Lab Rats - The Untold Story (...

By DavenMarvel

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Harper, now bionic, needs to learn to control her new abilities as a student at the bionic academy, she will... More

*OC introduction: Harper Davenport (updated)*
Episode 1: ferris wheel manipulation
Episode 2: One of Us
Episode 3: Zombie Bob
Episode 4: The Curse of the Screaming Skull
Episode 5: Chase's invisible girlfriend (part 1)
Episode 6: Chase's invisible girlfriend (part 2)
Episode 7: Ultimate Tailgate Challenge
Episode 9: And Then There Were Four
Episode 10: Space Colony (Part 1)
Episode 11: Space Colony (Part 2)
Episode 12: A touch of bionic style
Episode 13: The Vanishing (part 1)
Episode 14: The Vanishing (part 2)
ELITE FORCE - The Untold Story (season 1)‼️

Episode 8: Friendship Anniversary

149 12 90
By DavenMarvel

In the common area, Adam is playing balls of paper in a can on the table, Harper enters the room excited.

"Hey Adam!!" Harper goes to him, Adam turns and smiles at her, she runs to him and hugs him.

"Happy friendship anniversary!!" Harper says hugging him "it's today!?" Adam says, Harper lets go of him and makes an annoyed face.

"just kidding, happy friendship anniversary sis!" Adam laughs, Harper lightly punches him in the arm.

"Can you believe it's been two years?" Harper says "Nope, it seems like you've been here forever" Adam says.

"I know, I barely remember my life before you....probably because I barely had one before that" Harper says.

"By the way I have something for you" Harper says she gets him a milk shake "uuhh milk shake!" Adam says "just like the one you ordered when we first met" Harper smiles.

"Yeah I remember, I also remember the bet you played with the other employees, you tried to guess what the customers were going to order" Adam says.

"yeah I was the best, I never lost, The money I made from these bets was greater than the salary I earned" Harper says.

"You never told me how you did that, you said you read minds which is just nonsense..." Adam says, Harper nods "you weren't bionic yet" Adam says.

"Adam, even though I'm bionic I still can't read minds" Harper says "that's what you say" Adam makes a suspicious face.

"So tell me what number I'm thinking of?" Adam says, Harper rolls her eyes "Adam usually when you say that you're not even thinking of a number, it's a color, and probably green!" Harper says "Aha!I knew you read minds!" Adam says.

"No! it's all based on observation and patterns just like I used to do in the cafeteria was actually something simple, I spent a lot of time watching people there, so I just looked at the patterns and the stats and calculated the's just probability calculation" Harper says.

"see? if i'd known that at the time i never would have asked you out" Adam says "yeah i know, it's the reason a lot of guys haven't" Harper makes a frustrated face.

"I miss that place....all that milk shake" Adam smiles.

"I'm amazed you didn't leave there diabetic!" Harper says "No! that would be disgusting" Adam makes a confused face, Harper sighs.

"I wonder what happened to that place" Harper says "oh you know what would be cool to do for our friendship anniversary.." Adam says "Go there, where it all started!" Harper smiles "Yeah!" Adam says.


Adam and Harper go to the Rock Cafe again,But they find the place empty.

"that's weird, it looks empty" Harper says "great, it's still the same as when we worked here!" Adam says.

"No Adam, literally empty, the place has been closed!" Harper says "The door looks open" Adam says.

Harper opens the door and they enter, everything is empty there are no chairs, no coffee machines, the only one left is broken and next to it is the fridge.

"Wow so there's no more rock cafe" Adam says "what happened?" Harper says.

"you want to know what happened?" A woman appears behind them suddenly, they both scream, Adam hugs Harper while screaming,a chandelier falls in front of him at the same moment and they scream again.

"it's a ghost!! I always knew this place was haunted! No place is this dark on purpose" Adam says, Harper pushes him.

"is not a ghost! And here was dark because nobody pay the electricity bill...Who are you?" Harper says "My name is Vivian I live next door so I come here from time to time to take out the trash if not the rats take over" Vivian says.

"Oh! really? I always thought rats were part of the diner's theme" Adam says.

"do you know what happened here?" Harper ask "yes this place is for sale, the previous owner moved across the street" Vivian says sweeping the floor.

"He moved across the street, why?" Harper ask "needed a bigger place that could handle all the customers" Vivian says.

