The Sovereign of the Heavens...

By keishirogane08

34K 963 278

Long ago, the Seven Dragon Sovereigns and the Dragon King perished from the battle with the Usurper King of t... More

Background and Voice-lines
Chapter 1: The Dark Age of the Law (Part 1)
Chapter 3: The Spina di Rosula Case Files
Chapter 4: Turnabout Magician (Part 1)
Additional Voicelines
Chapter 5: Turnabout Magician (Part 2)
Questions about the OC
Chapter 6: Turnabout Magician (Part 3)
Chapter 7: Turnabout Magician - Trial (Part 4)
Chapter 8: Turnabout Magician - Trial Latter (Part 5)
Voice-lines (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Turnabout Rosa (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Turnabout Rosa (Part 2)

Chapter 2: The Dark Age of the Law (Part 2)

2.1K 70 20
By keishirogane08

3rd POV. 4:38 AM. Soleil Law Office, Court of Fontaine.

Soleil woke up after pulling an all-nighter organizing the case files and court records for the trial that he'll face.

When his eyes finally adjusted.....

He saw none other than Furina, asleep with the files scattered around her. If this was to be interpreted, they may think she was messing around.

But no.....

Last night, Soleil saw a side that he never expected to see in Furina. She read the case files and tried to connect the dots......but with how sudden the incident was.....she knew they won't be going somewhere.

As for Furina........she saw a legendary lawyer at work. Professional and organized. She saw how Soleil grew as a lawyer. She began to think back on the first day that they met in court.....

Never did she expect she'll work together with him on the defense's side.

Back to the present.....

Soleil decided to pull a blanket and placed it over Furina.

Soleil: Thank you, Furina.

Soleil decided to step out of the office and conduct his investigation.

Since no one was awake during this time.....he knew that the aquabus won't be operated until morning comes.

So he decided to.....use his powers.

As a Dragon Sovereign who was born in a human form, his dragonhood wasn't complete.

But not because his predecessor made a mistake, it was because during the sucession rites.....the predecessor was already weakened from their wounds
they received from their duel against the Usurper.

Thus the only way for him to gain his full power back was the following condition.

"One of the Seven Sovereigns should regain back their elemental authority. Once that came to pass, the Sovereign Above All Sovereigns shall too finally regain their full dragonhood."

In his human form.....he sprouted feathered wings of light....

Soleil: The Anemo Archon can fly.....only under the shadows of the gods.

It didn't took long for Soleil to arrive at the Opera Epiclese or what remained of it.

He saw that the Gardes are on duty......considering that it was a courthouse bombing after all.

Garde 1: Ah, Sir Soleil!

The Garde gave a salute to Soleil, to which he reciprocated by doing the same action.

Soleil: I am here to investigate for my case.

Garde 1: Of course.

Soleil: Oh, and by the way, did the prosecution conducted their investigation?

Garde 1: Yes. Oh, and the prosecutor.......assigned prosecutor.....

Garde 1: They say he is............a very obnoxious guy.

Soleil: Great.....well, I have it easy when Furina was the prosecutor since she seems she doesn't know what she's doing.

Soleil: Or does she even know even a single thing on how to prosecute or defend?

Soleil: All right then.

Soleil: Let's get on to it.

Soleil explored the ruins of Opera Epiclese and his eyes wandered upon the most prominent object on the stage.

The Oratrice.....

Soleil: It seems like the Oratrice wasn't damaged.....but it won't be able to properly release Indemnitium due to the fact that the Opera House was destroyed.

Soleil: By the way, if Opera Epiclese won't be functional......

Soleil: Where are we going to hold the trial?

Garde 2: Ah, it will the open theatre just near here.

Soleil: Oh......right.

Soleil: Right, so any updates about investigations?

Garde 2: Well, here.....

Garde 2: During the trial that was held here....

Garde 2: If you already heard, the Prosecutor's Tragedy began with a bombing incident.

Garde 2: Now, during the said trial, it was another bombing attempt but the said bomb was retrieved.

Garde 2: It turns out the said bomb that was meant for the Fontaine Reasearch Institute......

