My Fusion System: Fusing a Th...

By ZNDY123

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Traversing into a Fantasy World, Watson became the youngest son of a run-down baron, ranked eight in the fami... More



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By ZNDY123

Chapter 551: King Landhar III’s Friends
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Inside the planetary fortress...

“What happened?”

While the Planetary Fortress Army fought the invaders outside, the citizens inside the fortress were also affected by the battle. They had surprised expressions on their faces as they glanced at the sky over their heads. The sky had been tinted orange. The surroundings were flooded with light and fire as far as the eye could see. The scalding airwaves slammed into the defensive barrier outside the planetary fortress. Even though it was blocked, they could still feel the burning heat.

The blinding light jolted everyone so hard they could not open their eyes. The three massive divine kingdoms concealed in the explosion and light formed an enormous phantom, and the pressure it emitted made people quiver from the depths of their hearts.

While everyone else was frightened, King Landhar III stood on the roof of a palace in the planetary fortress, his hands behind his back, squinting to stare at the sky.

“Your Majesty, a fight has occurred outside the city. The assailant must be at least starlight-tier, based on the intensity of the attack. Your Majesty, it’s best if you don’t stand here and watch. To avoid getting injured, please go into the palace and hide for a while.”

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A deep male voice came from behind King Landhar III. It was Hoen, who lowered his head respectfully.

“It makes no difference. I am not so weak as to die as a result of a conflict.” King Landhar III motioned with his hand. On the surface, his reaction sounded dignified, but in his heart, he thought, ‘I have waited so long. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The elves have already taken action. It is time for me to go out and execute my strategy! I am not sure how many elves have arrived. I hope they have more so they can survive a little longer.’

“Hoen, I want to watch the battle from a closer distance! In the past two days, Watson had changed the terrain of the entire Holy Dragon Kingdom, and he had brought the golden river into every city. He had also created an indestructible barrier like the nine planetary fortresses. There is no doubt that the Holy Dragon Kingdom would become the world’s overlord. I saw many cities on the kingdom’s borders. When Watson told the residents that the planetary fortresses were created to protect them, they had looked at him with so much respect and emotions.”

Watson successfully explained the creation and use of the planetary fortress to the people in those cities due to King Landhar III’s presence.

The residents regarded Watson more highly than King Landhar III. The latter could not achieve a miracle like the former, whose defensive magic covered the entire Holy Dragon Kingdom, especially since he had built nine tiers of defensive barrier.

Those citizens respected Watson. They believed that the fortress city took advantage of the chance to disseminate the church’s teachings in those cities, which had lost their purpose due to the seven gods. The church began to function anew with their assistance.

Watson had also planted the intelligence personnel from the Severed Fingers gang in those cities. The two men he had just recruited, Duke Piggy and Deena, were in those cities, helping to build an intelligence network for Elven.

The Severed Fingers Gang’s intelligence network was known as the Omniscient House. The Omniscient House was not built underground or in a secret location; it was the middle of several shops in the city center’s streets. Nobody could recognize the Omniscient House apart from other stores from the outside.

Watson’s idea was straightforward. Since he had united the Dragon Palace, the Holy Dragon Kingdom’s transportation had grown more convenient. It would become even more convenient in the future after the mass manufacture of deep-sea submarines. What would have usually happened? It would have taken ten days to a month for the news to reach the kingdom’s outskirts. Things had changed. Even if one did not have any magical technology, the information could reach one in a few hours at most.

A kingdom would benefit from greatly accelerated information transmission.

The ruler, King Landhar III, obviously comprehended it as well. Many of the Holy Dragon Kingdom’s officials were initially upset with abandoning the three princes and choosing Watson as the future king. Those ministers, though, were debating when he would abdicate. They obviously could not wait for Watson to become King.

“He made the golden river, tamed the sea folks and the dragons, and is currently repelling the elven army and rebuilding the Holy Dragon Kingdom’s barriers. His Highness Watson has accomplished a great deal. Of course, his current accomplishments are entirely due to His Majesty’s direction. Watson would be a nobody at the border if it were not for His Majesty’s discerning eyes and selecting Watson from among the innumerable geniuses in the Holy Dragon Kingdom.”

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Do you honestly believe Watson was promoted by me, Hoen?”

