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The Resistance base bustles with activity, yet within Avalon Solo, an unsettling stillness prevails. The departure of Poe Dameron and BB-8 on their mission to Jakku has left her with a sense of emptiness—a void that gnaws at the edges of her consciousness.

Alone in her quarters, Avalon paces restlessly. The pit in her stomach grows, an insidious reminder of the uncertainties that accompany the ongoing battle against the First Order. She feels the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders, a burden she bears not only as a member of the Resistance but as someone connected to the Force.

In an attempt to ground herself, Avalon moves toward the small refresher in her quarters. The dim light casts long shadows across the walls, accentuating the gravity of the moment. As she turns on the faucet and lets the water flow, a sudden chill envelops the room.

The air becomes heavy with a dark presence, and Avalon's breath catches in her throat. She senses a disturbance in the Force, a ripple that extends beyond the confines of her own emotions. The pit in her stomach deepens, and a foreboding tension settles over her.

Washing her hands, Avalon stares into the mirror, her reflection a portrait of conflict and turmoil. Her eyes, usually filled with a spark of determination, now reflect the shadows that encroach upon her soul.

The connection she shares with her twin brother, Ben, manifests itself in this moment. The Force binds them together, transcending time and space. As Avalon looks into the mirror, her consciousness is drawn into the depths of the Force, revealing a vision that sends shivers down her spine.

She sees Jakku—a desolate landscape where the wind carries the whispers of ancient mysteries. The vision is not one of serene beauty but of impending darkness, a stark contrast to the hope she once associated with the Force.

In the vision, Poe Dameron is shackled, his eyes filled with defiance despite the pain etched across his face. Ben Solo, now Kylo Ren, looms over him, a figure consumed by the shadows that dance in the periphery of Avalon's vision.

Avalon gasps as the intensity of the scene unfolds before her. She is not a mere spectator but an unwilling participant in the shared agony of the Force. The pain that Poe experiences reverberates through her own being, and she feels every blow, every wrenching twist of the Force that Kylo Ren inflicts upon him.

Poe's screams echo in her ears, a symphony of suffering that pierces through the barriers of distance and reality. In this moment, the bond between Avalon and her brother becomes a conduit for the darkest aspects of the Force, a connection that transcends familial ties and becomes a visceral link to the unfolding tragedy.

Avalon's hands tremble, the water from the faucet running over them unnoticed. She tries to pull away from the vision, to sever the link with the torment transpiring on Jakku, but the Force holds her captive in its grasp.

She sees Kylo Ren's masked visage, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of purpose. The darkness that surrounds him is palpable, a malevolence that seeps into the very fabric of the vision. And within that darkness, Avalon glimpses the face of her brother—a face twisted by the allure of power and the weight of his choices.

The sensation of Poe's pain becomes unbearable, and Avalon clutches her head, trying to shield herself from the onslaught of emotions. The pit in her stomach widens, threatening to swallow her whole. She is a conduit for the suffering of others, a vessel for the shadows that dance within the Force.

As the vision unfolds, Avalon's own pain becomes intertwined with that of Poe's. She feels his desperation, his defiance, and his silent plea for release. The Force binds them in a symphony of suffering, a cruel reminder that even in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, the echoes of pain can reverberate through the interconnected threads of the Force.

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