Their Girl โ™ก [BOOK ONE]

By sleepdeprivedwriter8

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Coming Back on June 18th, 2024 โš ๏ธ UNDER CONSTRUCTION โš ๏ธ BASED ON SCREAM (1996) BY WES CRAVEN BOOK ONE OUT OF... More

Updated Introduction
Updating Schedule
Cast [Part One]
Cast [Part Two]
Chapter Key
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Announcement - March 17th, 2024

Chapter Seven

1.3K 42 16
By sleepdeprivedwriter8

"Bam! Bitch went down!"


Thursday, September 26th, 1996

Woodsboro, California, U.S.A.

Prescott Residence

Like that, red and blue lights surround the Prescott home on the pitch-black Thursday night. At the front of the house, Sidney, [Name], and Michael huddle together in the ambulance that was called. As Sidney gets her head checked out from the attack, [Name] and Michael stay close together and watch as the paramedics do their job. Suddenly, all three teens' attention is grabbed by the sound of Billy shouting and pleading with the town’s police.

“Alright, hold your hands together,” Dewey says as fellow friends and partners, Officer Matthews and Officer Hale slam Billy face-down onto the front of a police car. “Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent?”

“I didn’t do anything!” Billy continues to plead his innocence.

“Do you wish to give up your right to speak to an attorney and have them present during questioning?”

“Ask them! They’ll tell you!” Being dragged away, Billy shouts over the sound of oncoming sirens of the sheriff’s car.

Once Sheriff Burke parks his car, Dewey walks up and informs him of the arrest they made, “I caught him, sheriff.”

“Wait, who is that?” the older man questions.

“Billy Loomis.”

Billy lays his eyes on the sheriff as he exits his car and tries pleading once more, “Sheriff, sheriff, call these guys off. I didn’t do it.” The two police officers that have ahold of him carry on and shove him into the police car he was previously held against. Frantically, he calls back out to Sheriff Burke, “Sheriff, wait! Wait, listen. Call my dad. Please, call him. He’ll tell you. Call him!”

[Name] and Sidney watch all of this unfold from the ambulance and stare blankly at the sight of the police officers getting into the car with Billy.

Both of their blood runs slightly cold at the last frantic screams of Billy before he is taken away, “Sidney! [Name]!”

Sidney’s head sinks in guilt of the situation but [Name] is quick to comfort her friend, “Sid, everything’s gonna be fine. We had no other choice but to suspect him. You were there, you saw the phone fall out of his jacket.”

“But what if it was all a misunderstanding…? If it is, then he’ll never forgive me for this…”

“Sid,” [Name] rests her hand on the brunette’s shoulder, “this is Billy we’re talking about. Your boyfriend for fucks sake. He loves you and he’ll forgive you if you’re wrong.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. I mean, come on, we’ve all known each other ever since we were in diapers. We’ll all be fine. And once this psychopath is caught, we’ll go and raid Stu’s house like we normally do.”

Sidney chuckles and nods, “Thanks, [Name].”

“Don’t mention it, Sid.”

Suddenly, Dewey and Sheriff Burke make their way up to the ambulance which gets all three teens to straighten up.

“Well, we’re seein’ a lot of all three of you today,” Sheriff Burke states.

“You guys gonna be able to come down to the station and answer a few questions?” Dewey asks the three of them to which each teen nods their head in agreement.

In the corner of her eye, [Name] spots the familiar red Volkswagen Beetle pull up to the front of the house.

“Look who finally decided to show up,” [Name] says and points to the vehicle.

Speak of the Devil, Tatum hurriedly gets out of the car. “Oh, shit! Sidney! [Name]!”  she curses upon seeing the police and ambulance there. Running as fast as she can, she makes it to the ambulance and starts to apologize, “God, guys, I’m so sorry I was late. Are you alright? Michael? You didn’t get hurt, did you?”

The young boy shakes his head at which Tatum sighs a sigh of relief.

“Tatum, you can’t be here. This is an official crime scene,” Dewey says and grabs ahold of her upper arm.

“Sid’s dad is out of town. [Name] and Michael’s parents are on their anniversary getaway, alright? They’re staying with us tonight,” she argues.