King Landhar III shook his head, a peculiar smile on his face, and remarked, “‘Gold sparkles wherever it is—that’s an old proverb in the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Even if Watson remains at the border, he will become renowned at some point. I am pleased that he came from the border rather than another kingdom. This is going to give me a headache! Okay, I will stop talking gibberish to you. I am going to leave right now. If someone asks, simply inform them that I am sleeping in my room.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Hoen agreed with a lowered head. When he looked up, the king had vanished. His pupils contracted before they returned to normal.

King Landhar III had left, but he instructed Hoen to lie and say he was asleep. He was obviously plotting something, and he was already used to it.

“I wonder what His Majesty is doing. Is this related to Watson?” Hoen muttered softly. He would not have cared about such things in the past, but his mood was somewhat different.

Perhaps it would be best that Watson became the Holy Dragon Kingdom’s next king.

He was one of the few persons in the capital who knew Watson. He had watched Watson’s growth and the expansion of the capital from the beginning to the present. Previously, the capital lacked any platinum-tier weapons or potions that could turn someone platinum-tier. They had increased not only their strength but also the quality of their lives. He, too, would visit the Holy Dragon Tavern on occasion to sample the sun fruit and moon fruit wines.

It could be argued that the changes in the city had been more significant in the short months Watson had been there than in the decades of King Landhar III’s rule. If that trend persisted, nobody could foretell how affluent the Holy Dragon Kingdom would become. Even though Hoen was the King’s devoted supporter, he thought Watson would make an excellent king.

“If only Watson and His Majesty could set aside their animosity and work together to create a lovely future. That way, I would not have to worry about it.”

Hoen muttered to himself, a disappointed grimace on his face. Suddenly, a huge boom erupted from above his head. King Landhar III, who was wearing a black robe, was on fire. He flew down and stroked the flames on his body. Two other persons dressed in dark cloaks had emerged too. They were elves, judging from the pointed ears under the cloak.

“Your Majesty, didn’t you go watch the battle up close? Why are you back?” Hoen widened his eyes and asked, “And those are—”

King Landhar III calmly extinguished the flames on his body. “It is nothing. I was too close, so the intruders’ magic almost hit me. As for those people, they are my friends. They were watching the battle with me in the air and were also affected! We will continue watching from another place later. You stay here and don’t ask any questions. ”

As he spoke, King Landhar III flew to the back of the planetary fortress with his friends. Hoen was speechless. He ran to the back of the planetary fortress and watched the battle. Even though his line of sight was blocked, he knew His Majesty’s friends were elves.

Who would believe him?

Chapter 552: Common Enemy
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“That location is quite secure. You are welcome to stay here for the time being,” King Landhar III said softly as he walked to the front of a reasonably inconspicuous palace on the planetary fortress. An ice-cold cutting blade materialized behind his back and was put against his neck with a whoosh.

“Why did you bring us into the city, Human King? What do you have in mind?”

The person who spoke was a lovely lady with short green hair that swayed in the breeze. She wore a mask over her exquisite face, displaying only her narrow almond-shaped eyes. It was Delta, the leader of the elven assassination group.

Beta had just summoned the skeleton army to fight the planetary fortress while she led her other subordinates to sneak into the planetary fortress.

Beta was insane, but he was not a moron. He appeared to be insane, but he had a soft heart. He purposefully enticed the army to flee the planetary fortress. Then, in a bold move that misled others, he blasted a dazzling light mingled with flames. It was to conceal the identities of their companions. Delta saw Beta’s intention and chose to cooperate.

‘Even if Beta intends to cover for us, isn’t that going too far? He is up against the entire city on his own. He is desperate to learn more about the fortress city and destroy it! Furthermore, I didn’t anticipate finding over a thousand dragons lurking in a city that moves on its own. It would not have been simple for us to enter this city if His Majesty had not improved our strength,’ Delta thought as she placed the sword in her hand against King Landhar III’s neck.

She had led the elves to the planetary fortress entrance when she noticed a starlight barrier similar to the one outside. She saw King Landhar III fly out of the protective barrier just as she was pondering how she could break through it.

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King Landhar III was taken aback when he saw them. He chose not to fight them. Instead, he just murmured, “Follow me.” Then, he retreated within the protected barrier.

Delta was well acquainted with King Landhar III as one of the best elven assassins. In her room, there were numerous portraits of King Landhar III. They were portraits taken from various perspectives. She had gathered so many portraits because she needed to authenticate the target’s identification from several viewpoints. Even if the opponent disguised himself with magic or other means, she would be able to identify him.

