My Fusion System: Fusing a Th...

נכתב על ידי ZNDY123

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Traversing into a Fantasy World, Watson became the youngest son of a run-down baron, ranked eight in the fami... עוד



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נכתב על ידי ZNDY123

Chapter 641: Show Off
“Why should we leave the dragons behind? Are we not worthy to participate in your Dwarven Kingdom’s Invention Competition?”

With a cold snort, the Light Dragon King, Odyssey, who was in charge of pulling Watson’s carriage, returned to his human form and stared at the dwarves in front of him with an unfriendly expression.

“No, we did not mean that. Please calm down, Lord Odyssey! We let the dragons stay because the sky islands are pretty small. With your size, it might be inconvenient for you to go up. Of course, if you want to go, you can, as long as you are in your human form. If you don’t want to go, we can prepare good wine, food, and circus performance for you,” the Dwarf King explained politely.

“There’s a circus performance? I want to see it,” Lily, who was on the back of a dragon, stretched out her hand and said excitedly.

Charlotte, who was not far away from her, covered her face and stepped back slightly, distancing herself from her.

“Then that’s it. Those who want to participate in the invention competition will go to the sky islands with me. The rest of you can stay here and watch the performance while waiting.”

Watson did not mind Lily’s behavior. He stood up with a smile and waved his hand in the air.

“Great! Long live His Majesty Watson!” Lily shouted and left with the rest of the dragon knights.

The dragons turned into human forms and followed Watson and Christina. Compared to the local customs, she wanted to see the dwarves’ famous technology for the first time. Only by understanding the dwarven kingdom’s technology would their kingdom be able to respond better.

“Let’s go.” Watson urged.

The majority of the Dragon Knights and Dragons left behind numbered around 150. It was worth noting that the Light Dragon King Odyssey did not stay since he heard there was a circus spectacle below and dwarf beauties who would dance passionately. He decided to withdraw from the invention competition.

Seeing the bizarre things the dwarves invented was not as entertaining as seeing them dance. After transforming into human beings, many dragons looked away, disturbed that Odyssey would make such a choice. They appeared to be embarrassed by it.

When Prussia, the Dwarf King, heard Watson’s comments, he smiled meaningfully and signaled to some of the dwarves to bring Watson and the others to different airships and flew into the sky.

Watson was only fourteen at the time. Even though he was only an adolescent, his stature was unrivaled among dwarves, much alone the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Kings and the dragons. He stood out even more among the dwarves.

After a few minutes of flight, the airship arrived in the Sky Islands. A golden gate stood in front of Watson and the others. The gate was more than ten meters tall and was attached to the walls. The top of the wall was adorned with magical cannons. The dark barrels glowed with a menacing gleam. The one-meter-caliber magic cannons might rip apart a platinum-tier elite’s defense if launched.

The gate was not open at the time, but a little door on the wall near the entrance was opened. The door was one meter tall, and only a dwarf could pass through it. Even Watson would have to kneel or crouch down to enter.

Watson’s demeanor remained unchanged when he noticed the little door. Many of the dragon knights and dragons who accompanied him had scowls on their faces.

“Dwarf King, what do you mean by this?” Christina could not help but ask.

In response to her question, the Dwarf King grinned, pointed to the small door, and said, “Please forgive us. Dwarves have substantially different physical characteristics than the other races. That door is custom-made to fit the dwarfs’ height. Because our kingdom did not anticipate visitors from other kingdoms, we did not construct the door at a sufficient height in preparation. You won’t mind it, right?”

Christina’s delicate lips twitched. She did not trust a word of what the Dwarf King said. What did he mean when he said he had no idea the guests from other kingdoms were coming? The Dwarven Kingdom had extended an invitation to the Kingdom of Kings ahead of time. How could they have missed it? She could tell the Dwarf King was trying to brag.

The Dwarf King attempted to prevent the dragons from approaching the Sky Islands. She did not comprehend it at first, but she understood it then. It appeared that the dwarves had spent a long time preparing the entrance because they were frightened that allowing the dragons to enter might insult them. That was why they ordered all of the dragons to remain outside.

They were terrified of offending the dragons but not the Kingdom of Kings. Those dwarves were utterly inept.

Christina scoffed. She put her right hand against the hilt of the sword by her waist, and her body emitted a faint starlight-tier aura. Watson had upgraded her to starlight-tier after she became the new Sword Saint. He also made her the leader of the Dragon Knights. Her strength was more than the average person because of her faith in Watson.

She was ready to slam the door in front of her. She would carve a way for herself since the dwarves wanted to disgrace the Kingdom of Kings and its monarch.

A hand pressed against her shoulder as she was about to draw the blade.

“Christina, do not be too hasty. The Kingdom of Kings is here with sincerity. We wish to establish a pleasant and mutually beneficial partnership with the Dwarven Kingdom. How can you demolish other people’s city walls simply because you disagree with them? We must maintain the dignity of the noblemen since the Dwarf King has prepared a door for us.”


“There are no buts. Leave the rest to me. ”

He made Christina take a step back with only a few words. Watson approached the city gate and stretched his body in front of her frightened gaze. “Then I will be the first to go in.”

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The Dwarf King stood to the side, his eyes blazing, without saying anything. He did set up the city gate to humiliate Watson. He had to demonstrate to Watson that his kingdom was not easily bullied. If he exhibited those weapons later, he would only be able to obtain double the outcome with half the work.

He had anticipated Watson’s reaction after being treated in such a manner. He could deal with Watson whether he was angry or turned around to go, but Watson was about to enter the city through the city gate.

The other dwarves nearby breathed a sigh of relief. They expected the King of the Kingdom of Kings to order the Dragon Knights to attack them if they had been treated cruelly. However, Watson had accepted their agreement rather happily, so they felt a tinge of disdain in their hearts. Even the dwarves knew how to fight back against unfair treatment. How could a kingdom’s ruler be so inept? He was regarded with disdain.

Watson finished his practice and moved toward the city gate while the dwarves pondered that. His body extended infinitely as he moved, from a height of more than one meter to a behemoth hundreds of meters tall. His legs were over a hundred meters tall, allowing him to cross the city wall and enter the city effortlessly.

That scene took everyone by surprise. Watson exuded wholly different energy than before while he was in his behemoth size. Layers of crimson flames burned on his body under the blessing of fury, and that power belonged to the power of rage from the Yin magical source. Watson grew into an angry giant thanks to wrath in his body—it was enough to reduce everything to ash. Many of the dwarves paled and trembled with fear.

“Your Majesty, we have prepared a door for you. Instead of going in through that, you crossed over our city wall. What do you mean by that?”

Prussia, the Dwarf King, was also very afraid, but he suppressed his emotions even though he shouted at the top of his head.

“Since you rarely receive visitors, I do forgive you for not preparing a door that is suitable for us. However, the people in my kingdom are also elites, and ordinary doors aren’t worthy of them. Please forgive us, Dwarf King.”

Watson stood in the air, his voice reverberating like rolling thunder.

At the time, he was transforming into an enraged giant with the Twisted Divine Persona Mask. That was the signature expression of wrath. Even without Twisted Divine Persona Mask’s power, he had the might of a demigod, and if he used his own body, he could reach a thousand meters.

“Your Majesty, you do make a lot of sense. Ordinary doors are not enough for us. There’s no need to be polite. Let’s enter the city together.”

Christina subconsciously believed that it was still Watson’s fault after witnessing Watson’s style of doing things. Her scarlet lips curved upward, and her body expanded. With her giant-like calves, she walked into the city.

Following her, the Dragon Knights and the dragons swelled in size and crossed the city wall outside the Dwarven Kingdom.

“What happened?”

“Is there an earthquake?”

The commotion of hundreds of giants entering the kingdom simultaneously caused many dwarves to leave their homes and poke their heads out to take a look. They were shocked when they saw the giants that towered into the clouds and were hundreds of meters tall.

“What’s going on? I heard that today is the day that the King of the Kingdom of Kings brought the humans to participate in the Dwarven Kingdom’s invention conference. Those guys are humans. Why do I feel like they’re giants?”

Many of the dwarves had never seen humans. They only have a rudimentary awareness of humanity, according to historical documents. Nonetheless, they could see that the people in front of them were not humans.

The dwarves were terrified of being controlled by giants on that fateful day.

“Dwarf King, we have entered. Where is the venue for the Invention Competition?”

Watson bowed his head and gazed down at the ground with his enormous eyes. When he talked, the air he exhaled could cause a storm.

“Enter through the city gate. After a kilometer, turn right, and you’ll see the venue.” The frown on King Prussia’s face was not flattering. After replying, Watson and the Dragon Knights immediately walked in.

“Your Majesty, what should we do now?” A minister approached King Prussia with a worried look on his face. They were going to use the small gate to show Watson and the others their power, but their guests had turned into giants and intimidated them instead. The Dwarves in the city were panicking.

“Haymordinger, that is entirely contrary to your expectations. Give me an explanation.”

King Prussia did not respond. Instead, he turned his gaze toward a group of people not far away. There was an older dwarf with a furry face.

“Your Majesty, there’s no need to be anxious. The small door to intimidate the Kingdom of Kings is only one of our plans. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t succeed. After all, the main part of our plan is to let the Kingdom of Kings see our strength. It’s a good thing that the Kingdom of Kings is acting so tough now. It proves that they think nothing of us. When they see our powerful weapons later, they’ll be even more shocked, and the effect will be even better.”

“That makes sense. Come, let’s go in. ”

King Prussia nodded and led a group of ministers into the kingdom.

When they entered, they discovered that Watson and the others were still giants, while many dwarves were staring up at them in a stupor. King Prussia could not take a look at them and rushed forward and said, “Your Majesty, you have arrived at the invention competition’s venue. Please keep your magic under control. Otherwise, you would not be able to blend in as well as it will be difficult to watch.”

“That makes sense.”

Watson laughed and removed his massive form after noticing that Prussia’s words had softened. His physique gradually reduced to the size of an average person.

The other Dragon Knights and dragons also shrank their bodies.

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“Please follow me. Next, I will lead you to the VIP seats and take a good look at our kingdom.”

Watson and the others arrived at a massive venue, led by the Dwarf King. The space was circular, with long exhibition tables placed in a circle from the center outward. There were unusual objects on the tables, and other things that could not fit were positioned around the tables.

There were thousands of tables throughout the venue, and at least 100,000 goods were on show.

“Please allow me to make a brief introduction. We have specifically asked the King of the Kingdom of Kings and his people to come and attend the invention competition. If you have any, you can show off your greatest work. I will lavishly reward you if they are unusual enough to pique the interest of the King of the Kingdom of Kings.”

After directing Watson and the others to the left side of the VIP seats, the Dwarf King directed the ministers to the right side and remarked loudly. His voice went far and wide through the two massive sound-amplifying magic devices over his head, reverberating in the hall.

All of the dwarves who heard him speak looked giddy. It was not just because of the huge benefits he indicated but also because another king was there to see them. That made them very happy.

“I announce that the invention competition will begin now. You can now present your work.”

Following the Dwarf King’s voice, many dwarves in the hall became restless and brought forth their works.

The format of the invention competition was straightforward. Those who were confident in their work could bring it on the stage for everyone to see. They would be compensated if their work was of high quality. Great noblemen might even acquire some of the items on the spot, and the inventions with the highest transaction value in past years were valued in the tens of millions of gold coins. The person who obtained the highest transaction value would also be crowned the King of Inventions.