“Does mom know?”

“Yes, doofus,” Tatum remarks with an eye-roll.

“Alright, let’s get you guys out of here,” Sheriff Burke says and helps the three out of the ambulance.

As the three teens make their way to Dewey’s car, Dewey shows the costume of the attacker to the sheriff.

Michael slides into the far-right seat of the backseat as [Name] follows and sits into the middle seat, leaving room Sidney on the left side. Once everyone is settled in, Dewey hops in and starts the car.

At the front of the house once more, another vehicle presents itself. This time, it’s a news van. In this news van, Gale Weathers’ eyes widen at the sight, and quickly hops out of the passenger seat.

“I’ll be damned,” she states as she sees the police cars.

“What?” her cameraman and driver, Kenny asks as he exits the van.

“Jesus! The camera, hurry!”

“My name isn’t Jesus,” he retorts.

Hurriedly, Gale runs up to the police vehicle that is making its way to the station. As she squints, she sees three figures in the back of the car.

“Sidney, is that you in there?” she asks as the car passes close to her. Seeing Tatum walking over to her car, she decides to question her, “Excuse me. Is that Sidney Prescott they took away?”

“I’m not talking to you,” the blonde replies.

“What happened to her?”

“None of your damned business!”

“I heard something about a costume. Is that true?” she pushes but sees the teen get in her car. She quickly knocks on the window and tries one more time, “Can you tell me anything?”

“Yeah, you’re a real pain in the ass!” Tatum retorts. “Leave Sid alone!”

With that, she drives off leaving Gale annoyed.

“Where’s she goin’?” Kenny asks once he finally catches up with Gale, camera, and microphone in hand.

“Look. Kenny?”


 “I know that you’re about fifty pounds overweight, but when I say ‘hurry,’ please interpret that as ‘move your fat, tub-of-lard ass now!’” she shouts and yanks the microphone out of his hand, walking off towards the remaining police at the scene.

At the police station, Dewey pulls into a spot and quickly gets Sidney, [Name], and Michael into the building before any press can show up. Upon entering, the group spots Billy sitting at an officer’s desk, waiting for Sheriff Burke to arrive.

Spotting them, Billy shoots up out of his chair and makes his way towards the three.

“Sid!” he exclaims.

Sidney’s eyes widen and she quickly walks over to Dewey’s desk to distance herself from her boyfriend.

As fast as he can, Dewey puts himself in front of the group to prevent Billy from getting any closer.

“Not a step further, Mr. Loomis.”

“Oh, come on, please, Dewey.”

“I said, no. Now, go back where you were.”

Billy lets out an annoyed sigh and nods. Before walking away, he looks at Michael who’s hugging [Name].

“I’m sorry if I scared you, Mikey,” he states with a soft expression. Looking at [Name] he says the same, “Sorry if I scared you too. Did you get hurt anywhere by that son of a bitch?”

[Name] stares at her friend blankly.

“[Name], did the attacker hurt you?” he pushes.

“Mr. Loomis, go,” Dewey urges.

Shaking his head, Billy pushes once more, “I’m not going until I get an answer.”

Finally, [Name] responds, “No, I didn’t get hurt. There, you got your answer. Now go.”


“Billy, we’ll talk tomorrow, I promise. But for tonight, please just keep your distance. Especially for Sidney.”

Getting ready to object, he sees [Name] shake her head. He defeatedly sighs and nods sulkily, “Alright, I got it.”

As he walks off, he glances at his girlfriend who still sits at Dewey’s desk. But instead of a sympathetic look like he gave to [Name] and Michael, this one is filled with rage.

About an hour later, [Name] is sitting at Officer Hale’s desk, Michael at Officer Matthews’, and Sidney still at Dewey’s.

“Alright, I’ve got some bad news,” Officer Hale states after typing away at his computer. 

"Sounds like that's all the news there is nowadays," [Name] replies. "What is it now?" 

“Your parent's flight has been delayed.”

“Well, isn't that just convenient..."

Officer Hale frowns, “I’m sorry, [Name].”