The elven assassins had always wanted to assassinate King Landhar III as the Elven King had set that goal. The Elven King frequently put King Landhar III’s image on the training grounds so the warriors could use that as target practice. Other portraits also hung in his chamber. For some reason, the portraits were frequently damp, and many elves assumed it was due to the sculpture’s unique material. A guard then told them that it was because the Elven King frequently spat at them.

In brief, the Elven King despised King Landhar III, and many elves did not think well of him. Delta was surprised to see King Landhar III as soon as she entered the nine layers of enchantment. Capturing the genuine person and tying him up to be spat on by the Elven King was definitely better than a sculpture.

“Lady, I brought all of you to the city to save you! And your goal should be to infiltrate the city, correct? From the looks of it, I helped you all, and instead of being grateful, you attacked me. Is that appropriate?

“Stop putting on airs, Human Emperor. You are attempting to use your comments to relax my guard and then take advantage of the opportunity to flee. Don’t think you will succeed! Even though you are not our target, I believe His Majesty will reward us for capturing you.”

Delta cocked her brow. An assassin like her, who had received professional training, would not be persuaded by the opposing party’s rhetoric.

“That conversation, sadly, will not continue. I am here to speak because I have something to say, not because I am afraid of you. Otherwise, I would have killed you with simply a wave of my hand.”

“Stop bragging.”

Delta flexed her arm and sketched a silver-white trajectory with her dagger, a cold glare in her eyes. She wished to sever King Landhar III’s throat to see if he would still be so arrogant. At the time, some of the assassins who had come after them had transformed into mythological creatures capable of healing. King Landhar III could be saved as long as he did not die instantly.

It did not matter if King Landhar III died. They would still get some reward even if he did. It was also quite beneficial.


Blood splashed as a cold light flared.

“Argh!” Delta took two steps backward, holding her neck. Her face was filled with astonishment. Blood oozed from a long wound on her neck. On the other hand, King Landhar III, who stood in front of her, looked at her with pity. He was not hurt.

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“I have told you that I am speaking to you out of kindness, not fear. I will use that chance to wake you up.”

A layer of scarlet light appeared on King Landhar III’s body when he spoke. That was a serious intention to kill. Countless screams could be heard from within, forming a long sword in mid-air. That was the weapon that had just severed Delta’s neck. One would go insane just staring at it.

Protect Lady Delta and kill the human emperor!”

The two elves behind Delta were similarly taken aback by the abrupt change. Their expressions had darkened. Delta had chosen the two of them as they were her trusted aides; no one knew what dangers awaited them in that city. Outside, the remaining troops were still waiting. King Landhar III would not be so proud if there were a hundred mythological creatures there.

The two elves gritted their teeth and cursed as they charged toward King Landhar III. One of them gradually became transparent and shattered into bits, transforming into a raging storm. At the same time, the other elve’s skin became green, the lower half of his body transformed into a massive flower, and its roots penetrated the earth.

When the two elves moved, they exuded the tremendous aura of mythical creatures. One became the wind giant race, while the other became the ancient tree spirit. The former could control the storm, while the latter could absorb anything it came into contact with and emit various types of pollen.

After their transformation, the massive flower beneath the ancient tree spirit shook violently, revealing a covering of colorful pollen that flew toward King Landhar III as a result of its companion’s storm. It engulfed him.

Some pollen could cause people to fall asleep, while others could pierce into their stomachs. The two elves breathed a sigh of relief when they saw King Landhar III engulfed by pollen.

Suddenly, the pollen and the storm were blown away with a muffled sound. A crimson glow encircled king Landhar III, and he walked upon a massive boat that floated out from within. A storm was raging around the boat. Each storm was surrounded by energy arrowheads pointed squarely at the elves. The elves’ attacks had backfired even before reaching King Landhar III. They were thrown more than ten meters backward as they vomited blood.

“I can now use the power that the Holy Dragon Kingdom’s seven gods gave me! You should be aware of the chasm that exists between you and me. Can you hear what I am saying?”

“What do you want, Human Emperor?”

Delta massaged her neck. A layer of bright flames emerged on her severed neck. The wound vanished soon after it was burned. Even if she lacked the Phoenix’s power, she could heal by relying on the Spring of Life’s abilities.

King Landhar III appeared unsurprised, as though he had predicted the outcome. He smiled. “I want the same thing all of you wanted. You realize that the invasion on the Holy Dragon Kingdom involves the elves and the Winter Nation, right? This is the first time in history that two kingdoms have banded together in a fight. I am wondering if I have the opportunity to join in and build an alliance with the two kingdoms to battle a common enemy.”

