𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔

By raregens

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"Why Malik..?" Asia muttered to herself as the brown-eyed male in front of her, who didn't even bother to mak... More

Beat The Streets


42 11 6
By raregens

Please excuse any errors

Atlanta, Georgia
12:00 AM

Nicole sighed as she opened the door of the Starbucks café, which was right down the street from the house she was tending to.

She was exhausted from all the cleaning she had done at the house, so she decided to treat herself with a Java Berry Frappuccino.

She had been working as a maid since she was 15 years old. Her parents kicked her out at a young age so she had to find some sort of job that she was capable of doing. Nicole found peace in cleaning and organizing houses, it's distracted her from the chaos that was happening in her life.

As Nicole walked into the café, she felt relieved as she noticed the line was rather short. Although she already had an idea of what she wanted to order, she skimmed the menu of drinks and coffee.

Considering the fact that she was on her lunch break she still had on her work attire.

She was wearing some black flare leggings that cupped her hips and thighs perfectly. She also wore a light brown graphic tee that was the perfect amount of baggy and Ugg Tasman slippers on her feet.

After waiting a couple of minutes in line, she placed her order and went to go find a seat for her to wait at. As she started to walk away she felt a sudden vibrate indicating that she got a message.

She looked down at her phone to see what it was and continued walking towards the table. She was so focused on her phone that she didn't notice the puddle on the floor.

She walked right into the puddle and suddenly lost her footing and slipped.

At this point, Nicole knew that she was she was falling to the floor and prepared herself for the impact. She tried to grab something before falling to stop or even lessen the pain of the fall, when suddenly she felt someone catch her.

She looked up in shock and came to realize it was a man.

The man was tall and his brown skin was glowing as the sun rays from the window, shined on his skin. The male was very tall and had to be at least 6'4.

The man had to be at least 25 years old and he had his long curls pulled back into a ponytail with a taper with one strand hanging out in the front.

"Woah!" the male exclaimed as he caught Nicole from her fall, "You okay?" Nicole was mesmerized by his nice goatee and deep soothing voice.

Nicole coughed as she gained her composure before standing up correctly, "T-Thank you.." she blushed as she tucked a strand of hair that fell out of her cute messy bun behind her ear.

She took this second to slowly check him out and took in what he was wearing.

The male wore a beige sweater with a white undershirt coming from the bottom, and some casual light grey sweats along with some brown slippers.

"You look familiar.." Nicole thought out loud as she tried to grasp where exactly she had seen this man before. The male squinted his eyes in confusion to where this girl might have seen him before, until a something clicked in his brain.

"Oh!" he laughed out loud as he seemed to figure out where they may have met, "At the club. I was your waiter for you and a couple of other girls." Nicole smiled as she remembered that this was the male that she was drooling over.

'Malcom..AKA Tight butt..'

"That was a nasty fall you could've had there." Malcom said as he looked down at the puddle, "They should have had some sort of sign up." Nicole nodded as she became embarrassed about her almost falling, "Yeah I almost bust my ass.." she mumbled to herself, but the male still heard.

Malcom snorted as he heard the woman at the counter call his name, "Malcom!" The curly head male looked at Nicole with a knowing look, "Well that's me." he said as he turned around and walked to the counter, Nicole watching his figure walk away.

'Just ask...'

"Um, wait!" she called out to the male who turned around in confusion, "Um..." she stuttered as she tried to find the right words to ask for his number.

"May I have your number? Or Instagram? O-Or anything type of socials that you might have.." Nicole blushed as she averted her gaze.

"I think you're very handsome..."

Malcom smirked at the 5'5 female nervousness, he found it cute how she stumbled and couldn't find the right words to ask for his socials.

"Sure." he smiled as he walked back towards the girl, "You can have my instagram." After the two finished exchanging socials, Nicole walked away to her seat with a smile on her face, feeling all bubbly after getting the fine man's Instagram.

After she found a seat for herself, she sat down and proceeded to wait for her name to be called for her drink.

'I wonder how Asia date is going..'

