I'm not a boy (lookism x fem...


69.7K 3.5K 837

A girl got isekaid into her favourite webtoon called Lookism.She tries to help her favourite characters by di... More

New world
I'm what?
Friends and fights
A misunderstanding
Daniel vs Vasco
What a bitch?
J-high festival
Top streamer
Retreat Camp
What a day
New student
Pacebook stars
A memorable day
Illegal betting
Sports day
Putting a bitch back in his place
Happy endings
Stalker much
Second year
Notte World
Animal cruelty
An interesting holiday
Fake account
Why me?
God Dog
Jacedaichi Case Files
Runaway Fam
Wuthering J-high
A new beggining

I'm not unfashionable

1.7K 94 29

A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

Entering the class I see Zack yelling at Namsoo for wearing the same kicks as him but not causing a fight beacause of Mira.After Zack goes back to his seat Namsoo looks like he is the shit.

After Zack goes back to his seat I go behind him slapping the back of his head. "Hey baldy."

"I told you to stop calling me that and stop hiting me or I'll kill you." He says trying to fix his hair.
"Nuh uh." I say smirking at him.
"Fuck you mean nuh uh." He says getting angrier.
"I'll show everyone that video."

He freezes for a moment as the colour drains from his face remebering I still have the video.

Huffing some curses at me he sits back down while Daniel and the others sweatdrop at our interactions.They mostly find it normal by now as we have been creating this weird friendship by bulling each other.

"Hey but theres something strange about both of them."
"Check out their old bags."
"And they only wear one pair of converses."
"Youre right."
"I didnt notice because of their looks but Daniel park and Elijah Y/N...are unfashionable."
"They must be poor."

At those two last statments my jaw also drops as people start whispering about us.

'Them ugly ass bitches didnt say that.Not when they look like a gay boy band in the 60s.'

I turn to look at Daniel but he...hes oblivious as ever and smiling like a dork.Such an innocent smile.


As class finally ends and me and Zack waking up from our sleep I see Daniel getting up and blurting out a goodbye to Jay while Jay just waves back at him mostly confused.

'Same tho.I havent compleatly learned how to speak Jaynese but Im getting the hang of it.Maybe I should ask Daniel for some tips since he already knows it.'

As I finally pack up my bag and get ready to head out I hear the *gay boy band* insulting us again and calling us beggars.

'These fucking bitches.Ohh I'll fucking show them.'

I think as an irk mark appears on my forehead and from anger I throw my history book at them managing to hit one of them in the head.

'Bullseyes.' I think to myself as I run out of the classroom and heading home so I could do some shopping.

"...Finally home." I mutter to myself as I finally remove my wig and binder letting me breath and just
wearing my home clothes.

Grabbing my black card that must have collected dust since I hadnt used it at all I head put as I look in the maps for a good shopping mall.

And when I say good I mean expensive.

And thats what I did.Ending up at supposingly one of the most expensive shopping malls.Like Im not kidding that shit had like 15 floors or something like that.

Entering I swear the lights almost blinded me as it was so freaking bright.I grimace as I walk through the shops trying to find some good hoddies or so.

Walking around with my hands in my pockets I felt eyes on me but...I dont really give a fuck.I knew they were thinking that im some poor beggar,an angsty teen with back problems or just here to steal something.

Chuckling at that and not looking at where Im going I bump into someones chest.And when I say that I literally just had walked straight into a mans chest and then falling down on my butt.

"Ugh." I hear him say im disgust as he back away a little.

At that I just snapped looking up at some weird guy with glasses and hair that looked like french fries wearing a red shirt.Getting up and dusting myself off I look at him with a glare while he looked like he was seeing a wild dog.

"Listen here you McDonald's looking motherfuckes that decided to steal Ronald McDonald aesthetic and make it his.Like aint no way your french fry hair looking ass said *ugh* at me."

He clearly looked at me in an offended and amused way as if I didnt know who he was.Well I really didnt.

As he opened his mouth to say something another voice spoke behind him.A really deep voice may I say.

"Goo why'd you stop walking?I told you to take the bags in the car."

I look behind him looking at who spoke and I just froze.I look back at the french fry hair guy and back at the other voice and back at frech fry hair and back at the other voice.

'Well I didnt know I was gonna die so early.In the hands of motherfucking Gun Park and Goo Kim.Why hadnt I noticed him earlier?'

As Goo had now directed his attention on Gun I decide to quietly leave since Gun handnt seen me.And thank the gods I did.

As Gun gets closer to Goo,Goo now points at my direction which I wasnt there anymore and loudly exclaming.
"Its because of her."

Gun blinks at the spot where Im supposed to be and just looks back at Goo and then back at the spot where I was supposed to be and then back at Goo questiong his sanity or if this was a prank.
"Are you perhaps on crack?"

