Apocalypse Commander : Valdis

By ShadowRain13

786 80 7

Join Valdis in her adventures in zombie apocalypse. A normal second-generation rich girl who got a system in... More

Golden finger
Supreme Commander Package
Level 2 Package


193 11 2
By ShadowRain13

Valdis is a rich second generation who is waiting to inherit the family's property after her graduation. Currently, she is in the dormitory of her college along with two of her good friends. All three of them are studying at the best university in country A. They became friends because all of them had similar rich backgrounds and similar thoughts. They were assigned to the same dormitory and have been living together becoming very close friends in the process. Valdis has a good IQ which can be seen by how she was admitted to the best university in the country but she is lazy. She has her own house near the university and the same for her other two friends. They come to live together in this dormitory every weekend or for rest after long classes. All of them are used to privacy and her two friends also have boyfriends so it is rare for them to gather in the room together. Today is the last day of the semester and from the next day, they will be having vacation so they are planning to have a very normal movie night in the room with popcorn a lot of snacks, and beverages so they are together.

The movie they selected is an apocalyptic movie where the virus spreads and people start turning into zombies or flesh-eating monsters. The movie has been going on for some time and half a tub of caramelized popcorn is already empty. At this time a scream came from outside of their dormitory room. Hearing this scream their first reaction was that someone made a prank. They are living in the dormitory and it is within the campus of University A. University A is said to be one of the safest places in the country and today is the last day so most of the people have either gone out to have fun and add flavors to their nightlife or gone back home to spend their time with their families. Very rare few students and professors are staying on the campus.

Still, Valdis and her friends decided to go and check the situation outside so they first paused the movie and went towards the door. One of Valdis's friends Alina opened the door and saw no one in the corridor. The lights were on and the corridor was empty just like every day. Alina took the lead and started walking outside in the direction from where the scream sounded. The scream sounded on the other side of the corridor and in between most of the rooms were locked which means that others were not in their dormitory hence they did not come out after hearing the scream. After walking for a while they reached the other side of the corridor from where the scream sounded. Alina tried to open the room but the room was locked so she knocked on the door.

At this time another of Valdis's friends Zoya said, "This room belongs to Esha, Reya, and Sonia. I heard that Esha and Sonia have gone back to their city and only Reya should be left." After hearing Zoya's explanation Alina knocked again on the door, "Hello do you need something?" Still, there was no reply from the other side and finally, they thought of going back thinking it was a misunderstanding. The moment they were about to leave they heard a small call for help. The sound was very low as if afraid that someone else would hear it and the voice was crying with a bit of fragility in it. More importantly, the voice was of a male. This is a girl's dormitory and there is a male voice inside which means someone sneaked in.

The most important thing right now was not why a male was inside a girl's dormitory but to know the situation inside the room and find a way to help. Valdis simply asked her friends to move to the side and kicked the door. The door was pushed open by the force and beside her Alina and Zoya were surprised. At this time they saw the situation inside and could not stay calm anymore. They saw Reya had a gray and purple face. Her eyes had lost focus and she was looking towards a guy sitting on the floor like looking at some delicacy. She had long nails that had grown black. Just looking at it same thought appeared in all of their minds: Zombie.

She looked very similar to the zombie shown in the movie they were watching just now. Valdis was the first to react. She saw that the guy was sitting on the floor pitifully while Reya was trying to come forward but her movements were extremely slow and rigid. There was a bed in front of her which was blocking her from moving forward but still, she was walking straight instead of trying to move around the bed to come forward. It was like she did not have any logic left but was just following her instincts. Valdis simply picked up the guy and said to Alina and Zoya, "Follow me". Then she started running towards her room and entered their room Alina and Zoya entered soon after her then she quickly closed the door and sat on the chair.

Her friends were in no better condition they were slumped on the floor without any image to show. While the guy was sitting in the corner in a very embarrassed state. Only now she had time to notice that he was not wearing his shirt properly but it was completely unbuttoned and some parts were visible so she got up picked up the blanket and put it in front of him. Now he also realized the state he was in hurriedly picked up the blanket and rolled it around his body. Alina also came out of her stupor and asked him, "What is going on?"

Hearing this question that guy trembled unconsciously. Seeing this Valdis frowned but it was necessary to know what happened so she just gave Alina a look and Alina calmed down. At this time the guy started speaking, "I am a student of this university from the architecture department. Reya is my good friend and since her friends went back for the holidays she invited me. We were chatting and all of a sudden she changed." He tried his best to speak coherently and show that he was strong but at this time his voice started trembling, "S-she suddenly fainted on the floor and I was worried so I started shaking her but she did not react. I was going to call the hospital on campus but then I saw her suddenly opening her eyes. H-h-her eyes were dark red and there was blood in her mouth her nails had grown long and black. Seeing this I screamed and attracted by my scream she started walking towards me. I tried to call her but she did not respond. Because of the noise she was attracted to I stayed silent and with the bed in between us, she was not able to come to the other side. Then you guys came and saw what happened." All three nodded in response.

All of them thought of the words he used such as "good friend" and they were "chatting" but did not make any comments. If they were good friends then they would not be meeting so secretly and in a girl's dormitory when her friends were away. As for chatting, it was also interesting that two people were chatting on the bed with messy clothes. It might be possible that they were "chatting" but the topic was something that should not be discussed. The main reason they ignored this was they were not people who would make life difficult for others. Especially the person in front of them was a male and society has always been inherently biased towards males and harsher than their female counterparts making it difficult for them. Alina and Zoya already had boyfriends so they would not delve deeper into another man's topic while Valdis was single but she was currently lost in some thought unknown to everyone.

When Max said the above things he unknowingly glanced at Valdis a few times without Alina and Zoya knowing to see her reaction. But he found out that her face was cold with no reaction on her face. He felt a bit disappointed because when she saved him he had already felt his heart beating fast. He knew that it was a common scene of the heroine saving a delicate beauty and she was just doing the thing that was necessary at that time without other thoughts about him but he fell for her. He did not lie about Reya only being his good friend and not girlfriend but he can not explain why he was in a girl's dormitory at night so he skipped that topic. Still, he hoped that Valdis would believe his words. In this way, everyone was lost in their thoughts and stayed silent.

{A/N -: I have made some changes to add another 300 words sorry for that.}

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