“It’s fine. It’s not your fault anyway.”

“Your uncle still lives here, right?”

“Are you kidding me? He’s never set foot out of Woodsboro. He’d never leave.”

Hale chuckles and nods, “Nothing’s wrong with a small town.”

“Besides when shit like this happens.”

“How are you holding up?” he asks.

[Name] shrugs, “I’m alright, I guess.”

“You can talk to me, you know that, right? Hell, you can even talk to Melissa too. You’re still close with her and Amelia, right?”

[Name] nods and smiles, “Yeah, we’re still close. Not as close as we were though since Melissa quit the video store and Amelia got fired for the second time.”

Hale chuckles at this and shakes his head, "Same old Melissa. Anyways, did you want your uncle to come over and pick you up?"

[Name] glances at Michael who sits at the desk next to Officer Hale's. After thinking for a moment, she makes up her mind. 

"Call him to come pick up Michael," she answers.

"What about you?"

"I made plans to stay with Tatum tonight. Besides, Michael will be safer with an ex-cop than with me until the asshole who killed Casey and Steve is caught." 

"Are you sure?" 

[Name] nods, "I'm sure." 

"Alright then... I'll be right back." 

"Can I go see Sidney while you're gone?" 

Hale nods, "Yeah, go ahead." 

"Thanks," she replies and makes a beeline for her friend.

Once she makes it over, she pulls a spare chair over and sits beside the brunette.

"Did you find Mr. Prescott yet, Dewey?" she asks.

He shakes his head with a frown, "Not yet." He turns his attention to Sidney, "You sure it was The Hilton?"

Nodding, Sidney answers, "At the airport." 

"He's not registered there," Dewey confirms. "Could he have stayed somewhere else?" 

"I don't know. I guess so," Sidney replies with a sniffle.

[Name] makes quick work of comforting her friend and immediately wraps her arm around her shoulders. In response, Sidney leans her head on her friend's shoulder. 

"Don't worry, Sid. We'll find him," Dewey reassures her. 

An officer suddenly walks up at speaks, "Dewey, they got that mask in." He drops a few sheets of paper on his desk and then wanders off. 

"I'll be right back," Dewey informs the two girls as he scurries out of his chair. 

Sidney sniffles a couple more times which prompts [Name] to rub her back lightly in a comforting manner.

"They'll find your dad, Sid," [Name] states. 

"What if they don't? What if whoever this killer is got to him? I can't stand to lose another parent, [Name]. I just can't."

"Hey, he's going to be fine," [Name] says firmly. "The police already caught the son of a bitch who killed your mom. They'll catch this bastard before he can hurt anyone else." 

"But what if..." Sidney mutters but trails off. 

"'What if' what?" 

"What if it wasn't Cotton...?" 

"What are you talking about? You saw what I saw that day. We both saw Cotton Weary walk out of your house after murdering your mother." 

Sidney thinks for a moment and shakes her head, "You're right, you're right. Sorry."

"What got you thinking that in the first place, Sid?"

"Just something the killer said on the phone..." 

"What did he say?" 

Before Sidney can respond, Michael comes over to the two with an exhausted look on his face. 

"When can we leave?" he asks. 

[Name] smiles slightly at the sight of her brother, "Soon. We just gotta be patient. Why don't you grab a chair and sit here?" 

The boy nods and gets a chair from a nearby desk and plants it beside his sister. Almost immediately, he leans his head on her shoulder while Sidney occupies the other and shuts his eyes. 

"You're becoming a pillow at this rate," Sidney jokes lightly. 

[Name] chuckles and is about to say something but stops at the sight of Sidney freezing up and looking at something. Or rather someone. Looking in the direction of which her friend is staring, she locks on Billy staring at the three from the window in Sheriff Burke's office. 

Inside the office, Billy is turned around in his seat as he stares at the three sitting outside of the room. His eyes seem to be fixed on his girlfriend but in actuality, his eyes are glued at the sight of Michael and [Name]. A frown tugs at his mouth as he sees just how scared his partner in crime made the boy. 

'I'll be sure that idiot doesn't scare you as much next time,' he thinks to himself.