“I think you are insane.” Delta shook her head. The elves and the Winter Nation had allied with the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Why would the Holy Dragon Kingdom possibly want to participate in that? If the three kingdoms could form an alliance, the fight would not have occurred in the first place.

King Landhar III mentioned a common enemy. The enemy of one’s enemy should be regarded as a friend.

Delta was perplexed when she heard King Landhar III’s words.

“Perhaps I’ll explain since you are confused. We have a common enemy, and his name is Watson! With him around, you won’t be able to invade the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and I will also lose my throne. I tried to deal with him on my own, but I failed. I must borrow some strength from the Elven Kingdom and the Winter Nation.. If we were to join forces, the situation might end differently.”

Chapter 553: Watson Made His Move

Delta had a perplexed expression on her face. She was adamant about that adolescent named Watson because it was the purpose of her journey. She had explicitly asked around before arriving at the fortress city. Watson was publicly recognized as the Holy Dragon Kingdom’s strongest genius and, at the same time, the kingdom’s future king.

He was King Landhar III’s chosen heir, but it appeared that King Landhar III was dissatisfied with Watson. He had referred to Watson as an enemy, which was unthinkable to her.

“King Landhar III wants to join forces with the elves and another human kingdom to deal with a genius in his own kingdom. Is he crazy? Or is he trying to fool me?” Delta grumbled softly.

If a genius like Watson had arisen in the Elven Kingdom, the Elven King would have worshiped him diligently. How could he be so different from King Landhar III? She questioned the human emperor’s words.

“You don’t believe me? Indeed, an exceptional genius had appeared in my kingdom. I should be happy, yet that individual put my life in danger. Things are no longer the same. As I previously stated, if Watson lived, the Holy Dragon Kingdom would never be mine. My life would be in jeopardy.”

As if he had seen through Delta’s thoughts, King Landhar III narrowed his eyes and retracted the various divine powers that were shining on his body.

“I was forced to facilitate Watson as my heir! You may not believe me right now, but I can show you that your plot to conquer the Holy Dragon Kingdom will undoubtedly fail. I will assure your safety in exchange for relaying my words to the Elven King.”

“Human Emperor, you are far too arrogant. If you believe that we are the only ones who have attacked the fortress city, then you are mistaken.”

Aside from Delta, the other two elves had likewise reverted to their original elven forms. Their wounds were continually healing due to the impact of the Spring of Life.

They had evolved under the elven race chess pieces and became powerful mythical creatures. The invasion would fail because there were too few people entering the city. In addition, they had also misjudged King Landhar III’s strength. They had never expected that the king of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, who had always been rumored to be weak, would be so powerful. However, as long as the elves attacked together, King Landhar III would still not be a match for them.

They did not even require all those elves. Beta would be able to conquer King Landhar III by himself.

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King Landhar III was clearly at a disadvantage, yet he boasted shamelessly that he wanted to protect their safety and even wanted them to send a message to the Elven King. Was that not amusing?

“It seems like you did not listen to what I said. Forget it; words are useless. You can just stay here and watch. Why do you think I say that you will fail? Why is Watson our common enemy?”

King Landhar III sighed and appeared to be too tired to speak. He shifted his gaze to the sky. Delta led the three elves; they did not seem to mind that.

Before they sneaked in, they had seen more than a thousand dragons fly out of that mysterious city. They had been a little nervous when they saw so many dragons. They thought that the relationship between the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the dragons was beyond their imagination.

However, they quickly realized that those dragons were not as powerful as they had expected. Every dragon that had signed a contract with the Elven Kingdom possessed the strength of a Dragon King, and even Beta would struggle to fight them.

However, the dragons that had appeared were only diamond-tier, and Beta could easily defeat them. It was precisely because of that that they had chosen to sneak in. At that moment, they looked up and saw that the battle above their heads was the same as before they entered the city; Beta was suppressing over a thousand dragons.

The number of dragons that remained on the battlefield after the powerful explosion from the three divine kingdoms had already dropped to less than ten. Beta chuckled loudly as the surviving dragons turned into blood-red rain. He stretched his palm toward the city.

The sky was densely packed with the skeletons that had also become tattered from the explosion. The bones on their bodies began to grow, taking the shape of spirals that intertwined with each other. The bones connected form an uneven surface. Soon, all the bones fused and turned into a skeletal palm that stretched more than ten kilometers, forcefully grabbing the planetary fortress.