The first dwarf to present his work was an elderly. His beard had turned white, but his body remained muscular. He pulled a little cart in front of him while holding a hammer in his right hand. His work was loaded onto a trolley.

“This is the work I created. It is named Handheld Magical Cannon. The idea is comparable to the magical cannons found outside of our kingdom. The magic cannon is difficult to load, and each shot uses a lot of magic crystals, so I improved it! This Handheld Magical Cannon’s potency is one-thousandth that of the magic cannon. It can injure a gold-tier elite. However, it only requires one-thousandth of those required by the magic cannon. It can be shot roughly ten times after being loaded with gold-tier stones. It is also very easy to disassemble. Typically, after using it, you only need to remove the magical stones, and it will remain undamaged for several years.”

The old dwarf extracted the magical cannon from the cart in front of him. It was the length of an arm. During his presentation, the magic cannon fired a ball of burning magic that, when it impacted the earth, caused a hole several meters wide, causing many dwarves to shout out in amazement.

“That Handheld Magical Cannon is not bad. That improvement can double the strength of our kingdom. If our soldiers are equipped with that weapon in the future, you can only imagine the battle scene! I am delighted with that invention. I will reward you with 10,000 gold coins.”

King Prussia waved his hand generously. Immediately, a guard carried a massive box for the inventor with shiny gold coins in it. That made the old lover who invented the magical cannon look happy; he repeatedly said, “Long live His Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, what do you think of that invention?” King Prussia asked Watson, intending to show off.

He thought that the Handheld Magical Cannon was incredible. Compared to other kingdoms’ magical cannons, the Dwarven Kingdom had very few, let alone such an advanced one.

“It’s not bad.”

Watson nodded and thought to himself, ‘Didn’t I have something similar in my past life?’ However, compared to the pistol, the production of the Handheld Magical Cannon was simpler, resulting in a larger body but not enough power.

“Not bad?” Prussia’s expression was unhappy. He felt like Watson was obviously amazed by the magical cannon but deliberately refused to admit it. “Since you say so, you must have seen flaws in the magical cannon, or you have seen better things. I wonder if you can comment on it.”

“It’s not a flaw. It’s not bad to create such a weapon, but I have seen better things, indeed. Since you asked, then I shall comment a little on it.”

Watson stood up and walked over to the inventor. He took the magical cannon in front of him and examined it. “Its structure is to use magical circuits to trigger magic. This will cause the fire to be delayed! I propose adding a layer of saltpeter explosives outside the magical circuits to speed it up. Some high-quality metal can be mixed in as shrapnel to boost its lethality.

“Other than the firing speed and power, I don’t think there is a calibration device on it. That will reduce the accuracy. Such a weapon might accidentally injure one of our own in a battle. Add a scope! In addition, we should also add a layer of safety apparatus on the body to prevent accidental misfiring due to improper placement.”

When Watson was speaking to Prussia, he did not lower his voice. The entire hall could hear his voice due to his combat aura. The inventor was initially dissatisfied with Watson’s statements that disparaged his achievement, but his look became increasingly shocked when he heard Watson’s words.

He thought that what Watson said was very reasonable. He would not have formed such an opinion if he did not understand the magical cannon. He barely heard a few lines that had bothered him during the study process before they vanished into thin air; he even felt compelled to re-develop the Handheld Magical Cannon.

“You are absolutely right. Those issues did not come to my attention during the study process. If I can enhance it according to your suggestion, its power will be ten times stronger, and the size will be smaller! I am surprised that humans have such a great comprehension of innovations too. I am wondering whether I can seek your counsel if I have any concerns about future research.”

The old dwarf sighed and looked at Watson with admiration.

“If I am still here, then I will gladly help you. After all, inventing and creating is something that benefits the world.”

“That’s great.”

The old dwarf’s expression became more and more respectful.

King Prussia’s demeanor became increasingly obnoxious. He was surprised that Watson was not only not jealous of their kingdom’s creation but also understood it. Furthermore, the inventor had already prostrated himself after only a few phrases.

If that continued, the aim of displaying the Dwarven Kingdom’s strong weaponry to terrify the Kingdom of Kings would not be accomplished. He stood up after exchanging a glance with Haymordinger, who was nearby.

“Your Majesty, what you are saying now is merely speculation. Anyone can do what you say. Those who have invented know that there is a long way to go from theory to practice, and some theories can’t even be realized. I wonder if you can do as you just said?”

“Of course, it is possible. I can demonstrate it to you on the spot, Your Majesty.”

Watson stretched his finger toward the Handheld Magical Cannon in front of him, sensing the harsh tone in Prussia’s remarks.

“Fusion system, activate..”

Chapter 642: Aware Of Everything?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Following Watson’s voice, the Handheld Magical Cannon in front of him split into several pieces. Then, several Handheld Magical Cannons were transformed into rays of light and fused, turning into a smaller, more gorgeous hand cannon. The palm-sized gun had a scope on it, and the barrel that looked much smaller flickered with a platinum luster.

[Congratulations, Master, on fusing multiple Handheld Magical Cannon.]

[You have obtained a peak platinum-tier item, the Super Magic Pistol.]

[Platinum-tier item: The Super Magic Pistol]

[Effects: Rapid Reloading (you can reload up to ten magic crystals at a time, one of which is the primary energy source and the other is the backup energy source), Precision Strike (the pistol has an automatic aiming function), Platinum Star (the flames from the muzzle can penetrate the defense of a platinum-tier powerhouse), Bullet Fragments (the bullets of the pistol are made of magic elements wrapped in a metal shell, and when the metal shell is shattered, it will cause large-scale damage).]

[Additional effects: Ignored Defense (the bullets from that pistol have armor-piercing functions), Sound Elimination (the bullets do not make any sound when they are fired).]

Watson fired a shot at the ground as he held the Super Magic Pistol in his hand.

A metal bullet immediately sunk into the ground after a faint sound. After impacting the ground, the metal shell exploded into a ball of broken steel, much like a sharp dagger cutting the ground. The magical energy contained within the metal shell was released due to the explosion. Scorching magical flames swept the ground, leaving scorch scars.

The newly built Handheld Magical Cannon could crush the ground several meters below with a single cannonball, and the Super Magic Pistol that Watson had fused was dozens of times more powerful. The fractured metal shell alone may cause the same amount of damage, not to mention the subsequent high-temperature flames. It was hot enough to turn platinum-tier ores into molten lava.

The dwarven elder was forced to take a few steps backward due to the potency of the Super Magic Pistol. He was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

“Did you just duplicate several Handheld Magical Cannons and fuse them?”

“That is right. The power to duplicate the Handheld Magical Cannons is derived from the ring on my finger. This is a platinum-tier artifact known as the Wish for the World ring. As for the technique to combine Handheld Magical Cannons, it is a secret of our Kingdom of Kings.”

Watson’s expression was unfathomable. He removed a seven-colored ring from his right index finger and handed it to the dwarven elder.

“You can make a wish with the ring three times a day. I just made two wishes, so there’s still one more chance.”

He could not share the system because it was his most important secret. In a strict sense, the system was also a form of technology. It was natural for the dwarves who championed invention and creation to be astounded by the system’s power, let alone the fact that the system could offer the dwarves an impact just by Wish for the World ring.

“I had no idea there was such a magical tool in the world. You simply need to pay half the reward each time to be able to make three wishes. Isn’t it true that if you insist on making a wish every day, you can only cut one diamond-tier tool into eight pieces? That is simply a divine tool that can improve the kingdom’s output!”

The old dwarf glanced at the tool Watson had handed him over and over again, his face filled with admiration. In his opinion, Watson’s ring was far more powerful than the Handheld Magical Cannon he had created. Not to mention, no other tool in the Dwarven Kingdom could compete with Watson’s ring.

“Your Majesty, I have improved the Handheld Magical Cannon. I’m curious what you think of my upgraded Handheld Magical Cannon. What do you think of my Wish for the World ring?”

“King Watson, the Super Magic Pistol that you have modified is indeed very powerful. It seems that the Kingdom of Kings is also good in invention and creation. As for the Wish for the World ring, I wonder how many of those items are in your country. If there were very few of them, the result would not be less either.”

King Prussia restrained his displeasure and maintained a pleasant appearance on his face. He was, however, silently cursing in his heart. The ring had such a profound effect on the world that it completely defied the rule of conservation of energy. There was no way it could be mass-produced. If there were only one or two Wish for the World rings in the world, eight or more diamond-tier products would be manufactured every day. It was inconsequential to an entire country.

Watson chuckled and extended his hands once he finished speaking, which startled him. He noticed that every finger on Watson’s finger was adorned with a Wish for the World ring and said, “I am sorry, but there are a lot of these rings in the Kingdom of Kings. It is not just me; everyone has one. Even though I have not counted it, I believe there are at least a million people who have this ring.”

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A million?

Prussia’s face was filled with astonishment. One or two rings might be ineffective, but thousands of Wish for the World rings would be significant. The riches that could be garnered by making a wish every day would more than treble a country’s national strength. He had a feeling Watson was bragging, but he could not uncover any proof.

He had intended to slap Watson in the face with the Dwarven Kingdom’s creations, but they were ultimately defeated. King Prussia clenched his teeth; he knew he could not go on like this. “The Handheld Magical Cannon was not the first invention to be displayed. Compared to all of the works presented at the invention conference, it can only be called ordinary. Someone else’s creation must be more powerful than that. Haymordinger, go get me some decent pieces.”

King Prussia, who had just been applauding the Handheld Magical Cannon, changed his strategy at that moment. Haymordinger stood up respectfully at his request. He walked to a corner of the venue after nodding to Watson and the people from the Kingdom of Kings.

He was aware of what King Prussia was thinking. Watson must have been terrified by the weaponry he was about to display. He could no longer enable individuals who participated in the competition to display their artwork freely. The site was set up just for an invention competition, but there were only weapons. Some of the weapons were cutting-edge technology that he had requested someone to plant on his behalf.

All he needed to do was to display those cutting-edge technologies in front of Watson.

“The second contestant is the champion of last year’s invention competition. The weapon he showed us is a bionic magical beast! ”

Haymordinger pulled a proud middle-aged man in his thirties to the center of the venue. Next to the middle-aged man was a magical beast more than ten meters long and several meters tall, emitting a powerful platinum-tier aura. The surface of the magical beast’s body was covered with hard ores. Gears connected its joints. On its back were pitch-black cannons that looked different from ordinary magical beasts. That magical beast looked more like a giant machine.

“The Bionic Magical Beast is a brand-new innovation I created this year. It is hardly an exaggeration to call it the most spectacular invention in recent dwarves’ history! The Bionic Magical Beast has the offensive power of a platinum-tier magical beast and much more formidable defense power. People can use it to conduct exploration, search, and other operations such as combat. At the same time, the Bionic Magical Beast sill still possesses a basic intellect. As long as it is given a command, it will rigorously obey it and not deviate from it.

“All of the aforementioned are the bionic magic beast’s basic skills. Next, I would like to discuss its most potent component. That is, it can transform into a four-wheeled cart or grow wings and fly. It can even address the problem of travel with the Bionic Magical Beast. It will eventually penetrate every area of the Dwarven Kingdom.”

After the introduction, the haughty middle-aged dwarf gestured to the?Bionic Magical Beast beside him. The Bionic Magical Beast, which was more than ten meters long and had a menacing appearance, spread its four limbs and folded them into wings on the ground. The gears on its abdomen and chest were linked together, forming four massive wheels. Its rear was sunken downward, revealing a large compartment for at least two persons. It moved fast on the ground by using the wheels.