"Let me ask you this," the voice of the sheriff pulls Billy out of his thoughts. "What're you doin' with a cellular telephone, son?" 

Much to his displeasure, Billy turns around to face the sheriff and replies, "Everybody's got one, sheriff. I didn't make those calls, I swear." 

"Why don't you check the phone bill, for Christ's sake? Call Vital Phone Comp. They got the records of every number dialed," Hank, Billy's father, cuts in angrily. 

"Thanks, Hank. We're on top of it," Sheriff Burke retorts. Turning his attention back to Billy, he continues to question, "What were you doing over at Sidney’s house tonight?" 

"I wanted to see her, that's all," Billy's lie rolls smoothly off of his tongue. 

"And last night? Sidney said you crawled through her window last night too." 

"You went out last night?" Hank asks his son about this new information. 

Billy scoffs, "I was watching TV. I got bored. I decided to go for a ride." 

"You happen to ride by Casey Becker’s house?" the sheriff continues to push. 

"No, I didn't. Sheriff, I didn't kill anybody!" he defensively argues. "Why are you only questioning me when Cole McKenzie snuck into [Name]'s house too? He's even neighbors with Casey." 

"We're pulling him in for questioning, don't you worry. But for now, we're gonna have to hold you, son, 'til we get those phone records." 

Billy's head droops down and his jaw clenches slightly at that information. He looks back up to the sheriff and puts on his best show to act innocent, "This is crazy. You know that? I didn’t do it." 

Hank and Sheriff Burke sigh as Billy twists in his chair once more and resumes staring at [Name] and Michael. He watches as [Name] tilts her head back and closes her eyes for a brief moment to try and rest. 

A slight smile spreads across Billy's face as he watches her do this, 'You'll be able to go to sleep soon, I promise.'

Outside of the police station, numerous news vans line up outside to try and interview anyone willing to spread information about what happened. 

In one, Gale Weathers attempts to exit the vehicle but Kenny quickly rushes over to her. 

"Move it, Kenny," she snaps. 

"They're not lettin' anybody in." 

"I'm not just anybody," she argues and walks off, microphone in hand. 

Kenny stares at her and sets up his camera. "Bitch," he mutters and quickly rushes after her, camera recording everything. 

"Kenny, are we on?" Gale asks as she makes her way to the entrance of the station. 

"Yeah, go." 

"Hi, Gale Weathers reporting live from Woodsboro Police Station... Where we hope to get a glimpse of Sidney Prescott," she goes on and reports on camera. 

Once she makes it to the front doors, however, a police officer stops her and grabs her by the hand. 

"Hey, watch the hand! Do you know who you're dealing with?" she complains. 

Back inside, [Name]'s head snaps back up and she awakens from her small sleep at the sound of Billy pleading once again. 

"Tell 'em. Come on, dad. Tell 'em!" he pleads to his dad as two police officers take him away. 

"We're waiting for the lawyer, Billy," his dad states. 

[Name] watches as Billy's gaze shifts to where she, Sidney, and Michael are sitting. 

"Sidney! [Name]! Come on! You know me!" Billy continues to plead. 

Sidney buries her head deeper into [Name]'s shoulder so as not to look at her boyfriend which causes [Name] to frown. At this point, Michael is awake from his small snooze and he attempts to get closer to his sister. 

"Sidney, look at me! Come on!" he shouts as he's taken away from the room. 

Once he's out of view, Sidney raises her head and lets out a shaky sigh. 

"You okay?" [Name] asks her friend. 

Sidney shakes her head, "This is all so fucked up... Excuse my language, Michael." 

"It's fine," the boy replies. 

[Name] perks her head up at the sound of running footsteps and sees Tatum coming closer to the group. 

"Are you guys okay?" the blonde asks.

"Yeah, we're okay," Sidney responds. 

"Good. We're gonna get you guys out of here, okay?" Tatum says. Looking at [Name], she adds, "Your uncle's here. Are you going with him?" 

[Name] shakes her head, "No, he's here for Michael." 

At this, Michael perks his head up off of his sister's shoulder and looks at her wide-eyed. 

"What?" he asks. "What about you?" 

