Lab Rats - The Untold Story (...

By DavenMarvel

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Harper, now bionic, needs to learn to control her new abilities as a student at the bionic academy, she will... More

*OC introduction: Harper Davenport (updated)*
Episode 1: ferris wheel manipulation
Episode 2: One of Us
Episode 3: Zombie Bob
Episode 4: The Curse of the Screaming Skull
Episode 5: Chase's invisible girlfriend (part 1)
Episode 6: Chase's invisible girlfriend (part 2)
Episode 7: Ultimate Tailgate Challenge
Episode 8: Friendship Anniversary
Episode 10: Space Colony (Part 1)
Episode 11: Space Colony (Part 2)
Episode 12: A touch of bionic style
Episode 13: The Vanishing (part 1)
Episode 14: The Vanishing (part 2)
ELITE FORCE - The Untold Story (season 1)‼️

Episode 9: And Then There Were Four

160 12 126
By DavenMarvel

In the Mentor's Quarters, Mr Davenport walks in.

"Good news, guys. I am totally free this

weekend. No meetings, no conferences. Just two fun-filled days with me" Mr Davenport say excited.

"So... no conferences at all? You know, if we looked really hard, I bet we could find you one" Bree says

"Are you saying you don't want to hang out with me?" Mr Davenport ask "Well,

if she's not, I am" Adam says from across the room with Leo.

"Alright, what about you Leo?" Mr Davenport says "Uhh... Big D, I'd love to, but I just really don't want to" Leo says, Chase and Harper are on the couch.

Harper pretends not to hear their conversation while reading a book,

Chase makes a pitying face at Mr Davenport.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. Harper and I are going to hang out with you" Chase pats Mr Davenport on the back.

"you and who!?" Harper says "I'll hang out with you!" Chase corrects.

"You know what? I got a lot of work" Mr Davenport says, Chase makes a confused face,Douglas walks in, looking shocked.

"Is everything okay?" Harper ask "Hey, Douglas. What's wrong with you?" Mr Davenport says.

"I just got a phone call from Daniel" Douglas says "Who's Daniel?" Bree ask "Your brother!" Douglas says.

Everyone looks at each other "You've got to be kidding!" Harper says impatiently,


In the Mentor's Quarters.

"We have another brother?" Chase ask "I never told anyone, but...I actually created four bionic superhumans. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Daniel" Douglas says.

"What is with you naming your children in alphabetical order?" Leo ask "It's better than their original names, Big boy, Little Boy, and Not A Boy " Douglas says.

"So, four bionic children!? Why!? Just why!? I ask, what's your problem!?" Harper says "Hey, This problem of mine helped save your life, young lady!" Douglas says.

"Another brother, huh? Would it kill you to throw some lip gloss and long hair into one of your test tubes?" Bree says.

"I can't believe you never told me. Of all

the rotten things you've done, this has got to be the worst" Mr Davenport says.

"I had to keep the secret so Daniel would be safe. He was just a baby the day you stole these guys from me" Douglas says "Rescued" Mr Davenport says "Stole!" Douglas says "Rescued!" Mr Davenport

says "Stole!" Douglas says "Rescued!" Mr Davenport says.

"Okay, we get it! You're both terrible people. Get to the point" Leo says.

"After Donnie ratted me out, I knew I'd be living on the run, so I found Daniel a nice family that was looking to adopt. That way, he could have a safe, normal life away from all my chaos" Douglas says "hum at least you did one thing nice in the meantime" Harper says.

"Well how old is he?" Chase ask "Thirteen. He found some old records

that listed me as his biological father, and he found my phone number, and here we are" Douglas says.

"I understand, he wants to meet his father like I did when I found those documents in my old lab" Harper says, Douglas nods.

"Well, when do we get to meet him?" Breeask.

"Whoa, whoa. I just talked to him for the first time. I don't think either one of us is ready for that" Douglas says "Well what did he say?" Mr Davenport ask "That he's ready to meet me" Douglas says everyone gives him a look.

"Okay, look, I just don't know if I'm ready to be a dad" Douglas says "Said the father to his three teenage kids" Bree says sarcastically, Douglas sighs.

"And if it happens to him the same that happened to you,when you went to meet your parents. And he gets disappointed..." Douglas says.

