Astral | Rey Skywalker

By standwithcap

3.1K 123 4

In a galaxy far, far away, the legendary Han Solo and the renowned Leia Organa created a pair of twins, Ben a... More



121 8 0
By standwithcap

The weight of Luke's rejection hangs heavy in the air, a palpable tension that settles over the rocky terrain of Ahch-To. Avalon, her eyes reflecting a mix of disappointment and despair, watches as Luke turns away, retreating into the solitude of his self-imposed exile.

The wind whispers through the ancient stones, carrying with it the echoes of unfulfilled pleas and the weight of a galaxy yearning for its savior. Rey, too, stands silent, her gaze shifting between Avalon and Luke, a silent witness to the complexities of the Force that dance within and around them.

Avalon takes a step back, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon where the sea meets the sky. The stars in her eyes, once beacons of hope, now reflect the shadows of uncertainty. She feels adrift, lost amidst the echoes of her family's legacy.

In that moment, as the wind weaves through her hair, Avalon yearns for the guidance that once came to her through the Force. Her heart aches for the familiar presence of her grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, whose force ghost had been a source of wisdom and solace. Yet, now, Anakin remains elusive, his spectral form absent in her time of need.

The ache in Avalon's chest is palpable, a longing that transcends the boundaries of the physical and the metaphysical. She closes her eyes, reaching out with the Force in a desperate attempt to reconnect with the grandfather who had guided her through dreams and visions.

"Grandpa," Avalon whispers, the word carrying the weight of both familial love and a plea for guidance.

The wind carries her voice across the rocky cliffs, echoing in the vastness of Ahch-To. Yet, there is no response. Anakin's force ghost remains veiled in silence, leaving Avalon to grapple with the emptiness that lingers in the absence of his presence.

Her mind, a swirl of conflicting emotions, revisits the moments when Anakin's spectral form would appear to her—offering guidance, sharing stories of the past, and imparting the wisdom of a redeemed soul. Now, that connection feels severed, leaving Avalon to navigate the turbulent currents of her own destiny without the comforting presence of her grandfather.

The stars in Avalon's eyes, once vibrant and filled with the reflections of shared dreams, now carry a somber glow. She opens her eyes, gazing out into the distance with a blank stare. Ahch-To, with its ancient stones and swirling winds, becomes a backdrop to the turmoil within her.

Rey, sensing Avalon's inner struggle, approaches her with a silent understanding. The stars in Rey's eyes, like distant galaxies, hold the unspoken acknowledgment of the challenges faced by those touched by the Force.

"I thought he'd be here for me," Avalon murmurs, her voice a whisper carried by the wind, "I thought the Force would guide me through this darkness."

Rey places a reassuring hand on Avalon's shoulder, offering a silent gesture of solidarity. The two Force-sensitive souls, connected by the currents of destiny, stand together amidst the echoes of Luke's rejection.

The wind continues to weave through the landscape, carrying with it the symphony of nature and the unspoken echoes of the Force. Ahch-To, a place of ancient power and hidden truths, remains silent as Avalon grapples with the absence of the guidance she so desperately seeks.

In that moment of vulnerability, with the stars in her eyes reflecting the complexities of a soul touched by both light and shadow, Avalon stands on the precipice of uncertainty, yearning for the wisdom that once flowed through the Force.

As Avalon stands on the rocky cliffs of Ahch-To, the wind tousles her hair, carrying with it a mixture of the salty sea breeze and the ancient whispers of the Force. The stars in her eyes, though touched by the recent absence of her grandfather's force ghost, begin to shimmer with a newfound determination.

A deep breath escapes her lips, and she closes her eyes, shutting out the visual distractions of the physical world. The Force, a current that courses through the galaxy and binds all living things, responds to her innate connection. The wind seems to carry with it the echoes of ancient voices—whispers that transcend time and space.

In that moment of meditation, Avalon taps into the wellspring of power that lies within her. She is the granddaughter of Anakin Skywalker, a name etched in the annals of Jedi history. The same power that once flowed through the veins of the Chosen One now courses through hers.