The gigantic wheel produced by the bionic magic beast’s gears shrank into its body after a brief movement. It flew into the sky as the wings made by its four limbs fluttered. It was also not slow in terms of speed.

The Bionic Magical Beast could transform into a four-wheeled transport or a flying tool by spreading its wings. It was a magical beast with formidable combat abilities. It had to be claimed that it was a very exquisite innovation in that world. Aside from magical monsters that could transform into numerous forms, it was uncommon to see a four-wheeled vehicle that could be operated without the use of a mount.

It was no surprise the middle-aged dwarf felt so pleased with himself. He had every reason to feel proud of himself for creating such a new object.

“Your Majesty, what do you think of that invention?” Haymordinger turned around and asked, his eyes shining.

The Bionic Magical Beast seemed to be very powerful, but it was only a semi-finished product in reality. Since it was made entirely of ores and metal gears and magical stones powered it, the bionic beast would consume many magic stones every time it moved. Just walking a kilometer would consume an entire platinum-tier magical stone. Reducing energy consumption had always been a problem that the bionic beast could not overcome.

The Dwarven Kingdom only needed to show the weapon’s strength. As for the flaws, as long as they did not say anything, Watson would not know.

The person who won the title of King of Invention in the last term was Haymordinger’s student. He had also participated in the development of Bionic Beasts, so he was very clear about their strength. He believed that that invention would make Watson cry out.

However, what surprised him was that, after listening to the introduction of Bionic Beasts, Watson reached out to stroke his chin and shook his head. “That invention is not very good. It’s better than the previous one. ”

“What do you mean?”

His statements made the middle-aged inventor of bionic creatures appear dissatisfied. “You stated that the invention is not very good. Please tell me what is going on.”

The middle-aged dwarf appeared to be adamant that Watson would not be allowed to leave if he did not understand what he said that day. “The reason I claimed that invention is not good is that it appears to have many purposes, but they are all showy and unreal!” Watson said, not standing in ceremony. “To begin with, the ability to turn into a four-wheeled vehicle may not be faster than a magically powered horse. The replacement of magical stones regularly will result in a more significant consumption. This item will not gain popularity.

“If I pursue the speed of traveling on land, I don’t even need a carriage. Anything I create will have better attributes than the Bionic Magical Beast.”

Watson pointed to the ground and ignited the system’s fusion as he spoke. The ground emitted light and transformed into a platinum-colored road due to his fusion. On the gleaming platinum-colored ground, teleportation circles emerged.

“This is the magical passage I created. It’s also platinum-tier. There’s a magical array on that platinum-tier passage. By absorbing the magic elements in the air and operating it, it can instantly teleport people to any place that the passage can reach! In terms of speed, it’s far faster than the Bionic Magical Beast. In terms of maintenance costs, it’s far less expensive than using magic stones. Without maintenance, that path could be used for decades without any problems.”

Watson waved his hand, and a Dragon Knight stood up and proceeded to the tunnel he had made. His body vanished when it lit up, and he reappeared at the end of the tunnel outside the arena. The Dragon Knight reappeared, accompanied by a blaze of light from the teleportation circle. The voyage of several kilometers took less than a second, confirming Watson’s claim.

Ignoring the Haymordinger and the middle-aged dwarf, whose attitudes were becoming increasingly glum, Watson said, “In terms of flying speed, the Bionic Magical Beast has no edge. Can it outrun the dragon no matter how quickly it flies?”

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“It is impossible to compare the speed of travel on land to that of the magical tunnel I built. It cannot be compared to the dragons in terms of flying speed. In terms of battle strength, a platinum-tier magical beast is utterly unrivaled! Overall, the Bionic Magical Beast is a piece of garbage. The so-called invention is the creation of a tool that outperforms the present item. Combining these existing tools will result in something that appears to have multiple functions. That is not what you would call an invention. It is basically stealing other people’s ideas.”

“Even if it is plagiarized, that piece of work is not deemed top-notch. Previously, I developed an item known as the Deep Sea Submarine. It also combines combat power and ship capabilities. It is quite similar to your bionic beast. I will show you.”

The earth in front of Watson began to quake as he waved his hand. Dense water elements accumulated on the ground’s surface, forming a pool of water that was neither too large nor too little. The water’s surface rose to form the shape of a magical array. Sky-blue magic symbols surged within one by one. From within, a massive pitch-black submarine drifted forth. Many of the dwarves were perplexed by the iron-shell-like seal structure.

Their astonishment quickly turned to surprise when they noticed the submarine swimming freely beneath the ocean. That was not something that a standard spacecraft could do. The submersible remained motionless no matter how much the water’s surface trembled. It was impenetrable to even a drop of water.

The Deep Sea Submarine jumped out of the ocean after circling twice under the water. With a single shake of its body, it transformed into a formidable diamond-tier magical beast with massive tentacles and scarlet eyes.

The magical beast that the Deep Sea Submarine changed into was a truly magical beast with its own intelligence, as opposed to the Bionic Magical Beast. It could recover energy by eating instead of devouring magic stones, and its battle strength was much greater.

“How is that possible?”

The middle-aged dwarf’s face was filled with disbelief when he saw the mystical beast that the Deep Sea Submarine had converted into, and he sat on the ground with a pale face.

He had constructed a Bionic Magical Beast with the ideal appearance and skills similar to a real magical beast. It was made of machinery on the inside and could be replaced with various pieces. However, using ores and metals to create a live entity was easier said than done. What he had been unable to do before now materialized in front of him.

Watson’s submarine was clearly a more evolved version of his Bionic Magical Beast. What Watson had said to him earlier had initially made him skeptical, but he could not reject it. Watson’s comprehension of inventions was definitely superior to him to develop a Deep Sea Submarine.

“I am surprised that King of the Kingdom of Kings was so knowledgable about inventions. Since that is the case, I will no longer conceal it. I have an invention here. I hope His Majesty can help in assessing it.”

Haymordinger clenched his fists. He did not anticipate that even the invention competition’s former winner would amaze Watson with his inventions. Instead, they were devalued to the point of insignificance. The crucial point was that Watson’s comments were perfectly sensible, and he could not think of any way to reject them.

If that trend persisted, it would be hard to achieve the goal of utilizing the invention competition to scare Watson. He clenched his teeth and resolved to show his Trump card. A girl with half a robotic body and white hair approached him after hearing his voice.

“Meryl, let His Majesty witness the mechanical language you invented.”

Haymordinger’s beard curled upward as he pointed at Watson angrily.

“Yes, Master.”

Meryl went out and began writing green symbols in the air with her semi-mechanized arm. Those green symbols formed a flood of numbers in the air, which fused into her mechanical arm. Her mechanical arm was promptly upgraded. Metal and gears continued to move, and one by one, thick and lengthy gun barrels appeared. The ground melted as scorching lasers flashed across it.

“Mechanical language can upgrade weapons, and it can also perform complex calculations on behalf of the human brain. You haven’t seen that before, have you?” Watson, to his dismay, was not only unsurprised, but his expression became strange.

“What kind of machine language is that? Is it not just a computer language? Using binary to perform calculations, the different combinations of two numbers can contain all commands. ”

Others might not comprehend what Meryl was doing, but he was well aware of it. The numerals generated by 0 and 1 were too similar to his modern computer language.

It was obvious that the Dwarven Kingdom wanted to show him their powerful strength, but he could not hold it in anymore. That so-called machine language did not seem to be as diverse as the computer language.

“I did not expect you to understand that. If that’s the case, then I don’t need to be polite to you.” Haymordinger’s face darkened. He opened his right hand and followed his movements. The ground suddenly cracked open, and a huge light shield appeared.

Inside the light shield was a massive chess piece. Three little balls on the chess piece were circling in a perfect circle. They could not touch it no matter how hard they tried. At that moment, Haymordinger summoned that chess piece, which was the dwarven race chess piece. The goal was to use the race chess piece’s power to conjure a powerful weapon.

The dwarven chess pieces had total technological power. They had the ability to conjure formidable weapons from another time. Since they had not learned the mechanical language, the items they summoned were haphazard.

It was different then. Since the invention competition could not convince Watson, he would use future technology that even the dwarves could not understand to intimidate Watson.

“Next, I’m going to summon a weapon that you’ve never seen before. It’s a bomb. The power of the explosion is enough to destroy a country. In the place of the blast, there will still be strong radiation. Plants can’t grow, and all living creatures living in them will become deformed. That kind of weapon—”

“Say no more. Isn’t that an atomic bomb?”

Before Haymordinger could finish, Watson had already answered him. His words almost made Haymordinger spit out a mouthful of blood.

Was it over?

Watson had previously only remarked on their creation after seeing it. He could understand it despite his lack of understanding. He had not even finished speaking yet, and Watson had already rendered his verdict. It was simply incredible. After all, he was attempting to summon technology that did not exist at the time.. He was perplexed by that. Was the guy in front of him aware of everything?

Chapter 643: The God Of Destruction’s Invasion
“Release the dwarven chess piece. I am Haymordinger, and I summon weapons that do not belong to this era.”

Holding back the sullen emotions in his heart, Haymordinger reached out his hand and wrote something similar to the mechanical language that Meryl had developed before. He also sent those mysterious symbols into the dwarven chess piece, and as the symbols entered, the dwarf chess piece immediately burst with a bright light, and a huge connection opened to the door of the future.

The door was formed by an invisible hand. It looked translucent and hourglass-shaped.

At that moment, the hourglass-shaped door was spinning rapidly in the air. A pitch-black bomb emerged from the inside. The bomb was nearly a hundred meters long, and its entire body was in the shape of a shuttle. It was covered with a hard iron shell. Long iron nails surrounded each iron shell. It seemed that the maker was worried that the iron shell was not strong enough and that the things inside would leak out. The entire bomb appeared to be under pressure.

“King Watson, how about this weapon?”

Haymordinger’s eyes flickered. Before he took out the item, Watson had already made a judgment. It was very difficult to convince him. In his opinion, Watson might be talking nonsense at that time, so he summoned the weapon made from the dwarven chess piece to see Watson’s reaction.

“Didn’t I say that it was an atomic bomb?”

Unexpectedly, Watson’s expression became more determined. It was as if Watson had not been so sure before he heard him say it, but then he was entirely sure.

Unable to see that Watson was lying, Haymordinger gritted his teeth. “I’m going all out. Releasing the dwarven chess piece’s full power!”

The dimensional door floating above the dwarven chess piece enlarged in response to his words, and numerous items were ejected from the massive entrance. There were huge black bombs in those items, but there were also sealed four-wheeled carriages coated in iron shells, battleships spitting flames, weird polyhedrons floating in the air, and so on.

“That is a car.”

“That one over there is called a plane.”

“I can’t believe that even satellites can be made. Impressive.”

Every time Haymordinger made something, Watson would applaud while exclaiming in admiration, as if he knew quite a bit about the things that were made.

He did not expect that the dwarven chess piece ability was that. Those modern weapons might have been very impressive to the Dwarven Kingdom, but to him, a transmigrator with a modern soul, those were already commonplace.

“What is going on?”

Haymordinger panted heavily, his eyes red. Those weapons clearly came from the future, and even he did not know them. How could Watson know that? Did he come from the future?

That was a bit unrealistic.

He did not want to believe what Watson said, but while he was surprised, Watson had already leaped into the object called a car, created by the dwarven chess piece. Soon, the car started to move. Watson drove the strange technological product around the square with a strange roar.