Atlanta, Georgia
12:25 PM
Bowling Alley

"You ready to get your ass kicked?"

Malik challenged Asia as they both put the bowling shoes they were required to wear on. Asia was a little nervous since she wasn't really good at bowling but she didn't want to back down from the challenge.

"Nah never that." she smiled as put her purse down on the booth chair that the two had rented out. Malik had set up the game accounts for the both of them so everything was already set up.

"Ladies first." he smirked as he sat down in the booth, leaning back which his hands behind his head.

Asia ran her fingers over each bowling ball to see which one she wanted, until she finally made contact with the perfect one.

"Alright." she said to herself as she grabbed the purple marble bowling ball, putting her fingers into the three holes of the bowling ball. Grabbing the ball with both her hands, she braced herself as she stood in front of the alley.

Once the ten pins appeared, Asia rolled the ball to the best of her abilities.

"Yes!" she cheered to herself as she watched the ball roll down the alley, until it eventually went off to the side completely missing the pins. "Damn.." she sighed as she looked back at Malik, who started laughing and pointing at her.

"Shut up!" she snapped as she went to go grab another bowling ball, Malik's laugher eventually died down as she second try was coming to a start.

"Thought you said you wasn't ready to get yo ass whooped?"

Asia scoffed as she grabbed the blue marble bowling ball, putting her fingers into the three holes of the bowling ball once more. After she managed to hold ball with both her hands, she focused as she stood in front of the alley.

Although it was just her and Malik being playful, she was very competitive.

Looking at the ten pins that appeared, Asia took a deep breath before rolling the ball down the alley. "Come on.." she muttered to herself as she watched the ball roll down the alley. Unfortunately, it went off the side again, missing all ten of the pins once more.

"Ugh!" she sighed in frustration, Malik's cackling making her all the more irritated . "You suck bru.." he laughed as he approached the girl who had a slight pout on her face, with her eyebrows furrowing with confusing and frustration.

"Do you need me to put the rails up for you?" he teased as bent down a bit to Asia's height, looking down on her.

The rails were mainly used for kids or inexperienced people who didn't know how to bowl so the ball wouldn't roll off to the side. "No." Asia scoffed as she went to go grab another bowling ball.

"You sure?" Malik asked as she came back with red bowling ball. Asia hummed a response as she had gotten ready in her stance to roll the bowling ball down the alley.

"First off your stance is wrong." he corrected her before she rolled the ball down the alley.

He made his way behind her and adjusted her stance, fixing her hips to the direction they should be turned, spreading her legs slightly apart, and adjusting her grip on the ball.

Asia blushed as she felt Malik hands adjust her body, his big hands spread her legs apart, twisting her hips, and she was obsessed about how big his hands were compared to hers.

"There." he said snapping Asia out of her thoughts, "Now go." he finished as he backed up a bit, giving her the space she needs.

Asia took another deep breath before getting use to the stance Malik put her in. She rolled the ball down the alley, and to her surprise she ended up knocking down all ten pins.

"Yes!" she cheered out loud and clenched her fists into the air. She turned back to Malik with a big smile on her fast, "Did you see?" she said, showing the fact that she knocked all the pins down with almost no effort.

"I knocked them all down and I barely even tried."

Malik playfully scoffed as he shoved Asia onto the booth couch with his hand on her face, pushing her down. "Boy!" she called out to him as he made his way to the bowling alley, since it was now his turn, he had to pick out a ball for him to roll.

The male rolled his fingers over each ball before finally picking one. He chose a red ball which must've of been perfect for him, based on the way his was rubbing his fingers over the print of the marble.

Malik simply inhaled as he grabbed the red ball, putting his fingers into the three holes of the bowling ball.

Grabbing the ball with both of his hands, he readied himself as he rolled the ball down the alley, knocking eight pins down out of the ten. Asia started laughing and pointing at him as she stood, "I did mine one try!" she bragged as she sat back down, watching Malik grab another bowling bow.

She must've forgot about the other two tries it took.