With a muffled sound, Delta and the others lost their balance. They could feel the planetary fortress shake violently. The city came to a stop, and huge white bones covered the surroundings. Looking around, they could see fingers made of different skeletons outside the city’s protective shield. The bones on those fingers were twisted, and the hollow eye sockets emitting ghostly flames were staring straight down. They sent chills down people’s spines.

It was hard to imagine how many skeletons were used to make that huge hand. It was as if a white mountain range had appeared on the ground.

“He had killed more than a thousand dragons by himself, and he even forcefully pulled a city back. Beta’s strength is too strong.”

Delta and the two elves could not help but exclaim in surprise. Then, Delta scowled, her eyes wide with absolute astonishment.

That strength had already exceeded regular people’s comprehension. Beta might be a god that walked the earth.

Then she shifted her eyes toward King Landhar III. Her tone was sarcastic when she said, “Is this what you mean when you said that our effort would fail, Human Emperor? You want to ensure our safety? We appear to be fine without your assistance. Well, I guess I should tell you something. The creatures that Beta killed will not be revived again. Do not expect them to stand up and defend the city again.”

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She stood there and talked with King Landhar III because the latter happened to find them when they sneaked in. She thought it was a strange coincidence; otherwise, she would have already gathered her subordinates to control King Landhar III.

“Do not be concerned. Watson has yet to make a move. You will find out if you keep watching.”

When confronted with Delta’s mockery, King Landhar III responded calmly, “When the time comes, you will know what total authority is.”

Fawkes stood at the planetary fortress’ entrance, looking at the white bones that were growing on the city’s protective barrier, pressing down on it and cracking. In a panic, he grasped his hair. “Your Highness Watson, the planetary fortress that you built had been captured by that intruder elf. Isn’t he too powerful to be able to capture a moving city by himself? What should we do now?”

He had initially placed his trust in the warriors who had taken the potion and transformed into dragons. However, it appeared that their adversary was likewise exceedingly powerful. He was no longer concerned with the outcome of his wager with Watson. Instead, he was concerned with the safety of the planetary fortress.

Those soldiers who had been killed did not resurrect after a long time. Obviously, their ability to heal had been affected by some kind of force. Without the protection of those diamond-tier soldiers, the planetary fortress was captured again. The defense was as weak as paper in front of the powerful elf outside.

“It is exactly what I expected. The Planetary Fortress Army is no match for the intruder, yet their performance exceeded my expectations. They survived two minutes longer.”

Watson mumbled as he began to bounce up and down on the spot, stretching his hands.

“Your Excellency Watson, what are you trying to accomplish? You are going to go battle that Elven monster on your own?” Fawkes was initially upset, but he was taken aback when he observed Watson’s actions.

Watson was indeed mysterious and powerful in his eyes. He had many abilities, but he had never seen Watson fight. Magical powers did not mean that he was strong. The elves could even kill a thousand dragons. As the future king, how would Watson explain it to His Majesty if he was injured?

“That is correct. The army has been completely destroyed. It is past time for me to act.”

He stretched his arms a few times, not letting Fawkes stop him. Watson flew out of the planetary fortress’s protective barrier, his fighting aura wings extended over his back. He could sense a living person’s aura. The many layers of bone plating covering the protective barrier quickly expanded in Watson’s direction. They wrapped Watson up quickly and made him into a massive bone ball.

He stretched his arms a few times, not giving Fawkes a chance to stop him. Watson spread his combat aura wings on his back and flew out of the planetary fortress’s protective barrier. He could feel the aura of a living person. The countless layers of bone initially covering the protective barrier immediately spread in Watson’s direction. They wrapped Watson extremely fast and turned him into a huge bone ball.

“Your Highness Watson, I told you not to go out. Why are you in such a hurry to go out? Are you courting death? I’m done. If His Majesty knows about this, he will definitely punish me severely. ”

Fawkes anxiously ripped out a few strands of hair as he saw Watson wrapped by the bones that were linked together. He wanted to cry, yet no tears flowed from his eyes. He was about to call for help when he was interrupted.


The bones wrapped around Watson began to ignite with a tremendous bang. Like a prairie fire, milky-white flames spread in all directions. Countless white bones that blanketed the planetary fortification were soon reduced to ash. In the weeping, they were reduced to ashes. The white blaze showed Watson’s figure. His white robe whirled in the air, and he escaped unscathed.

The bones wrapped around Watson suddenly began to burn with a loud sound. Milky-white flames spread in all directions like a prairie fire. Soon, countless white bones covering the planetary fortress were turned into ashes. They were reduced to ashes in the wailing. The white blaze showed Watson’s figure. His white robe whirled in the air, and he had escaped unscathed.