"I'll be staying with Tatum and Sidney while you will be safe and sound at Uncle Dan's." 

"Why can't I just stay with you?"

"Because I'm not risking another attack. It'll just be for a couple of days until Mom and Dad can get back, okay?" 


"Guys!" the voice of their Uncle Dan calls out. He speed walks his way over to the pair with worry spread across his face. "Are you two alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"We're both fine, Uncle Dan," [Name] says. 

"Oh, thank God. Your mother would skin me alive if either one of you got hurt," he responds with a sigh of relief. 

[Name] chuckles at the thought, "That would be amusing to watch." 

"You're a psychopath, kid," he replies and shakes his head. He looks then looks to Michael, "Are you ready to go? We gotta get you to bed." 

Michael looks to his sister to argue one last time but decides against it, "Yeah, I'm ready." 

He stands up and hugs his sister tightly before heading out with his uncle. 

[Name] watches the two until they leave the building completely before sighing, hoping that her parents make it back soon. 

A few desks away, Dewey walks up to Sheriff Burke with a costume of the killer in his hand. 

"They sell this costume at every five-and-dime in the state. There's no way to track the purchase," he informs. 

"What about that cellular phone bill?" Burke inquires. 

"We're pulling Loomis' account. We won't know anything until the morning." 

Suddenly, a very impatient Tatum shouts, "Oh, come on!"

[Name] looks to her friend and grabs ahold of her hand to attempt to calm her down. 

Dewey looks to his sister but ignores her, "You think he did it?" 

The sheriff sighs, "Twenty years ago, I would've said, 'Not a chance.' But these kids today—damned if I know." 

Once again, Tatum grows impatient, "Hey, Dewey, can we go now?" 

"Hold on a second," Dewey replies. 

"Goddamn it, Dewey!" 

"What did Mama tell you? When I wear this badge, you treat me like a man of the law!" 

"I'm sorry Deputy Dewey-boy, but we're ready to go. Now, okay?" Tatum shouts and grabs ahold of both Sidney’s and [Name]'s hands. 

[Name] attempts to hold in a chuckle as the other officers laugh but she looks at Dewey, "You heard the lady, Deputy Douche. It's time to go." 

"Take 'em out the back way. Avoid that circus out there," the sheriff orders. 

Dewey gently puts his hand on Tatum's back to nudge her out the door, "Come on."

"Don't touch me!" she argues. 

"He's my superior!" he whisper-shouts at her as they make their way to the back exit. 

"The janitor's your superior," Tatum retaliates. 

Finally, the group makes it to the back door and walks out into the alley. 

"You guys just stay here. I'm gonna get the car," Dewey says. "Don't move. Don't make a sound." 

The three girls watch as he jogs to where he has his car and waits impatiently in the cold alleyway. 

"There she is," a voice says which makes all three girls' heads whip around. "Sidney!" 

"Goddamn it, can't this bitch just leave?" [Name] mutters which makes Tatum snort.

Gale runs over with Kenny trailing behind her, "Hi, that's some night. What happened? Are you alright?" 

"She's not answering any questions. Just leave us alone," Tatum jumps in. 

"Why don't you go and try to ruin another teenage girl's life?" [Name] adds. 

"No, guys, it's okay," Sidney replies and steps in front of both of her friends to face Gale. "She's just doin' her job, right, Gale?" 

"Yes, that's right," Gale nods. 

At this point, every single reporter runs down the alleyway and begins to film on their cameras. 

"So, how's the book?" Sidney asks. 

"Well, it'll be out later this year." 

"Oh, I'll look for it," Sidney glares at the woman. She goes to walk away with her friends but Gale continues to blab her mouth.

"I'll send you a copy!" she shouts.

"Aw, shit..." [Name] mutters as she looks at the growing rage that spreads over Sidney's face. 

And just like that, Sidney whips around and punches Gale on the side of her face, making her stumble backward only to be caught by her cameraman. 

"Nice shot," Kenny remarks. 

"I'll say," [Name] agrees with a nod. 

Finally, Dewey shows up again with the car and quickly ushers the three girls in.