Avalon senses it—the luminous threads of the Force weaving through her, connecting her to a legacy that spans generations. It's not a visual manifestation, not the familiar sight of Anakin's spectral form, but a profound feeling that emanates from the very core of her being.


The Force, with its mysterious ways, reveals to Avalon that even in the absence of direct guidance, the legacy of her family carries within it the seeds of hope. Anakin Skywalker, who once succumbed to the darkness and later found redemption, becomes a beacon of resilience in her heart.

Avalon's eyes snap open, revealing a newfound clarity. The stars in her eyes, no longer clouded by uncertainty, shine with an inner luminosity—a reflection of the strength she draws from her lineage.

"Hope," She whispers to herself, a mantra that reverberates in the air.

Rey, observing from a respectful distance, senses the shift in Avalon's aura.

Avalon turns to face Rey, her gaze meeting the girl from nowhere with a determined spark. The stars in Avalon's eyes, now alight with purpose, reflect the resolve that courses through her veins.

"Rey," Avalon addresses her, the wind carrying her words to the far reaches of Ahch-To, "I can teach you the ways of the Force. I can teach you to be a Jedi."

Rey's eyes widen, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in their depths. The stars in her eyes, like twin galaxies reflecting the possibilities ahead, hold the glimmer of a destiny yet to unfold.

"But Master Skywalker..." Rey begins, uncertain of what Avalon's proposal might mean for the Jedi Master's role.

Avalon nods, her expression serious yet reassuring, "The Force," she raises her hand, fingers stretching towards the sky, "is not confined to the teachings of one Jedi. It's a part of everything, and it's time we embrace that truth."

The wind picks up, as if nature itself is acknowledging the weight of Avalon's words. The stars in her eyes, carriers of ancestral wisdom, reflect the commitment she feels to the sacred duty of passing on the knowledge she has inherited.

Rey takes a tentative step forward, a sense of purpose emerging within her.

"Can you really teach me?" She asks, her voice a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Avalon smiles, the stars in her eyes becoming beacons of encouragement, "I can teach you what I know."

Rey's eyes light up with a newfound hope, a sense of destiny intertwining with the currents of the Force. The stars in her eyes, once distant and uncertain, now align in a cosmic dance with Avalon's.

They find a secluded spot on Ahch-To, surrounded by the echoes of the Force and the ancient stones that whisper tales of the past. The air is filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of the sea, providing a serene backdrop to their training.

Avalon takes a deep breath, attempting to find the right words to convey the intricacies of the Force. She's well-versed in its ways, having learned from her grandfather Anakin Skywalker's force ghost, but the challenge lies in translating the intuitive understanding into a coherent teaching.

"Okay," Avalon begins, her voice carrying a mix of determination and uncertainty, "The Force... it's all around us. It binds the galaxy together, connects every living thing. You have to feel it."

Rey nods attentively, her eyes fixed on Avalon. The stars in her eyes, reflecting a blend of curiosity and eagerness, mirror the readiness to absorb the teachings of the ancient power.

Avalon closes her eyes, reaching out with the Force to demonstrate. She extends her hand toward a nearby stone, attempting to lift it through the power of her connection to the Force. However, the stone remains firmly in place.

"Come on," Rey encourages, a slight smile playing on her lips.

Avalon sighs, her brow furrowed with concentration, "I'm trying. It's just... it's harder to explain than it is to do."

Rey tilts her head, her expression a mix of understanding and amusement. The stars in her eyes hold a glimmer of patience as she watches Avalon grapple with the intricacies of teaching.

"Maybe," Rey suggests, "try breaking it down. Like, what do you feel when you connect with the Force?"

Avalon considers Rey's advice, her mind racing to find the right words, "It's like... a flow, an energy that surrounds and penetrates everything. You have to tap into that energy, become one with it."

Rey nods, absorbing Avalon's words. The stars in her eyes, now reflecting a determination to understand, hold the promise of a student ready to embrace the path of the Jedi.

