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Time passes swiftly within the Resistance, and as the years go by, Avalon Solo's journey takes her deeper into the heart of the organization. She remains a trusted and devoted member, working closely with her mother, General Leia Organa, to secure the galaxy's future.

Despite her natural charisma and the respect she garners from those around her, Avalon still grapples with her most persistent flaw—her absentmindedness. It remains her greatest shortcoming, a thorn in her side that occasionally hinders her effectiveness as a leader.

During important briefings, Avalon's mind has a tendency to wander. She listens intently at first, absorbing vital information about missions, strategy, and threats. But as the discussions delve deeper into the complexities of the galaxy's politics and conflicts, her attention often slips away, drawn to the stars beyond the window or lost in her own thoughts.

Leia, always perceptive and protective of her daughter's potential, watches Avalon's struggle with both pride and concern. She knows that Avalon's absentmindedness is a part of who she is, a trait inherited from her father, Han Solo. And yet, Leia also recognizes the brilliant mind that lies beneath the scattered moments.

One such briefing takes place in the heart of the Resistance base, with maps and holographic displays illuminating the room. Leaders from different sectors and species have gathered to discuss the latest developments in the war against the First Order.

Avalon sits at the table, her brow furrowed as she attempts to stay focused. Her mother, Leia, stands nearby, her gaze shifting between the holographic displays and her daughter. She can see the struggle in Avalon's eyes, the effort it takes to keep her attention fixed on the matter at hand.

As the years pass, Avalon's leadership within the Resistance grows. She becomes known for her ability to inspire and unite those around her, even in the face of adversity. Her absentminded moments become fewer and farther between, and she learns to balance her wandering thoughts with her responsibilities as a leader.

Through it all, Leia watches with a mother's pride and a mentor's wisdom. She knows that Avalon's journey is her own, and that she is destined to become a beacon of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness.

And so, the stars in Avalon's eyes continue to shine brightly, guiding her on a path of leadership, courage, and unwavering dedication to the cause of freedom.

Despite her growth as a leader within the Resistance, Avalon Solo's absentmindedness remains an enduring aspect of her character. It's a trait that she has learned to accept and manage to the best of her abilities, though it continues to test her during pivotal moments.

As the years pass and the conflict with the First Order rages on, Avalon's role within the Resistance expands.

Yet, her absentmindedness remains an ever-present challenge. During critical discussions and strategy sessions, she finds her mind drifting, her attention captured by the stars beyond the window or the distant echoes of conversations in the hallway.

One such instance occurs during a tense negotiation with a group of planetary leaders who are considering joining the Resistance's cause. The meeting takes place in a grand chamber adorned with intricate murals and shimmering chandeliers, a stark contrast to the battles and skirmishes taking place across the galaxy.

Avalon sits at the head of the table, flanked by Leia and other high-ranking officials. The planetary leaders, a diverse assembly of species and backgrounds, present their demands and concerns, their voices echoing through the opulent chamber.

Avalon listens attentively at first, her datapad ready to record the details of the negotiation. But as the discussions stretch on, her mind begins to wander. The ornate decorations and distant hum of activity outside the chamber's windows draw her attention away from the matters at hand.

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