"Where'd you learn to punch like that?" he questions Sidney. 

"I-I don't know," she replies. 

"Are you open to giving free lessons?" [Name] asks jokingly. 

Soon enough, the group is at the Riley Residence, and the three girls are up in Tatum's bedroom. 

"God, I loved it. 'I'll send you a copy.' Bam! Bitch went down!" Tatum exclaims from her bed for the hundredth time in the past five minutes. "'I'll send you a copy.' Bam! Sid—superbitch! You are so cool." 

[Name] chuckles once again from the bed she shares with Sidney, "I wonder if any of the other reporters got a good shot of that punch. I wouldn't mind taping it so I can have a permanent reminder." 

Sidney looks at her and shakes her head with a smile on her face, "Well, what can I say? She deserved it."

"Damn right, she deserved it. With all the shit she pulled last year, she deserves a hell of a lot more than a punch." 

A knock on the doorframe gains the attention of the girls and they are greeted by the sight of Dewey. 

"Thought you might want some ice for that right hook," he says to Sidney and tosses her an ice pack. 

"Thanks," she replies and catches it with ease. 

"I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep."

"Yeah, yeah," Tatum shoos her brother out. 

The girls lay in complete silence until Tatum speaks up, "Do you really think Billy did it?" 

"He was there, Tatum," Sidney answers. 

"He was destined to have a flaw. I knew he was too perfect." 

The conversation is cut short by the sound of knocking once again. Only this time, it's Mrs. Riley. 

"Telephone, honey," she says. 

"Who is it?" Tatum asks. 

"It's for Sid." 

At this, Sidney sits up as fast as she can, "My dad?" 

Mrs. Riley frowns, "I don't think so." 

"Take a message," Tatum states.

Shaking her head, Sidney throws her legs over the bed and stands up, "No, um, I'll get it." 

Everyone watches as she leaves the room then Tatum whips her head around to look at [Name], "Now I need to find your boyfriend’s flaw..." 

[Name] chuckles, "Good luck with that. He has none." 

"He has to. Nobody's perfect." 

Out in the hallway, Sidney walks toward the corded phone that lies on the table directly across from Tatum's room. 

Picking it up, she answers, "Hello." 

"Hello, Sidney," the voice of the killer comes through.

Her eyes widen at the familiar voice, "No!" 

This sudden distressed shout gains the attention of Mrs. Riley, Tatum, and [Name], and soon enough all three come rushing out to see what's wrong. Both [Name] and Tatum rush to comfort their friend while Mrs. Riley runs to her son's room to get his help. 

"Poor Billy-boyfriend. An innocent guy doesn't stand a chance with you."

"Leave me alone!" 

"Looks like you fingered the wrong guy... again." 

"Who are you?" Sidney demands. 

"Hang up, Sid," Tatum urges. 

"Don't worry. You'll find out soon enough. I promise," the killer says and hangs up.

Finally, Mrs. Riley and Dewey run out into the hall. Dewey looks around frantically with his gun in his hand to see what the commotion is all about. 

"What?" he questions. 

Nobody answers him and he watches as his mother, sister, [Name], and Sidney make a beeline for Tatum's bedroom once again. 

Being left alone, he locks eyes with the phone that Sidney had put down and walks toward it. Picking it up, he speaks, "Hello." 


Hey guys! So sorry this chapter took so long to be updated. The original draft I had looked awful to me so I decided to re-write it. That being said, I am going to re-write my Chapter Eight and Chapter Nine drafts because, again, they just look awful and cringe to me and I'd like to update chapters that I enjoy instead of having an internal fight with myself. This is the one thing I hate about writing, I think I do good writing and then I read it through and I turn out to hate it entirely. I don't know if anyone else goes through this but it's a pain in the ass :') But anywho, I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you have a great rest of your day or night. Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment and I will see you in the next update :) 

Question of the Day ~ What was the first horror movie you ever watched?

My answer ~ Mine was Rob Zombie's Halloween. That movie scared me shitless since I was young and I was terrified of my brother because not only did he have the mask, I was scared that he would kill me like Michael did to Judith. Fun memories lol. 

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