Sheer Awesomeness |OLD VERSIO...

By delaknight

3.4K 439 171

|OLD VERSION| NOT A MATURE STORY!!| My story has nothing sexual or gross.... Proceed! She's someone every... More

Have a girls day...
You sick little bastard!

Strawberry Please!

692 84 49
By delaknight

  I stare blankly at the folder in my hands then look up to catch Coach Carter's gaze. He's about to say something when Mrs. Carter interrupts us from the kitchen, "Kelvin, if your about finished, dinner is ready and I need your help taking the chicken out the oven. Also Zoey wash up and go get the boys to do the same please."

Coach gives Mrs. Carter a warm smile. "I'm on it Hun." I hate myself for flinching when he pats my shoulder on his way to the kitchen. I force a small smile, "Sure thing Mrs. C."

Before I can make it up the first stair to get the boys, Robbie comes racing down the stairs while yelling something incomprehensible to his mother only stopping to give me a fast hug hello. When he passes I go up the stairs to not find Jacob in the hallway. Rolling my eyes I barge into his room. For a boy's room it's pretty clean but that's because Mrs.C would have the boys by their balls if it looked like a pigsty. When I walk in Jay is at his desk playing Rollercoaster Tycoon, I'm not going to lie thats a pretty badass game. Yanking the rolling chair that Jacob is currently occupying away from the desk; Jay accidentally rips the power cord to the computer.

"Fuck", he groans. Spinning the chair to face me the scowl he had on his face disappears quickly being replaced by a shit eating grin.

"Oh hey Zoe". I roll my eyes. My name is Camila Zoey Larez, but I go by Zoey. He calls me Zoe, you know because he likes to think he's special. I mean he is special but it's not the way he's thinking.

He stops right in front of me grin still intact. Creeper much?

"Hey Jay."

"What's up?" He asks a little too enthusiast.

"Nada." I say warily.

"What do you mean nothing?" Jacob asks incredulously, his grin gone.

"Uh, exactly that. Nothing. Your dad was just asking me about school."

"And?" He prompts. And that's how I know he knows about my conversation with his dad. Because I'm an ass naturally I'm going to mess with Jay and not tell him that I agreed to being quarterback. Meaning I will be transferring from my boarding school in New York to West Reed High... Which is here. Shit. It just hit me, I'm going to have to convince mami to let me transfer to West Reed. This means explaining to an annoyingly nosy mother and a possible argument. Yeah, I know I'm probably being dramatic but that's what's going to happen.

"He just wanted to know how school went this past year and how I was doing. Tu sabes."

"Thats all you guys talked about?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Jacob is about to reply when Talisha; Jay's mom calls.

"Zoey? Jacob? Dinner is ready.... Now!"

Looking suspiciously at me Jay grabs my hand and drags me down the stairs. Walking in the dining room Jacob and I take our seats; me being next to Robbie and Jacob sitting next to his Aunt Lisa across from us. Coach and Talisha taking the head seats. Looking upon the dining table makes my mouth water and induces a growl from my stomach. Talisha went all out making roasted potatoes, a roasted chicken, green beans and brushette garnished with herbed tomatoes. Yum.

After saying grace everyone serves themselves and starts eating. A few minutes into dinner conversations starts up; Robbie starts talking to his mom while Coach and his sister Lisa start talking. Me being me and Jacob being Jacob; we ignore both conversations and just continue eating.

Cono "You mother Fu..." Looking up I glare at Jacob who just kicked me.

"What the hell was that for you Jackass?" I hiss at him.

"Mom asked you a question" he chuckles. I turn turn to look at Mrs.C who has a amused look on her face.


"Oh, I was just asking hows the food."


"Really?" She asks.

Jay snorts "Obviously its good mom she's eating like a pig"

"Says the ding bag who has chicken grease all over his mouth."I scoff.

Everyone laughs at this and Jay wipes his mouth with a cloth napkin looking a bit pink. Well now I feel a little bad so I catch his eye and wink. He brightens considerably, winking back.

"So Zoey what did you and your family do when you came home?" Mrs.C asks me.

"Oh, well nothing really. Mami came and picked me up from the airport. The boys don't know i'm here yet though. I'm planning on surprising them at football tryouts."

"Dude they're so going to flip shit." Robbie says laughing.

"Robert language." Mrs.C tells him.

"Yeah watch your language Robert." I whisper teasingly, bumping my shoulder with his.