Garde 2: Was the bomb that triggered the other bombs that was planted here in the Opera Epiclese.

Soleil: I see. So do you have a picture of the bomb remains?

Garde 2: Yes. The Gardes managed to take the remnants of the bomb in accordance to its compositions from the court records.

Soleil: All right.

Soleil takes note of these two important evidence before gathering information that could be related to the case.

Fortunately, he didn't have another.

Before he knew was already morning.

Soleil: I have to get back now.

Soleil went back to his law office and saw Furina who was stirred awake when she heard the sound of a door opening.

Furina: Hmmm.....?

Soleil: Slept well?

Furina: Oh, Soleil.....

Furina: Good morning.

Soleil: Good morning as well.

Furina: Oh.....what time is it?

Soleil: 7 in the morning. The trial is about to start at 10.

Soleil: Do not worry, we have time.

Soleil: Here, I went to the Opera Epiclese to get an update.

Soleil hands over the information and the evidence he got.

Furina: The picture of the bomb fragments, and how the explosion went off.

Furina: Could that be.....the tremor that we felt.....

Soleil: That must've been the bomb itself.

Soleil: The trigger bomb.

Soleil: Now, the next step of our investigation is to talk to the defendant.

Soleil: But first, why don't we take a breakfast for a while?

Furina: Oh? What do you have?

Soleil: Let's see......

Soleil checks the pantry....

Soleil: Oh.......

Soleil: Let's see.....

Soleil: Potatoes, butter, cream, thyme, garlic, salt, pepper, and some cheese.

Soleil: This will do.

Soleil gets to work on the kitchen while Furina watched him peeling and chopping the potatoes.

Furina: What are you making?

Soleil: Potato Au Gratin.

Furina: Huh. With only just a few ingredients?

Soleil: Cut me some slack, I never got to restock yet because of how busy I am.

Furina: Hmmm, but I'm curious as to how you make it.

Soleil: Really? and learn.

Soleil: It's just easy to make. Also, you need to bake it, not cook it over a pan or something.

Soleil: First up, thinly slice these potatoes. If you have good knife skills, you'll be fine. If not, I have a cutter there that makes things easier.

Soleil: But I prefer going to slice it up with a knife. That is how I was taught.

Soleil: Next, place the sliced potatoes here in a baking dish.....

Soleil: Then.....coat them evenly with salt and pepper.

Soleil executed the steps as Furina watched carefully.

Soleil: Then, layer the thinly sliced potatoes.....

Soleil: Layer it with cheese, then put a quarter of the cream that was mixed with butter and garlic.

Soleil: Then repeat three earlier steps to form the layers, until no potatoes are left.

Soleil: Then pour the remaining cream on top. Top it off with thyme....and then bake it until 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Furina: That long!?

Soleil: Hey, we still have time to prepare. Besides, you just woke up.

Soleil: You'd better get your arms and legs stretching so that you won't have any cramps when we stand in court.

When the time came, the two finally ate their breakfast.....

Furina: I never expected you to be such a great cook!

Soleil: Travelling to other nations has its benefits.

Soleil: But this dish is my favorite.

Soleil: After all, it reminded me of my friend.

Furina: Your friend?

Soleil: Marie, the victim on the very first trial that I appeared to.

Soleil: She would often bake this dish to us with the orchestra.

Soleil: She was my confidant and a very good friend.

Soleil: That is why when she died, and her lover being accused as the culprit....

Soleil: All I have to do is to bring justice to the culprit, and do right by her name.

Furina: ......

Furina never expected someone to have a unique view about justice.

Furina: So, is that how you won against me?

Soleil: Because I believed in my defendant.

Soleil: I believe in my clients.

Soleil: But even if they are found guilty, I would still believe them, and find the truth.

Soleil: Please, don't get mad at me when I say this.

Soleil: "Justice is supposed to be blindfolded. Not to the injustices but to be impartial in administering justice, regardless of one's wealth, power, or status."

Furina: Justice that should be impartial.....

Soleil: Yes.

After they finished breakfast.....

The duo began their final preparations for the upcoming trial.

When the time came, they came to visit the defendant, an hour before the trial.