"What do you mean?Shes right there-" Finishing his sentece he turns around to the place where I was supposed to be only to find out I was gone.

"Oh god." Gun exclaims as he pinches the bridge of his nose while Goo looks around the place hoping to spot me and rambling to Gun how I stopped him.

"Lets just go you idiot."
"But Im telling you she was right there."
"Then you were on crack cause cleary noone is there."

They keep on arguing until I see them walking out and after I made sure they left I went out.

'God I really thought that I'll get my ass beat or even die.Fuck like I dont understand on how I didnt notice it was Goo.Designer glasser,dessigner clothes and hair that looks like McDonald's french fries.'

Finally walking into a shop I start looking around and finding some really cool clothes.Mostly putting hodies,jeans,some t-shirts,sneakers, a new backpack,some rings,a really cute jacket and a watch on my shopping cart.

It was mostly fun for that part but it was annoying how people would eye me up and down or a shop assistant following my every move. I swear she was trailing after my ass like I'd steal something.

"Excuse me ma'am.What are you doing?"  I finally ask her cause her bitch ass was genuinly making me mad.

She scoffs. "You know if you came here to thrift shop then you are clearly at the wrong place."

'Damn even her voice is annoying.It feels like Im hearing a cat getting strangled when she talks.'

"Damn all of you bitches sure are annoying.First those fuckers in class and now you." I whisper as I look at her with a crazed look on my face.

She flinches a little and getting mad she tries slapping me but before she could a hand grabbed hers.

Her eyes widen in shock and fear while mine just widen in suprise.

It was...Jay.

'You really are a kind soul.Thank you for saving me and her from making a damn scene.'

"S-sir Jay.I was just-just making sure this costumer wasnt stealing." She screeches out trying to save herself.

'What a bitch.' I think looking at her as she trembles under Jays hard glare...even if you couldnt see his eyes.

Jay releases her wrist signaling her to leave before he turns to me and bows infront of me.

"Oh no please dont bow.I should be the one that should be thanking you."
"Do I know Elijah?" I repeat his question as he nods.
"Well hes my twin brother."

Jay definetly is suprised by this but just smiles softly and hands out his arm out getsuring to me to hook my arm with his.

I accept his offer as we start talking.Well mostly like I was talking and he was just nodding and smiling until we reach the counter so I could scan my items.

After a while of scanning my items Jay start reaching for his card but Im faster than him and get out my black card faster suprising everyone around me.

I turn to Jay apologetically. "Sorry but I cant let you pay for my things like that after you helped me.Im gonna make it up to you."

He just smiles and and pats my head helping me carry some of the bags until I was close to home.

I thank him again as he just *says* its nothing until we part ways with me going home and him also going home.

Entering my sweet home that I soo dearly missed I start taking my clothes out of the bags and start to fold some of them.

Picking out my clothes for tomorrow I go to sleep suprisingly early mostly because my phone had 7% by me playing in class until I fell asleep.


Making my way towards school I stop infront of an accessories shop picking out three keychains.One for me,one for Daniel and one for Jay.

I really wanted to buy Daniel something for his birthday and Jay something to thank him for saving me yesterday.

Searching through I had found three cute ass keychains that would really fit us three.

Happy with my choice I make my way once again to school.

Entering the class I see the *gay boy band* with theyre eyes wide open and not only them but the whole class.

Everything I had on was seasonal so they had theyre jaws on the ground.

The *gay boy band* just sweatdrops and chuckles nervously.

"Dont worry we're gonna screw with the other newbie."
"Lets ask him about his cheap clothing."
"Yeah haha."

As on cue Daniel enters making his fans shocked but making the *gay boy band* even more shocked as he just kept smiling entering giddily.

Everyone is just shocked at Daniel saying that he got some cheps duds.It was genuinly hilarious because everything he was wearing was over 1 grand.

As he sits down I rember the keychains grabbing the chocolate one giving it to Daniel.

"Whats this Elijah?"
"Its for youre birthday.I couldnt give it to you yesterday so happy birthday." I say smiling gently at him making him look even more giddy than he was.
"Thank you so much." He says putting it on his backpack.

I then grab the white cookie one handing it out to Jay.It was no suprise that he looked at it and then pointed to himself as if asking that it was for him.

"Yes its for you.I just wanted to thank you for saving my sister yesterday."
"Yes I have one too.Even Daniel has one." I answer him as I show him mine that was the round one and then pointing at Daniel.

He looks even happier than before as he also puts it on his backpack also giving me a smile.

Happy with my choice I just go back to my desk grabbing my phone and hopping onto a game until class starts.

A/n:Hello my lovely readers.I hope you also liked this chapter.It seems that when I try to make a chapter shorter it comes out even longer.Anyways I just hope you liked it and dont forget to vote.Bye💕

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