The Way It Should Have Been

By RuneRomanoff

885 33 39

Read ENTIRE description first!!! I do not own any rights to Marvel, just my own work. EDIT 3---Forgot to say... More

Ch.1-Before the Red
Ch. 2-To Hell and Beyond
Ch. 3-Too Little Too Late
Ch. 5-I Walk Alone
Ch. 6-Trust?
Ch. 7-A Gesture
Ch. 8-Real Mature
Ch. 9- What In The Actual...
Ch. 10-Only A Ghost
Ch. 11-Well That Was....Something.
Ch. 12-The Star's Gift
Ch. 13-Seriously?
Ch. 14- You Broke, It You Fix It.
Ch. 15- Truth or Lies

Ch. 4-Hell in a Hand Basket

55 3 6
By RuneRomanoff

A/N and now for what everyone has been waiting for (myself included) THE AVENGERS!!! I will say now, I refuse to let any one of the Avengers die, so if you're wanting something like Endgame or Infinity War, you may as well stop reading.

3rd Person POV:

4 years later
Y/N is running through the broken streets of Irkutsk, having just detonated a blast that leveled the governing building with everyone inside. Strucker had ordered an information gathering and fear instilling op at the head of the city's office, which Y/N had accomplished. What Y/N HADN'T counted on was a team of 2 Avengers hunting her down in an effort to take her out. True mostly, they are in the business of saving, but the two after her seemed set to kill. The man fired another explosive arrow hoping to catch her off guard while the firey redheaded woman fired off another sniper round, which y/n danced sideways just in time to avoid.


Fuck me these two just don't give up do they?! Who the fuck are these two? Strucker didn't mention any competing operatives in the damn area when he sent me out!

I kept running sensing when the rounds would fire and bolted behind a nearby building, slipping into the allyway deftly. I paused for a brief instant, catching my breath before continuing to run, trying to lose the two between the buildings. Another round slams through a building, tearing through my left shoulder and passing back out as another arrow flies, hitting the ground a few feet away and detonating, slamming me into the nearby wall.

These two are GOOD, Jesus! And what the fuck is with the arrows?! WHO SHOOTS ARROWS?! Seriously, it's modern day! That damn sniper is a hell of a shot, though.

I glance down at the hole in my left shoulder. Then, glance around quickly assessing my best course, then sensing another round and ducking just in time to avoid it and bolting.

God damn it, I can barely even think! If nothing else, I can try to shadow meld.

I spin around the corner, aiming my gun towards where the pair were firing from and loosing a few bullets to cover before trying to dash for the shadows. Before I can get to the shadow, another arrow lands beside me, but instead of just blowing it, let's off a ridiculous blaze of light stunning me for a moment even after shielding my eyes from it. Slightly blinded, I try to stumble out when I see a small girl looking terrified between me and where the arrow had been set off, and before I could process what I was doing, I had shoved her behind the wall taking the incoming bullet head on.

Well shit, this whole job just went tits up. Why did I protect some random fuckin kid? Too late to worry about it now--

Another bullet slammed into my back. This bullet felt different, though. It expanded, sending out a strong sedative and an electric pulse. I can't afford to fail this, so I try to keep running tossing the kid a bandage just in case even as I fight the sedative and ignore the tazing effect of the bullet. Running as hard and as fast as my feet can take me, I round another corner using a nearby wall to jump and flip away from another round and arrow.

Those last rounds were way too close. I must be losing too much blood-

I pause jamming gauze into the hole, hoping to stop the bleeding

-those two are getting closer. I can't keep this up for much longer, not in this state. Can I make it to the extraction? Is there a damn spot I can hide in for a minute-

Another round of fire interrupts my thoughts, making me bolt away again and shout, "FUCK!" What's worse I can hear the two shout to each other not too far from where I am running and I overhear the woman.

"Are you sure about this Barton?! Just because she protected a kid? She blew that building with EVERYONE inside!" She sounded pissed but even running, I heard the man's response clearly
"Look, you have to trust me, Romanoff. Something about her reminds me of when I first saved YOUR ass!"

I can feel my body trying to slow down even as I push harder, I can't afford to be caught. If I the memory appears in my mind, I can feel my body shiver against the burning heat of my hot clothing.

This can't be happening....

Another rifle round hit my back, and another expanding sed bullet shocked my system, slowing me down even further. I can feel my movements getting slower


I round another corner, tripping and slamming hard into the wall, losing some of the gauze I'd packed into the hole in my shoulder. The impact kicking the bleeding up again. I can hear them even closer as my vision begins to get hazy.

"She has got a hell of a resistance. I'll give her that. Gotta say I'm impressed. Aren't those sedatives meant for Bucky or Hulk if they lose it?" The man asks barely even winded.

Bastard you try running like hells on your heels and see if you're so casual after that. Better yet, let me shoot at you and see how YOU hold up!