"Wait, Are you saying this place got so crowded that Mr Franklin needed a bigger place?" Adam ask "yup!" Vivian says, Harper and Adam look at each other and start laughing out loud.

"Oh seriously what happened?" Harper says "It's true!" Vivian says "This place went bankrupt right? Tell me! We used to work here and I remember this place averaged two customers a day" Harper says

"yeah I remember" Vivian says "so, I don't see any other end that the Rock Cafe has led to but bankruptcy" Harper says.

"well the rock cafe could be but the bionic cafe was a sure hit!" Vivian says "Wait what!?" Harper says.

"oohhh Is there a way to put a bionic chip in the coffee!?" Adam says "Mr Franklin changed the name of the diner and boom! Success!" Vivian say.

"Wait, He changed the name to "Bionic Cafe"!?" Harper says "if you don't believe me go across the street and see!" Vivian says.

"that can't be what I'm thinking" Harper says "Harper, it's not that hard to understand he opened a diner for bionic people....And to think we've been snacking at regular people's diners this whole time!" Adam says, Harper rolls her eyes and pulls Adam out


Harper and Adam stare at the entrance to the so-called "bionic cafe".

Harper looks outraged, they enter and are faced with a bionic themed diner, Harper looks at an poster.

"unbelievable" Harper says "look it's me!" Adam says pointing to his picture on the poster "yes Adam that's you but that's not good!" Harper takes the poster.

"This poster depicts you and me as the Bionic heroes who worked here and IMPLIES that Mr Franklin was our TRAINER!!" Harper holds up the poster that has their and Mr Franklin's picture on it.

"and?" Adam ask "Adam, he named
bionic abilities for the sandwiches!!" Harper points at the menu irritably "Again, I don't see a problem with that!" Adam says.

"he's using our name without our consent, he's lying to people, using us as characters in his business, and making a profit out of it!!" Harper says annoyed "you make it sound bad" Adam says.

"It's bad Adam! Really bad, He's making money off of us and we didn't even know it!" Harper says "I thought he was just a big fan of us" Adam says.

"Do you remember that man!? he is not a fan of anything because for that a heart is needed!....But if he's a fan of anything, it's the money we didn't even know we were giving him" Harper says.

"Okay, but what can we do?" Adam ask "I'm not leaving it like that!We can't leave it like this!" Harper rips the poster off "hey my face was there!" Adam says, Harper looks at him annoyed.

"Don't worry your face is a lot bigger, on that life size poster over there" Harper points to the poster "what a lie! I'm much taller than that poster, they must have confused it with the Chase's poster" Adam says.

"Come on!" Harper says pulling Adam, they go to the counter "Hey, excuse me I'd like to speak to Mr Franklin, Now!" Harper says impatiently "he's on the phone" the woman says.

"Look our faces and names are all over this diner I think that counts as VIP access and even free food" Adam says "I'm sorry but..." the woman says, Harper takes a deep breath.

"No! you know what....why am I still trying to be polite in this situation?" Harper says taking Adam's arm and geoleaping them all the way to Mr Franklin's office.


Mr Franklin jumps in fright and falls off the chair when the two appear in front of him.

"hello "Frank" how long?" Harper says "Get out of here freaks! Who let you in?" Mr Franklin says.

"nobody but we interpret this place as a big sign that screams "Adam and Harper make yourself at home!"" Harper says sarcastically "There's literally a sign that says this place is home to bionic people!" Adam says

"This is still trespassing!" Mr Franklin says "And this whole place, that's slander!!" Harper says "Yeah you're a liar and I quit!" Adam says, Harper frowns.

"You don't work here!" Harper says "Well I never actually quit I just stopped coming to work" Adam says.

"You two were the worst employees I ever had" Mr Franklin says "what!? I was the only one doing the work I never missed a day!" Harper says.

"but just like him you stopped coming to work!" Mr Franklin says "Because I got arrested!!" Harper says "No excuse not to come to work!" Mr Franklin says, Harper shakes her head in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm sorry there's no reason I didn't break out of prison to come to work, right!" Harper says sarcastically.

"even though you two were useless after I found out you were Bionic you became less despicable and my money mine" Mr Franklin says with a laugh "This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!" Harper says.

"yeah, slander!" Adam crosses his arms "do you know what slander means?" Harper ask "don't question me I'm trying to help you!" Adam says.