"Impossible!, Douglas, that day I realized that YOU were the father I always wanted to have, there's no way he could be disappointed...and about being a father, You've always done a great job as a father to me!" Harper says.

"It's different, when I met you you were no longer a child, and the weight is much greater when the child is my own!" Douglas says "Owch!" Harper says sarcastically putting her hand on her chest as if it hurt.

"Oh, come on. Have him visit. It'll be fun to have a little brother around" Chase says.

"Yeah, because Leo's just some meaningless dude who's been living in your house for years" Leo says angry "Thanks, Leo. Took the words right out of my mouth" Adam says.

"Why are we still here?" Leo ask Harper, she just shrugs shaking her head.

"So... can we meet him?"Bree asks excitedly "All right. Fine" Douglas says "Yes!" Everybody says.

"Dude, it all makes sense now" Adam says "What does?" Douglas ask "Why you had to make a fourth. You couldn't finish with Chase. You can't end on that" Adam says pointing at Chase.

He looks down at himself with an offended look, Harper hugs him stroking his arm to comfort him


in the common area.

"Heads up, guys. Daniel should be here any minute" Douglas says "All right. Since having all these new dads and brothers is getting confusing, I drew a family tree;Here's what I got" Adam says he holds up drawing.

"Chase, you are my wife" Adam says he exchanges looks with Chase with a frown on his face, Harper looks at the drawing.

"oh okay! Cool!.looks like Adam takes the tricky part and I take the fun part then!" Harper winks at Chase, he makes a confused face frowning, Harper laughs lightly, and he scratches the back of

his neck clearing his throat.

"I wonder what Daniel's gonna be like. Do you think he'll have super strength like Adam? Ooh! Or super speed like Bree?" Chase says "Or be a total disappointment like you? No offense, honey" Adam says patting Chase's neck.

"Oh, um, speaking of Daniel, there is one other little thing. He doesn't know he's bionic" Douglas says "Wh...what?!" Mr Davenport says

"Well, he has a chip like you three, but since he doesn't have a capsule, his

bionics have never been activated" Douglas says.

"You didn't tell him that he's bionic?! Y'know, every time you say no more secrets, another one pops up. And just when we were starting to trust you again" Mr Davenport says.

"I don't trust him. Half those bracelets he's wearing are Tasha's" Bree says.

"You can trust me! Oh, but before I forget, since everyone thinks Donnie's

your dad, let's just go with that and tell Daniel you're his cousins" Douglas says "See? More lies!" Mr Davenport says

"Of course not!, Harper is still just a friend of the family, That ain't no lie" Douglas says, Harper bangs the table "again! Owch!!" Harper says.

"But according to this Harper is my grandma!?" Adam says.

"You know, I'm not the only person in this family who lies. You never told Leo you ran over his iguana, and replaced it with a robot!" Douglas laughs. Leo

looks at Donald in shock, mouth wide open.

"Iggy was a robot?" Leo says "Well..yeah..but...I mean, the fact that you didn't notice, you gotta respect the design" Mr Davenport says.

Hydraloop arrives at island "Guys, he's here" Chase says, hydraloop opens and Daniel steps out.

"Whoa! sweet digs" Daniel says "Hi, buddy. I'm your daddy, Douglas" Douglas says says with an akward laugh.

"I know these pants are baggy, but does it look like I'm wearing a diaper?" Daniel says "Sorry. This is Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo, and that's Harper" Douglas

gestures, Harper smiles.

"hey boy! Don't mind me, apparently,I'm just a friend of the family" Harper smiles clearly annoyed.

"Well what did you want me to do Harper, LIE to him saying you're my daughter!?" Douglas laugh nervously "Haha yeah, why would you do such an atrocity right?" Harper smiles arcastically,

Douglas threatens her with his eyes, Harper shrugs.

"This might sound weird because we just met, but I'm gonna call you Danielle" Bree says.

"All right, time to drop the whole father-son reunion charade and admit the real reason why you're meet your uncle Donald" Mr Davenport says "Wow. So I get a brand-new dad, an

uncle, and all these cousins, too" Daniel says.

"yep, we're your cousins. That's how we're related, right, Adam?" Chase says

"I don't know. According to this, I died 35 years ago" Adam

says incredulous "seriously how do you read this, it's a bunch of squiggles!?" Harper asks confused.


in the Mentor's Quarters, Adam is wrapping a gift loudly, annoying all.