The two had been going back n forth with each other, they made a bet to see who ever has the most wins gets to pick the movie they were going to watch tonight.

Malik told Asia that they were going to go to the movies after this, and Asia was very determined to win since she wanted to watch the new movie which has just came out 'Talk To Me'.

After a good hour of bowling Malik and Asia looked up at the screen to see who had won, and to her surprise, it was Malik who had won. The two had previously order some chicken tenders and a sprite to snack on while playing, so they weren't all that hungry.

"Ugh.." Asia groaned as she walked out of the Bowling Alley's entrance, Malik holding the door open for her. After all this spending time with him, it was clear he was very serious about being a gentleman.

His mother raised him right.

"What you mad?" Malik teased Asia as he opened the car door for her. Once Asia has sat down in the car, she made sure to push him with her hand on his face as payback for pushing her.

"Woww..." Asia heard Malik gasp from outside the car and giggled at him pretending to be offended. Once Malik made it to his side of the car, he made sure to buckle his seat belt before starting his car. "So what movie you want to watch?" Asia sighed as she leaned back in her chair.

She was obviously trying to hint to him that she wanted to pick a movie based on her tone and the way she was giving him puppy dog eyes.

Malik smirked as he turned and faced towards Asia, who just stared at him, pleading to let her pick the movie. "Fine, Imma let you pick." he sighed as he began to drive, Asia squealed as she put her seatbelt on. "I wanna watch Talk To Me." she said as she opened up the sun visor and reapplied some lip gloss.

"Talk To Me?" Malik asked as while focusing on the road, Asia nodded her head with a smile beginning to form on her face as she started to explain the movie, based on the trailer.

Atlanta, Georgia
3:57 PM
Tinsel Town

As Malik drove them both to the movie theater, Asia continued to rant about the things she liked like, skin and hair care products, romance movies, and Disney and Marvel.

Malik didn't seem to be bothered by Asia's constant talking. He was always the quiet one in the group and mostly listened to his friends talk, which he enjoyed to do, he wasn't really much of a talker.

Once Malik had parked his car, he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door to go open Asia's door but when he made it to her side of the car, he saw that she was already getting out.

"Get your ass back in there." he playfully growled as he pointed back inside the car, Asia giggled at his antics knowing he just wanted to open the door for her.

As Asia sat back inside the car, she saw Malik stand outside her door for a few seconds, looking at his phone for just a moment and then proceeded to open the door for her. "Thank you." she laughed as she made her way out of the car.

"Uh huh you're welcome." Malik hummed as he followed right behind her as they walked towards the theater. Once they made it towards the ticket agent who stood behind the counter, the male proceeded to ask what tickets will the two be willing to buy.

"Two tickets for Talk To Me." Malik said to the male who told Malik the price for the tickets and pulled out his wallet once more.

Asia was a bit nervous on the fact that Malik insisted on paying for everything, but she loved it at the same time.

Once the ticket agent handed Malik their tickets, the two walked into Tinsel Town together and Asia heart began to pump with excitement. Whenever she walked into a movie theater to watch a movie, her veins would be pumping of adrenaline.

"Are you excited?" Malik chuckled as he saw Asia's face lit up with excitement as they walked into the theater. "Yes!" she cheered as she glanced at all the snacks and drinks they had.

She really wanted to get some popcorn while watching the movie, but she didn't want to spend any more of Malik's money, more than what she already has. "I've been wanting to watch this movie ever since it came out. I've been obsessed with the trailer!"

Malik didn't fail to take notice of the way she was looking at the snacks and drinks, considering that he had been dealing with a couple of friends a few weeks ago, he had a lot of money to spend and he definitely wanted to spend it all on Asia.

"Let's get some snacks for the movie." Malik suggested as he looked at the time, "The movie doesn't start until ten minutes and you know they had a lot of different movie trailers before the actual movie starts."

Asia was a bit nervous to agree and was hesitant to respond to Malik and before she even bothered to decline, Malik cut her off with, "Stop worrying about the money." he sternly said as he looked at her, the young woman was avoiding eye contact with him so he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

"I like spending money and buying shit for you. Don't think too hard about it and definitely don't try to take that shit away from me."