Chapter 554: Defeat Me If You Can
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Flashback to some time before that...

Beta stood in the skies, marveling at the three constantly revolving illusions of the divine kingdoms in front of him. There were also bodies and flesh of the dragons that had detonated under the divine kingdoms’ splendor. A bloodthirsty glint flashed in his eyes.

“I had no idea the inhabitants of the Holy Dragon Kingdom would build a strong protective barrier and enlist the assistance of so many dragons!” They must have been able to create so many protective shields in such a short time with the dragons’ help.

He thought that the mysterious moving city he saw after bursting through the nine starlight barriers must have been created by the dragons. The dragons were an ancient and powerful race from thousands of years ago, and some powerful dragons even lived for tens of thousands of years. People said that the despondent Dragon King, Nidhogg, the leader of the eight Dragon Kings, had lived since ancient times.

The Dragon Clan’s technology was remarkably well preserved due to the dragons’ longevity. Some still wore clothing from the divine era, and their technology was significantly inferior to that of other races. So, he was not startled when he saw the planetary fortress. What surprised him was that he had no idea how much the Holy Dragon Kingdom had to spend to entice the dragons to cooperate with them.

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The elves had supplied a large amount of water from the Spring of Life to persuade the Forest Dragon King to lead a hundred dragons to assist them. Logically, the Holy Dragon Kingdom lacked a treasure comparable to the water from the Spring of Life. However, they had managed to attract a thousand dragons to aid them in combat. Not only that, but the dragons also assisted them in constructing cities and walls.

“I heard that someone in the Holy Dragon Kingdom became the Dragon Emperor, which is why the dragons are so obedient. That person is our target, Watson! That young man must have given the dragons a precious gift, or he must have helped the dragons in some way.”

Beta gritted his teeth. “No matter what, the conclusion remains the same. Now that the dragons have been defeated, the next stage is to get information from the people in the city and then kill them. Perhaps this city evolved from the fortress city. Watson must be here. My duty is done when I kill him and deliver his corpse to His Majesty. The elves will own everything in this city, including those nine barriers.”

With that thought in mind, he raised his head and extended his right hand toward the planetary fortress that was rumbling in the distance. “God of Death’s giant arm, connect!”

Other than the three skeletons that commanded the divine kingdom, the other skeletons on the ground and in the air combined, forming a snow-white mountain range that stood tall on the earth. Five protruding mountain-shaped fingers clutched the planetary fortress in front of the mountain range.

The massive mountain of bones slammed with the planetary fortress continued to rub against the protective barrier, generating a sound that made one’s teeth ache. The quick rotation of the planetary fortress caused sparks to fly and bones to crumble. However, when additional bones grew, the spinning came to a halt. The skeletons filled the strong gravitational laws that covered the surface of the citadel.

“His Majesty’s might has a special place in my heart. There is nothing in the world I can’t do as long as I have this power.”

Beta could not help but mumble proudly as he saw his work. He coughed and spat out a bit of minced beef halfway through his sentence. Green hair grew on the minced flesh, wriggling slowly and generating sharp sound waves. It appeared evil.

Beta grimaced as he wiped the last of the green blood from the corner of his mouth. “Evolution is far too rapid to carry out such an onslaught. Can my body withstand it?”

The host could control the supernatural evolutionary power in the elven race chess. It was not that the elven race, who had stopped evolving after transforming into mythical creatures, could not continue to change. However, it would be difficult for them to maintain their self-awareness if they continued to evolve. In order to stop the planetary fortress, Beta did not hesitate to let his body, which had already reached its limit, evolve again, causing some of the organs in his body to mutate.

“If I continue to evolve, my body will disintegrate into a disembodied, wicked entity with no self-awareness. However, it should not be a problem for me to evolve just slightly.”

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While Beta was consoling himself, the white bone wings on his back flapped gently, propelling him toward the planetary fortress. “Everything will be fine as long as I can obtain His Majesty’s admiration and become the strongest person in the Elven Kingdom! Delta and the others should have arrived at the city by now. They are not particularly strong, but they can still be useful.”

Aside from unleashing his rage at the nine starlight barriers and being knocked back by the planetary fortress, striking the Holy Dragon Kingdom in such a magnificent fashion also provided an opportunity for his other assassin friends. People would disregard places other than the front if they were attacked head-on. Of course, if there were any ambushes in the city, his comrades would be blamed as well.

He was able to kill about 200 people when he invaded the fortress city the last time since he was powerful and quick on his feet.