"Will. You. Stop that?! And why are you wrapping presents anyway?" Bree says.

"They're for Daniel. I have to make up for thirteen years of never giving him a birthday present" Adam says "Aw that's cute!" Harper says

Chase walks up and picks up a baby rattle "A baby rattle?" Chase says "Oh that's not for him. That's for you when you turn thirteen" Adam says, Chase makes an annoyed face.

Mr Davenport enters "Good news. It looks like Douglas and Daniel are already starting to bond" Mr Davenport says.

"Bond, huh. Kinda like how you forced Iggy to bond with the driveway?" Leo

says "It wasn't the driveway. It was the curb. You rode your bike over him for like a month" Mr Davenport says, Leo gasps.

"I cannot believe you lied to him all these years. You are just as bad as Douglas" Bree says.

"Yeah, if you're going to lie, do it right, everyone knows a good lie is one that never, ever gets caught!" Harper says "Have you ever lied about something?" Chase ask "No, but if I had you'd never know" Harper says.

"so you just lied that you didn't lie?" Leo says "See? You'll never know!" Harper smirk.

"well Bree, you're one to talk. What about the time you threw away that coat Adam made out of beef jerky?" Mr Davenport says, Adam drops gift in shock.

"You told me Tasha threw that away" Adam says "No, not only did she throw it away. She ate a sleeve" Mr Davenport says "You monster!" Adam says.

"Mr. Davenport, how could you?" Bree says "I had to. It was the only way I could get people to stop talking about Leo's dead pets" Mr Davenport says.

Leo stands up shocked "Pets? With an "s" ?" Leo says "Gotta go" Mr Davenport says He leaves the room quickly.

"where did I get myself into?" Harper says with a sigh.


in the Mentor's Quarters, Adam walks in holding a pair of cheese shorts.

"Hey, Adam, I...""Sorry. Can't talk right now. I have to go put on my Swiss cheese shorts before you throw those away,

too" Adam interrupt Bree.

"Hey, don't forget to put on your pepperoni pants" Leo says "Leo,

don't be silly. Everyone knows you don't wear pepperoni after Labor Day" Adam says.

"Should I ask why the food clothes or...?" Harper says "I need to answer!!, isn't it obvious!?" Adam says, showing the cheese pants "uh... sure, sorry that was a dumb question, it's absolutely clear

why!" Harper says making a confused face.

"Look, Adam, I know you're mad, but can you please just let it go?" Bree says "No! I would never do anything that cruel" Adam says.

"Really? How about that time we snuck out to the amusement park?" Bree says "What amusement park? Oh, you mean the time we lied to Chase and said we went on an eight-hour training run" Adam says.

"What?! Why wouldn't you invite either of those things?!" Chase says "You see that tone right there? That's why" Adam says.

"Adam!" Harper says "Oh, gonna say you never wanted some time away from him! Man, I guess I've done two cruel things. Ah, no, three. There's also the time I melted Bree's bike" Adam says.

"Excuse me?! You used your heat vision

on my bike?" Bree says "No. Blow torch" Adam says.

Daniel walks in "Hey, guys" Daniel says "Hey!" Everybody says.

"Would it be cool if I take some pictures?" Daniel says "Sure. Head shots are right there. Five bucks if you want me to sign it, ten if you want me to write "Your friend, Adam."" Adam says.

"Okay. How about we get one of you inside a capsule?" Leo says "Sweet.

Sounds good to me" Daniel says "All right" Leo says,

Daniel steps inside the capsule and a

strange whooshing effect takes place around his neck "Ready?" Leo says He takes picture,"Can I get a shot with you guys, too?" Daniel says "Of course" Chase says.

"No. Hey, I offered him a head shot. He had his chance" Adam says "Go!!, to make up for the three bad things you've

done!" Harper says and Bree pushes Adam.

"We'd be happy to, Daniel" Bree says,she puts her hand on Daniel's shoulder, which activates a whooshing noise, and Leo takes the picture.

"Whoa. What was that?" Bree says "Definitely didn't come from the bionic chip he doesn't have" Adam says.

"I feel weird. I'm gonna go find my dad" Daniel says he super speeds and crashes into wall,"What just happened?!" Bree says.

