Bada Lee Imagines

By Nimxiee

121K 3K 333

a series of bada Lee imagines and short stories by yours truly! requests welcome! ( please send some πŸ˜­πŸ™ ) More

Request Page!
" Your so pretty when you dance "
" Don't get jealous, miss bada "
" Don't get too starstruck, Bada " Pt 1.
" Your so pretty, it hurts"
" I know you want me too "
" I've loved you, from the start "
" Promise, I'd be a better boyfriend then him"
" Fallen for an angel "
" Don't get too starstruck, Bada " Pt. 2
" Who's the needy one, now? "
" Oh hush, Bada Lee "
" Who's the needy one, now " Pt 2.
" You and me in this moment "
! announcement !
" Better in person "
" Picture Perfect "
" No Feelings Attached "
" Make me water "
" To the Limit "
" Kissing by the Moon "
" Desire for your touch "
" Falling Out "
" Save a horse, and ride a cowboy "
" Working hard to please you "
" Love letters & unspoken words "
" Your lips & your care "
"The Main Attraction "
" Peculiar "
" In her care "
" Make sure to watch "

" Her gaze "

2.8K 81 3
By Nimxiee

bada lee x reader
word count: 2.7k
warning: angst, toxic behavior, stalking

summary: her gaze was always Bada, but someone else's gaze followed.

notes: this is so bad😔🙏


Some can hide how they feel behind their face, but only some can see the truth behind their gaze.

Team Bebe was the definition of " young energy". They all always had high spirits and were constantly trendy. They were popular, pretty, and talented. Any performance they did became viral, and a new trend. They easily captivated any Street Woman Fighter viewers, and always had a sum of voters.

Not to mention their leader, who had quite the following. Her popularity outshined her crew, sometimes in a bad way. She easily captivated girls' hearts, just by dancing. Bada was tall and slender, able to pull off the masculine and feminine vibe, and had extraordinary talent. She could always be seen on your feed or your for you page, she was everywhere. Her name was easily recognizable to the naked eye. Anyone could fall in love with her, even by a simple glance.

But she only looked for someone's gaze to meet hers.

You two had been dating publicly for many months now. The two of you could be seen performing together, holding hands, or giggling alongside the team. You were a key part of Team Bebe, keeping everyone afoot and Bada mentally sane. You were the co-leader with Bada and had been there at the formation of Team Bebe. All of the younger members looked up to you and always asked you for advice. They preferred to talk to you because Bada could be scary sometimes, but you found it cute.

You were happy being with Bada, she was the sea to your moon. The two of you were hopelessly in love with one another.

But, with Bada's growing popularity many criticized your relationship with her. Some episodes thought the two of you were cute, others thought Bada could do better. That she should get with someone who could protect her, like a man. Maybe Howl, Taeyong, or anyone. Many people had heated arguments in your comment section about your relationships.



Liked by @badalee__, @redy_shin, and 80,768 others
@/y/n__: 🩷 = 🌊


@/badalee___ :  🩷

@/redy_shin: cutiesss

@/user4567: their so cute together!!! 🤭

@/pixievespa: I NEED a relationship like theirs in my life ugghhh

@/nimxie69: Bada Unnie can do better, breakup w her ASAP

@/badasgirlreal: you don't deserve Bada.


The comments never bothered you much, or at least that's what you told Bada. Sometimes you doubt if you were good enough for her. If she should really be with a man and not you. Yet, you never told Bada how you felt about her fans' comments. You kept the insecurity to yourself. Not wanting to worry your lover.

But you'd regret that soon.

One day, all of Team Bebe gathered up in one studio, all together. Planning and preparing for Hwasa's " Chili Challenge ". Papers were scattered across the floor and chattering rang throughout the studio. Everyone was trying to figure out how they would do the choreography, and who'd be Hwasa in this mission. Everyone in Team Bebe was focused. But your mind drifted as you got a notification on your phone, and instinctively you grabbed it.

Bada had her hair in a low ponytail, she also had a bare face. Her face held a pair of black glasses, along with her shirt and clipped microphone. She was comfortable and ready to choreograph. Bada was appreciative of her team's efforts to come up with choreography, and how hands-on they were. She scribbled some ideas on a section of her paper. When she looks up, she sees your eyes fixed on an illuminated screen.

When you clicked the notification, it was a message from an unknown number.

" Y/N, I suggest you stay away from bada for your own good, or I promise you'll regret it. "

That's all the message said, no other contexts or anything. It was definitely out of the ordinary though, and extremely creepy. Your face contorted uncomfortably when reading the message. The only thing you could think of doing was blocking the person, but you feared the consequences. But another message was sent by this anonymous user.