It only took him a few minutes to complete the circle. The car was dozens of times faster than an ordinary horse carriage in terms of speed. It also seemed to be wrapped in an iron shell, so it was very safe.

Opening the door, Watson got out of the car and looked around. He found that the dwarves around him were shocked.

He used his actions to prove that he understood those things. Haymordinger could not even retort. After a long while, he snapped back to his senses and took out a piece of iron with a red button that looked like a remote control.

“I still have one last invention. I want to show it to the King of the Kingdom of Kings! The device in my hand is the key to a certain door. As long as I press it, a mysterious door will appear in the sky. It will connect to a different space outside the current world. It can even connect to the divine realm and let the gods descend.”

Before Haymordinger could finish his words, Watson had already come to his side with a smile on his face. “It’s such a magical thing. Hurry up and give it a try. ”

As he said, Watson did not hesitate to come to Haymordinger’s side. He helped press the button. An irregular sphere appeared in the air in four directions with a beep. Those four spheres emitted rays of different colors that converged in the air. The four beams collided and opened a door of different colors in the air.

There was deep darkness beyond the door. Nothing could be seen behind it, but there was a sensation of danger, as well as a pitch-black wind that fell, making the dwarfs throughout the invention competition arena tremble.

“What have you done?” Haymordinger’s voice trembled. He was dumbfounded. That device that connected different worlds was his final trump card. He had taken it out to tell Watson, even if the Dwarven Kingdom did not have the military strength to resist the Kingdom of Kings, as long as he used that device, he could open the door to the realm of gods, allowing the gods to come down and serve as a deterrent. Who would have thought that Watson would press the button in his hand?

“Open the gate to the divine kingdom. The things that the Dwarven Kingdom invented look very ordinary to me, but that invention is not bad.”

Watson raised his head and looked at the top of his head, speaking as if he was not paying attention.

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They had exhibited enmity from the minute the Dwarven Kingdom let them through the gate. He had a rough idea of what the Dwarven Kingdom was thinking because he had merged three kingdoms at once, making the dwarves fearful. As a result, he intended to use the invention competition to help him grasp the strength of the Dwarven Kingdom.

He was first concerned about what might happen if the Dwarven Kingdom truly possessed formidable technological weaponry. As a result, it appeared that the Dwarven Kingdom’s power was only mediocre. He had purposefully opened the entrance to the divine kingdom at that time. Because the dwarves wanted him to grasp their kingdom’s power, he would do the opposite and demonstrate his own power to the dwarves.

A thick and long tentacle shot through the great black hole in the sky while he was staring, and then a pitch-black pillar-like monster spread out. At the front of the black pillar was smooth armor of the same color.

If one looked carefully, one would find that it was not some armor but something that looked like a fingernail. The black pillar also revealed its full appearance, and it was a finger.

The single finger was several meters long. A majestic and mighty voice broke out as the finger fell, “Which universe is this? To have the audacity to open a portal to the divine kingdom? The energy inherent in this kingdom appears to be incredibly powerful. If I can swallow this world, my might will increase from starlight to peak starlight-tier.

The overpowering voice shook the dwarves in the room to the point of dizziness. In pain, they crouched and grasped their heads. Some dwarves had already dropped onto the ground, white foam pouring from their mouths due to a lack of physical condition.

A gigantic black palm that resembled the sky was hidden behind the pitch-black fingers. On the palm, there were six fingers. The two palms grabbed the black hole’s edge and violently tore it apart. The hole was instantly ripped open. After the hole was ripped apart, a naked deity appeared over Watson and the others. His physique was so massive that it took up the entire sky.

He was naked because there was not much skin on his body, and there were many arms around his body. The arms seemed to have been cut off, and the cuts were smooth. They were twisted together. There was even a hand on the god’s face, making it impossible to see his facial features clearly.

A powerful and evil aura emanated from the god’s body, enveloping the entire Dwarven Kingdom.

“My name is Yesmola, the God of Destruction. Why don’t you mortals pay your respects to me and obediently offer up your faith?”

Yesmola, the god of destruction, looked down. There was a black palm on his face, and there were no facial features under the palm. He did not need to use his eyes to see as the surrounding scenes were clearly displayed in his mind.

The black arms around his body were the symbols of his hundred-handed giant race. Each arm was condensed from countless lives, and each of those arms could turn anything they touched into dust.

The authority he held as the God of Destruction was convulsion, apart from destruction.

‘This small world has a very powerful aura, but there aren’t many gods’ auras around it. It’s really strange,’ Yesmola muttered in his heart.

The divine kingdom was a boundless black void. In that endless black void, the only place that had light was the divine kingdom of the gods, plus the worlds that were wrapped in light spheres.

The worlds in those light spheres were all lands that had collapsed due to the Battle of the Strong in ancient times or even further back. One of them was the world he had plunged into at the time.

In the divine realm, there were innumerable little world fragments floating around. The gods’ fortresses surrounded such world fragments and watched the mortals’ lives via the barrier. The gods’ might was too enormous to pass past the barrier into the interiors of those realms. Otherwise, it was quite likely that the worlds would be destroyed, and they needed to absorb the mortals’ beliefs from the worlds.

That led to an unwritten rule in the divine realm. The gods could not take the initiative to invade the world fragments. Of course, some world fragments could not withstand the power of the gods before they reached the starlight tier, so they could not directly interfere with the actions of the mortals in the world fragments. However, they could indirectly influence the world by becoming the gods that the kingdom worshiped.

The powerful world fragments belonged to powerful gods, which were usually organized. They were led, for example, by a god-king. Unfortunately, the Angel King was assassinated. The realm was ruled by another god who was not yet in the sovereign tier, severely limiting his power to dominate. Many scattered gods were assembled in that place.

He was one among them, and the world fragment was found by coincidence. Initially, he explored the divine realm, looking for a suitable-sized planet fragment that gods had already occupied. Then he would talk it over with the gods to see if he could obtain a piece of the action.

As a result, that world fragment intruded into his field of vision. There were no gods in that world, and a large hole was revealed outside the protective membrane. The aura of the world kept leaking into the divine realm. The leaked aura was clearly at the starlight tier, which proved that that world fragment was at the starlight tier and could withstand the power of the gods.

He could not help but be curious when he saw that a god had accidentally cracked the outer shell of that realm, so he went there to take a look. He discovered no other god’s aura save his own, which made him immensely delighted.

The gods had a rule that they could not interfere with the operation of the world fragment, nor could they aggressively burst through the barrier and descend into the world. However, they did not state that they would be unable to enter if a fracture emerged in the world fragment.

Yesmola was delighted to have discovered a treasure after already treating the environment as his own product. “Why are you still hesitating?” he said. “Are you looking down on the God of Destruction that you do not kneel now? Those who do not fear the gods will have only one end, and that is death.”

As he spoke, he held out his right hand, which was wrapped around a pitch-black arm, toward a huge mountain peak outside the Dwarven Kingdom on the floating islands.

“Divine Power of Destruction!”

A powerful vibration radiated out from the direction of his attack, traveling through the air and reaching the peak. The mountain immediately collapsed in the middle of the combat, and gravel tumbled to the ground. They disintegrated into smaller stones and powder in the atmosphere.

In a matter of seconds, a thousand-meter-tall mountain was reduced to ashes. That scene astounded every dwarf in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Yesmola retracted his right hand and slightly loosened his fingers, revealing the joy in his heart.

The mortals were hesitant because they did not comprehend the god’s strength. They had no choice but to submit since they had seen his methods.

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Watson raised his head and looked at the god who called himself the God of Destruction, his expression calm.

He ventured to employ Haymordinger’s tool, so he was naturally confident in dealing with the gods. He had met gods many times before and recognized their strength. There were 100,000 gods on Mount Creation, and he was a demigod. Ordinary gods would not be in his view if it were not for the god-king commanding a massive army of gods to attack the world he was in.

‘I feel that the God of Destruction’s information is similar to the seven gods from the Holy Dragon Kingdom. It hasn’t reached the level of the God of Light, Baldur. Compared to the Primordial Demoness, it’s much weaker. I should be able to deal with him alone.’

Watson pondered it. The starlight robe on his body fluttered in the wind. The end of the robe turned into two wings, flapping as he floated into the air.

He had not fought for a long time after entering the demigod tier. The God of Destruction in front of him was just right for him to try and see what level he was at.

“God of Destruction, right? If you want us to submit, first let me see if you have the qualifications to do so.”

He made a strong war proclamation in front of the God of Destruction.

As he assessed the human in front of him, Yesmola’s body shrank to the size of an average person.

The young man’s aura was strong in his presence. He belonged to the demigod tier. The crown on his head and the starlight robe over his body revealed the young man’s identity.

“You are the King of this world?”

“I can be considered the King of a kingdom.”

Yesmola’s heart sneered at the other party’s remark. He had no idea how many kingdoms existed in that world, but there could not be too many. If he had power over the ruler of a kingdom, his subjects would undoubtedly surrender to him.

With that in mind, he reached out his arm to the young man in front of him without hesitation. The portion of his arm that had been wrapped around his hand floated out. Hundreds of arms grabbed Watson in midair from all angles.

“Divine Power of Destruction!”

Hundreds of arms simultaneously emitted devastating waves. That wave alone has the power to break mountains, let alone fuse them. The enormous energy shattered the stars.

He did not hold back against Watson because he had seen many gods who maintained eternal youth and immortality after he became a god. Those gods who looked young might have lived for a long time. The young man in front of him might be in the same situation.

Faced with hundreds of destructive waves, Watson did not say anything, but screams came from below.

“Run! The gods have descended!”

“To fight against the gods, the King of the Kingdom of Kings is too bold.”

The dwarves in the competition arena picked up their inventions and left. Some dwarves were so panicked that they forgot to take their inventions and ran with their heads held high.

“Protect His Majesty and leave.”

The ministers called for the guards and escorted Prussia and the princess out. Prussia passed by Haymordinger, who was standing around the dwarven chess piece in a daze, and the beard on his face blew angrily.

“Haymordinger, you idiot, what are you still looking at? Quickly put away the race chess piece and leave this place.”

He could not help but feel enraged as he remembered the strategy that Haymordinger had previously suggested to him. Initially, Haymordinger said it reasonably well and utilized the opportunity to intimidate Watson, but Watson was not threatened in the end. Instead, a malevolent god had appeared in the sky above the Dwarven Kingdom. That god would invade their kingdom after dealing with Watson. He should not have listened to Haymordinger’s words if he had known sooner.

The Dwarven Kingdom did not believe in gods since they were fascinated with research. Gods were simply larger creatures in their view. As long as they continued to advance in technology, they would be able to employ external items to bridge the gap between them and the gods.

“Wait a moment, Your Majesty. Look.”

Haymordinger snapped back to his senses when he heard the words. His eyes lit up, and his fingers that were pointing at the sky trembled slightly as if he had seen something incredible.

“What are you showing me? What’s there to see?”

Watson had flown into the skies to battle the gods for more than ten seconds. Watson, he reasoned, might be dead. He truly admired Watson at the time. He appeared young, yet he was well-versed in technology. Even the Dwarven Kingdom’s old craftsmen could not compete with him. Furthermore, he possessed a great deal of bravery. He even dared to rush up to stop the god.

King Prussia sighed. If he had been 20 years younger, he might have been as ruthless as Watson. However, he was only thinking about how to save his life at that moment. He raised his head and looked at the sky with that thought in mind.