"Oh, no, I think we just activated his

bionics" Leo says "Daniel! Are you okay?" Harper goes to him.

"I think it was the capsule!" Harper says "Well, he sure didn't get the smart chip. He just ran into a wall" Adam laugh.


Adam is fanning Daniel on the couch, with the others by them.

Mr Davenport and Douglas walk in "What happened?" Mr Davenport ask "I don't know. I was taking a picture in the capsule, and the next thing I know, I was speeding into a wall" Daniel says.

"The capsule. It must have activated his bionic chip" Mr Davenport says to Douglas "I have a bionic chip?" Daniel says "Uh...Surprise!" Douglas says.

"Wait, so Daniel has super speed, too?" Leo says "Not exactly. I gave you an ability called power replication. You can absorb the abilities of any bionic person

you touch. But if you touch another person, their powers replace the first one" Douglas says

"Are you serious? I'm bionic?" Daniel says "yes! You are!" Harper puts a hand on Daniel's shoulder comforting him whit a smile.

"why didn't he tell me then!?" Daniel says "Well... it's complicated, boy" Harper says.

"You told me you never figured out power replication" Mr Davenport says to Douglas "Uh...Surprise!" Douglas says, Harper takes her hand off Daniel's

shoulder and sighs.

"Well, what do you know? He lied to you, just like you did about Iggy, and others. You're a walking pet cemetery!" Leo says.

"Well, it's not as bad as Bree eating my jerky jacket. Have you seen your coat lately? You may notice a sleeve missing" Adam says.

"You ate my winter jacket?" Bree says "And your leather skirt. It was a wardrobe buffet" Adam says.

"Well, at least you all had fun at the amusement park" Chase says "Not as much fun as we had at your 16th birthday party" Bree says.

"I never had a 16th birthday party" Chase says "Yeah, you did. You just weren't invited" Bree says "What?" Chase says "I blew out your candles" Leo says.

"Did you know that!?" Chase asks Harper "uh, in my defense we weren't even together when it happened so..." Harper says.

Chase gasps in surprise "sorry babe!" Harper says, closing her eyes.

"no need, It could be the payback, remember that laser knife you loved to carry around? You didn't lose, Chase threw it away!" Adam says, Chase widens his eyes.

"you what!?" Harper says "I didn't throw it away! It...broke before that..." Chase says nervously "You broke it!? Why didn't you tell me!?" Harper says.

"In my defense that thing was dangerous!" Chase says "And you think I didn't know that!!" Harper says.

They all start arguing at once "Excuse me! I'm pretty sure the biggest lie is my dad not telling me I'm bionic" Daniel


"Really? I think the biggest lie is we're not your cousins, we're your brothers and sister" Adam says Bree, Chase, and Leo punch Adam and he smacks himself in the face, Harper shake her head.

"You lied to me about that, too" Daniel says "I swear, I was coming in here to tell you the truth about everything" Douglas says "Sure you were" Daniel says, he starts to leave the room.

"See? This is why I didn't want him coming here. I never should have let you all push me into it" Douglas says, Daniel turns around "You don't even want me here?" Daniel says.

"Of course I...I just meant..." Douglas says "Well, you know what? Forget it. You said we made a good team. Guess you lied about that, too" Daniel says He leaves

"This never would've happened with a sister. Just sayin'" Bree says, Douglas looks down upset.

Harper walks over to him putting her hand on his shoulder "I'll talk to him!" Harper says "girl you don't have to"

Douglas says "I don't like seeing you like this... dad!" Harper says and leaves.


On the beach, Daniel walks over to some rocks and picks one up, Harper approaches.

"Hey boy!" Harper smiles "What's up Harper?"Daniel says.

"look, I know it's a lot to take in, but...Douglas didn't mean it like that" Harper says "seriously, it didn't sound like it, are there any more lies I don't know about? Are you my sister by any chance, too?" Daniel says.

Harper laughs "No, I mean Douglas and I have this weird father-daughter relationship but..." Harper says "Really Do you consider him like a father?" Daniel says.

"Yeah, Daniel, Douglas is the best dad you could ask for, trust me!" Harper says "Has he ever lied to you?" Daniel says.