"You can't do that!" Harper says "I did!" Mr Franklin walks towards the door "you can't use our names without us knowing!" Harper says.

"sure, well now you guys know and I'll keep using it bye bye!" Mr Franklin says going to the door, Harper rolls her eyes and from afar closes the door with molecular kinesis which scares Franlikn slightly.

"not so fast Frank! We have business to attend to" Harper says "Yeah, starting with that fake five-foot poster of mine!" Adam says indignant.

"you know this is a crime don't you? we can sue you and take this place" Harper says "Oh you don't have guts!" Franklin says "Oh we do" Harper says "yeah!" Adam says.

"If you're thinking that this attitude of yours and this cheap bionic trick is going to get me my best deal, you're wrong!!" Franklin says adjusting his tie.

"Okay, so we'll take half the profit" Harper says, Franklin makes an annoyed face "get out!!" Franklin says, Harper and Adam start to leave.

"FYI You were the worst boss I ever had!" Adam says "Likewise" Harper says "And believe me that's an insult cuz she worked for a bionic maniac her whole life" Adam says Harper agrees.

"I'm not going to let you guys ruin my
business you bionic freaks!!" Franlikn says, Harper shakes her head.

"Look, your business would be so much better if you knew how to be a good boss, band you didn't have to lie to get all that" Harper says "What?" Franlikn says.

"You heard me! If you want a good deal, know how to manage it!!" Harper says "Are you saying I'm not a good businessman!?" Franlikn says.

"Exactly, you are a fraud! A selfish swindler and write what I say, it's time for the apprentices to take down the "trainer"!" Harper says threateningly leaving, Adam knocks things off Franklin's desk and leaves as well.


Adam and Harper leave "I can't believe Mr Franklin is taking advantage of us like this" Adam says "unfortunately I do" Harper says.

"look before I even felt remorse for all the sodas I stole from the fridge in his living room but now I think I should have stolen the snacks too" Adam says "relax....i did that" Harper says.

"What will we do now?" Adam says "well, normal protocol would be to sue him for it..." Harper says "that would kill him out of business" Adam says.

"yeah! it's a win for us, and at worst part of the diner's profit would come to us but..." Harper says thoughtfully "but what?" Adam says.

"It's Just that.....This guy tormented me for years, he called me useless,he never even was fair to me or you..." Harper says "Yeah he was horrible to us, he made me mop the floor once" Adam says.

"but that was really part of his job!" Harper says "I know, but it was still horrible!" Adam says, Harper agrees.

"you know, I feel like one lawsuit isn't enough to get him out" Harper says "oh I know this face! It's your face of coming up with ideas, that face never disappoints!" Adam says.

"It's just, think with me... we finally have the power to stand up to him, he's tortured us for a long time, we have to pay him back in kind" Harper says with a thoughtful smile "I thought the idea was to take his money not give him more" Adam says, Harper sighs.

"a lawsuit won't torture him enough.."Harper thinks they're walking down the street,they stop in front of the old rock cafe, Harper looks at the diner's facade.

"What are you thinking about?" Adam says "we gotta beat Franlikn at his own game!" Harper says "how?" Adam says, Harper smiles.

"Remember that crazy ideia we had when we worked here..." Harper says excitedly "oohh Buy our own diner !?" Adam says excitedly "Buy our own diner!!" Harper says.

"Adam we are going to open our own diner! For one day, With real bionics and we're going to knock Franlikn's customer count down!" Harper says excitedly.

"Harper that's crazy!" Adam says "I know!" Harper says smile "Let's do this!!" Adam says "yeah!" Harper tells her and Adam gives a high five.

"you're going down!! Franlikn!!" Adam says "Yeah! Watch and learn to run a business! Frank!" Harper says excitedly.


Harper and Adam use the old Rock Cafe site to start a new business, a real bionics-themed cafe, they call some students from the academy to work there and make the business go faster.

Adam is organizing some tables and getting customers "welcome to the...We don't have a name yet but this is where real bionic people prepare your lunch, feel free!" Adam says to a group of people entering the place.

Adam looks around "still not enough people" Adam says he goes outside, Bob has an arrow shaped sign, trying to market the place.

"Bob! Do more tricks with this thing!!" Adam says "I'm trying but it's not as easy as it looks" Bob says "well first you're pointing the wrong way!" Adam says, Bob tries to spin the sign but is just struggling with it.

