Orleans? What's your business? Where are you from? Did you come with someone else?

-"I'm in this city to make a deal with a certain vampire. I come from England. And I came alone in this shop, do you see someone else?" He sort of growl. I guess Nik really rubbed on him more than I was thinking.

-"Which vampire are you talking about and what creature are you? And please elaborate your answers GOD DAmNiT "

-"Marcel why are you angry? You should just have been more precise. I'm here to make a deal with you Marcel. I come from somewhere in London and I'm a stronger creature than you that's for sure."

-"Stronger? Don't make me laugh. You are only what, sixteen?"

-"I don't joke with you, I assure you I'm more powerful than anyone in this city or anyone you know for that matter. And I'm only 14."

He saw how serious I was and put a perplexed face. -"Then what are you?"

-"But you see Marcel, I think you have asked a lot of questions and I have nothing in return. It doesn't seem fair. Since you have plenty of other questions, I propose to see you near this place, at a park, at 11 tomorrow. I'll answer you there. Come alone." I then get up and leave him dumbfounded. I already paid so as I chuckle, I leave like a badass. Hope he comes tomorrow.

The next morning, I dressed up pretty nicely and called my friends. We organised a trip to Italy. It began in three days and during one week we will be there. When I hang up, it's already 10:45 so I take my stuff (key, phone...) and go towards the park. I arrive early at 10:55 but Marcel is already here. I guess he really wanted answers fast.
-"Hello Marcel!"

-"Hi?" He turns his back and sees me. He was surprised he didn't hear me come, not at the sound of my footsteps not at my breathing and neither at my heartbeat. Yes I can control my heart in a certain way so that it seems dead. A trick I learned from my past life to let my enemies think they killed me.

He doesn't speak another word so I start:-"You have questions right?" He nod. "Then shout them."

-"Right. Who are you? Your full name I mean." I think he learns fast, he already knows to be accurate in the questions he makes.

-"I am lady Athena Luna De Emerys Black- Peverell - Pendragon- Lefay- Slytherin- Gryffondor- Ravenclaw- Scamender- Prince, lady of the..."

-lady of the... "You don't have to say it all, what name should I use?"

-"Miss Black for now. And I don't like to be interrupted, you asked a question and I did nothing but be kind and answer to you."

He sweats.-"Sorry miss Black, I just didn't want to be here until midnight. What deal did you want to make?"

-"Straightforward I see." I chuckle a little. "There is a city near New Orleans called Angevil. (Angel-Devil) In there many supernatural creatures live their life. Witch, vampire and werewolf coexist. I want you to let them come into the city" he was about to speak but I resumed:" They'll absolutely cause no problem, I can assure you that."

-"Hypothetically speaking, if I accept this deal and they can come here, how do I know they are from the city and not somewhere else?"

-"When they arrive i'll directly send them to you with a letter that has my signature. If you don't see it then you can do whatever you want with them. Do we have a deal?"

-"What advantages would I have?"

-"You can ask me a favor. Anything possible of course. I have the right to say no if I can't do it. Plus, they won't attack you so you won't have a problem with them."

-"Fine, what I want is some info on the Queen of creatures. My sources don't know anything about her only that she is a female and she was crowned 7 years ago. I want to know more about her, if you can tell me more information then I accept the deal."

-"Okay deal, what do you want to know? I can say a lot of things about her."

-"You know her? Where is she at the moment? Is she okay? What creatures is she? Is she more powerful than anyone? Can I meet her? I want to propose my service to her."

-"Then it's your lucky day"


-"You have her in front of you." I make my crown visible and he immediately kneel on the ground. "Rise Marcel, you don't have to kneel, you are like family to me, like a son. I'm the soulmate of Nik after all."

-"You have a son who is older than you." He chuckle."Wait you are the soulmate of Klaus?!" He says shocked.

-"Yes I think. We haven't met yet but on the paper it's says he is one of my eight mates."

-"Should I know you were the queen I wouldn't have questioned you. Can I repay myself?"

-"You don't have to. I expect you to hold the part of the deal. Here is my number if you want and need to contact me." I pass him a paper with my number on it. We say goodbye to each other and I go back to my hotel room. I pack my things and teleport to Angevil. I tell them the news and go back at the Black manor. There I see Lilly making dinner.

The next day, I go to Gringotts...

Next part she will met Lucius Malfoy.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
3300+ words were written in New Orleans and the Malfoy part 1.

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