“After all this time, there is still no movement in the city. Either there are no more troops, or Delta and the others have control of the situation. It is time for me to enter.”

Beta was not far from the planetary fortress. He was ready to fly in when he noticed a youth fly out of the planetary fortress with a whoosh. When he compared their appearances, he realized that it was the young man that the Elven King had instructed them to apprehend, Watson.

“Just as I guessed, the target is indeed in that city! And that guy has come at the right time. I’m too embarrassed to torture him when he’s being so cooperative.”

Initially, he intended to torture Watson in stages after catching him. He would enjoy the show while watching Watson die in despair. However, since he was in a good mood, he decided to deliver the fatal blow.

He clenched his fist in Watson’s direction, and the skeletons covering the surface of the planetary fortress swelled and wrapped around him.


Some of those skeletons were from the modern era, and most of them originate from hundreds or even thousands of years ago. They carried a dense aura of death. At that moment, when those skeletons gathered, the aura of death became even denser, and it gathered into a huge black gas skeleton that stretched for hundreds of meters. The black gas skeleton dyed the clouds in the sky the same color.

An ordinary human would perish with such a powerful aura of death if they even dared to touch it. Even if they had drunk the Spring of Life water, the outcome would have been the same. The skeletons were also extremely powerful; just the strength of squeezing together was too much for an ordinary individual to handle.

Beta thought that if that move hit Watson, the young man would almost certainly die. The bones wrapped around Watson, and to Beta’s surprise, Watson managed to fly out of that chaos. White flames burned the bones wrapped around Watson’s body, turning them into ashes and dissipating in the air. Beta had not hesitated to evolve in exchange for power forcefully, but his effort had been turned into nothingness so easily.

“Elf invaders, not only did you sneak in, but you also killed so many of our soldiers. Despicable! If you surrender and tell me why you’re here today, I will give you an easy death. Otherwise, you will be very miserable.”


“Are you trying to scare me?” Beta shook his head and tilted his head up at an exaggerated angle. “Well, threats do not frighten me, so I can’t give you what you want.. Defeat me if you can.”

Chapter 555: Lifting Restrictions On Evolution
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Very well.”

Watson nodded after hearing Beta’s words. To be honest, he had never heard of such an odd request to be defeated in a duel.

The corners of his mouth curled upward. Watson extended a finger toward Beta and flicked it lightly.

“Molecular acceleration.”

A tiny light spot appeared on his fingertip and quickly developed into a thick and lengthy light pillar that was difficult to perceive with the naked eye. The massive light pillar sped through the air, straight toward Beta. Wherever the light pillar passed, whether it was the air or the energy elements in the air, they boiled. Even space fractured, leaving a vast and deep black path behind.

The human chess piece had bestowed Watson with the gift of molecular acceleration. It was a profound origin law that only a sovereign-tier elite could comprehend. Some might say that Watson was in a circumstance where he did not release the wheel of reversal to summon his older self, and that move was the most powerful attack he could unleash.

He would not hold back because Beta had requested to be defeated by him.

In the blink of an eye, the blazing pillar of light appeared in front of Beta. He scowled anxiously, whether it was due to the rapidity of the strike or the power contained within it. He raised his arm unconsciously. “Three Divine Kingdoms!”

The three skeletons that surrounded him moved in front of him right away. They controlled their divine kingdoms to stack together. The three divine kingdoms of various shapes stacked up to make the world’s greatest barrier, but it could not take a single hit from the light beam formed by molecular acceleration. It was pierced through the middle and exploded into brilliant flames.

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The explosion shattered the three skeletons because it was too powerful. When Beta saw that scene, his eyes narrowed. “The God of Death’s armor!”

As his voice became louder, the massive white bone armor on his body grew larger. It thickened and became heavier. It even had bone spikes developing on it. It was encircled by black gas, giving it a frightening appearance.

However, those changes were still not enough to form a defense against the molecular acceleration that pushed all the energy factors within the attack range into infinite motion. That would produce a surging power, and in front of that power, even a starlight-tier defense would be penetrated, let alone Beta.

Upon touching the beam of light formed by the molecular acceleration, the black fog on Beta’s body was the first to melt. That black fog was the power of death. Typically, if someone touched it, it would instantly kill the enemy, but it had been accelerated and assimilated by the molecules at that time. It burst into endless light and heat. Then, the white bone armor on Beta’s body disappeared even faster. In less than a second, it melted completely, and Beta’s body also vaporized, turning into a wisp of green smoke and dissipating on the spot.