Adam spots people going to the bionic cafe and tries to get their attention "Hey guys here! I'm the real, and tall, Adam Davenport want to see bionics in action come here!" Adam says, people come in Adam greets them.

He watches the students using bionics to prepare thesnacks and people marvel at it "What's going on here?" Vivian appears out of nowhere next to Adam, he jumps in fright.

"my God, what are you? a ninja?" Adam says "What the heck is this I go out for a few minutes and you guys turn it into a circus!?" Vivian says.

"it's not a circus" Adam says a girl walks past them using super strength to juggle chairs "Okay to be honest I've never seen that in a circus!" Adam points.

"What's this big guy?" Vivian asks "it's a long story the short version is me and my friend are celebrating our friendship anniversary" Adam says.

"is that what's going on here?" Vivian ask "And can it be something else?" Adam says.

"um could be you and your little friend trying to reopen this place with bionic attractions to take down the business of the guy across the street" Vivian says "Yeah, That's what I told you!" Adam says.

They hear a noise and go outside to see,they see Bob lifting a car and putting it in front of the diner "Bob what are you doing!? Put that car down!" Adam says "they asked me to help them park!" Bob says putting the car down.

"wow, it's much more practical than making a goal, I wish I had thought of that when I did driving school" Adam says.

"and also the sign wasn't working so I thought forcing people to stop would be a good idea" Bob says, people leave the car but to everyone's surprise they all looked in awe "thanks kid!" A guy says and gives Bob some coins.

"yeah, Who doesn't like a bizarre thing?" Vivian says "Look! It's working, people are leaving to come here!" Adam points out "I see, so how much do you pay to work here?" Vivian asks "What?" Adam says.

"I want to work here! I've spent a lot of time taking out trash and scaring
rats out of this place for free, it's about time I got something" Vivian says.

"I'm sorry I don't know anything about...the money in this place" Adam says "Who's responsible?" Vivian asks "Harper" Adam says "where is she!?" Vivian says "Inside!" Adam says, he and Vivian enter.


Harper comes out of the office, she's wearing a business suit and tie, she's holding a clipboard.

"hey Harper" Adam says.

"look, everything's going according to plan in less than three hours we've already reached as many clients as Franklin does in six" Harper says proud showing a sketch of a graph on the clipboard.

"Why do you show me these things when you know I have no idea what they are?" Adam ask "yeah I don't know either....but I'm telling you we're ahead!" Harper says.

"why didn't you just say so! that's great!" Adam says "I know!" Harper says excitedly, Vivian pokes Adam.

"Oh yeah, Vivian wants to work here!" Adam says "What?" Harper says "Exactly, I think I deserve some retribution for keeping this place going...You know by preventing procreation diseases" Vivian says.

"uh Vivian... I don't know if you noticed but.. if you're looking for a stable job to support your family... you're in the wrong place" Harper says and walks past Vivian.

"yeah I understand what you guys want with this place,so I have a proposal!" Vivian says "what is it?" Harper crosses her arms.

"I work here with you guys, I'll help you with whatever you need to take down that idiot Franlikn..." Vivian says "and then what?" Harper.

"And after you two accomplish your crazy goal, the place is mine" Vivian says "I won't hand the place over to you, we bought this place and we own the business!" Harper says.

"I know! And I will continue we can be partners" Vivian says "why would you do that?" Harper says, Vivian shrugs, Harper shakes head.

"I'm sorry but the answer is no, you can work here but I won't accept your offer" Harper says "Won't you even consider it?" Vivian ask.

"Bob!! puts that combi down! Now!" Harper yells, Vivian looks at her "okay I'll think about it" Harper rolls her eyes, Vivian smiles excitedly "cool, now excuse me I have work to do" Vivian says.

"Man this place is amazing I can't believe we did all this in one day" Adam says "I know super speed staff always comes in handy" Harper says.

"what is our objective?" Adam ask "according to the calculations, the ideal is to reach approximately five times as many customers as Franklin, which would be two times as many as our current number if...""Harper! I Just want to know if it's near or far!" Adam says "closer than far" Harper says "Cool!" Adam says excitedly

"I must admit we're better at this than I expected" Harper says "I know and look at this place, it's for sure the coolest place in town!" Adam says "yeah!! where else can you see a guy hand frying a hamburger!" Harper says.