" attachment image. "

The picture shown was a picture of where you were right now, and all of Team Bebe was in the photo. You turned around hoping to find who it was but you found no one. This was now making you paranoid. The once uncomfortable look on your face became a look of anxiety. You put your phone down and tried to collect your thoughts and put a smile on your face. Hoping to fool your teammates, about the undying fear in your eyes.

But Bada could tell something was off, the way your face looked at the screen was wrong. She moved from her seat and sat next to you. She draped her arm over your shoulder and rubbed your back in a soothing tone. You only glanced at her, but her eyes were directed to the photo screen.

Seeing the picture of all her teammates, and the alarming message grew her concern. She gently pulled your arm out of the studio, her hand grasping your phone.

" Babe, what are these messages? " she asked.

You glanced at your phone before taking it, " I don't know Bada. It's probably just someone trying to creep me out, it's fine. I'll fix it. " you tried to reassure her.

Bada shook her head, " Are you sure, these are pretty concerning. "

" I'm sure they'll stop sending messages eventually, let's just go back to rehearsals, okay? " you tried to reason with her. You kissed her cheek and guided her back into the studio.

But the messages didn't stop.

Daily, you would receive a message from the anonymous user. All of them are mildly uncomfortable and or stalker life. You tried to ignore them or not let them get to your head but they slowly became draining to even read. All of them telling you to go away from Bada. It was Bada this, Bada that. You thought the messages would stop if you distanced yourself from her.

It started one day when you didn't show up to practice for the Battle Practice. Everyone in Team Bebe was there, but not you. They all waited, but 10 minutes turned into 30 minutes and into hours. There was no appearance made by you whatsoever, neither a message nor call from you.

" Bada Unnie, where is your girlfriend? " Lusher said, staring up at the ceiling.

Bada looked up to the ceiling, not knowing how to reply. " I couldn't tell you, Lusher, I have no clue."

" You should check up on her. She's usually not like this." Soweon commented.

" Yeah you should, " Minah added.

Excusing herself, she grabbed her phone and tried to call you or get in any sort of touch. But all her calls went straight to voicemail and her messages were left on delivered.

You were exhausted and had been helplessly restless. Unable to sleep, and had no energy to move. The constant messages had drained you physically and mentally. Baggy eyes, dry skin, and a chilling feeling down your spine. All you could do was lie in bed still. You could hear the ringing of your phone but couldn't muster up the energy to pick it up. But you couldn't let Bada know what was up, so you answered the call.

" Hi, my love are you there? Are you alright? " Bada spoke into the phone, sounding anxious.

Your heart broke at her tone, she didn't know what was going on. But you feared if she did, something would happen to her. " Hi Bada " you whispered into the phone, your voice hoarse from all your crying in the past few days.

Bada was glad she got some sort of response, but hearing how your voice sounded made her heart wrench. Something serious was going on. " Love, I'm coming over, no questions asked. " Bada said before hanging up.

She didn't even give you time to protest. You just sighed, welcoming the feeling of sleep as it caved in.

Bada went back to the studio and told her girls something urgent had come up, and that she had to leave. All of them assured her it was fine and let her go. She graciously thanked them and headed out.

But she didn't know someone was watching her. Someone watched her every step as she left the building, but she never noticed the presence. That person was the reason for all your torture.

Wrong move, y/n.

That message was sent directly to you, as the mysterious person watched Bada leave. But you were too sleepy to notice it or be alarmed.

Whoever was sending those messages, was a fellow dancer, and someone from the same show.

Bada was anxious while driving to your house. This whole situation was peculiar to her. You were never like this ever. You were always happy and full of energy, but it seemed as if you had no energy to even speak to her. Deep down she felt like she had done something wrong. But she tried to push the feeling away but it still lingered.

She was on call with her friend, Redy. A fellow competitor of hers. Redy assured Bada that you were alright and it was probably nothing. Trying to convince Bada to come back to the studio, but Bada insists on going. Redy gave up and wished her friend good luck. Along with reminding Bada to message her about what happened. She made a mental note of that for later.

She arrived at your apartment and knocked at your door. No response. She knocked another time. No response. She sighed and put the code in for your apartment. Letting herself in.

When Bada walked in, she was met with silence. Your living space was silent and empty. No sign of life. She quietly moved around the space looking for any sign of you, but was met with nothing. The last place she could think of was your room. She cautiously walked towards your door and peeked inside.

You looked like you were peacefully sleeping, but as she got closer she realized your tiredness. She was slightly upset at herself for not noticing earlier. But while you slept, your phone pinged. The noise caught Bada's attention. It was from the same user again. Bada thought the person had stopped, but it seemed not. She picked it up and was met with several disturbing messages.

Bada can do better than you.

Keep your distance from her.

You have no right to be close to her like that.

Bada belongs to me.

Each message left an uncomfortable knot in her chest. Someone was clearly harassing you and in love with her. All of them were possessive and controlling as if Bada was some sort of pet or something.