"Yes, It's kind of what he does but it's not for bad, he loves you,he wanted to protect you and obviously he wanted you here, he just got nervous..." Harper says

"You need to give him a chance, you have my word you won't be disappointed his own way he is...amazing!" Harper says "Wow! You

seem to really like him" Daniel says.

"well...he kind of...he's my dad so..i love him!" Harper smiles, Daniel smiles "he really seems like a good dad..." Daniel says "he is!" Harper says.

"And you're a good sister!" Daniel says "what?" Harper says "yeah well I know you're not but... that would be nice" Daniel says, Harper smiles.

"Yeah, that would be cool..." Harper smiles and looks down, Daniel throws stones into the sea.

Leo walks up to them "Hey guys, what are you doing out here?" Leo says "skipping rocks and blowing kisses to those girls on that yacht." Daniel says

he blows a kiss and waves.

"Uh, that's not a yacht. That's a shrimp boat, and those girls are not girls" Leo says "Oh" Daniel says.

"Look, I know you're upset. But Douglas is a good guy. It's not that he didn't want you here. He just didn't want to mess up your normal life" Leo says.

"The dude stuck a computer chip in my neck. I think we're way past normal" Daniel says "Yeah, it's just that he just doesn't know how to handle things any other way " Harper says.

Daniel keep skipping rocks "Here. Let me show you how to really skip something" Leo says fires laser sphere at horizon.

"Whoa. Sweet! I wish I could do that" Daniel says "Well, you can if you use your new ability" Leo says.

"Really?" Daniel says "Yeah, you can have any ability like that!" Harper says

"Here. Touch my arm. Just don't get overwhelmed by all the muscle" Leo says.

"What muscle?" Daniel says "yeah Leo, the Kid is just new here, he's not blind!" Harper says "Just touch it" Leo


Daniel touches Leo's arm "Okay, now hold up your hand" Leo says a laser sphere forms in Daniel's hand.

"Whoa! Cool. Hot. Hot! Hot!" Daniel says "Throw it!" Leo says, Daniel fires laser

sphere at horizon "Not bad" Leo says.

"Yeah. Mine went further than yours" Daniel says "It's not a competition, Daniel" Leo says defensive.

"if it was Daniel I would win!" Harper says "you're not even in the competition so you don't have a say!" Leo says.

"Careful! You shouldn't piss off a guy with those muscles!" Daniel says sarcastically to Harper, they both laugh lightly.

"hahaha!" Leo fake laugh "Here. Check it out. Curve ball" Leo says He fires a curve ball laser sphere "Oh, I bet I can do that, too" Daniel says.

"Daniel, no!" Leo says Daniel fires curve ball laser sphere, and it rebounds and hits the structure behind them.

"What did I do?" Daniel says "Your laser

sphere cracked the fuel tank" Leo says.

"That's the hydrogen that fuels the hydraloop. Without it, we'll be stuck on the island" Harper says " We need to get help" Leo says.

"Let's go find Adam, Bree and Chase!" Harper says,she and Leo starts to walk away and Daniel starts jumping up and down frantically.

"What are you doing?" Leo ask "Waving down that shrimp boat. I'm trying to get a ride home before my dad finds out." Daniel says he jumps and waves frantically.


"It's getting worse. Another crack opened up" Daniel says "Harper went to get Adam, Bree and Chase!" Leo says.

"Can't you just stick your bionic fingers in there to stop the gas from coming out?" Daniel ask "My fingers aren't bionic. It's just my arm" Leo says "Oh, really? That's just kinda sad" Daniel says.

Harper comes back with Adam, Bree, and Chase,"Leo, what happened?" Chase says "Daniel accidentally fired a laser sphere into the hydraloop fuel tank" Leo says.

"All right, Daniel, over the knee. It's time for your first bionic spanking" Adam says he sits down and pats knee.

"The first crack must've let oxygen into the tank" Chase says "Stepping up the

pressure!" Harper says thoughtfully.

"Exactly, If we don't stop those leaks, that thing is gonna blow and take out the whole island" Chase says "Stop being so dramatic. It's just a few little cracks" Leo says more cracks form on the hydraloop tank of fuel.

"What are we gonna do?!" Leo says "Maybe I can use my heat vision to seal the cracks" Adam says "No!" Harper says "that gas is flammable" Chase says.