After dinner I help Mrs.C and Lisa clean up the kitchen while the guys go out to the store to get something. What? I don't know but my bet is it was just an excuse to get out of cleaning. Typical. When everything is cleaned up Mrs.C, Lisa and I go to the family room to talk.

"So, Zoey how did New York treat you? We've missed you."

Oh, yeah. Well you know I was sent to a boarding school in New York but what I didn't tell you was that it's an all girls boarding school. Yes, my own mother sent me to an all girls boarding school for freshman year. Cue the mental shaking of my freaking head here. She said I needed time apart from everything and everyone to cope. She doesn't know the half of what happened through so I agreed to leaving because it was an easy way to escape without asking for help and looking like a copout. Plus mom said I hung out with too many boys and feared that that I'd either become pregnant by the end of the year and/or turn gay.

I'm not gay or pregnant so all that worrying was for nothing. I love mami but geez, sometimes it's like wow. Plus St. Rosa's starts later than West Reed High, so while I came back home to start my summer break yesterday, they only have two days left of their summer break. That's why I haven't really seen them this past year.

Taking Mrs.C's hand I give it a squeeze. "I've missed you guys too", I tell her truthfully. "And New York was good considering the circumstances."

"So any adventures?" Lisa asks.

"Nah, I was just focused on School."

"Boyfriend?" When Lisa asks me both her and Mrs.C lean towards me in their seats. Okay then.

"Uh, no" I say but it sounds more like a question.

"It's okay if you did," says Mrs.C.

"Yeah," chimes Lisa.

"No I legitimately have not had or do I have a boyfriend," I raise my right hand. Well unless you count hookups then no... "I swear."

"Mhmm," they both hum looking sceptical.

Chick a ha

Yeah yeah

Ima steal your heart your heart

Let's go

Tu eres quién a mi me hace soñar

Before either of them can question me more my phone goes off, thankfully. Checking it I roll my eyes. Jacob. Both women ask who it is. "Jay" I tell them.

"Put him on speaker", they both say so I do.

"Yes?" I ask Jay picking up the phone.

"You wound me my love, not even a hello?" I hear him laugh.

"No", I tell him flatly, "now what do you want with my life?"

"For you to spend it with me, duh."

" Funny", I can practically see his stupid face smiling.

"Aww." Both women coo.

"You have me on speaker?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, good. We got a movie and now we're getting snacks. So, what do you guys want?"

"Ooo, I want Snow Caps, Doritos and a pepsi." Lisa practically screams at Jacob.


"An almond Hershey bar and a orange soda would be nice."

"Okay we'll be there in twenty."

"Your not going to ask me what I want?" I ask even I know he knows what I want.

"A banana strawberry smoothie, Peanut m&ms and a muffin. The flavour depending on your mood."

"Mhm, okay."

"Bye Babe."

"I want a strawberry one." He chuckles and I hang up.


When the movie Hero 6 finishes Jacob walks me the three short yards across the street to my house his arm around my waist. When we get to my front porch Jay and I sit on the porch swing. I finally tell him about the conversation with his dad. He's happy and that makes me happy. I'm leaning my head on his shoulder while he plays with my hair. "Zoe?" He asks.

I turn to face him and put my legs on his lap. He absentmindedly rubs my legs.

"I meant to tell you that I'm really glad your back. It's been a while, yeah?"

"Yeah, I know. I like it better this way."

Jay chuckles, "Me too."

"I've missed you" He says lightly squeezing my right leg.

"Me too" I say throw a yawn. Jay laughs.

"Okay you need to sleep, it's been a long day and you have another long day tomorrow. Night." He kisses my forehead, "Love ya."

"Night, té amó también."

Jacob starts walking back across the street to his front porch. I wave. He waves back and walks inside his house but I know he's watching me to make sure I go inside my house.

I take a deep breath. Now I just have to convince my mother to let me transfer. Here's the tricky part because she thinks I actually like the boarding school she sent me to. I mean don't get me wrong the time I had to myself was good but that school is boring as hell. Besides I've missed it here: home.

I dig in my pocket for my keys and unlock the front door. Deep breath. Lets get this over with, I think while walking through the door. Deep breath. I lock the door behind me and take a wary step forward.

"Zoey , ¿eres tú?" Mom calls.

Here goes nothing.

"Yeah ma, it's me. Bendición."

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