Asia blushed and hummed a response as she nervously looked into his eyes, Malik smacked his teeth as he his grip on her chin tightened, "Use your words."

"Okay, I-I want to go get popcorn and an orange Fanta please." she blushed as she built up the courage and calmly looked at Malik in his eyes, her gaze not wavering. Malik expression softened and he stared into her eyes, his eyes slowly traveling down to her lips.

"Okay." he coughed as he released her chin from his grasp, taking her hands into his, "Let's go." he added as he and Asia walked towards the snack stands.

The male had placed an order for caramel popcorn, which Asia had wanted, while he had gotten cheese fries and a coke. After they received their food, they walked into their designated area to which they had to watch the movie and eventually found their seats.

"Aren't you excited?!" Asia excitedly whispered towards Malik, who sat right beside her.

Malik smiled and nodded his head, he found her excitement cute and was curious on why she was so pumped to watch this movie, but Asia hasn't been to a movie theater in a long time.

"Yeah I'm excited." he chuckled as he placed his drink into the cup holder and glanced at Asia. The girl was already tuned into the trailers that were playing on the big screen before the movie had gotten to start.

That was when he started to actually take notice of her features.

The way her smooth, light skin glistened each time the sun shine made contact with it. Her cute french tip nails that had a small heart design on her ring finger. Her long lashes and nicely done eyebrows, that complimented her beautiful brown eyes.

But most of all, her full, two-toned lips that were covered in gloss. He stared at them wondering how they would look wrapped around his..

"The movie's about to start!" Asia quietly squealed with excitement as she began to eat some of her popcorn, which knocked Malik out of his perverted thoughts.

"Don't get too loud lil girl.."

"You shh!!"

Once the movie ended, the two made their way out of the theater and had decided to take a little walk around the block. Malik had slowly gotten more and more obsessed with her by the minute, and Asia was getting more and more attached.

By now the time was 7:45, they had been walking around for a while now, just talking, bonding, they had even stopped at an ice cream food truck.

The two had been talking about little things. Apparently, Malik's favorite color was purple and he told Asia that with confidence after about ten minutes of teasing from her.

They took a turn and suddenly the streets were less busy and Asia was fine with laughing at loud without drawing attention, especially after Malik told her his favorite show was 'How I Met Your Mother.'

"Why is that funny?" he asked with a furrow in his eyebrows. The girl was dying on the right side of him, letting her walk on the inside of the side wall. He looked so closed to pouting and it made Asia laugh even more.

"I-It's just not what I expected!" she laughed as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "You don't seem like the type of person to be interested in that..You seem more like an All American person or the new Bel Air show."

The furrow that he had in his brows made Asia think that he was so adorable.

"I like what I like don't be a hater." Malik playfully scoffed as he sped up a little bit making Asia have to do a little jog to catch up to him.

Seeing that it was getting a bit late, the two decided to walk back to the car so Malik can take her home. On the way, the conversation between them got a little bit more flirtatious.

Once the two made it back to the car, before the two go inside they were getting all boo'ed up.

Asia was giggling as Malik grabbed her by the throat and pulled her closer to him. "Nah don't be running now." he smirked as he looked down at her, into her eyes with his hand wrapped around her neck, "You was talking all that mess...nah talk yo shit."

Asia blushed as she held both her hands onto the hand Malik had around her neck, trying to loosen the grip he had on her. "Noo stop.." she dragged out as she tried to get away from him, but due to his strong grip he kept her by his side.

"Unt unt you stuck wit me."

Asia giggled and shook her head, "What if I don't want to be stuck wit you?" The dreadhead laughed as his shook his head, his grip on her throat tightening.

"Then that's too bad cause I'm already obsessed with you."

"Really?" she asked as she looked up at him from under her lashes, putting her hands at his side, pulling him in. "Yeah.." he muttered loud enough for her to hear, his eyes got dark and he slowly leaned in towards Asia, staring at those lips.