I groan, pushing past the haze and trying to reach the train station 2 blocks away. I glance around quickly, absorbing the surroundings as I duck behind a truck when the woman responds far too close for my comfort,

"Yeah, they are. She should have been on her ass already. I still think we should just kill her. You know Fury is going to be pissed if we bring her back with us." She isn't winded at all, and she sounds annoyed.

"Not your call, Romanoff. There, she is behind the truck!"

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!-

Bolting forward trying to get away I head the woman laugh "Nuh-uh, not this time." Then another round hits me pushing the haze from a small fuzz to blackout. In the last moment of clarity I had, I crushed the drive with the information I'd gathered and groaned, mumbling out,

"Chertova suka..." ("Fucking bitch")

Then the world went dark....

Time skip


I wake up groggy but keep as still as possible trying not to let anyone that may be around know I was up. Straining my hearing, I can hear some machines, and I can smell medical supplies. The man from earlier speaks, "Jesus Natasha, any further over and this would have killed her. Even after all this time being around you, you still manage to impress me. The fact you hit this shot through a wall even after she dodged it..." He trailed off. I could hear the woman laugh faintly, but she didn't say anything.

I'm confused... Why are they healing me? Is this some psychological torture? How many more are around now? The floor feels distinctly metal, the rocking suggests water or arial travel so we are definitely not on land anymore...who do these people work for? I can't hear traffic or crashing waves, I'm guessing it's arial. Where are we going? How long have I been out? Judging from the stiffness of my body, I'd say at least 6 hours...

The guy spoke again-Barton, and i feel him nudge my side with his boot. "You sure she is going to stay unconscious the whole way there? The way she took 3 rounds to go down, I'm not too sure it'll keep her out long enough..."

I can hear lighter steps, almost inaudible but still there as the woman approached-

Damn, that walk seems....familiar. Why? It's like...I feel like I should know why...

-then I heard her speak like she has leaned down a bit, disgust or anger, painting her tone I wasn't sure which "So dose her again, or push her out and call it mission successful."

The man seemed irritated by her answer. "Tasha! What is your problem right now? You never fight me this hard on something... I would just agree, but I've already notified Fury we had her alive.." I can hear her sigh and a sharp pain in my neck before things go dark again.


I can see Hawkeye look at the unconscious woman chained to the floor and then at the needle he held, then tossed it in the bin. He studied y/n's small toned form curiously then walked back to me and asked, "You really think we should kill her?"

I can feel my own anger burning hot but can't place if it's because she did something so horrible or if it was because it reminded me of my own past...I sighed "Well it's too late now anyway. You get to explain it to Fury, though. I'm not taking the heat for this.."

I can sense Clint staring at me. "Tasha...." He just sighs and sits down. I know I don't open up much, and I appreciate him not pushing for an answer when we both stop and turn to look at the woman behind us. She was passed out, but it sounded like she was saying something. Setting the cruise control, I walk over quietly, trying to catch what she was saying. The only thing she said before going silent again was "-forgive me.."

I shake my head, confused , and walk back to Clint. "That's odd. We will be back to the tower in another 4 hours. Dose her again just in case, I don't like that she can still talk even unconscious." Turning my attention back to the quinjet controls, I take command back, engaging the steering.

Something about this feels eerily familiar... I remember Clint saving me like this... I wonder how he talked Fury down she even worth it? She didn't have any emotion at all when she blew the building to hell. I can't believe he really wants to risk it again for her, even if she protected the kid. Not that I would have shot the child, but still....I'd rather focus on flying than this. Something about her... I hate that woman.

I sigh again, refocusing on steering the jet. Clint sits silently beside me again after dosing y/n again with more sedatives. "That should keep her out but I hooked her up to a heart monitor just in case we gave her too much. I still think there might be something here, with her I mean. She protected the kid, she didn't have to. I know you wouldn't hurt her, but SHE didn't know that. She risked her life to protect someone even as she was bleeding and being hunted. That has to count for something." The way he said the last sentence sounded more like he was hoping to convince himself.

"Whatever you gets you through this Clint, personally I don't like it. She could be planning to take us out, this whole thing could have been a set up for all we know." I rolled my eyes.

"You really think she planned this? If she is half as skilled as the files say, I would think she would have a better plan than this. She has been a ghost for years now. Able to stay off EVERYONES radar all this time. Someone like that could come up with a better plan than almost getting killed." He looked back at y/n again.

I bit back a harsh laugh, "Maybe, or maybe this was the best way to get the team to lower their guard."

I could feel him studying me again "I think it's something else...I'm not going to push though, you seem dead set in your opinion and even I know it's useless trying to change your mind right now. I'll leave you to this, I'm going to go keep a closer eye on our new guest and make sure if she gets out we can take her down easy." With that he got up and walked to the weapons racks stocking back up just in case and rooting around for more sedative grabbing what looked to be the LAST 2 syringes of sedatives.

Softly I grumble "I hope to hell we don't run out of sedatives before we get there...though that was impressive she took so long to go down even after i shot her. I meant to hit her heart, her dodging like that through a wall was pretty interesting." Shaking myself back to the jet controls I lose myself in the complexity of flying until we return to the compound.

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