Bada was frustrated that this person wouldn't leave you alone, and more importantly worried about how they got pictures of you two. However when you stirred awake slowly, Bada ushered you to go back to sleep. You tried to protest, but she engulfed you in her arms providing comfort. Forgetting about Redy, and completely discarding the phone.

But Bada slowly understood what was happening and planned to stop it.

Throughout the weeks, you still found it hard to ignore the messages. Some days it was hard to step into practice or even talk to Bada. From sitting in the corner in a rehearsal to hiding your teary eyes on camera. You did everything you could, but it was slowly becoming unbearable. Your chats with Bada became shorter, and your appearance on episodes was rare. Even if you were oblivious to it, Bada knew what was going on.

Even if you'd push her away, she'd follow you like a dog. Making sure you'd eat and drink, staying late at the studio to make sure you knew the dance, driving you home, and holding you close. At night, she'd hold you close till she heard the soft murmurs of your breath. Bada was always there, whether you liked it or not.

On one particular day, you had stayed home for rehearsal because of a fever. Bada made sure to take care of you as much as she could, but she did have to go shooting today. You assured her it was fine, and after a few kisses, she made her way to the set.

When she arrived at the set, she was met by seeing Team Bebe. They all constantly worried about their sub-leader so they asked questions whenever Bada arrived.

" Bada Unnie, is Y/N doing better? " Kyma asked.

" Is Unnie Y/N going to make it to shooting today? " Minah asked.

" Bada we miss our girl, " Soweon pouted.

Bada laughed at all their questions and promised you were doing fine. Just a little sick. She wished she could tell her team what was going on but feared conflict. She chatted with her team while she waited for filming to commence.

Someone from afar watched the whole thing. The sour taste of jealousy flooded their mouth.

Today they were shooting the " Women " by Doja Cat dance video. All of the crews came together in one big set to dance. All the different crews get their own parts and time to shine. But 1Million always stood center due to their winning in the " Chili Challenge ".  Team Bebe was given a break and they all moved to different parts of the set.

Bada stood next to a speaker close by, minding her business on her phone. Along with taking a casual swing of her water. But a notification from another phone stole her attention. She turned to see a phone adored with cute charms and colors and flipped face down on the speaker. Curiously she flipped the phone over and saw a collection of messages. Messages she's seen before, the same ones sent to you. Every single message was made out to you, all targeting you. It was the conversations from the anonymous user. She looked around to see whose phone it was and was met by another person's gaze. A gaze plastered with guilt.

Redy's gaze.

Bada's old friend, her fellow dance partner. Redy stood there looking at Bada, guilt and fear on her face. She started walking up to Bada, but Bada started to walk away

Redy followed her and tried to pull Bada back but it was hopeless. " Bada please, I can explain.. " she tried to reason. Her voice quivered and tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

" Explain what? " Bada turned around furiously.

" Bada, just listen. I didn't mean for it to be like this, "

" For what? You didn't want me to figure out you've secretly been harassing my girlfriend and stalking me. Sending photos of us together, and making her extremely uncomfortable. She barely comes to filming now, for god's sake, Redy " Bada yelled at her.

" Bada I- " she started.

" Are you MENTALLY CRAZY REDY? " Bada screamed at the dancer.

" I'M NOT CRAZY. FUCK IT, I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU AND COULDN'T STAND TO SEE HER WITH YOU. " Redy yelled back, tears threatened to fall.

The set fell silent, all eyes fell upon the dancers and the fight that was going on. Team Bebe and 1Million standing close by. The tension hung high in the air at Redy's confession.

Bada's ex-best friend, who was there during her time in Cupcakes and her rise to fame. Her friend she finally made up with and bonded with the show. The girl she saw as her little sister had fallen in love with her. And tried to break up Bada's relationship just to have her. Bada wasn't hers, she was yours.

Bada didn't respond to Redy's comment, instead, she took Redy's phone and smashed it. Not caring about the girl's protests.

" Redy, consider our whole friendship. No our whole relationship to be over.

You're a complete stranger to me now. " Bada said coldly before storming off set.

Redy was left in shambles, but she knew she was in the wrong. Bada had every right to be mad at her, but it still broke her heart. If only she could've controlled herself, maybe things would have been different. Maybe if she wasn't so jealous.

Team Bebe tried to follow their leader but couldn't keep up. Bada's fuming anger turned into heart-wrenching sobs. The overwhelming feeling overtook her body. She wanted to collapse but she needed you.

Almost in an instant, she was in your arms at your house. She came to you sobbing uncontrollably and her body shaking. You held her close and tried to soothe her pain. Bada couldn't muster out any words of explanation, but you didn't push it. Her tears spoke for themselves.

They spoke of betrayal.

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