As Beta’s body disappeared, the light beam formed by the accelerated molecules bombarded further away. A deep ravine appeared on the ground as the beam of light shot toward the endless boundary.

Withdrawing his finger, Watson blew at the spiraling green smoke coming out of his finger, “As expected of sovereign-tier power. My current peak diamond-tier strength is somewhat unable to withstand it, but have I gone too far?”

He raised his head to look at the hole in the nine layers of starlight barrier in front of him. He secretly clicked his tongue. He had only seen Nia and his future self use molecular acceleration before, so he did not have such a deep impression of it. Only when he used that power did he understand how powerful it was.

Molecular acceleration could turn even an ordinary fireball into a powerful move comparable to a divine kingdom, not to mention that he had just flicked Beta with the full strength of a peak diamond-tier elite.

At that moment, after he had destroyed Beta with one move, everyone who saw that scene fell into shock.

In the planetary fortress, Fawkes had been holding onto his hair and pacing anxiously at the gate. When he saw Watson use his finger to destroy Beta, he let go of the hand holding onto his hair, and the anxious expression on his face was replaced by shock.

“He had killed the intruder in one go. Is His Highness Watson really that strong?”

The elf intruder had killed over a thousand planetary fortress soldiers, and he had even used his giant skeletal arms to pull the planetary fortress back forcefully. Such strength had already made him feel terrified; he felt like he was unbeatable, but Watson’s performance was even more bizarre.

“Is that Watson’s strength? He defeated Beta with just one strike. How is that possible?”

In the other direction, Delta stared blankly at Watson, who was hovering in mid-air. Her lips moved, appearing dry.

“Now you know that I’m not deceiving you. Your army is nothing against Watson. We can only win if we join forces,” King Landhar III said with a deep expression.

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Taking a deep breath, Delta recovered from her shock and said, “I have to say that Watson’s attack is indeed powerful. Even if Beta and I were to attack together, he would probably kill us instantly! However, Beta can’t be killed, not after consuming the Spring of Life water. As long as he consumes Watson’s stamina, there is still a chance of winning. Furthermore, he has a trump card.”

“The trump card you mentioned, is it the elven race chess piece?”

“How did you know—”

Delta subconsciously exclaimed. Halfway through her words, she sensed something was wrong and hurriedly shut her mouth.

King Landhar III looked like he knew everything. “It seems like my guess is correct. The elves still have the chess pieces passed down from ancient times. If it weren’t for the fact that the human kingdoms have always been in wars since the third era, and it’s difficult to unify them, the human chess pieces would not have been lost! Of course, we don’t need any race chess pieces now because the human chess pieces are with Watson, and they are complete. ”

“He has race chess pieces on him?”

Delta inhaled a breath of cold air. She did not understand why King Landhar III said they could not defeat Watson. It would be different if Watson had the human race chess pieces.

She understood how powerful the race chess piece was after it had given her the ability to evolve. At the same time, she realized why King Landhar III wanted to join forces with the elves to deal with Watson. He must have coveted the chess pieces.

“Do you still think that your companion can defeat Watson? It’s time for you to change your mind and cooperate with me. ”

“Even if Watson has a human chess piece, Beta might not lose because he is an unreasonable madman.” Delta hesitated in the face of King Landhar III’s bewitching words. Then, she shook her head and looked at the sky, where Beta had just disappeared. It seemed like a large cloud of black fog had emerged.

“His Highness Watson has defeated the invaders. We are safe.”

“Praise the great Young Master Watson. As expected, in front of a brilliant man comparable to a god, all the enemies can not withstand a single blow. ”

In the city, many people also saw Watson’s attack. The residents were filled with excitement, and the devout believers knelt respectfully and prayed to Watson.

Then,?they suddenly pointed at the sky.

“Look! What’s that?”

Beta, who had vanished, reappeared with the help of the black fog. However, he seemed different from before. The body covered by the armor had utterly lost its flesh and had turned into part of the black fog. The black fog had no form, but it emitted an even stronger aura of death. The armor that bound the black fog together was bone-shaped, and even Beta’s face had a strange rune mask drawn with bright red blood.

Two crossed sickles were in the middle of the rune mask, flickering with a flirtatious color. A hoarse and dry voice came from under Beta’s mask when his body reappeared.

“Incredible power, Watson.. I have to admit that you are a worthy opponent! If I were in my usual state, I would definitely not be your opponent, but now that I am entirely different from before, the battle has just begun. ”

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