As the two got closer and closer to each other, Asia hesitated for a moment and suddenly back up which confused Malik as he saw the girl step away from him with a shake of her head. "What's wrong?" he worriedly asked as he took a step closer to Asia, wondering if he had done something wrong.

"Um.." Asia coughed as she looked at Malik, who wore a worried expression on his face, "D-Don't you think we're moving too fast? I don't want to rush things and this is just the first date."

Malik took her words into thought before replying back with a comforting smile on his lips, "I personally don't think we moving too fast. Yeah we just met but I feel like we instantly clicked. I don't want to rush things either but I do like you."

Asia looked deep in thought for a bit before taking a step closer to Malik, "I like you too, but I feel like we're moving too fast. I don't mind it or anything but I just want it all to be perfect." Malik nodded his head as he listened to Asia talk, "That's fine. We can slow it down a bit."

"Can I get that hug though?" he asked, making Asia laugh at the sudden request, "I'm being serious, I just want to hold you."

The girl walked towards the male and wrapped her arms around his waist. Malik doing the same to her, but he placed his head in her neck, engulfing her scent.

Asia was a little startled by the sudden breath he took, but she placed her nose into his chest, and smelt the cologne he wore.

His masculine scent sent shivers down her spine as she wondered how and why he smells so good. Malik was wondering the same thing as he smelt Asia, wondering why she smells like a type of candy that was the flavor of watermelon, which was his favorite.

After a few minutes, the two released each other and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Asia coughed which interrupted the silence.

"We should go now yeah?" she said as she played with her hair, "It's getting late." Malik nodded as he opened the car door for Asia, "Yeah, Imma take you home." Once he got in the car, he began to drive to Asia's house, letting the radio play.

It was a quiet and calm drive home, it wasn't an awkward type of quiet, more of a pleasant silence where you can just sit next to somebody and not having to talk without it feeling awkward or weird.

Once Malik dropped Asia off, he made sure to watch her walk into her house before driving off.

Asia threw her purse on the couch and quickly made her way upstairs, with a big smile on her face. "Hey siri! Facetime Nicole!" As the phone dialed Nicole, Asia had quickly gotten out of her clothes and wore another oversized tee to go to sleep in.


Once Nicole answered the call, Asia threw herself onto the bed and picked up the phone looking at Nicole through the screen. "The date was amazing!" she squealed and kicked her feet into the air.

Nicole laughed as she put her bonnet on, "So how was it?" Asia coughed as she sat up, "So first he took me to Olive Garden, and he payed for everything." Asia ranted about how her date was and how he treated her, Nicole nodded her head listening with a smile on her face.

"Then we went bowling...Then he took me to the movies and we watched 'Talk to Me', and we had a little walk and got a little touchy..."

Nicole snapped her head at Asia, "Touchy?" she asked as she got closer to the camera, "What do you mean by touchy?" Asia giggled as she placed her finger in her mouth, chewing on her nail trying to look all innocent.

"It wasn't nothing serious..We just had a nice long

"A nice long hug?" Nicole laughed as she clapped her hands, "How long was it?" she asked the giggly girl who had was busy rolling around in her bed. "I don't even know..All I know was that he smells real good."

Nicole shook her head and yawned, "Well you know I'm happy for you girl. But it's getting a little late and I'm tired.." Asia frowned as she looked at Nicole through the camera, "But I want tell you all the details! I promise I'll be quick."

"You can tell me tomorrow girl, but now I got to get my sleep." Nicole sighed as she turned her lights off, leaving her room dark, "I've been working all day it's about time I get some sleep."

"Okay get your beauty sleep." Asia said as she also turned the light in her room off. She knew about Nicole's job and how tiring it can be, so she didn't want to keep her up any longer. "I need to get me
some sleep too, Imma be working in the library all day tomorrow."

"Goodnight Nicole!"

"Night Sia.."

Well he got the hug he wanted
This was another long chapter
Hope u enjoyed!
Be sure to vote and comment!

4475 words

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