Avalon decides to take a different approach. She reaches into a small pouch at her side and pulls out a handful of pebbles. Holding them out to Rey, she says, "Let's start with something simple. Focus on these pebbles. Try to feel their energy, their connection to the Force."

Rey accepts the pebbles, studying them intently. She closes her eyes, following Avalon's guidance to let go of distractions and attune herself to the energy around her.

Avalon watches Rey, silently hoping that her unconventional teaching methods will prove effective. The stars in her eyes, still reflecting the uncertainty of her role as a teacher, hold a glimmer of determination to impart the knowledge she carries within.

After a few moments, Rey opens her eyes, a puzzled expression on her face, "I don't feel anything."

Avalon sighs, realizing that her attempt at simplifying the teachings may have fallen short, "Okay, let's try something else. Clear your mind. Focus on the pebbles, but don't force it. Let the Force guide you."

Rey nods, giving it another try. The stars in her eyes, now reflecting a renewed sense of concentration, hold the potential for a breakthrough in her understanding of the Force.

Avalon watches as Rey takes a deep breath, her eyes narrowing with concentration. The pebbles remain motionless, and Avalon can sense Rey's frustration building.

"It's not working," Rey admits, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Avalon places a reassuring hand on Rey's shoulder, "It's okay. Learning the ways of the Force takes time. It's not about forcing it; it's about letting go and allowing the Force to flow through you."

Rey looks at Avalon, a mix of determination and curiosity in her gaze. The stars in her eyes, still eager to grasp the essence of the Force, hold the promise of a student resilient in the face of challenges.

Avalon takes a step back, considering her next approach. Teaching the Force, it seems, is a journey of discovery for both master and apprentice. The stars in her eyes, carriers of ancestral legacies, reflect the commitment to guide Rey through the labyrinth of the Jedi path—a commitment that transcends the challenges of words and pebbles.

As the sun begins its descent on Ahch-To, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Avalon and Rey find themselves in a clearing surrounded by ancient stones. The air is filled with a subtle tension, the echoes of their earlier attempts at Force training lingering like whispers on the breeze.

Avalon takes a deep breath, feeling a mixture of determination and frustration. The stars in her eyes, reflecting the fading light of the day, hold a glimmer of uncertainty that she tries to mask with resolve.

"Rey, I know this is frustrating," Avalon begins, her voice tinged with sincerity, "but we need to find a way for you to connect with the Force. It's the key to everything."

Rey nods, a furrow in her brow betraying the intensity of her focus. The stars in her eyes, reflecting the last vestiges of daylight, mirror the determination to master a power that seems elusive.

Avalon paces back and forth, her mind racing to find an approach that will resonate with Rey. She stops and turns to face her apprentice, the fading sunlight casting a warm glow on her features.

"Alright. Let's try something different," Avalon says, a spark of inspiration in her eyes. "The Force isn't just about moving objects or sensing energy. It's about feeling the connection between all living things. It's about being in tune with the rhythm of life."

Rey listens intently, the stars in her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope that this new approach might yield better results.

Avalon raises her hands, palms facing each other. "Let's start with something simple. I want you to feel the energy between my hands. Focus on it, let it become a part of you."

Rey mimics Avalon's posture, her eyes fixed on the space between their hands. The tension in the air is palpable as they both concentrate on the subtle energy that flows between them.

"Good," Avalon encourages. "Now, try to push against that energy. Use the Force to create a barrier between us."

Rey furrows her brow, her focus deepening. The stars in her eyes, now reflecting the dimming light of the sunset, hold the potential for a breakthrough.

As Rey concentrates, Avalon senses the Force responding to her apprentice's efforts. A gentle breeze stirs the air, carrying with it the whispers of the ancient stones. The stars in Avalon's eyes, though still tinged with uncertainty, begin to shimmer with a glimmer of pride.

"Feel it. The energy is responding to you," Avalon urges, her voice a soft encouragement.

Rey takes a deep breath, the tension in the air easing slightly. The stars in her eyes, twin beacons of burgeoning understanding, hold the promise of a student unlocking the secrets of the Force.