The Garde named Lancelot was accused of the bombing.....

Lancelot: L-Lady Furina! I-I didn't expect you to visit me!

Furina: I am not here to visit you. I am here accompanying your lawyer, Soleil.

Lancelot: Soleil, you mean the LEGENDARY SOLEIL!?

Furina: Oh, it seems his reputation precedes him.

Lancelot: Of course! Ahem, with all due respect but....Mr. Soleil is a legend among lawyers.

Lancelot: Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys looked up to him to the point that he mentored a lot of defense attorneys from the other nations.

Furina: My, I never expected that my rival will be such an international celebrity.

Soleil: *sigh*

Soleil: But we're here to end this dark age of the law.

Soleil: We have to put the people's faith back in justice.

Soleil: Mr. Lancelot du Lac, that is your full name, right?

Lancelot: Yes.

Soleil: Then, can you tell me what happened during the trial being held before the explosion.

Lancelot: Right. I was on guard duty when I noticed a strange fellow. It was kind of dark, so I thought she would be an assassin.

Lancelot: But as I was pursuing this mysterious explosion was heard.

Lancelot: And then I was trapped in the rubble....

Lancelot: I managed to get out but then.....when I managed to find one of the bombs......

Lancelot: The Gardes came and they suspected me from being the bomber.

Soleil: And what's the incriminating evidence?

Lancelot: The Melusines identified the traces of my hands on what they found as the detonator of the bomb.

Furina: A detonator you say?

Lancelot: Yes.

Soleil: When I came at the Opera House to investigate and gather more information......the Gardes mentioned about the detonator as well.

Soleil: Maybe that is the prosecution's evidence.

Soleil: But then......I noticed that there is one Garde who's been suspicious from the very beginning.

Lancelot: Really?

Soleil: I don't have any decisive evidence yet. But once I drew him out of the court, I will unravel his secrets.

Lancelot: As expected of our renowned lawyer. I'm really glad that you'll be taking my defense.

Soleil: Of course. This is the Nation of Justice, and justice must abide that all criminals shall be punished and the innocent shall be defended.

Soleil: Anyways, is that all you know Lancelot?

Lancelot: Hmmm, as much as I want to remember.....

Lamcelot: I can't.

Furina: Remember?

Lancelot: I'm not hiding it from you, it's that I can't talk about this if my recollections are fuzzy.

Lancelot: Can you at least tell me what you can remember?

Lancelot: Remember when I came to investigate the source of the explosion? When I arrived at what seems to be the entrance to the vents....

Lancelot: Somehow, I felt a sharp pain on my head.....

Soleil: Oh, someone just tried to assault you.

Soleil: That must've been the reason why you can't remember that part.

Furina: How inconvenient.

Soleil: Hey! At the very least my client is doing his best here!

Soleil: Ahem. Anyways, if possible, you can try to remember it when the witnesses give out their testimonies.

A few hours later, the trial began with Neuvillette presiding over it.

On the defense, it was Soleil and to the surprise of many, Furina was there.

Many wondered as to why the Archon is on the defense's side....

But Furina, being the prideful person that she is, she stated that she wanted to know why the opera house was bombed.

As for the prosecutor, it was just a simple lawyer but with a problem with their attitude.


Soleil managed to draw out the truth via cross-examination of witnesses and interpreting the evidence based on the logical side of things.

Somehow, Furina backed it up through her own research.

Never in Fontaine's history that these two worked together.

Not to mention.....

Soleil was able to expose the true culprit.......

A member of the Garde's Bomb Squad, Stefan. The defense was able to pinpoint contradictions and inconsistencies within his testimonies.

Not to mention, exposing the accomplice who is none other than the prosecutor themself.

Thus......Stefan and the prosecutor, two who must uphold the law, were given the death penalty by tarnishing the name of justice.

This case then led to the resolution of the Prosecutor's Tragedy....

Ending the Dark Age of the Law.

On the same day as well.....

The Palais Memoria granted Soleil the title of Duke.....

But Soleil humbly declined the title as he said to himself.

"The only title I will hold is the Sovereign of the Heavens."

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