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Hello and welcome to the first installment of my Scream book series. In this chapter, I will be going over warnings, information about editing, my updating, etc cetera. This will be somewhat of a longer chapter so if you could please read all of it, I would be grateful. So, without further ado, let's dive right in.


I do not claim ownership of the Scream storyline or characters or intend to claim that I own them. The story and characters belong to Wes Craven, Kevin Williamson, and the other brilliant minds of the franchise.

I also do not claim ownership of any pictures or GIFs you may see. When I can, I jot down the owners' names.

What I do own are the characters and the storyline changes I created.


There are quite a few warnings so bear with me.

✓ Billy Loomis and Stu Macher in this book series have obsessive love disorder, limerence, psychotic disorder, and are downright delusional as well as psychopaths and some hints of sociopaths.


Obsessive Love Disorder — Obsessive love disorder refers to a fixation on another person as if they are a possession or object. A person may experience symptoms such as delusional jealousy, in which a person's obsessions cause them to develop delusional beliefs about infidelity or other issues. (Pulled from Medical News Today)

Limerence — Limerence is a state of involuntary obsession with another person. The experience or limerence is different from love or lust in that it is based on the uncertainty that the person you desire, called the "limerent object" in the literature, also desires you. (Pulled from Psychology Today)

Psychotic Disorder or Psychosis — Psychosis refers to a collection of symptoms that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. During an episode of psychosis, a person's thoughts and perceptions are disrupted and they may have difficulty recognizing what is real and what is not. (Pulled from the National Institute of Mental Health)

Delusional — Having faulty judgement; believing something is true when it is not.

Psychopath — Psychopaths are people who lack remorse, guilt, and empathy. Psychopaths tend to be manipulative, they are dishonest, and pretend to feel emotions.

Sociopath — Sociopaths, like psychopaths, lack remorse but feel guilty and empathy. Sociopaths, unlike psychopaths, form close attachments to those around them. Emotions (like rage) are shown.

Even though these things are fun to write, I do not condone these actions in real life. I do take issue with people taking part in these acts. There have been countless cases of stalking and obsessive love disorder that have turned into real-life horror scenarios. If you or someone you know are feeling these traits or are even being stalked, I encourage you to get/find the help you need.

✓ There will be lots of swearing so if you are uncomfortable with swearing, I would click off this book since there is swearing in all these chapters.

✓ Detailed kills, injuries, etc cetera.

✓ Underage drinking — I do not recommend doing this, please wait until you're the legal drinking age in your country (21 here in America).

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