But just as the breakthrough seems imminent, a surge of frustration flashes across Rey's face. The energy between their hands wavers, and the breeze that once responded to her command falters.

"It's not working," Rey mutters, her eyes narrowing with disappointment.

Avalon sighs, feeling the weight of her own limitations as a teacher. She takes a step closer to Rey, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. The stars in her eyes, reflecting the dimming twilight, hold a glimmer of empathy.

"It's okay. Learning the Force is a journey, and we all have our struggles. It's about persistence, about not giving up," Avalon reassures, her words a soothing balm to the frustration that lingers in the air.

Rey looks at Avalon, a mixture of determination and disappointment in her gaze. The stars in her eyes, now a reflection of the setting sun, hold the promise of resilience in the face of challenges.

Avalon takes a step back, her mind racing to find another approach. The fading light of the day casts long shadows around them, adding to the sense of urgency. As the last vestiges of sunlight dip below the horizon, Avalon's eyes narrow with a newfound determination.

"Let's try something different. Stand your ground, and I want you to focus on your emotions. The Force is connected to our feelings, our innermost thoughts. Use that connection to guide you."

Rey nods, her eyes fixed on Avalon. The stars in her eyes, now reflecting the darkness that envelops Ahch-To, hold a glimmer of anticipation.

Avalon extends her hand, beckoning Rey to concentrate. The tension between them becomes palpable as Rey delves into the depths of her emotions. The stars in Avalon's eyes, now carrying the weight of the encroaching night, reflect the determination to guide her apprentice through the intricate dance of the Force.

"Feel your emotions. Let them flow through you. The Force is a part of all living things, and your connection to it is as unique as your emotions," Avalon instructs, her voice carrying a resonance that transcends the physical realm.

Rey takes a deep breath, her focus shifting inward. The stars in her eyes, now the only source of light in the growing darkness, hold the promise of a breakthrough born from the depths of emotion.

As the night settles over Ahch-To, the tension between master and apprentice remains, a silent testament to the trials of learning the ways of the Force. The stars in their eyes, carriers of the timeless wisdom of the Jedi, continue to shine in the vast expanse of the galaxy, witnessing the ebb and flow of the eternal struggle between darkness and light.

As Rey delves deeper into her emotions, seeking a connection with the Force, a subtle shift occurs in the air. The night on Ahch-To is silent, broken only by the distant sound of the sea crashing against the cliffs. The stars in their eyes, twin witnesses to the unfolding cosmic dance, shimmer with anticipation.

Avalon watches Rey with an intensity born of hope and uncertainty. The stars in her eyes, reflecting the darkness of the night, hold a glimmer of expectation—a silent plea for a breakthrough in their shared journey.

Rey's eyes, once focused on the space between them, begin to change. The stars in her eyes, mirrors of the galaxies within, seem to vibrate with an otherworldly energy. She inhales sharply, feeling a resonance within the Force that transcends the boundaries of the physical realm.

Avalon, standing a few paces away, senses the shift in the air. It's as if the very fabric of the Force responds to Rey's innermost emotions. The stars in Avalon's eyes, twin beacons of connection, begin to flicker with a subtle recognition.

Rey's hands, still extended toward Avalon, tremble with a power that seems to emanate from the depths of her soul. The stars in her eyes, carriers of the Force's vibrational echoes, hold the promise of a connection that transcends words.

Avalon feels it—the shiver down her spine, the tingling sensation that dances across her skin. The stars in her eyes, reflecting the unseen currents of the Force, hold the traces of a shared vibration that binds them in this moment of cosmic communion.

Rey, unaware of the physical manifestation of their connection, closes her eyes. The stars in her eyes, twin portals to the mysteries of the Force, reflect the depths of her concentration. She surrenders herself to the currents of the energy that surrounds them, guided by instinct and an innate understanding.

Avalon, captivated by the unfolding spectacle, takes a step closer. The stars in her eyes, though obscured by the night, hold an unspoken acknowledgment of the Force's enigmatic ways.