"Well, how else are we supposed to stop the leaks?" Leo says "We have to think fast the pressure is increasing" Harper says.

"Wait a second. What if we do the

opposite? Adam, use your enhanced lung capacity to freeze the outside of the tank" Bree says "On it" Adam says.

"Hurry! It's gonna explode!" Leo says, Adam uses enhanced lung capacity to

freeze the tank, but then stops "It's not working" Adam says.

"Wait. Guys, can't I replicate his

lung capacity and double the force?" Daniel says "yeah!!" Harper says "Uh, yes. Yes, you can. Daniel, touch Adam" Chase says.

Daniel touches Adam's arm "Okay, now what?" Daniel says "Blow!" Everybody says,Adam and Daniel use their enhanced lung capacity and blow on the tank.

"Hey, it's working. Aw, man, I want power replication" Leo says, Adam and Daniel freeze the tank "yeah!" they all cheer and hug.

"Daniel that was amazing, I'm proud!" Harper says "thanks!" Daniel smiles at her.

"Yey, Great job, Daniel. You completed your first bionic mission" Bree says and hugs him.

"That was awesome. I gotta go tell my dad" Daniel says he accidentally

super speeds and crashes into a rock.

"Hey, keep making bionic kids, eventually you're gonna get a dumb one" Adam says and everyone looks at him.


in the Mentor's Quarters "So did you tell your dad about how you froze the fuel tank?" Leo ask "Yep, but I might not have told him I was the once who cracked it" Daniel says.

"That's my boy!" Harper says with a proud smile "but, He's gonna be really mad, huh?" Daniel says.

"Yeah. Unless he doesn't find out about it" Bree says "So we're gonna lie?" Daniel ask "Oh sure!" Harper says "Sounds good" Leo says "Works for me" Chase says "It's kinda what we do" Adam says.

"Besides, it's not so much a lie as a bionic secret" Chase says he clicks his tongue "I'm likin' my new family" Daniel says.

Douglas walks in "Guys, uh...can you give me a sec with Daniel?" Douglas says "Absolutely. We don't wanna watch this train wreck" Adam says,everyone starts to leave.

"Oh! and Harper.." Douglas says, Harper stops.

"Sorry for earlier... You're not just a friend of the family, you're my daughter!" Douglas says with a slight smile

"Relax, I know dad!" Harper smiles at Douglas and gives Daniel a slight smile.

"Yeah, dad she knows!" Daniel completes, Douglas looks at Daniel confused.

Harper grabs Douglas' shoulder "Don't screw it up!" Harper says and she leaves.


In the common area, Bree enters

"Guys, I think it's time we clear the air about all the lying" Bree says "Yeah" Adam to Chase.

"Sorry for not inviting you to the amusement park, or your birthday party" Adam says "Oh, it's okay, Adam. I would've ruined the fun anyway" Chase says.

"But I should have told you,or at least not having eaten the first piece of cake" Harper says "it's ok sweetheart, and I'm sorry I broke your laser knife and didn't tell you, I know how much you liked that thing" Chase says rubbing her back

"its okay, that always stuck at the worst times anyway,and I know you took the chance, you always thought it was dangerous" Harper says.

"well...I just wanted to protect you" Chase says "I know" Harper says silently and kisses Chase lightly.

"Hey, Adam, sorry about your jacket. I felt so bad, I made you some beef jerky glasses" Bree says she holds them up,.

"Oh, I already got a pair, but thank you" Adam says,Bree takes a bite out of the glasses.

Daniel, Douglas, and Mr Davenport walk in.

"Hey, everybody, Daniel's taking off" Douglas says "Hey, bye, Daniel. It was great hangin' out with you" Leo says.

"Gonna miss you boy!" Harper hugs him "Yeah, man, you're the best surprise brother we've ever had. No offense, Leo" Chase says, Leo stares at them.

"Yeah, we still like you. You're just old news" Adam says.

"So, I know you gotta get back to the mainland, but, uh, maybe you can come back and visit in a couple of weeks" Douglas says "Or sooner, if I need some extra cash" Daniel says.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Douglas ask "Yep" Daniel says "That's my boy" Douglas says.

"Oh, hey, if you ever wanna hang out with just your Uncle Donald, say the word" Mr Davenport says "You know what? I gotta go" Daniel says going to Hydraloop.

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