" Fallen for an angel "

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bada lee x fem reader
word count: 2.1K

warnings: fluff, slight angst
summary: you were practically the angel of team bebe, somehow someone had fallen for you

notes: sorry for not updating in awhile! hope you like this, tell me what u think!!!!


It was the 5th day of shooting for Street Women Fighter Two. The current mission was the mega crew mission. Each competing crew must choreograph a routine consisting of over 30 people, and the routine must follow the crew's concept. Team Bebe had chosen the gender mix concept.

Team Bebe had been working extremely hard on this mission. It was causing lots of tension between each member of Bebe. But thankfully for Team Bebe, you were there to keep everyone in check.

From surprising everyone with drinks to taking over practice to give a director a break, and just reassuring everyone in their moves. You were practically an angel for Team Bebe.

This mission had been causing Bada lots of stress, but you were always there for her. Pulling her out of practices, even when she refused. You knew she just wanted the routine to be perfect, but she'd end up overworking herself trying. So you either would hold her close and listen to her or voluntarily take over as director so she can have a break.

Bada always appreciated your kindness towards the team. You were like Team Bebe's supportive older sister, you were so selfless. You were practically everyone's safe place, including Bada's. Bada always wondered what went on inside your head, how could someone be so genuinely nice? She admired you dearly and was happy you were there to keep the team in shape.

There were only 5 days left till the final filming of the mega crew mission. All of Team Bebe had arrived except you, nobody noticing quite yet. All the backup dancers slowly started swarming in. The studio was filled with chatter and laughs, everyone talking before practice started. Everything is silent once Bada claps her hands.

" Attention everyone! " Bada shouts

All of Team Bebe and all of the dancers turn around to face Bada. Some of them are slightly nervous about what the leader has to say, and others are just happy to be there.

" We have only 5 more days to rehearse this. So everyone needs to be working their hardest, for you to shine and for Team Bebe's success. We brought you here to dance, not to fool around or fangirl. Every mistake you make not only hurts you but hurts the whole team. So focus, work hard, and have fun! " Bada says sternly

" Fighting! " Team Bebe screams

Bada laughed at her team's antics and ushered everyone to their places for the routine. Bada moved towards the front of the big studio and sat down in a chair. Lusher rushed to the opposite side of Bada, to turn on the music for their dance. Once the music starts, Bada watches the dancers carefully, correcting them as they dance.

" Number 57, more energy!"

" Number 33, to the left. Not right!"

" Number 5, closer to Tatter"

" Kyma, get closer to your partner"

Bada's comments became more specific and ruthless as the rehearsal continued. Her loud voice is heard throughout the whole studio. She slowly becomes frustrated with the dance, but she tries to keep her composure. Luckily, it was Lusher's turn to direct part of the dance. Lusher was a nice leader and was much more lenient with mistakes. Most of the dancers were happy to have a break from the intense criticism of Bada. However, Bada would stop Lusher's teaching occasionally to correct some dancers. Eventually, Bada just took over the Lushers section and Lusher walked away sighing.

Bada Lee ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