As Rey opens herself to the Force, the energy between them becomes palpable. The stars in her eyes, like celestial messengers, convey the silent whispers of an ancient power. Avalon, feeling the vibrations that emanate from Rey, experiences a profound connection that goes beyond the physical realm.

The tension in the air reaches its zenith, and the stars in their eyes seem to merge in a cosmic duet. The Force, an invisible current that binds all living things, becomes the conduit through which Rey and Avalon share an unspoken understanding.

Rey's eyes snap open, the stars within them reflecting the vastness of the cosmic tapestry. She meets Avalon's gaze, and in that moment, time seems to stand still. The stars in their eyes, carriers of shared destinies, hold the echoes of a connection forged in the crucible of the Force.

Avalon feels the resonance within her—the subtle vibrations that linger in the air. The stars in her eyes, twin witnesses to the silent exchange, hold the promise of a shared journey that transcends the limits of words.

Rey takes a step forward, breaking the invisible barrier that separates them. The stars in her eyes, twin beacons of understanding, reflect the depths of her newfound connection to the Force.

Avalon, moved by the cosmic symphony playing out before her, meets Rey halfway. The stars in her eyes, carriers of ancestral legacies, hold the traces of a bond that goes beyond the physical and reaches into the very heart of the Force.

As Rey and Avalon stand in the quiet embrace of the night, the stars in their eyes continue to shine with the luminosity of shared destinies. The Force, an ever-present current that weaves through the fabric of the galaxy, bears witness to the unspoken communion between master and apprentice—two souls entwined in the eternal dance of the cosmic Force.

They settle on the makeshift bedrolls, the rocky ground beneath them seems to cradle their wearied forms. The stars above, like ancient storytellers, commence their nightly performance—a cosmic ballet that unfolds in the canvas of the universe.

"How do you feel?" Avalon's voice breaks the stillness of the night, her gaze fixed on the stars.

Rey, lying beside her, lets out a tired sigh.

"Tired," She admits, the weariness of their journey etched across her features.

Avalon nods, understanding the weight of their shared burdens.

As Rey drifts into slumber, Avalon remains awake, her form outlined by the soft glow of starlight. The stars in her eyes, like celestial guides, lead her into a contemplative state—a state where dreams and realities converge in the vast tapestry of the galaxy.

Avalon's eyes trace the constellations, each star telling a story of ancient battles, lost loves, and the enduring spirit of the Force. The stars in her eyes, twin beacons of introspection, reflect the depths of her contemplation.

In the cosmic ballet above, Avalon begins to see images within the stars—pictures painted by the unseen hand of destiny. A nebula takes the shape of a figure, standing against the currents of time. The stars arrange themselves into scenes of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of familial bonds.

As Avalon stargazes, the stars in her eyes become portals to a galaxy of possibilities. She sees her brother, Ben, bathed in a radiant light—a vision of redemption that defies the shadows that threaten to consume him. The stars in her eyes, carriers of dreams, hold the traces of a hope that refuses to be extinguished.

The night sky becomes a canvas for Avalon's emotions, each twinkle of light telling a tale of love, loss, and the indomitable spirit of the Skywalker legacy. The stars in her eyes, twin witnesses to the silent dialogue with the cosmos, shimmer with the intensity of her unspoken convictions.

A shooting star streaks across the heavens, and Avalon makes a silent wish. The stars in her eyes, like cosmic messengers, carry the essence of her desire—a desire for her family to find the light amidst the darkness.

As the night deepens, and the stars continue their timeless dance, Avalon's eyes become mirrors to the galaxy's wonders. The stars in her eyes, carriers of ancestral wisdom, reflect the luminous traces of a hope that transcends the limits of space and time.

In the quietude of Ahch-To's night, Avalon finds solace in the silent companionship of the stars. The stars in her eyes, like ancient guardians, bear witness to a Jedi's journey—one that spans generations and unfolds in the eternal embrace of the cosmic Force.

And so, beneath the celestial canopy, Avalon Skywalker stargazes with the stars in her eyes—a sentinel of hope, a keeper of dreams, and a conduit through which the Skywalker legacy continues to weave its tale across the tapestry of the galaxy.

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