Franlikn opens the door violently "What the fuss is going on here!?" Franlikn ask "oh hello man how can i help you?" Adam says sarcastically Franklin makes an annoyed face

"what's up? Are our customers blocking the street?" Harper smiles "If that's the case, I'll have Bob sort it out" Adam says.

"You stole my customers!!" Franklin says "It's not our fault they think we're so much cooler than you" Adam says, Harper smiles.

"you two are ridiculous!" Franklin says "why? cuz we know how to run a business much better than you?" Harper says, Franklin is speechless at first.

"what did you guys do?" Fraklin asks "nothing, nothing that a little empathy, ethics and good management can't do....but I think you are not familiar with this vocabulary" Harper says "Uuuuhhh Take it!" Adam says.

"you don't understand anything about management!" Franlikn says "my three hours of experience proves that I have much more knowledge of management than you have had in 26 years!" Harper says,she smiles proudly "Uuuuuuhhhh take it again!!" Adam says proudly.

Franklin makes an extremely nervous face, looks like his head is going to
explode with rage, he notices Harper's outfit.

"What does that mean, besides stealing my business, stealing my clothes too?" Franlikn asks, he also usually wears a business suit and tie "oh that!?" Harper straightens her tie, clearly the outfit is meant to make fun of Franklin.

"yeah,just to show you that I wear them better than you too...Boom!!" Harper says walking back and making a gesture like dropping a mic, Franklin looks at his own clothes irritated.

"yup she does, and check it out" Adam takes a life size poster of him, and is the exact same height as him "my poster is more real than yours....boom!" Adam says and does the same as Harper following her.


Harper watches the diner's progress proudly, Adam appears with a pack of milk shake he took from the machine.

"oh man how I missed that!" Adam smiles he picks up a straw "Adam no.."
Harper says but it's too late he already pops the bag with the straw "Oops!" Adam says "eh fine! That's why I removed the carpet!" Harper says.

Vivian shows up coming to clean the floor "Don't worry boss I'll clean this up!" Vivian says "Really? Are you really going to kiss our asses to get the proposal?" Harper ask.

"Exactly what I'm going to do, is it working?" Vivian ask "yes! Say yes!" Adam nudges Harper, she rolls her eyes.

"I don't understand why you want this so bad?" Harper says,Vivian sighs "because I hate Franklin as much as you" Vivian says "impossible!" Adam laughs "why?" Harper says.

"He's my...ex-husband!" Vivian says "Oh poor thing!" Harper says sincerely "You must have suffered a lot" Adam says.

"The worst part is the rock cafe was supposed to be mine!" Vivian says "What? But Mr Franlikn that the diner was inherited from his grandmother" Harper says "is a lie! It was my grandma's!" Vivian says, Harper and Adam gasp in surprise.

"he killed your grandma!?" Adam says scared "No!! He stole the family business" Vivian says angrily.

"so this isn't the first time he's done this!" Adam says "Yeah, he never started a business from scratch, he's a freeloader!!" Harper says indignantly
"Got it now?" Vivian says.


Franlikn enters the place holding Bob.

"hey!! Get your dirty hands off my Bob!!" Adam says angrily pulling Bob "that bionic vandal was stealing my car!! literally he took the car in his hands and was taking it away!!" Franklin says.

"I know I asked, your old car was a waste of space" Adam laugh "Where's the business lady?" Franlikn says "I'm right here!" Harper says.

"I just want to let you know I just spoke to my lawyers...and I'm suing this place for plagiarism!" Franklin says, Harper laughs "I'm sorry you're such a hypocrite it sounds like a joke!" Harper says.

"I'm serious!" Franklin says "You can't be, what kind of lawyer would defend you?" Harper says, Franklin thinks for a second "the Best!" He says.

"What's your lawyer's name Frank?" Harper crosses her arms "Doesn't matter!" Franklin says "He didn't call any lawyers he just wants to scare you" Vivian says "His presence alone scares me" Adam says.

"Frank, you already lost, see this? We've already far exceeded your number of customers in one day!" Harper says showing a table "You think I don't know that!?" Franklin says.

"And you!? what is she doing here?"
Franklin ask Vivian "She works here, actually! She's our... partner!" Harper says grabbing Vivian's shoulder.