He was taken aback by what he observed with a single glance.

The scene of Watson being crushed by the God of Destruction did not appear. The hundreds of arms around the God of Destruction’s body came in front of Watson with destructive waves. They stopped moving one meter in front of him. Instead, a golden-green chess piece floated out of Watson’s chest and extended an index finger toward the God of Destruction. The blazing pillar of light pierced through the layers of arms and directly opened a massive hole in the God of Destruction’s chest.

Pure energy radiates from within. Dazzling divine blood fell from the heavens and rolled in the air, growing to the size of red waterfalls that crushed most of the ground in the hall.

‘How is that possible?’ King Prussia shouted in his heart.. Did the King of the Kingdom of Kings defeat the God of Destruction?

Chapter 644: An Army Of 100,000 Gods
“How is that possible?”

The God of Destruction, Yesmola, had a terrified expression on his face. The arms wrapped around his body were severely injured.

The youth in front of him had just casually pointed a finger, and a wave of energy that surpassed the level of normal starlight-tier had entered his body and wreaked havoc on it. It looked like he had the strength of a demigod. However, in a real battle, the youth’s strength was even stronger than his.

‘How is there an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with a god in this small mortal world? And what is that thing on his chest? Is that a race chess piece? What kind of style is it? I don’t think I have ever seen it before.’

He stared blankly at Watson’s chest—that golden-green chess piece. With his experience as a god, he could see that it was a complete race chess piece. However, even though he had participated in the ancient wars, he could not tell which race that chess piece had belonged to.

He touched the hole in his chest, and he used divine power to heal it. Yesmola’s heart was filled with greed. Perhaps the demigod was powerful because of the race chess piece. The race chess piece was a starlight-tier item. If he could obtain that race chess piece, his strength would increase significantly.

With that thought in mind, he decided to use all his strength to kill the youth in front of him.

After entering the world, he initially wanted to turn everyone into his believers. He did not use his strongest form to prevent his divine power from causing damage to the world. However, he could no longer care about that. Even if he used his full strength and thousands of people died from the aftershocks of his power, he would not be able to resist the temptation of the race chess piece on Watson’s chest.

“Hundred-handed giant form!”

Yesmola roared as countless arms around his body flew into the air. An illusory spirit body extended from the back of the arms and connected to his body. His body also expanded. He had become a giant that was thousands of meters tall and covered the entire sky.

That giant did not have any facial features. His face was blank, and his body was very smooth. His arms and legs were long and thin. Hundreds of arms were on his back, looking extremely horrifying.

At that moment, those arms extended from the sky to every corner, enveloping the entire Dwarven Kingdom. Without a doubt, as long as Yesmola wanted to, he could raise the entire Dwarven Kingdom at any time.

The dwarves looked even more terrified. They were pale, and their lips were trembling. No one knew what kind of reaction they were having.

‘That chess piece, and even the world, will belong to me, the God of Destruction.’


Watson’s body was under immense strain as it faced the God of Destruction in its altered form.

After changing its form, the God of Destruction’s power became even more powerful. There was a strange vibration from his arms. Whatever came into contact with that vibration, whether it was the mountains, rivers, or the walls of the Dwarven Kingdom, it would collapse.

That vibration was also transmitted. With the God of Destruction as the center, it continued to spread to the surroundings. If the vibration were not controlled, it would one day expand to the earth’s limits, causing the entire world to collapse.

“That is the true power of the gods.”

Watson could not help but sigh in his heart. He was not confronted with a god who had been resurrected using someone else’s body, nor was he confronted with a reincarnated child of God at that time. Instead, he was confronted with a true God who had fallen from the outside world.

That god’s aura was fundamentally different from the god he had fused. Fortunately, he had raised the world’s level. Otherwise, the old world would have crumbled simply because that deity had entered, throwing everyone into the endless universe.

Even though the God of Destruction was extremely powerful, Watson’s heart was filled with a fighting spirit. Since his transmigration to that world, he had encountered a slew of formidable foes. He would spend a long time honing his steel will. It was more accurate to say that the more powerful the adversary, the more potential he possessed.

“Mask of Divinity, the Power of Wrath!”

Red flames engulfed Watson’s body. His body proceeded to grow until he was the size of the God of Destruction. Two kilometer-sized monsters were squabbling. The Dwarven Kingdom was completely covered by the shadow that hid the sunshine.

Watson’s rage turned into sharp arrows after transforming into a giant, colliding with the God of Destruction’s hundreds of thick and lengthy arms. Some of the arrows were seized and broken by the god of destruction’s arms, while others pierced his chest and lower abdomen, causing him to cry in anguish.

That was a great battle between the gods. The sky was filled with red meteor-like lights and giant arms that were like mountains.

“Should we go up and help?”

A few dragon knights came behind Christina. They asked worriedly as they looked up at the sky.

“There’s no need.” Christina shook her head, her eyes flickering. “With His Majesty Watson’s strength, that god is no match for him. Furthermore, His Majesty’s fight must have a deeper meaning. Before His Majesty summons us, we should not act rashly.”

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“That makes sense.”

The Dragon Knights agreed and spread out to shield the dwarves, preventing them from being harmed by Watson’s conflict with the God of Destruction.

“The Kingdom of Deception, the great sword that destroys the world!”

Watson’s fierce arrow rain clashed with the god of devastation for a short time. The God of Destruction could not stop himself from roaring and summoning a massive divine kingdom. Huge bells were hanging everywhere in the divine kingdom, and they were constantly ringing. There were even a few giants in the divine kingdom. Those colossi were blinded and had their ears covered. They were ringing the bells on the divine kingdom’s towers aimlessly.

Those bell-ringing giants were responsible for the powerful vibrations.

The gods in the outside world were more powerful than the gods that Watson had fused with the system. The gods of the outside world absorbed their beliefs and became gods. As a result, they had followers. Those giants, who had their five senses shut, worshiped the God of Destruction.

The gap around the divine kingdom shattered at that moment, and the air became thin. The God of Destruction yelled and drew a massive blade from the divine kingdom.

That sword was fully translucent and made entirely of vibration energy. It stretched for over a thousand meters. The God of Destruction swiped his massive blade across the ground. A single blow from that blade could not endure the rain of arrows in the heavens. Everything was trembling and shattered. The sky was ready to split in half, and Watson’s body was going to break in half as well.

Watson pressed his palms together and slapped his chest. “Unruly and proud scales!”

As a result of his activities, a massive scale appeared beneath him and the God of Destruction. It was difficult to comprehend how enormous that magnitude was. The two pallets on the scale held him and the God of Destruction, respectively, and there was still plenty of room on the scale.

The scale’s two pallets were shaking up and down at the time. The God of Destruction’s blade was stuck in its own pallet, unable to escape. The pallet Watson was on kept falling during the weighing process, and the God of Destruction’s body was lifted.

That maneuver was one of Pride’s powers that came with the Twisted Divine Persona Mask. The idea was to utilize pride to assess the worth of both sides in a conflict. The lesser value side would collapse and die immediately.

The God of Destruction was a god, but Watson possessed multiple peak-tier starlight-tier tools. After being fused, his race chess pieces became sovereign-tier tools. It was worth more than the God of Destruction. As a result, after a few seconds of measurement, the scales vanished and were replaced by a massive sword several times the size of the blade in the God of Destruction’s hand. It rained down his head.


The massive sword slashed half of the God of Destruction’s body open with a ferocious yell. Half of his arms were also reduced to ashes. The gigantic body collapsed to the ground, and blood poured like a stream. It was no longer possible to put a stop to it.

After gravely hurting the God of Destruction with a single stroke, Watson did not stop. He continued to use the Twisted Divine Persona Mask’s ability. “Perfect Envy clone.”

The clone of Absolute Envy could duplicate an enemy’s clone and inherit all kinds of abilities and thoughts. As long as the enemy’s strength did not exceed the level of a star’s brilliance, he would not be able to resist his duplication.

The clone that he had duplicated was naturally the God of Destruction. His clone was undamaged than the God of Destruction’s main body. After the clone was duplicated, the God of Destruction’s clone immediately rode on his main body, and countless arms suddenly fell, carrying a terrifying aura that could shatter stars. The clone fiercely landed on the God of Destruction’s body. The power of shock and destruction passed through his body, destroying the nearby mountains and land.

“Supernatural acceleration!”

Watson extended his hand and pointed at the clone of utter envy he had manufactured. A stream of light was discharged from each of the ten starlight-tier magical fountains over his head. Watson expanded and injected the race chess pieces into the clone’s body with the power of the race chess pieces.

The clone of Absolute Envy, who already possessed the power of a god, had absorbed the energy of ten magical fountains. It was equivalent to obtaining ten divine powers at the same time. His attacks carried the characteristics of chaos, death, Yin, and other different attributes. The destruction and vibrations alone had already left the body of the god of destruction riddled with holes.

At that moment, the God of Destruction’s main body could not endure the attacks of so many qualities. It was directly hit by the tiniest energy factor, blending into the earth and dissolving. The enormous holes on the ground, which had been bombed into disarray, demonstrated the ferocity of the battle at the time.

At the same time, the divine kingdom established by the God of Destruction began to crumble in the sky. The kingdom was littered with shards of bright bricks and tiles. The gigantic bell in front of the blindfolded giant ringing the kingdom’s bell shattered. Their bodies erupted as well, creating a cloud of blood mist.

The divine kingdom was the source of the gods’ strength. The fall of the divine monarchy revealed that the gods’ life had come to an end. The Dwarven Kingdom, a beautiful kingdom, had crashed in the sky. That scene appeared to be both gorgeous and heartbreaking.

“The gods are nothing more than that.”

Watson stood there with his hands behind his back, watching everything coldly. In his opinion, his strength should be around the peak of the starlight tier.

His natural strength was that of a demigod, but he possessed the might of several gods. Furthermore, since he had established many sources of magical power in the world, his geographical advantage enabled him to fight against ordinary gods in that world. He also had four separate peak stage starlight-tier props on him and a fused race chess piece. He could fight a peak starlight-tier god if he used all of his strength.

The God of Destruction in front of him was only at the level of an ordinary God. In his eyes, he was not his match.

The divine kingdom in the sky disintegrated rapidly as he waved his hand. In God of Destruction’s divine kingdom, a ball of black viscous liquid poured out of a crack. The concentrated black liquid wiggled, and the roar from the God of Destruction could be heard from within. Broken arms could be seen in the background.

That black liquid was the god’s remains, condensed from the power of the divine kingdom after the death of the God of Destruction. After absorbing that god’s remains, one could obtain its corresponding power if one had previously absorbed similar things. Therefore, Watson was not unfamiliar with that.

“He actually killed the god!”

At that moment, King Prussia was staring blankly at the sky, his mouth wide open and unable to speak for a long time.

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Odyssey, the Light Dragon King, had previously told him about Watson’s power. Watson would not have conquered two kingdoms and accomplished unification if he had not produced a whole new element that did not fit in that world. He had no idea that Watson’s strength was still beyond his conception.

Initially, he had summoned Watson and the others to demonstrate the power of the Dwarven Kingdom’s technology. In the end, the might of their technology was not demonstrated, and instead, Watson’s power astounded him and the dwarves.

What type of technology would they need to battle against such power to murder a god by himself?

King Prussia was conflicted as he overheard the dwarfs beside him say, “It’s nothing good, Your Majesty. Take a look at the sky. The empty expanse in the sky has grown once more. Another god is on his way in.”


