" I know you want me too "

4.9K 147 16

request from: @areizuohc721
bada lee x fem reader
word count: 2k

warnings: heavy makeout session

summary: You and Bada's love lives are kept secret. But what happens when you must teach Bada a routine, and she can't control herself?

notes: Thanks for over 1K reads on this collection, keep sending requests I love you ideas! Tell me what we think about this one!

You were the lead choreographer in the dance scene. Your name was respected all around the world. From working with famous K-pop groups, to famous pop singers, and even competing against other notable choreographers.

One of them being Bada Lee, from Just Jerk Academy.

Bada Lee was almost as popular as you. Having created many iconic choreographs , along with dancing with popular idols. Her approach to choreography was trendy and new. Helping her gain popularity quickly.

People consumed with her satisfying body control, charismatic stage presence, and her overall style. Bada's followers going up daily. With her gaining popularity from Street Woman Fighter Two, she soon was becoming a threat to your dance status. She was your biggest competition in the whole industry.

Yet, your biggest competition was also your secret girlfriend. You two had been dating for several months now. You decided it would have been better to keep your relationship a secret to uphold your dance status. Even though Bada could care less.

But with your relationship being secret, you guys could never dance together or interact with each other in public. Because why would two competing dance choreographers be caught dead seeing each other?

Due to this, you couldn't help but a feel a ping of jealous whenever you saw Bada perform an intimate dance with other person. You just ignored it and performed your own intimate dances with your groups. Making Bada feel jealous herself. Whenever you two would see each other again, the teasing would goes on for hours. With comments like:

" Did you see my dance with Tatter, you wished it was you, huh? It's okay I made sure to look extra pretty for you " Bada would tease

" Oh really, did you see my dance with Redlic? Our chemistry is insane, some people even thought we were together" you teased her back

Your conversations usually ending up with heavy makeout sessions, both trying to prove who is better. You two lived your perfect lives, in public and behind closed doors. Your dance lives never mingling, until one day.

It was a normal day in the studio, you had just finished teaching a class and sat down on your studio floor. You were exhausted from teaching, and sat there enjoying your break. Until one of your fellow dancers walked in, she looked at nervous, and bowed. You were confused why she was so nervous, you talked to the young dancer all the time.

" Um miss y/n I have some news for you " the young dancer says

" Well what is it? " you asked confused

" So uh, you know that choreography you made for Lisa's film? Well they're adding another dancer and they need you to teach her the dance " the young dancer said

" Okay, that's fine. But why are you so nervous? " you ask her

The young dancer looks at you and paces around the dance studio before walking back to you. When she finally says,

" The dancer is Bada Lee "

You scoffed, of course she was. You reassure the young dancer that it's fine. She explains how Bada will be here soon, and eventually the other dancers. You thanked her and wait till the door closed.

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