"seriously!? "Vivian says in surprise" obviously since that land is part of herinheritance..." Harper says "Uuuuhhh Take it!" Adam says "Not yet Adam! I didn't get there!" Harper says "oh sorry I'll wait" Adam says.

"Look I don't know what you're getting at but..." Franklin says scared "it doesn't exist but, the diner isn't rightfully yours, so don't discuss it..." Harper says "I beg you, without that I'm broke!" Franklin says.

"just like I was broke after you took my family business?" Vivian says "I get the feeling the fight here is ugly" Adam says silently.

"You're surrounded Frank! Either you shut down your beloved bionic cafe now and give the business back to Vivian...or you'll have a very, very generous lawsuit!" Harper says.

"you can't do that?" Franklin says "but we did it!" Adam says handing him a document "what?" Franklin says.

"yeah we already did that, but now with Vivian's story it's a won case...For both of us!" Harper says "No!" Franlikn says "look none of us signed this yet which means you can still get away" Adam says.

"yeah we can do this peacefully" Harper says "Okay! Okay! I close the bionic cafe, will you guys stop bothering me now!?" Franklin says "Excellent! And you Viv, you can get our business, you deserve it!" Harper says, Vivian smiles.

"yeah that wouldn't last long for us
anyway" Adam says "it's fun for a day but" Harper says "wow thanks, It means a lot...Know that you can come here whenever you want, I won't let you down" Vivian says, Harper and Adam smile.

"nNce! It's good to see it all ended well" Franklin says hugging Vivian, she pushes him away in disgust.

"don't even think about it you idiot, you may have gotten out of their lawsuit but you and I,oh We have a lot to work out like our divorce!" Vivian says "What!?" Franklin says.

"It's you know the one that includes splitting assets giving Vivian all that's rightfully're not familiar with that either, are you?" Harper smirk "oh good luck with that!" Adam smiles.

"You can do that thing now!" Harper says "uuuuuhhhh Take it!" Adam says "bye bye! Frank!" Adam And Harper says,and Vivian have fun" Harper says leaving "oh believe me I will!" Vivian says.


Adam and Harper walk down the street.

"wow what a day this business life isn't for me, I'm exhausted" Adam says "must be that much milkshake you had" Harper says "oh yeah that must be it,cuz tiredness doesn't normally make me feel sick" Adam says.

"well, I confess I'm relieved, I had no idea how we were going to get out of the diner" Harper says "Yeah, it was by far one of the craziest and coolest things we've ever done" Adam smiles.

"yeah it was fun, we worked really well together" Harper says "you bet!" Adam smiles "and that's whit two years of friendship, Imagine what we're going to do with 6 or something" Harper says.

"oh we can buy a rocket, and adopt an alien!" Adam says, Harper frowns laughing "why not? But save it for our
sixth anniversary" Harper says.

"Look technically we saved the rock cafe didn't we?" Adam says "true! We saved it and made it even better!" Harper says

"It was nice to see that place again, to
think that I met you at that same counter, and little did I know that you already knew who I was, and you and your sisters were planning to kill me and my family!" Adam says "our story is so beautiful" Harper smile sarcastically.

"Yup, who knew.... ordering a milkshake and donut was going to be... the best decision of my life" Adam says, Harper stops and so does he "Really?" Harper smiles.

"yeah, meeting my best friend,the first real friend i ever had, was one of the best things that ever happened to me" Adam says "Adam...thank you!" Harper says.

"I just..""No! Not just for that, for everything! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be even close to who I am
today, you were the one who saved me,I barely knew who I was before you" Harper says, Adam looks down smiling.

"You were the first friend I had, the first person I felt safe with,the first real brother I had, if it weren't for you I would never have gone to school, Maybe I would still be in prison,I would never have met Chase, or Douglas, or anyone, I would never have become bionic and I wouldn't even know what it's like to be.... truly happy!" Harper says she smiles.

"I just needed to tell you, thank you for everything, you will always be my family, the best i could have" Harper says, Adam smiles and opens his arms to hug her, she hugs him.

"I love you so much Adam" Harper says "I love you too Harper...and if I could turn back time to the day I met you...." Adam looks at her and smiles.

"I wouldn't change a thing" Adam says, Harper laughs "me neither" Harper says,they go back to walking.

"won't you take that tie off?" Adam ask "Of course not!" Harper says adjusting her hair and tie "it looks great on me!" Harper smirks and walks ahead, Adam smiles.

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