King Prussia’s demeanor shifted. He hurriedly looked up at the sky and noticed that a few non-human fingers had reappeared above his head in the space tunnel that had been ripped apart by the God of Destruction. Those fingers did not appear to be from the same creature. They hooked the space passage and fiercely yanked it in all directions. A few unfathomable behemoths emerged from beyond the space passage.

One of the behemoths was entirely made of white bones. Mysterious colors flowed over the white bones. That color did not belong to any known color. As it flowed, it seemed to flow directly into the starry sky.

The other behemoth’s body was made of a wriggling mass of meat. That wriggling mass of flesh was randomly distributed, some still with facial features. It looked bizarre.

The remainder of the monsters had odd shapes as well. Some had a bug’s lower body and a human’s upper body. Some people were shining from head to toe. It was a massive sphere with the ability to emit light.

Eight monsters had broken in, and they were all gods.

“I can’t believe that the world actually has a starlight-tier tunnel that connects to the outside world.” The twisted and tangled lightning would be enough to burn the sky and penetrate the earth if it spread out.

Not far away, the god with the upper body of a human, the bottom part of an insect, and a scornful expression on his face said, “The environment is excellent here. I want a quarter of the kingdom to be turned into a nest of the void insect race.”

The void insect race was extremely strong in the divine kingdom. The void insect race had complete dominion over space and could freely travel between worlds. Not only were their reproductive capacities powerful, but even adults could reach the starlight tier.

“All of you, get out of here. I want this world.”

While the gods were disputing, the first god who came in opened his lips, his entire body covered in white bones with weird colors running on them. Rolling sound waves stretched out in all directions as the skeleton opened and closed its lips. The pain was tingling in the non-godly beings’ ears.

The gods who were bickering before the skeleton thing spoke calmed down because the skeleton-like monster was well-known in the area. It was not typical for starlight-tier gods like them. The skeleton creature was the Twilight Star Spirit. It was a great species derived from planet ruins. In their childhood, the Twilight Star Spirits were planets that appeared like any other planet.

In the worlds where their bodies evolved, there would also be life. As those living forms continued to reproduce, they would absorb knowledge and grow stronger. They would complete their planetary change when they reached adulthood. They would annihilate all life on the globe.

The color that flowed through the bones of extinct living forms would become the hue that flowed through their bones.

Those hues were ineffable and appeared hazy because they were generated by the flames of life and the light of civilization rather than by primary colors.

That magnificent lineup stunned everyone present, except for Watson, with a peak starlight-tier god as the leader and seven ordinary gods. Even Christina and some Dragon Knights’ expressions changed.

Their power was currently at the peak of diamond-tier. If they came across a starlight-tier opponent, they could fight for a time using Watson’s transmission ability. After all, there was a considerable difference between peak starlight-tier and typical starlight-tier.

Watson embodied life at the peak of the starlight tier. He had the ability to annihilate the entire world if he so desired.

“It’s over. It’s over. What should we do now? With so many gods barging in, the world will definitely be destroyed. The Dwarven Kingdom will also be finished.”

The dwarves, including King Prussia, were swarming like ants on a hot stove. Haymordinger was the most composed of the dwarfs. At that moment, he had a look of sadness on his face, and his eyes were filled with remorse. He wished he could travel back in time to the moment he showed Watson the space door. He would not have revealed it to Watson if he had known Watson would not hesitate to open the space door and open the way to the divine kingdom.

He was not only remorseful for his acts, but he was also blaming Watson in his heart. Why would he open the space door only for the sake of opening it? Did Watson not utilize his brain to consider what would happen after unlocking the door, or was Watson suspicious because he had lied?

Everyone had different thoughts, but Watson looked relatively calm standing in the sky.

One, two, three, eight—a total of eight gods. There appear to be quite a few of them, but regrettably, in terms of numbers, Watson’s side had the advantage.

Watson muttered as he opened his hands. “Globe, open the space passage to the Dwarven Kingdom! All Blackmoon Knights, heed my orders. Come when I call your name.”

Watson swiftly called Globe in his heart. He controlled Globe in the City of Steel’s underground city, and he could open spatial tunnels in every part of the world. It was sufficient to transfer all of the Blackmoon Knights over. That was also why he did not bring any Blackmoon Knights with him to the Dwarven Kingdom. Even if he did not travel through the worlds, the Blackmoon Knights would arrive there in minutes thanks to the gods’ strength.

“Blackmoon Knights, what is that?”

“No matter what it is, it is just futile resistance.”

The gods in the sky were conversing with each other, and their tone was tinged with scorn. A break erupted in the sky above Watson’s head just as they were chatting. From behind the massive hole descended a knight clad in black iron armor. The Blackmoon Knights’ First Legion’s Captain, Allen, had arrived to guard Watson.

More black-armored knights appeared behind the black-armored knight. “The Second Legion’s Captain, Liszt, and the Third Legion’s Captain, William, pay their respects to you, Your Majesty. Neither you nor the Kingdom of Kings can be destroyed.”

Following the course of the black hole, 100,000 Blackmoon Iron Knights materialized in the sky above the Dwarven Kingdom. Each of them radiated a stellar glow. The frightening auras were linked together, startling the gods and the Dwarven Kingdom’s inhabitants.

They had 100,000 gods.. When had they ever seen such a scene?

Chapter 645: Conquering The Dwarven Kingdom
“What’s going on? Why are there so many gods in the mortal world? It seems like those gods have just been upgraded and aren’t stable enough. I don’t have too much faith in them. However, it’s shocking enough to see so many gods have been upgraded in such a small world.”

One of the gods could not help but exclaim out loud when he saw the 100,000 Blackmoon Knights.

There were 100,000 gods in the small world, yet that number of gods did not shatter the world. That was something he had not expected. Initially, he had been able to enter that world because he had felt the aura leaking from that place into the divine realm. Then, he discovered the spatial passage.

It took a lot of courage for him to build a bridge between his world and the divine world. He thought he had gotten a good deal and could use the spatial passage to occupy that small world to strengthen his own power, but he was no longer certain if he could leave the world in one piece. That spatial passage was very likely deliberately opened to the divine realm, luring the gods into it.

“I’m sorry, I seem to have come to the wrong place. Mortals, continue with what you’re doing. I won’t disturb you any further.” Another void insect humanoid revealed an awkward smile. The lower half of the insect body spread its numerous legs and flew out of the world at high speed.

“You can’t leave.”

Watson squinted his eyes and motioned toward the void insect race. The 100,000 gods beside him started an attack immediately under the command of their separate commanders when the majestic divine kingdom appeared in midair.

Those Blackmoon Knights lacked the trust of others, and the divine realms had not been tempered much. They were little more than a shell. Their might was far inferior to that of the actual divine kingdoms. However, there were 100,000 Blackmoon Knights present. Even if a single person’s might was insufficient for a god, the combined strength of all of them was far greater than that of an average god.

Over 10,000 divine kingdoms surrounded each other at the time. Each divine realm radiated a distinct light corresponding to an unknown altitude in the sky. It seemed as though history’s ancient kingdoms had all descended simultaneously.

Kingdoms were linked to one another, and many powers filled the planet. Some divine kingdoms were more mundane, such as the sword and whirlwind divine kingdoms. Some were also uncommon, such as the death divine kingdoms.

Thousands of diverse powers were contained inside the numerous divine kingdoms. The void insect race that was going to leave changed color as those divine kingdoms encircled it, and more divine kingdoms appeared above their heads as well.

The divine kingdom was like a huge beehive-shaped nest. There were many giant insects with different roles working inside the nest. Some insects were shaped like mantises, holding two huge sickles in their hands. Some were like spiders, spitting out threads that weaved into a huge net in midair, and some insects were dragging their huge bellies, laying eggs.

No matter what kind of insect it was, the surface of its body had purple veins that symbolized the power of the void. The space around the body of the god of the void insect race shattered layer by layer. The space cracks were like the mouths of monsters, swallowing the Blackmoon Knights that were approaching him and the power surrounding the divine kingdom.

“Huh, a mere mortal. He has just advanced to the starlight tier, yet he thinks he can plunder the authority of a god. What a foolish dream.”

The god of the void insect race heaved a sigh of relief. His expression became malevolent. He had already decided that he would immediately call for the void insect race’s army to destroy that place as soon as he left that world.

The void insect race was a race that was similar to humans. They also had powerful reproductive abilities. The difference between them and humans was that the void insect race had a powerful reproductive ability and a powerful strength. Having both made the void insect race currently ranked in the top 100 races in the divine realm.

The number of god-tier elites of the void insect race did not exceed 100 million, but their numbers were at least ten million. Astonishingly, there were ten million gods, and they were all gods that relied on their own hard work to ascend. Thus, annihilating 100,000 small human-like gods was easy.

“What does it matter if you are a mortal? It is not as though a mortal could not slay a god! On the contrary, you demonstrated your power as a god after entering this realm. You want to go now that you have realized the situation is not right. Do you think it’s that easy?”

Watson sneered as he heard the void insect God’s words; a golden-green race chess piece floated out of his breast, and a deformed Mask of Divinity with no facial characteristics and embedded with several gemstones appeared on his face.

“I’m so jealous of my clone! Supernatural Acceleration!”

At the same time, he used the Mask of Divinity’s ability to summon clones and the fused race chess pieces. In the sky in front of Watson, next to the void insect race’s god who was fleeing at high speed, its clone appeared. If there were anything different about the new void insect race’s god that appeared, it would be that ten different elemental auras surrounded its entire body.


When the void insect race’s god’s doppelganger was in midair, its body suddenly expanded and exploded, fusing purple void energy into the surrounding space, transforming the entire space into an iron bucket. The void insect race’s god could no longer tear the space apart within that iron bucket space to devour the Blackmoon Knights’ attack. Instead, it screamed and watched as thousands of divine kingdoms crashed into his body.

The impact of hundreds of divine kingdoms caused the entire earth to tremble, and some of the tall mountains in the dwarven kingdom below crumbled under the strong shockwave, as did the ground in the deep valley.

The Dwarven Kingdom was relatively close to the quake’s epicenter, so it was severely damaged, as were the other kingdoms worldwide. The entire continental plate was in an earthquake, while the ocean outside the continent stirred up huge waves, with many areas near the sea experiencing waves that were more than ten meters high.

The world was like that. The void insect race’s god at the center of the collision had turned into a puddle of meat. The juice splattered everywhere. There appeared a puddle of pitch-black substance. Watson hooked his hand and grabbed it.

[Congratulations, Master, for obtaining a starlight-tier product. The remains of the void insect race’s god can be used to obtain the power of the void.]

Watson had just killed the God of Destruction and obtained the god’s remains. Then, he had obtained another god’s remains, and he merged the two remains without hesitation.

“Fusion system, activate.”

[Congratulations, Master, for obtaining a starlight-tier product—a Spatial-elemental Magical Source.]

A star-like purple ball of light appeared in Watson’s hand following the system notification, gradually rising into the sky and fusing with the entire world. With a magic symbol that looked like a door in the center, ten other starlight-tier magical sources appeared in the sky, with different magical elements flashing in midair.

Watson had created the eleventh magical source—spatial-elemental magical source.

[Starlight-tier product: Spatial-elemental Magical Source.]

[Effect: Spatial-elemental magical source contains spatial magic. After using it, one can obtain spatial transference, sealing, cutting, shattering, and other magical skills.]

[Additional effect: Space Immutability (after obtaining the spatial-elemental magical source, the world’s space will be permanently reinforced. Only those at peak starlight-tier will have the ability to shatter it).]

Staring at the new magical source that was slowly rising above his head, Watson reached out his right hand toward the other gods who were panicking and continuously retreating and gently clenched it.

“Spatial Seal!”

The voice was not loud, but it echoed throughout the entire area. An incomparably large arm appeared in the sky, formed entirely of purple void energy, and when it clenched, the space wherever it passed would freeze. The purple palm enveloped every god within, threatening to crush them along with the frozen space.

“Star Kingdom!”

Many gods’ expressions darkened when faced with Watson’s attack. Only the Twilight Star Spirit bones, whose entire body was covered in a strange color, moved their chin. Starlight burst from the surface of his body and fused into a colorful, turbid divine kingdom in midair.

Turbid and gorgeous—those two seemingly contradictory characteristics were reflected in the same divine kingdom. The divine kingdom summoned by the Twilight Star Spirit was different from the other divine kingdoms. Calling it a divine kingdom was better than calling it a planet. There were many kingdoms on a planet. Various people lived in their respective kingdoms and fought against each other.

The cycle of reincarnation did not stop, and that powerful force spread in all directions when Watson used the spatial sealing hand created by the fusion of the spatial elemental magic source. Cracks appeared in front of that power of reincarnation, and it shattered into tiny purple crystal shards in the air when Watson used the spatial sealing hand created by the fusion of the spatial-elemental magical source.

The space passage above his head was revealed. Twilight Star Spirit’s deep skull eye sockets flickered with light. Even if there was no flesh and blood, one could see the joy in his heart.

The other gods behind him were even more ecstatic; they had just descended into that world from outside the space passage, and they could not wait to take everything in that world for themselves. They could not wait to leave that place as soon as possible; their state of mind had changed drastically in a short period.

Watson did not continue to attack when he saw that the numerous gods were preparing to leave that realm under the guidance of the Twilight Star Spirit; instead, he placed his hands behind his back, and a tinge of mockery came into his eyes.

“Molecular deceleration!”

A cold female voice came from the sky’s end, and the entire sky, including the space passage, was frozen by the cold, solid ice. The sky was a layer of azure-blue solid ice, reflecting everything below. Nia stepped on the cold air and came over. Her black dress fluttered along with her graceful curves.

Six massive wings composed of many wings gently extended out behind her, covering the sky, and the sky-blue eyes on her lovely face were as difficult to look at as the ice that had been summoned. A tremendous starlight-tier aura spread from her body.

Nia used to be the King of Angels, but she was not like the Blackmoon Knights. After being raised to the starlight tier by Watson, the strength she could unleash far exceeded that of that tier. After all, she was only at gold-tier previously and could already unleash the might of gods.

Even a peak starlight-tier existence would have to kneel in front of the power of a king.

Nia’s strength, according to Watson, might be even greater than his; she was one of his trump cards.

“Who is that girl, and why is the power she emits so strong? Furthermore, the aura emanating from her body makes me feel a little familiar.” In a trance, a god glanced in the direction of Nia and whispered softly.

“I also feel like she’s very familiar. I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere before,” another god said.

Just as those gods were perplexed and unsure of the girl’s identity in front of them, the Twilight Star Spirit took a step forward. The skeleton’s chin opened and closed with great amplitude. “You’re… Don’t tell me you used to dominate this territory. The brightness of your wings is sufficient to illuminate the many heavens and kingdoms. Right? Are you the King of Angels who sits atop the frozen throne?”

King of Angels!

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Hearing the Twilight Star Spirit’s words, the remaining gods looked at Nia again, carefully sizing her up. At that time, the more they looked, the more surprised they were. The crown formed by the angel halo on Nia’s head was beautiful, but the light emitted from the angel wings on her body was not something ordinary angels could compare to in terms of intensity or brightness. In addition, the aura emitted from her body was enough to make them submit. She was definitely the King of Angels.

It was unfathomable that a powerful sovereign-tier elite, the top commander of a race, would appear in such a small world.

In response to the Twilight Star Spirit’s question, Nia responded slowly, “King of Angels, that was my name in the past, but I have not used it in a long time. My current name is Nia, and I am only a handmaiden by Young Master Watson’s side.”

“A handmaiden? Really?”

It was not just the other gods who were surprised at the time; the Twilight Star Spirit was as well. Why was the King of Angels serving a human as a handmaiden? What kind of human being would have such great prestige? Or was the human not simple? He could be the son of a certain race’s reincarnated god.

The Twilight Star Spirit could not help but look in the direction of Watson and gritted his teeth. When he first entered that world, he had not expected Watson to have such a strong background, just as the King of Angels was already a supreme existence that he could not afford to offend. Then, there seemed to be an important figure who was even stronger than the King of Angels.

He had no idea what was happening in that small world; how could so many significant figures be assembled if there were also 100,000 gods? Could that small world be the backyard of a particular god-king?

The Twilight Star Spirit did not fly toward the frozen sky longer as he thought in his heart, knowing that in the face of the power of the King of angels, even if he used all of his strength to bombard the frozen spot for a day and a night, he might not be able to blast it open.

After a brief pause, he bowed and knelt to the ground, lowering his massive head. “Greetings to the King of Angels and the Master of the King of Angels. I have entered this world by mistake, and I have no intention of harming the people here. I hope the King of Angels and your master can be magnanimous and spare my life.”

“We did not intend to come here either.”

When the other gods saw how the Twilight Star Spirit was so courteous, they realized they should not be foolish and began to protect themselves.

“No matter how you entered this world, since you are here, don’t think of leaving so easily. I won’t kill you, but you must stay and work for me,” Watson said with a smile. The content of his calm tone was shocking.

He had never detained a god to work for him. Even in the ancient times when gods were rampant, gods were still high and mighty and would not be treated as slaves.

Watson’s comments enraged a god whose entire body was like a ball of streaming flesh. He appeared afraid. “How can I be the subordinate to a mortal? I would rather die here if you want me to aid you with your task.”

As he spoke, the flowing meatball surged toward Watson, growing larger as it traveled and the facial features on the meatball’s surface converged around the center.

“The Divine Kingdom of Flesh and Blood!”

The meatball belonged to the Flesh Mountain Demon King race, which had almost infinite life. When they were born, they were giant meatballs that grew rapidly. When the Flesh Mountain Demon King race was young, their entire body was the size of a small hill, but when they were adults, they could turn their flesh into the size of a world.

An entire planet’s worth of flesh and blood. One would think that a powerful attack on such a world would be difficult to penetrate, but the weight of flesh and blood alone was enough to crush the world. Furthermore, the Flesh Mountain Demon King clan possessed another ability. They could store non-fatal attacks and release them after stacking them.

That characteristic of absorbing attacks and counter attacking made the Flesh Mountain Demon King clan one of the top 100 entities in the entire divine kingdom.

At that moment, the Flesh Mountain Demon King’s god summoned the divine kingdom that belonged to it, and his body swelled to the limit and overlapped with the divine kingdom. A world made entirely of flesh and blood appeared and landed in front of Watson, descended with thunderous momentum in the direction of the Dwarven Kingdom.

It was easy to envision that if such a massive body landed on the Dwarven Kingdom, it would crush the entire kingdom.

“Molecular acceleration.”

Watson smiled and extended out his finger, a light spot appearing from his fingertip and floating toward the surface of the Flesh Mountain Demon King’s body as he looked up at the big lump of flesh over his head.

The Flesh Mountain Demon King’s God looked down on it, laughing in his heart at Watson’s futile efforts because he knew how powerful his defense was. Even the Twilight Star Spirit could not break through his defense; even the King of Angels’ molecular deceleration could only freeze it, not kill it directly.

None of that could harm him; only a light dot launched by the demigod Watson could. Furthermore, as long as a bit of tissue remained in his body, he could be restored by ingesting more objects.

Just as the god of the Flesh Mountain Demon King was contemplating that, the light spot collided with his body, causing a loud noise. The light spot expanded and ignited his body, instantly turning him into a pile of ashes; the power that exploded from the light spot had surpassed peak starlight-tier.

“How could that be?”

Fear gripped the god of the Flesh Mountain Demon King clan. He tried to say something, but his body had already melted along with the burning flames before he could open his mouth. He intended to demonstrate his tremendous defense in front of Watson, then utilize the Flesh Mountain Demon King clan’s reputation to terrify them. He was not scared Watson would not be merciful. The case’s progress had been beyond his expectations.

The gods present were silent as they watched the god of the Flesh Mountain Demon King clan burn to ashes with a flick of Watson’s finger.

“It’s a pity that you made the wrong decision.”

Watson blew on his finger. The molecular acceleration of the human race could accelerate energy and allow energy to be transferred from other people’s bodies. He had just transferred the energy in 100,000 Blackmoon Iron Knights’ bodies to himself. Only then would he be able to kill the god of the Flesh Mountain Demon King clan instantly.

He turned around to face the other gods in the sky. Watson said, “I want you to become my servants. Who agrees to this? And who disagrees?”

“I agree.”

“I agree as well.”

The gods, led by the Twilight Star Spirit, agreed one after the other. They no longer dared to resist after seeing the killing of the Flesh Mountain Demon King. The god of the Flesh Mountain Demon King’s defense was far superior to theirs. Watson annihilated them all with a single finger. It would most likely be enough to wipe them out with a single breath.

They were left with only one emotion in their hearts, and that was remorse. They would not have barged in if they had realized there were so many gods living in that small world.

“Since everyone agrees, there is nothing else to say. I will delegate a task to you. What you must do is quite simple. Later, when you return to the skies, get more gods to access that location. I will let you go if you can get a hundred gods. There will be a reward if you exceed that amount. But do not blame me for being impolite if you choose to flee! Nia, please assist me in reopening the frozen passage in the sky caused by molecular deceleration!”

Watson waved his hand, and Nia immediately removed the frozen ice.

“I wonder what’s the reward if we bring in more than a hundred gods?” the Twilight Star Spirit inquired cautiously.

If Watson’s reward was good enough, he should try to entice some gods. Even the Flesh Mountain Demon King’s race and the void insect race could not compete with the Twilight Star Spirit as one of the top hundred powerful races in the heavenly realm. However, it was not as though they did not have foes. The race known as the World Devourers was their most formidable foe.

World Devourers had bodies like black holes and were also world-elemental life forms. Their way of survival was to devour other worlds continuously. Many Twilight Star Spirits had yet to reach adulthood, but they were already being devoured by world devourers as if they were a world, causing the two races to fight constantly.

Given how powerful that small world was, killing them would be deemed retaliation for his clansmen if he could entice some world devourers to visit.

While they were deep in thought, the Twilight Star Spirit heard Watson say, “My reward is very simple. I can help you raise your levels and help you obtain peak starlight-tier tools or even the sovereign-tier ones. ”

“Peak starlight-tier tools or even the sovereign-tier ones? Is that true? ” The gods’ breathing became heavy.

“Is that true?”

They realized how tough it was to advance their tier after becoming gods. They could go for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of years with no change in strength.

“Of course, I’m telling the truth. Otherwise, why do you think the King of Angels is working for me? Why do you think there are 100,000 gods in this world?”

Watson’s forceful statements made the gods appear skeptical. Initially, many gods were ready to flee without saying anything once Watson allowed them to leave that world, but they were willing to give it a shot.

After arranging the gods’ work, Watson directed Nia to bring those gods to the divine kingdom and allow them to attract new gods from outside their world. Nia was in charge of overseeing that. Watson leaped down and returned to the Dwarven Kingdom.

The Invention Competition that was initially in progress had become a mess because of the appearance of the gods. Many inventions were crushed and dropped to the ground when the dwarves were escaping, and the number of damaged items was innumerable. The undamaged items were also buried in a pile of scrap metal that was like a mountain of garbage, and they were difficult to find.

Watson kicked several broken inventions at his feet and proceeded directly to the Dwarf King, who was backed by a slew of ministers. Your Majesty, the Dwarven Kingdom’s Invention Competition is not yet over. Let us proceed.”

“Your Majesty, you must be joking. Continue? How can we continue now?”

King Prussia’s lips twitched, and a bitter smirk came on his face. He wanted to continue, but the conference hall had been destroyed.

“Your Majesty, since you have no plans to continue the competition, I am likewise tired of fighting against the gods right now. Later, I will return to the Kingdom of Kings’ with the Blackmoon Knights and Dragon Knights.” Watson bowed to King Prussia. He turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait!” Haymordinger, who was not far away from the Dwarf King, stretched out his hand and stopped him.

“King Watson, now that the space passage has opened, the Dwarven Kingdom and the divine kingdom are connected. It’s not good for you to leave before that problem is solved, right?”

“What’s not good about it?”

Watson’s face displayed an incomprehensible expression. “The Dwarven Kingdom appears to be incredibly powerful. I saw several innovative inventions at the conference. Even the gods do not frighten the Kingdom of Kings. Will the Dwarven Kingdom, which possesses these inventions, fear them?”

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When Haymordinger and Prussia heard those remarks, they were powerless to contradict them. If Watson had stated such comments before the gods’ invasion, they must have thought that the Dwarven Kingdom’s technology had persuaded Watson. At that point, they felt as if they were being mocked when they heard that.

After witnessing the gods’ might, they realized they lacked the ability to fight the gods, let alone the Kingdom of Kings, who possessed an army of 100,000 gods. Their plan to utilize the might of technology to scare the Kingdom of Kings was doomed from the start.

“Your Majesty, let’s not beat around the bush. Let me be straightforward. A passage connecting the divine kingdom has appeared in the sky above the Dwarven Kingdom. I’m afraid that we will not be able to live like that. I hope that you can help us solve this problem.”

Haymordinger lowered his head and swallowed his anger.

He had just seen Nia freeze the void in the sky, stopping the gods from departing. They could not enter because the gods could not leave. Unfortunately, the space channel he built was only half-complete. Despite its power to link to the divine realm, it could not be closed.

“I can help, but I can’t help you for free.”

“What would you like in return, Your Majesty? As long as you help to close the passage to the divine kingdom, we will reward you handsomely.”

“I don’t want much either. I will help close the passage connecting the Dwarven Kingdom to the divine kingdom. If the Dwarven Kingdom wants to merge with the Kingdom of Kings and become a part of my kingdom, or if you hand over the dwarf race chess piece to me, I can keep the autonomy of the Dwarven Kingdom.”

“Your Majesty, your conditions are too excessive.”

The other dwarfs had already refuted it indignantly without waiting for King Prussia to speak.

Watson’s terms were the same whether the Dwarven Kingdom was merged with the Kingdom of Kings or the dwarf race chess piece was handed over. If they handed the race’s chess pieces, the dwarven race would suffer much more. They would follow Watson’s commands in the future.

“Now, you are asking for my help. I don’t care. I can opt to do nothing. You can count on your luck then.”

Watson spread his hands. Without even looking at the dwarven ministers, he turned around and was about to leave.

The Dwarf King said dejectedly, “Wait! Your Majesty, I accede to your request. I can give you the dwarven race chess pieces.”

“Your Majesty, you can’t!”

“The dwarven race chess piece is our race’s treasure. If you hand it over to a human, would we be their slaves in the future?”

The dwarves spoke hurriedly, and many of the dwarves were interrupted by King Prussia before they could finish their words.

“Enough! Be quiet. We might be enslaved if we hand over the dwarven chess piece, but we will not be annihilated in a short time. We shall be destroyed quickly if we do not hand them up and face the invasion of the gods, and we may not be able to keep the race chess piece then anyway! If you are determined to challenge this, then please tell me what other option you have besides turning over the chess pieces. How can you fend against the invading gods?”

King Prussia’s beard fluttered in the wind as he spoke, and he looked around with dignity. All the dwarves who felt his gaze lowered their heads and did not dare speak. They knew that King Prussia’s judgment was indeed the best choice at that moment.

There was something that Prussia did not say, and that was that the dwarven race chess piece had been passed down from ancient times for tens of thousands of years. Even the ancient Dwarf King had never truly controlled that chess piece. If he could not truly master the chess piece, he could not command the dwarves. Even if Watson obtained the dwarven race chess piece, he might not be able to tap into its power.

With that thought, he waved his hand behind him and said, “We always stand by our words. Since we have agreed, that dwarven race chess piece is now yours.”

The dwarven race chess piece, which had been covered by a massive protective barrier behind the Dwarf King, suddenly separated from the protective barrier and transformed into a chess piece the size of a fist that flew in the direction of Watson.

Watson reached out and caught the dwarf chess piece. The dwarf chess piece, made of three flying stars that did not collide with each other, revolved in his palm. It had a high-tech aura.

According to the Dwarf King’s explanation and Haymordinger’s demonstration, he had a good understanding of the power inherent in that chess piece. As a result, after obtaining the chess piece, he acted quickly and started the fusion mechanism.

The original golden-green chess piece that had fused the elven and human race chess pieces had changed once more after adding the Dwarven Kingdom’s chess piece.

The fist-sized chess pieces emitted three-colored lights. Around each chess piece was a human face that was constantly changing, a miniature World Tree, and a satellite filled with a sense of technology.

[Congratulations, Master, for fusing three different races’ chess pieces and obtaining the chess piece of the future human race.]

[Sovereign-tier Item: Future Human Chess Piece.]

[Effect: possesses the human, elven, and dwarven chess pieces’ respective effects.]

[Additional effect: Future Acceleration (the fusion effect of the three chess pieces can accelerate the molecular power and send it to the future, allowing one’s power to synchronize with one’s future self. Similarly, it can send items to the future and obtain a more powerful effect).]

A layer of time aura was applied to the evolved race chess pieces. There was a collapsed black tunnel connecting the three races, but no one understood what it was connected to.

The fused chess piece had gotten stronger after combining with the dwarven race chess piece.

Watson’s eyes, which housed everything in the world, became brighter as he felt the history of the dwarves’ innovations that flowed into his head apart from the power of the chess piece.

He had arrived from the modern era. Therefore, he was well aware of the dwarven chess piece’s potency. That degree of comprehension even surpassed his comprehension of the use of the human chess piece.

That pistol was nothing like the dwarves’ Handheld Magical Cannon. It was entirely a technology item.

Holding the handgun, Watson fired a shot at the ground, mimicking the firing posture in his memory. Immediately, a smoking bullet hole appeared on the ground.

“That’s right. As long as it is a technology in my memory, I can design it through the dwarven chess piece. I can even create some illusory technological products. The prerequisite is that there must be theoretical support.”

Watson tossed the gun he was holding. A pistol’s destructive force may most likely demolish a gold-tier warrior’s fighting aura barrier. It was of no service to him. The most essential thing he was going to make next was the most important thing he would create.

A massive turntable emerged in front of him with a wave of his palm. The turntable stood on the ground and continued to spin. Since there was no air in or around it, the turntable’s speed could not be faster or slower.

That was what Watson wanted to create—a perpetual motion machine.

That kind of thing existed only in principle in the world he was in, but since he had the dwarven chess piece, he could make that instrument. It would continue to rotate with no loss of energy.

He opened his right hand again after testing with the perpetual motion machine, and two fist-sized explosives emerged in his grasp, which he flung into the sky.

Two muffled sounds were heard in quick succession. It was as if two suns had emerged in the sky, and space appeared to be on the verge of being perforated and becoming unstable.

Watson built those two bombs to be perfect atomic bombs. In principle, as long as nuclear fission is precisely regulated, the strength of the atomic bomb’s explosion is maximized, and no pollutants were formed after the eruption. Nuclear fusion worked on the same premise. When the reactor was large enough, the power of those two reactions was equal to that of molecular acceleration.

If Watson created a bomb the size of a planet and exploded it correctly, the energy released would be enough to obliterate numerous galaxies and even transcend peak starlight-tier. Watson, of course, did not have as many resources at the time.

“I’ve used the power of the dwarven chess piece. Next, I’ll try the power of combining the three chess pieces.”

The power of the dwarven chess piece was absolute technology. As long as the theory was valid, it could be converted into technology.

After the fusing, Watson mumbled and activated the future acceleration. The power in his body vanished almost instantaneously. Then, behind him, a pitch-black tunnel appeared. In the tunnel, arrows were pointing at him. Unfathomable amounts of power were poured into his body.

That power was derived from the future. His tier was instantaneously lifted to the starlight tier after entering his body. His aura grew stronger as the golden crown on his head doubled in size. The number of thorns on the crown increased, as did the number of forks.

The starlight robe on his body turned into starlight armor. A long cloak that looked like a nebula fell behind him.

Twenty-four large balls of light flew out of the tunnel and drifted behind him when he changed his garments. Each ball of light possessed the power of a top-tier star. If one examined closely, they would notice that those were not light balls at all, but rather magical source balls. The magical source in Watson’s body that the future had accelerated was more than twice as powerful as the eleven magical sources in the world.

After sensing it roughly, he felt elemental properties he had never seen before, such as poison, lightning, ice, and spirit.

In that world, lightning and ice-elemental magical sources could be made utilizing water and fire components. However, it was a unique magical source that could only be obtained by altering a layer, and it would be lost throughout the transition process. Those two magical sources would be substantially boosted with the assistance of the magical source.

Watson wore a massive crown, and the cloak over the back of his armor swayed. The 24 magical sources combined in his hand transformed into a 24-colored holy cannon. It was huge and tyrannical to the extreme.

The dwarves were stunned. Even though they did not quite comprehend that Watson had just created a pistol and a perfect nuclear bomb, they could at least understand it. They knew that Watson was developing cutting-edge technology. However, they could not understand Watson at all at that moment. They only felt submissive when enveloped in his aura.

“That aura… the King of the Kingdom of Kings has completely controlled the dwarven chess piece.” King Prussia, the Dwarf King, had a conflicted expression on his face.

A human had controlled the dwarven chess piece, which no dwarves had ever done. Was that fate?

“Your Majesty, what should we do now? ” The usually resourceful Haymordinger was also panicking at that moment. The aura emanating from Watson’s body made him unable to resist. If not for the fact that he still had a trace of rationality, he had already knelt toward Watson.

“Don’t call me that anymore. The current Dwarf King is the King of the Kingdom of kings. He is the new king of the dwarves now that he has control over the dwarven chess piece.”

King Prussia sighed; he had a complicated look on his face. He gritted his teeth and was the first to kneel to Watson. He took off his crown and lowered his proud head. “Greetings to His Majesty, the Dwarf King Watson. Long live His Majesty.”

“Greetings to His Majesty, the new Dwarf King!”

Seeing Prussia kneeling, the other dwarves also knelt toward Watson. Soon, the venue was filled with dwarves. Their voices joined and soared into the sky..

המשך קריאה

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